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Why the Crusade?

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posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 07:38 PM
Fitting perhaps because it seems that we are trying to nail each and every religion to an invisible cross. Radical religions do impose influence over others in some way shape or form. I would like to discuss the specific religions and their influence on the rest of the world.

Do the world's many religions cause the world harm? If so, which ones? How? Is it totaly radical? On a scale of 1-10, 1 being the most devistating religion.

Please provide some proof of your statements.

List, if you can, the most harmless religions of the world.

edit on 26-12-2010 by theRhenn because: sp

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 07:59 PM
Most of the world religions do have a common theme, just in a different cultural light. It is those who focus more on the differences than the similarities are promoting the conflict and missing the point.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 08:01 PM
Buddhism, Hari Krishna, Sikhism

I'm very happy in the company of anyone associated with any of these 3 religions. Probably similar with non-fundamental Christians.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by theRhenn

Gee, Rhenn, crusade is a venture to take over I find. Yes it seems some religions are at it to take over and that is not the right motive.

Love is the right motive and to win by love.

Yes there are side branches of the true one that should not be trying to win converts to it by any other means but love. This always has happened all up through time.

For me the Christian Religion is the right one as long as any branch doesn't get into being oppresive. I believe Jesus Christ proved the one He put on the right track and sure enough branches have gotten off of it.

I feel He proved he was that Love and gives it to all who follow Him and they radiate that Love also. It is the promise of eternal life as He is the one who can give it.


posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by truthiron

I agree with you.

The reason I asked this the way I did, I see alot of anti religion, name calling and closed minded views but If I ask a specific question as to what makes them dangerous, other than radical "views" in general, I cant see how religion harms the world. To ask it directly, no one answers. I thought Id try to ask in another way. The same thing happens with the "Western world" vs the Eastern, Middle Eastern, Asian parts of the world. I suppose it seems more like a religious thing based on who lives in these countries. Either way, I see it that you're going to have nutjobs and law breakers in religion and outside of it. This is what makes me curious to see any information dealing with how current religion is harmful, harmful more so than helpful, if this is possible.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by HelionPrime
Buddhism, Hari Krishna, Sikhism

I'm very happy in the company of anyone associated with any of these 3 religions. Probably similar with non-fundamental Christians.

Personaly I enjoy talking about other beliefs. I want to know if there is something more logical to learn from it. It doesnt change my core views, nothing ive seen so far helps me to understand diffrently.

Its kind of strange though, that many people will have a corinary when speaking about their religion. Its so hammered in there that nothing else should be discussed. Seems some truth to the matter that if a person did not want to know they wouldnt be asking. Any info could help them to understand better. If it's not for them, hey, at least it's a cool story, right? Why do we counter something instantly if it's not the question we want asked? Strange.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 10:43 PM
#1 Atheism - (by far the most destructive for such a small group) no need to expand here...

all other main followings preaching peace, love, unity and understanding along with tolerance are just fine with me.

I believe our bridge building is being halted by this #1 group of the most deceptive kind of ignorance.

edit on 12/27/2010 by Cosmic.Artifact because: (no reason given)


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