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The Where to get free Land thread

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posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 10:17 AM
Lots of peep's want someplace to fall back on if all goes awry....the question remains where???
Well there are places out there that do give free land with certain provisos like you have to build a house on that land within a certain time frame... still free is good and free land even better right!

As far as I know right now in the US there only 6 cities where they're giving away free land:

Marquette, Kansas; Atwood, Kansas; Elwood, Nebraska; Marne, Iowa; Muskegon, Michigan; Camden, Maine. Since I now live in Kansas and will provide a link to sources... please feel free to add your own...

Tips on getting some of that free land....Read up on the communities interesting to you. Read their web page and follow the links. Every small town has a different atmosphere, so take the time to learn a little of the community background. Kansas has many interesting communities with a great deal of history. Wilson, Kansas is known as the Czech Capital of Kansas. Marquette, Kansas is just minutes away from Lindsborg, which is known as Little Sweden. Ellsworth, Kansas was a wild cow town in the 1800's.

Call the contact person in the towns that interest you. Learn what type of benefits that each community offers. Often times, you will receive free land, a property tax abatement, assistance with down payments and waived loan fees on the homes you build. Some communities even allow you to move modular homes to the lot they provide you.

Well here's my list of place's to start your search
Free Land Kansas
edit on 22-12-2010 by DaddyBare because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by DaddyBare

If "all goes awry" or TSHTF, whatever you want to call it, the last thing I'll be worried about is asking permission to use land. I'd be even less concerned with whether or not I have to pay taxes on it.

Still, an interesting concept. I wish there was some type of similar program here in AZ that I could make use of before TSHTF. Once society implodes and everything goes to hell, I'll be more focused on surviving than enjoying my little plot of earth.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 11:25 AM
I can see homesteading making a comeback once this housing situation actually bottoms out and various cities and towns are bulldozed.

Trouble is I suspect a lot of these options will be for tenth of an acre immediate building types to get things back to the way they are now. No 500 acres for farming options. Though for you and your family just 1 will do ya.

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posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

You don't need a lot here in Kansas...
after all it it was originally settled as farm land...
Square foot gardening can go a long way to making ends meet...

Although right now it's hunting season here... Personally I don't call staking out the deer feeders from a tree blind to be even remotely considered a hunt...

besides to those who have nothing this smallish lot is a major something... right
edit on 22-12-2010 by DaddyBare because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by DaddyBare

DADDYBARE, great post! Good topic! Howeve, I do have to ask... If we are looking for a boogie spot when SHTF, what is a house in the suburbs of a city gona do for us?

That being said, definatly a great thread! Free is indeed good!

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 02:24 PM
great thread.

i had no idea there was still such thing as free land. im definitely going to look into this.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

You sir are correct. Anything west of the Mississippi and N. West of the Missouri breaks could be used. It isn't free. There are vast amounts of USFS, Federal land and state land out west and up North. The correct location, is "key", in keeping the family safe, well provisioned and able to survive or possibly fight. . Placing your family in an area where clean water and food recourses are abundant with out the risk of some one "driving up on them, is critical. Knowing what the capability of the enemy is also critical. Limiting the enemy to drones, aircraft and artillery will put every one "one foot". Leveling the playing field so to speak, and that is what is needed. The most difficult places for an assault by the enemy are located in very steep, heavily forested high mountain terrain. The Olympic Mountains, the Cascade Mountain Range and the Rocky mountains provide for these things. Most people do not like cold weather conditions such as snow and below zero temperatures. This means there will be less competition for fresh clean water, food, and shelter. The mountains are a fortress. HALO drops, and mobilized units will face great challenges just trying to locate your position. Knowing how to stay hidden in these mountains can be a challenge as well, especially if you have young children. Knowing how to make a fire, where to make that fire and to keep that fire hidden is a challenge but can be accomplished. "Smoking meat", "water storage", waste disposal, wood gathering and shelter building are going to "play" into keeping yourself and family hidden. Limiting your "exposure" to the rest of that area will help to keep you hidden. What ever we can think of, the enemy can think of also. Weapons, ammo, cleaning equipment, cooking gear, and the list is endless of what all would be needed to sustain a family living like it would have 160 years ago. Mobility on our part also is a challenge, especially in snow. (tracking by air) Our Forefathers did it with less than what we have today. Then again, no one was "hunting" them to kill them except for a few and those few didn't have the same technology as we do today. Sacrifices will have to be made. As far as "Free Land, no place is going to be 100% safe. Cities and large towns are not where you want to be. Restrict easy access of the enemy by placing natural barricades between you and them. Rivers, mountains, etc provide some relief. Hunt with a cross bow if possible. No sound.


posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 08:45 PM
Anyone know of any free-land laws in the UK? I heard that if you build a house overnight, you own the land, but I'm sure the local council would say it only counts if the house is up to building regulations, and that would be impossible. Also, how much of the surrounding land would you get.
Another one I heard was that if you can PROVE that no-one has set foot on the land for a year, you can have it.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by DaddyBare

Thanks DaddyBare! Good information for those who
may be looking for something like this.
edit on 23-12-2010 by manta78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by DaddyBare

Plus, permaculture is good for small portions of land. If you have not heard of permaculture, here are the first two hits on google, which are quite informative.

I am sure there are plenty of youtube videos as well. I am not an expert on permaculture (yet), but it seems to be one of the best solutions to our problems of attaining nearly 100% independence from the current system.

Maximizing efficiency on these free small plots of land is key to nearing self sufficiency.

Anyway, thanks for informing us about the free land!

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 11:50 PM
I have a really hard time believing theyre giving away free land in camden maine. I live in maine and have been to camden many times...its a ritzy tourist trap with mansions all over the place...the townsfolk wont allow any 'unattractive' houses to be built. so I guess unless youre a millionaire and can build a huge house, you're not going to get free land there..


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