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Plan for survival now !! Its starting !

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posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by Thill
I know I have to get some decent training but I just wanted to know what kind of seeds would be most useful , nutrition wise mostly
I am pretty good with growing plants (normal house plants) so I guess I have at least some practice

Vegetable seeds are best.
Some are harder to grow than others.
The Radish is the easiest and it is a cool season veggie.
They are not popular though, for that try potatoes, although
potatoes grown from seed make smaller tubers than those grown from seed tubers.

The tastiest overall, in my opinion, is the tomatoe.

David Grouchy

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Lady_Tuatha
Any ray mears/bear grylls types in Ireland want to adopt an irish girl? Im a great cook

Don't forget to print out a copy of your ATS membership Card.
It may help open a door, one never knows.
Here is one our own CX posted

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by Lady_Tuatha

This might seem inappropriate but it's meant in all goodness.
If we were in Ireland, me and the wife would extend our hospitality to you my lady. No obligations. It sounds like you are having a rough time.

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Lady_Tuatha

I'm almost in the same boat. Not alot of supplies gathered, but I "hope" that some of my skills will go towards food procurement. Not as in stealing, but bartering services for wares. I happen to be pretty handy with a wrench, a hammer, a rifle, a pencil, and my grey matter. The brain is the most powerful weapon in your arsenal in my opinion. What I've done with my unemployed life is research, research, and researched some more. Always trying to cram more "useful" information in my head instead of trivial things that aren't going to help me in the long run.

I've looked at how to make a wind-powered generator, water powered too. I've looked at how to trap water with plastic sheeting. I looked at ways to start fire without matches. Looked at tanning hides. Picked up sewing and stiching. Also done a little dabbling in edible plants and such. The information is at your fingertips as long as you have access to a computer and the internet. If not, the public library was just as valuable before the invent of the internet. There's still so much I need to look into, just might have to write down a list to remind me of what else I'm missing from my arsenal.

I feel for you being on an island. Not alot of options if things go wrong. But my suggestion is to keep a smile on the face. Don't stress out about "when" TSHTF. It can/probably will happen, but taking a defeatist attitude into battle already puts you at a disadvantage. You mentioned a huge positive that you have on your side. You can cook and bake. Plain food just is terrible. Having someone around that knows how to make it into something that tickles the tongue and belly is just as handy as having someone that gathers the food.

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by Lady_Tuatha
I have absolutely no supplies whatsoever, for whatever disaster may come.

I do think its a good idea that everyone should have a good supply of foodstuff, medical supplies etc in there homes incase of emergencys or even power failures. I have nothing except 3 little packets of dried pasta ( which will be gone by next week lol ). Im unemployed, its hard enough for me to survive day to day let alone think about stocking up.

Any ray mears/bear grylls types in Ireland want to adopt an irish girl? Im a great cook

Bless your heart. I think my irish girlfriend and me could make room for you if you can get on this side of the atlantic.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 12:57 AM
My grandparents would teach me about the value of an education. It's something they can't take away from you they said. They lived through the depression as a young family. I miss listening to their stories but am thankful to have spent my childhood with their influence. Things are not the same now a days. As a society we don't share a lot of real time with one another. We don't have the time to get to know ourselves due to distractions and schedules.
I thought it odd as a kid to think that I would see some depression / survival event for humanity at some future date. Now I don't look so forward to that time. People won't know how to take care of themselves and we don't plan for next week let alone the future our children will inherit.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 01:06 AM
Can anyone honestly explain to me why they would want to survive just to live in this hell hole?

What are you surviving for?? To live out your remaining years as a slave?
To forage for food trying to gather enough to keep yourself alive so that you have enough energy to forage for more food?

No thanks.

Have fun though.

It blows my mind how often I hear people who sound so afraid of dying.
Some things are worse than death.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 01:20 AM
I too, am making preparations but I wonder if anything will be enough. I recently read an article that stated that those of us who are storing up are being referred to as "storage depots". If you aren't fit enough, or supplied with enough weapons to defend your supplies, you may just as well forget it. As bleak as it looks, I'm not so sure I want to live to see the world we finally end up with anyway.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by davidgrouchy

When you get seeds, just be sure to get the non-hybrid variety. The heirloom seeds reproduce after their kind. The hybrids do not. There are some reasonable starter sets available on ebay for around ten or eleven dollars. They are easy to store, and will be very valuable IMHO for bartering. There are not a whole lot of seeds in the packages, but if you plant this year, you will have plenty left over.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 01:51 AM
Man reading this thread and thinking about food made me think of something. What if all these bird, fish, and cow deaths are somehow related to a plan to make us starve...To make natural food scarce? If the SHTF, people will likely resort to hunting more. If the natural selection of game animals is gone, what will we do then?

Just a thought I had. I am also keeping in mind that I have been up all day and I am rather tired and ready for bed. I am going to start stocking up on beef High protein and lasts a long time.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by Screwed

You are so right. I can't think of anything worse than watching your children go hungry. In Pakistan now, women are throwing their babies on garbage heaps. When we can't feed our children or grandchildren and they are crying from hunger there are few parents who would'nt steal or kill for food. Taking a view of historical accounts of famine, there are many worse horrors than dying. Basic necessities are going to be reason to kill.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by TNYankeeGal

When it gets to the point that we are killing our fellow human being so that we can avoid the ever so horrifying, the unthinkable, unspeakable,and let's not forget inevitable "bodily death" then we have lost our humanity and don't deserve the air we breath anyway.

Some things are worse than death.

I WILL NOT kill to feed my family!!!
I will not take the life of another innocent human being so that I or my children can eat.
I also WILL NOT sit by and watch my children starve and suffer. That would be inhumane.
I would rather remove the need for food from the equation if the situation should deem it necessary.



" One day, underneath a shade tree in heaven, I shall wake up and tell
everyone of the terrific dream I just had"

edit on 23-1-2011 by Screwed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by Screwed

Because when it all comes crashing down, that will herald the END of salvery and the beginning of freedom. The system will collapse and the elites will lose their power. Sure, for some time there will be martial law etc... but ultimately anarchy will prevail as the "military" lose faith and confidence in the system that the elites try so desperately to hold onto.

We are all slaves already and enjoy very little as a result of our labor. Our spoils enrich the wealthy thus making them wealthier. For that reason alone I welcome the collapse of civilization as we know it.

For me, I am preparing to endure the rough transition that will inevitably accompany the downfall of society. Once that transition is made, life will be simpler and more enjoyable - WITHOUT all of the modern "Conveniences" that technology offers us. I will have choices as I will not need to go live in a government run "Family center" (read as gulag!) in order to be clothed, fed or cared for. I will be 100% self-sufficient which affords me options. I think that those of you who scoff at those us who are preparing are either naive or realize that you don't possess the skills necessary to make it on your own. Either way, failing to plan is the same as planning to fail. Best of luck to you all - and please don't come knocking on my door looking to be fed and sheltered. Your friendly FEMA center will be more than happy to take you in!

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by kozmo

If you have to kill innocent people in order to make it through to the other side then count me out.
Don't get me wrong, I have made reasonable preparations and fully intend to make it through to the other side of all of this but I also have a plan B in case it gets too ugly and I start to feel my humanity slip away.

It amazes me what lengths people will go to in order to avoid the inevitable.
It all comes down to fear of the unknown.

If no one, NO ONE, feared death what a different world this would be. Sometimes I wonder if that was part of the master plan. Make them fear the removal of their Bio-suits so they will be forced to play the game. I think it is encoded into our DNA and...for good reason. Kinda hard to manipulate someone who isn't afraid of death. Kinda leaves the manipulators no where to go from there.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 10:30 AM
There is nothing to fear in death, I know, I've been there.......almost..........and there is only peace as it approaches......unlss some kind soul wrenches you from it and gives you life again.

HOWEVER, there is a great deal to fear in suffering!

To see a loved one suffer or to suffer that is really something to fear!

In a SHTF scenario, we do what we do automatically to survive.

BUT, if those who survive remember this, We Live Together, We Stay Together, We Die Together as long as we are Together, it will all be the end.

I've found that if you reach out in love, then love will be returned.

There are a few vicious and unthinking souls on this planet and we can only hope that there are not too many of them that we cannot overcome whatever is thrown at us.

Violence is only needed if we are faced with violence.

But I would not let my fellow man starve if I had food and neither would I let him freeze, or be killed if it was in my power to save him.

If we could all reach out with love to eachother then maybe, whatever happens, IF it happens, will only make us great again, as we once were a long time ago, before GREED and Hatred became the rulers of this planet.

Love is Greater than Hate and much more Powerful and certainly invincible.........if only we could all remember that and recall it when it really matters!

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by Screwed

I don't disagree with you. However, I feel compelled to point out that someone threatening my family or ambushing us to steal our stash does NOT constitute an innocent human being. Quite the contrary and they will be dealt with harshly! Now that being said, I don't intend to victimize innocent people in order to ensure my family's survival. That is why I'm preparing so that the choice never needs to be made.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by 10987654321
Everyone dies at the very second they are destined to die, not one second before and not one second later, that is all part of the Big Plan, its futile to concern oneself with survival scenarios, just live for the moment as you are ment too, but if your ment to try and prolong your life then that is part of YOUR plan, it still wont alter your departure time.

I agree to a degree, we die when we are destined to die. However, if I commit suicide was I meant to die at that moment or did I circumvent the time I was actually to die? If I am meant to die later or doing something but I die of starvation for lack of preparation do I not achieve the same outcome? Perhaps someone dependent on me dies for the same reason, did I kill them by abdicating my duties or were they just going to die anyway?

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by mydarkpassenger
reply to post by Thill

Any food stock seeds. Got to warn you though, if you've never done agriculture before, you need to give it a shot before you need it - growing your own isn't as easy as it sounds sometimes.

Excellent point. I set up a really nice elevated garden last summer complete with drip irrigation. I got a dump truck load of quality soil, and started planting. I learned a lot, some things got too hot / too much sun. I need to adjust the drippers for others. My chickens didn't help matters, sure they fertilize while they eat the tops off the carrots, beets and radishes (among other things) but it didn't compensate for the damage they did. This summer I'll fence better and plant a sacrificial garden for them to eat.

As far as seeds are concerned be sure to get heirloom non GM seeds. My brother and I bought a bunch from Baker Creek for last summer we both saved a lot of seeds from last summer and shared some that the other didn't have and will buy more for this summer. A lot of the GM crops are designed for appearance or quantity rather than nutritional quality and often contain other very negative traits. Heirloom plant seeds can be saved for the future or shared, GM plants often produce seeds that are sterile, save some of those and you are SOL the next growing season.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by Lady_Tuatha
I have absolutely no supplies whatsoever, for whatever disaster may come.

I do think its a good idea that everyone should have a good supply of foodstuff, medical supplies etc in there homes incase of emergencys or even power failures. I have nothing except 3 little packets of dried pasta ( which will be gone by next week lol ). Im unemployed, its hard enough for me to survive day to day let alone think about stocking up.

Any ray mears/bear grylls types in Ireland want to adopt an irish girl? Im a great cook

You make a good point. Times are tough for many, me too. That makes it hard or impossible for a person to prepare, that is why I have stocked extra specifically to share with some friends and family who were unable to prepare. For those who I and others warned that had the means to be well prepared and chose not to do anything or even mocked the warning, don't come knocking on this ant's door.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 10:50 AM
There sure is ALOT of talking about food....and no one mentioned....Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD that proceeds from the mouth of God." Also, keep this in mind, Jesus went without food for 40 days...which is 1/2 a winter. My advice is this.....LEARN HOW TO CONTROL YOUR EATING HABITS!!!! In other words......FAST!!!!

You'd be surprised at how LITTLE the body needs to function......UNLESS, of course, you're overweight, obese, FAT!

What happens is this....when you're constantly 'snacking' your stomach is expanding....allowing for more food to be digested. Therefore, when you have to keep eating to fill that space...and that's when you become full. It also makes you hungry faster! That's why...people that are overweight....are constantly grubbing.

The only way to fight that through FASTING. I've been fasting for about 4 or 5 years now....meaning, i only eat when i'm REALLY hungry; which is darn near the point of passing out. I usually don't eat my 1st meal until sometime in the afternoon; around 1 p.m. ish.

Now, let me tell you.....IT IS NOT EASY....but, i have gone DAYS with nothing......because i am disciplining my body. Keep in is just for energy...not for munching away when your stomach growls. I, personally, can go an entire year....on a squirrel's portion of food...because I AM IN CONTROL OF MY BODY...not the other way around.

So, all you overweight people....might want to put down them snacks, NOW! Believe me......when your body wants to eat...and there is NO DISCIPLINE.....YOU WILL eat! That's what i fear; millions of overweight people...dying a slow death, while wreaking havoc because of their starvation!

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