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invisible chemtrail craft? sacramento 01/31/11

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posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 05:49 PM
Well Met All!! You can refer to me as Accel!! I am currently in Sacramento Ca, and see these objects/craft? What ever you would like to call them, almost every day. They cover the sky in chem trails and I can take it anymore!!

I have taken some pictures and video of both craft flying and leaving chem trails and when I review my photos and videos... the craft does not come up?? No matter how far i zoom in or what I change the photo settings too. I cant see what is leaving the trail? I dont know if it is bending light around itself or what but Im perplexed?

Does anyone possibly have better photo/video editing/viewing software that could take a look at this and possibly help shed some light on the situation? It would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks to everyone!!!

here is a link to the vid
invisible chem craft
edit on 31-1-2011 by Accel because: forgot to add the video

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 06:19 PM
I tried zooming in with all I have and always the same result, no plane. You have a good Kodak, but I feel that plane was very far away to see with a 19MM lens.

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 06:21 PM
I'm not quite sure why anyone would bother making the jet invisible, when the chemtrail is the thing people will see. I think you better be more worried about:


Think about it. Then watch the skies. For nothing.

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 06:23 PM
Invisible?! Chemtrail? Craft?


Just my 2 pennies.

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Blue Shift
I'm not quite sure why anyone would bother making the jet invisible, when the chemtrail is the thing people will see. I think you better be more worried about:


Think about it. Then watch the skies. For nothing.

Oh MY GOD !!! We are all doomed ! The government - first they add mind controlling substances into EVERY JET-FUEL IN THE US !!! And then - make it all invisible !! Invisible jets with invisible chemtrails.

That's the final plan to mind control through the invisibility !


posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 06:46 PM
Breaking News: In a bizarre love triangle gone wrong, Wonder Woman stormed out of the Hall of Justice and hopped in her invisible jet. She could be heard mumbling something about spraying toxic chemicals and poisoning the sea. Apparently this is an evil plot aimed at Aquaman.

Update: Seems Wonder Womans' jet contrail, but no jet, was spotted over Sacramento today. Adding a rather concerning twist to the story was the verification that she has teamed up with the wicked witch of the west. Her work can be seen here:

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