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FACT: Vitamin D Kills The Flu Virus

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posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 03:13 PM
Foe heavens sake people. You can't use the fact that you have been doing something to prove a negative.
OK how about a 60 year old (me) who only ever had flu once, about 30 years ago. This must be my cue to jump up and down and say it's because I take vitamins X, Y and Z.
Except I don't do vitamins.
So that must be it. I don't get the flu because I don't take vitamins!
Well it's no sillier than the arguments of some on here.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by Pharyax
I've drank Vitiman D milk since 1989. Two or three 12oz cups a day.
I haven't been since with the Flu, nor any other virus, sickness since 1995... It's also good if you don't get much sunlight. Good for the winter time when you can go outside... but doesn't help cabin fever.

I feel a rant coming on:

Milk??? Vitamin D milk??? Oh boy.. you need to read up and dont take the BS that the fda feeds you about somatic cells.. its pus. Go visit a dairy farm and get back to me. BLECH!

Your FDA says its okay for a certain amount of pus to be in your milk from the infected udders of milk cows... to the tune of 750,000 cells per milliliter. The pus is not removed by pasteurization or anything else. Even more sick.. its allowed to have 20,000 live bacteria.

This means: 1 cup = 236.5882cc 177,441,150 pus cells ~ 4,731,600 bacteria, 24 oz (3 glasses) = 532,323,450 pus cells ~ 14,220,000 bacteria (the FDA's "recommended" daily intake)

As far as vitamin D the FDA suggests a far lower amount than is actually needed and then tells you to stay out of the sun.. it pushes milk and the industry loves it.. and the capitalist machine makes money off of you believing the lies that the govt passes on to you. Big pharma loves to keep you sick and feed you crap to cure you when you can simply be in the sun and eat normal non medicated and diseased foods. In reality, milk contains 100 IU of D per cup. If I am told by my physician that I am low and need 30,000 IU ( which I was) thats an incredible amount of pus and hormone and antibiotic filled milk to consume to supplement.

IMO you are a very lucky and healthy individual.. your milk consumption has little to nothing to do with it. There has always been a big push in milk consumption.. got milk? Movie stars, athletes and musicians pushing milk.. ever wonder why? I did.. and what I found freaked me out. I dont really care for Rense.. but this is great info you can confirm elsewhere.. except govt sites, they manipulate the data and claim somatic cells are perfectly fine and wonderful.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
Orange juice every time I get sick. Sore throat? I gargle it a little bit before I swallow.
Also, docs advise to take all our antibiotics and not to take them all the time so you don't become resistant to them. That doesn't make much sense to me? It's the virus that would become resistant right? So taking antibiotics when you start to get sick shouldn't hurt, if the virus is resistant it shouldn't work when the doctor prescribes them. When I'm feeling sick I can take an amoxicillan and it usually works.. only that kind though.

You should be drinking the orange juice BEFORE you get sick as a method of prevention. Drinking it after to prevent or reduce the sickness won't work and is akin to trying to close the stable door after the horse has bolted. The only benefit would be preventing catching anything else and also preventing dehydration.

Self prescribing antibiotics is a definite no-no! You should only be taking them if prescribed by a doctor for a bacterial infection following a cold or flu virus. Also, you should be following the full course of medication. It's people taking antibiotics for a day or two or half a course that are destroying the efficacy of these drugs as they are allowing the bacteria to outsmart the drugs. Bottom line. And I am no doctor either.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by starchild10
Foe heavens sake people. You can't use the fact that you have been doing something to prove a negative.
OK how about a 60 year old (me) who only ever had flu once, about 30 years ago. This must be my cue to jump up and down and say it's because I take vitamins X, Y and Z.
Except I don't do vitamins.
So that must be it. I don't get the flu because I don't take vitamins!
Well it's no sillier than the arguments of some on here.

Wow lucky you, havn't had the flu in 30 years, i congratulate you!!

Back on topic... It's VERY well documented all over the interenet about the health benefits of Vitamin D, especially if you live somewhere that doesn't recieve a lot of sun like the UK, this is fact.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by starchild10
Foe heavens sake people. You can't use the fact that you have been doing something to prove a negative.
OK how about a 60 year old (me) who only ever had flu once, about 30 years ago. This must be my cue to jump up and down and say it's because I take vitamins X, Y and Z.
Except I don't do vitamins.
So that must be it. I don't get the flu because I don't take vitamins!
Well it's no sillier than the arguments of some on here.

How about being sick, being tested for vitamin D deficiency, finding you are deficient, getting D injections and exposure to UV.. and getting better? No, vitamins dont cure all and I really dont see anyone here claiming that. YOu do realize that older folks are tested for D deficiency routinely when they present certain symptoms, right? If you are not one of the people who suffer from deficiency you should be thankful. My deficiency is sue to my heredity/ancestry and the modern lifestyle Im living here in the US not being very complementary to it!
Taking vitamin D alone is also not going to do you much good.. in diet or by supplement. Proper absorption of it and assimilation by the body is the key. Certain diseases effect absorption as well. There are a lot of factors to all of this you obviously dont understand.

Your narrow view of your own experiences do not apply to everyone.. just as vitamin D deficiency isnt the cause for getting the flu. Ive worked in the medical field for near 30 years and 10 of them in an ER. Ive had the flu twice. Big whoop. Its a virus.People get it. Mainly vitamin D doesnt prevent the flu nor anything else you do besides avoiding being exposed to the virus. Viruses do not respect the general health of anyone.. anyone can be infected. Vitamin D effects the severity of symptoms and length of recovery.. and your your susceptibility to secondary infection due to a compromised immune system. Vitamin D absolutely is proven to effect the immune system and immune response... if you are deficient its pretty simple to figure out what comes next.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 03:52 PM
Here you go, watch.. and LEARN.

edit on 16-1-2011 by Itop1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by starchild10
Foe heavens sake people. You can't use the fact that you have been doing something to prove a negative.
OK how about a 60 year old (me) who only ever had flu once, about 30 years ago. This must be my cue to jump up and down and say it's because I take vitamins X, Y and Z.
Except I don't do vitamins.
So that must be it. I don't get the flu because I don't take vitamins!
Well it's no sillier than the arguments of some on here.

You sort of have a point. But they are right about the Vitamin D.

As for you - the fact you only had flu once 30 years ago might suggest that you are one of the few people alive who has benficial genes giving supercharged immunity or an unusually robust immune system.

Most people have varying degrees of immunity dependent on genetics, environment, diet and lifestyle. You might live in the back of beyond with little human contact whereas someone living in central London or NY would and working in a hospital or school would have much more exposure than you.

Your argument holds some water but their arguments on here are by no means 'silly', I can assure you!

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by Spiro


I've only read the first page, but i would like to know how much you generally take on a daily basis, unless you vary it based upon your health. I have never had my blood levels checked, but I started taking VitD3 last year (i don't drink milk; occasionally soy), after reading researching it. I started with only a couple hundred IU daily, but now i take 2000IU daily and everything has been fine.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Liquesence
reply to post by Spiro


I've only read the first page, but i would like to know how much you generally take on a daily basis, unless you vary it based upon your health. I have never had my blood levels checked, but I started taking VitD3 last year (i don't drink milk; occasionally soy), after reading researching it. I started with only a couple hundred IU daily, but now i take 2000IU daily and everything has been fine.

Experts say around 5000IU/day

Government say between 200/600, but they refuse to even look at the science.

edit on 16-1-2011 by Itop1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by Itop1

Originally posted by starchild10
Foe heavens sake people. You can't use the fact that you have been doing something to prove a negative. OK how about a 60 year old (me) who only ever had flu once, about 30 years ago. This must be my cue to jump up and down and say it's because I take vitamins X, Y and Z. Except I don't do vitamins. So that must be it. I don't get the flu because I don't take vitamins! Well it's no sillier than the arguments of some on here. Sheesh....

Wow lucky you, havn't had the flu in 30 years, i congratulate you!!

Back on topic... It's VERY well documented all over the interenet about the health benefits of Vitamin D, especially if you live somewhere that doesn't recieve a lot of sun like the UK, this is fact.


I take at least 1000 u a day.
The last time I had the flu was.....2006 I think.
I will never get a flu shot.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Advantage
Milk??? Vitamin D milk??? Oh boy.. you need to read up and dont take the BS that the fda feeds you about somatic cells.. its pus. Go visit a dairy farm and get back to me. BLECH!
Your FDA says its okay for a certain amount of pus to be in your milk from the infected udders of milk cows... to the tune of 750,000 cells per milliliter. The pus is not removed by pasteurization or anything else. Even more sick.. its allowed to have 20,000 live bacteria.

OK, so macro phages or dead white blood cells are in the milk.
wow. I'll drink to that.
How about dead cow muscle fiber?
Indeed, please pass the A-1 steak sauce.
What about cheese or butter?
You don't think that heating the milk to 165 to 250 degrees for 15 seconds will disrupt the cell membranes of the dead white blood cells?
Me, just look at the white mustache that I have.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by Itop1

We're on a conspiracy site for Gods sake.. you MUST add to your last post that the govt also says sunlight is bad and the milk they push on us has a whopping 100 iu per cup of D! LOL!

I dont think they actually care about the science and no one cares enough to educate themselves on daily requirements or the correct ways to take in D in addition to supplementation. Being sick is like a fad in the US. I have no idea why people here who have NO excuse to not know the truth about what govt agencies are peddling to them still suck up every word of the FDA from their D requirements to that sham called the food pyramid..

Its the govt guys.. theyve always been so helpful right... are you going to allow them to even dictate what you put in your bodies as far as FOOD?? How much you individually require.. as if we are all the same and all have the same genetic make up??If you can go outside and get sunlight??

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 04:50 PM
i guess that does make sense as to why flu season is during the part of the year when we have the least amount of sun available. i may have to start with a Vit D supplement and forget the flu shot.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by Violater1

I dont care.. I cant help it. Its icky and I will never be okay with it.
If you know the truth and choose to continue drinking it.. I will support you to the end.. but its those who dont know and keep towing the FDA line that might have a little issue with whats in our foods if they knew the truth. I will never CHOOSE to eat or drink something thats unnecessarily contaminated. Thats just me. I dont want to hijack the thread.. but I have real reasons why this is dangerous to me and others like me and my heredity.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 05:45 PM
In reply to the OP.

Of course, none of us want to catch flu. It's a nasty virus as we have all experienced at one time or other. And of course, dependent on the strain, many people may die.

However, as beneficial as lifestyle changes may be, such as those highlighted, there might be one flu virus people should perhaps hope they get, despite the fact that it is horrible (I've had it). Swine flu.

Apparently, sufferers have developed super-immunity to other viruses. Five antibodies isolated from those recovered from swine flu could fight all the seasonal H1N1 flu strains from the last decade, the devastating "Spanish flu" strain from 1918 which killed up to 50m people, plus a potentially deadly bird flu H5N1 strain.

So, your argument about Vitamin D for those in high risk groups with underlying medical conditions, the over 65's and children under 5 might wash but for everyone else, short-term gain might mean long-term risk should we have a 21st century version of Spanish Flu or a bird flu mutation outbreak. Because believe me, a vaccine against any outbreak like that would never be available to 7 billion people.

Probably best to drop the supplements for now and hope you get Swine Flu, as it might confer you with super-immunity against something much deadlier later on.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 05:45 PM
In reply to the OP.

Of course, none of us want to catch flu. It's a nasty virus as we have all experienced at one time or other. And of course, dependent on the strain, many people may die.

However, as beneficial as lifestyle changes may be, such as those highlighted, there might be one flu virus people should perhaps hope they get, despite the fact that it is horrible (I've had it). Swine flu.

Apparently, sufferers have developed super-immunity to other viruses. Five antibodies isolated from those recovered from swine flu could fight all the seasonal H1N1 flu strains from the last decade, the devastating "Spanish flu" strain from 1918 which killed up to 50m people, plus a potentially deadly bird flu H5N1 strain.

So, your argument about Vitamin D for those in high risk groups with underlying medical conditions, the over 65's and children under 5 might wash but for everyone else, short-term gain might mean long-term risk should we have a 21st century version of Spanish Flu or a bird flu mutation outbreak. Because believe me, a vaccine against any outbreak like that would never be available to 7 billion people.

Probably best to drop the supplements for now and hope you get Swine Flu, as it might confer you with super-immunity against something much deadlier later on.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by Advantage

Originally posted by Pharyax
I've drank Vitiman D milk since 1989. Two or three 12oz cups a day.
I haven't been since with the Flu, nor any other virus, sickness since 1995... It's also good if you don't get much sunlight. Good for the winter time when you can go outside... but doesn't help cabin fever.

I feel a rant coming on:

Milk??? Vitamin D milk??? Oh boy.. you need to read up and dont take the BS that the fda feeds you about somatic cells.. its pus. Go visit a dairy farm and get back to me. BLECH!

Your FDA says its okay for a certain amount of pus to be in your milk from the infected udders of milk cows... to the tune of 750,000 cells per milliliter. The pus is not removed by pasteurization or anything else. Even more sick.. its allowed to have 20,000 live bacteria.

This means: 1 cup = 236.5882cc 177,441,150 pus cells ~ 4,731,600 bacteria, 24 oz (3 glasses) = 532,323,450 pus cells ~ 14,220,000 bacteria (the FDA's "recommended" daily intake)

As far as vitamin D the FDA suggests a far lower amount than is actually needed and then tells you to stay out of the sun.. it pushes milk and the industry loves it.. and the capitalist machine makes money off of you believing the lies that the govt passes on to you. Big pharma loves to keep you sick and feed you crap to cure you when you can simply be in the sun and eat normal non medicated and diseased foods. In reality, milk contains 100 IU of D per cup. If I am told by my physician that I am low and need 30,000 IU ( which I was) thats an incredible amount of pus and hormone and antibiotic filled milk to consume to supplement.

IMO you are a very lucky and healthy individual.. your milk consumption has little to nothing to do with it. There has always been a big push in milk consumption.. got milk? Movie stars, athletes and musicians pushing milk.. ever wonder why? I did.. and what I found freaked me out. I dont really care for Rense.. but this is great info you can confirm elsewhere.. except govt sites, they manipulate the data and claim somatic cells are perfectly fine and wonderful.

Lol... That's nice and all--did you know that wheat/oats/corn all have eggs of bugs in them? (And rice--if you keep a bag of it sealed, and let it expire, and wait a few Months.. you'll see weebles and other things...) They all have a limit of how much bacteria too.. The key here is GOOD bacteria. (Much like Yogurt).. None of these are dangerous to 99.9% of folks.. And pasteurising takes care of the nasty stuff...

(I won't touch 1% skim milk either.. that's basically cloudy water. gross.

I remember we had an old bag of catfood--JUST expired too, and opened it up--was sealed... and two or three tiny little moths or what I called 'dust' moths..because when I smashed them, they looked like they were made of dust!! lol... looking into the bag, you could see eggs broke open inside the hardfood cats eat.

So we're all eating, to some degree, bugs or other nasty things... My health has been perfect since the mid 1990's, so if Milk was as 'dangerous' as you claim, I'd be sick or dead by now. lol...

PS: Don't believe everything you read on rense-- its much like Coast to Coast AM.. kinda tinfoil hat stuff..


posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by Spiro

Over the past few days i have come down with a sore throat, feels like laryngitis, and flu like syptoms that has me streaming from the nose, aches and pains and bring up more crap that i care to deal with right now. No energy at all.

I read your post and thought what the hell, so i've just bought some high dose Vit D tablets (1000) and have popped a couple of them. Will try them every day and see how it goes.

I had the same thing about three months ago and it lasted for two months. Docs would not do anything but "let it run it's course.

Thanks for the info.


posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by Advantage
reply to post by Itop1

We're on a conspiracy site for Gods sake.. you MUST add to your last post that the govt also says sunlight is bad and the milk they push on us has a whopping 100 iu per cup of D! LOL!

I dont think they actually care about the science and no one cares enough to educate themselves on daily requirements or the correct ways to take in D in addition to supplementation. Being sick is like a fad in the US. I have no idea why people here who have NO excuse to not know the truth about what govt agencies are peddling to them still suck up every word of the FDA from their D requirements to that sham called the food pyramid..

Its the govt guys.. theyve always been so helpful right... are you going to allow them to even dictate what you put in your bodies as far as FOOD?? How much you individually require.. as if we are all the same and all have the same genetic make up??If you can go outside and get sunlight??

Wow, you sure are talking nonsense, its D3 (Cholecalciferol) that humans need, i also beg to differ than you worked in the medical field for 30 years, and for your information, it's not the government telling us we need D3, its researchers, the government don't want to listen, please go and do some real research and i don't mean Wikipedia!
Buy some medical magazines instead of reading so much tosh on the internet.

Kind regards.


posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by Itop1
its D3 (Cholecalciferol) that humans need,
Kind regards.

Glad to hear that, i just got myself these ones,

Like i said, worth a try to stop me feeling like this. Incidentally, it's been two hours since i had 2000iu, and i'm feeling pretty good at the moment. Still loaded with all the rubbish that comes with this, but better in myself and able to do a few things around the house.

Put it this way, a major improvement on this morning,

Is it the D3? Who knows, but i'm not knocking it quite yet.

edit on 17/1/11 by CX because: (no reason given)

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