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How soon should our troops be pulled out of the middle east? Or do they need to stay.. for how long

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posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 10:33 PM
Stay as long until these alleged "tearrorists" are gone and peace reins, or until war can longer be funded by TPTB or something like that. Aren't "they" hiding in caves or somewhere underground?

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by Terms777

No one can predict how long US troops will be in the Middle East

No one can estimate how long the US will be in Afghanistan or Iraq unless we truly know the reasoning behind the two wars, the intentions of the elite, last but not least, the "mega agenda" as I call it.

With our lack of knowledge regarding we can only give a vague prediction:
-US will pull out when the JOB IS DONE. (what is the job)? The official explanation of the "JOB" doesn't add up, similar to the official 9/11 report which doesn't add up.
-US will pull out once it is defeated. (another vague prediction)? Is it even possible to defeat the US?
-US will never pull out. (another vague prediction)? Without knowing the intentions of US, or US agenda, we can't know for sure whether US will pull out or not.

All in all it add up to

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by lurkee
reply to post by Terms777

No one can predict how long US troops will be in the Middle East

No one can estimate how long the US will be in Afghanistan or Iraq unless we truly know the reasoning behind the two wars, the intentions of the elite, last but not least, the "mega agenda" as I call it.

With our lack of knowledge regarding we can only give a vague prediction:
-US will pull out when the JOB IS DONE. (what is the job)? The official explanation of the "JOB" doesn't add up, similar to the official 9/11 report which doesn't add up.
-US will pull out once it is defeated. (another vague prediction)? Is it even possible to defeat the US?
-US will never pull out. (another vague prediction)? Without knowing the intentions of US, or US agenda, we can't know for sure whether US will pull out or not.

All in all it add up to

Yes.. The u.s can be defeated - charlie (vietnam) did it back in 75 ... The afghans are tough and throughout history have thrown out invaders.. Only a matter of time till they send the u.s packing.. Its all a senseless waste.. Nobody wins in any war..

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by Expat888

If we don't know the true objectives of the war, then we can't know whether US is losing or winning

Until we do know what the objective is, that is when we can predict, and see whether US is losing or winning.

Can US be defeated?

Depends on the objectives. (IMO) the only ones who do know the objectives of the war are the elites. We are only speculating.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by Expat888
Its all a senseless waste.. Nobody wins in any war..

...depends on how you look at it...

...some common folk see it as a waste of lives - but - some folk have been programmed to attribute their worth on being a solder and risking their life or dying for the propaganda they were told / believed.and thats often a generational mindset...

...war is profitable to some (always has been) and those are often the ones who instigate it and/or create the propaganda to justify it...

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