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Cold Fusion is ready and still Alive and Kicking! U.S. Navy Researchers says

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posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by skeptic_al
reply to post by Arken

. Scientists have been promissing Fusion Power is just a years away. In all this time not to mention money, Fusion Power has not even Powered a Single Light Bulb.

Most scientists are looking in the wrong direction because of the flawed models they have been given. Don’t blame them; look at the system that continues to teach outdated information. For example; there are recent scientific observations concerning planetary formation, solar fusion and even oil formation which can only be explained with cold fusion science and alternative models. Unfortunately, the scientific establishment labels cold fusion and alternative models as fringe science, to be ignored. They will stick to their dogma till the bitter end.

In the interest of adding to this discussion here is a brief summary. Feel free to ask questions if you need me to elaborate on any specific topic.

1.) Standard Sun Model
According to the standard Sun model; it has a core of mostly hydrogen and helium which was formed by gravitational collapse. The core is the hottest area due to hot fusion.

Recent satellite observation shows an abundance of iron and cooler temperatures as we explore deeper.

Basic physics tells us we should expect the majority of iron to accumulate towards the core due to the Sun’s powerful gravity. We have also observed fissures, persistent surface features and global rotation that is indicative of a uniform body. These are not characteristic of a body with a chaotic fusion core.

There is an alternative model such as the Birkeland Sun which adequately explains recent observations. We should also reasonably expect cold fusion reactions among its surface since the high gravitational/pressure environment supports it. (Molten iron-nickel-sulfur lattice confines hydrogen atoms)

This topic should interest ufologists since there are cases where crafts have left behind molten metal and smell like rotten eggs (or hydrogen-sulfide). Since the most practical and portable form of hydrogen is water, we should also consider water related cases. Events involving suctioning of large amounts of water may be for deuterium (heavy water) extraction, an important ingredient for fusion.

2.) Earth & Planetary Expansion
There is evidence that suggests planetary expansion which contradicts Pangea. The expansion model solves the enigma as to how dinosaurs and plant life were able to grow so large (more mass = more gravity). If the model is right, and I believe it is, then Earth will need a constant source of matter to explain the addition of mass (resulting in increased gravity). I suspect underwater volcanoes are absorbing hydrogen atoms from the ocean and the oceans are being replenished from space. Is it any coincidence that large exoplanets like GJ 1214b are covered in water?

Another interesting consequence to consider is the possibility of a planet reaching the mass necessary to initiate surface fusion. Scientists still can’t explain Jupiter’s anomalous heat and billions of years from now it may very well become a Star. It should only take ~15% increase of mass to accomplish sustained fusion. The fact that we haven’t found a planet larger than the smallest star further supports this hypothesis. All large bodies in space may very well undergo the same transformation phases when the conditions are present.

3.) Abiogenic (or Abiotic) Oil
With an expanding Earth model we should expect a byproduct of cold fusion such as carbon deposits to be present. This eliminates the need for plants or animals in the formation of oil/gas.


Birkeland Sun

Cold Fusion

Expanding Earth

Abiogenic Oil

UFO cases

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by Wolfenz
reply to post by Arken

... Ive Heard the Rumors that DR Eugene Mallove was going to Expose Cold Fusion from a Functional Model he Made to Some Media... Either Some Network News or some Talk Show Something like that Just Right before he was Murdered ...

Cold fusion is the biggest threat to TPTB. It will be able to provide an abundant source of electrical power for all people. It can level the economic playing field around the world and lift up third world countries. One can power their home off a large cup of deuterium for a year, and recharge their electric car. Financial slavery cannot exist under such conditions.

We now have the technology to create millions of degrees with the z-machine which may someday be able to produce super alloys and rare metals like GOLD. The amount of energy for the process is enormous and easily attainable with fusion.

Anyone that achieves a breakthrough in this science should be aware of the risks. The technology is disruptive to the economic and political structures that dominate current society.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by amagnus
But did you notice all the cold fusion research funding coming out of Japan?

The Japanese government funded research, as did Toyota.

Japan is so dependent on oil imports that they have all the motivation in the world to break off their dependence on big oil.

So I think Japan has plenty of motivation to make cold fusion or any other alternative to big oil work, if it's possible. I've never seen a conspiracy theorist explain why Japan would play along with this supposed conspiracy about covering up cold fusion.

First of all, it's not even being covered up, the navy published papers last year saying they found neutron tracks. So it's public knowledge.

Secondly there's no financial or other incentives for Japan to not utilize cold fusion research, they don't have big oil in Japan, and they'd love to lose their dependence on big oil.
edit on 20-12-2010 by Arbitrageur because: fix typo

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by Arken

I was reading about cold fusion that you posted and it was good, thanks.
Then I was reading an article about materials' ability to convert waste heat to electricity.


It seems both are based on electro-chemical. One uses palladium and heavy water, the other uses lead, tellurium, and selenium. Both generated an electric current. Couldn't both theories be connected somehow, only using different materials, and one uses heat and the other they are trying not to have heat. But even in cold fusion when it started to heat up it still generated electric.
I don't mean to ask dumb questions but I was trying to understand how both theories worked. And if they were really the same thing.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
reply to post by amagnus
But did you notice all the cold fusion research funding coming out of Japan?

So I think Japan has plenty of motivation to make cold fusion or any other alternative to big oil work, if it's possible. I've never seen a conspiracy theorist explain why Japan would play along with this supposed conspiracy about covering up cold fusion.

A Japanese physicist (Prof. Arata) successfully conducted a public display of cold fusion. That was 2-3 years ago! I am still waiting for a follow up.

There will always be public leaks that can't be prevented by the government but they can effect what happens afterward. To imply their government is free from external foreign influence is a fallacy. The fact of the matter is cold fusion is a direct threat to American political power and international banks. Should we expect them to sit idly by while someone makes their system of controls ineffective?

First of all, it's not even being covered up, the navy published papers last year saying they found neutron tracks. So it's public knowledge.

Naval intelligence is a suspect behind the cover-up of many UFO crashes and disinformation. I would be wary of anything coming from them as they may intend to steer cold fusion research in the wrong direction. Regardless, they can no longer ignore all of the independent experiments with successful results.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by Arken

They better get a move on. The Wikileaks diplomatic cables reveal that China is working on Fusion, Telportation, and a whole bunch of stuff.

I really wish that we would start really investing in R&D again. Things like getting us back into space.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by irgust
reply to post by Arken

It seems both are based on electro-chemical. One uses palladium and heavy water, the other uses lead, tellurium, and selenium. Both generated an electric current. Couldn't both theories be connected somehow, only using different materials, and one uses heat and the other they are trying not to have heat. But even in cold fusion when it started to heat up it still generated electric.
I don't mean to ask dumb questions but I was trying to understand how both theories worked. And if they were really the same thing.

All metals have the capability to absorb hydrogen atoms which is necessary for confinement and fusion. The rate of absorption varies depending on the type of metal and energy applied to it. More heat/energy in the metal will result in higher absorption and energetic output. Palladium is an expensive rare metal that can be substituted with cheaper nickel. The standard model claims fusion is only possible with millions of degrees in heat. The title "cold fusion" is a misnomer since there is nothing cold about it. It just happens to occur in much lower temperatures than predicted by the standard model.

The link you posted about lead, tellurium, and selenium uses the thermoelectric effect to generate electricity. It is a different principle and not cold fusion.
edit on 20-12-2010 by amagnus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 01:53 PM

Just like you said:

Aladdin's Lamp.

ATS Thread


posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by aoi3610

Just like you said:

Aladdin's Lamp.

ATS Thread


Seems that you have many Aces in your pocket...

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by kwakakev
Here is a link to how to run your car on water


I can 100% guarantee you ,unequivocally and without any fear of being contradicted, that this is a hoax designed to separate scientifically and technologically challenged investors from their investment money. It doesn't work and won't work because what it claims to do violates laws of physics and chemistry and thermodynamics.

Yeah it would be nice if it was true but this is a scam.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by wasco2

I think perhaps not.

I see they are causing an electro-static charge between the tubes in the "cell", the surface area is large over all the tubes.

I'd like to see more information before I made my mind up if it is a hoax or not.

There are much easier ways, but I see the principle being applied.
They've gone to a lot of trouble for a hoax?

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 06:38 PM
This item grabs my attention because The Nazis discovered during WW2 with their work on particle accelerators funded by AEG in the workshops of Dr Walter Dallenbach and Dr Max Steenbeck (die glocke) that if you created a plasma and then fed in deuterium you could excite fusion. Infact dr ronald Richter discovered this pre-war whilst working on plasma furnaces for lithium reduction whilst making U-boat batteries.

Richter migrated post war to Peron's Argentina and recreated Nazi work on particle accelerators. In 1951 Richter boasted that he could produce cheap nuclear energy for everyone.

USA and Britain pounced on the Peronist Government to close down Argentina's nuclear program as it was infact an attempt at Nazi revival and creation of a latin American Fourth Reich.

Almost everything of any technological detail about Richter's work remains suppressed. He was denounced a fraud, but in reality he discovered in the 1930s what Fleischmann and Pons rediscoved many decades later. Cold Fusion or LENR.

edit on 12-1-2011 by sy.gunson because: spelling errors

edit on 12-1-2011 by sy.gunson because: spelling

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by aoi3610
There are much easier ways, but I see the principle being applied.
They've gone to a lot of trouble for a hoax?

To fleece the scientifically ignorant out of money. All they need is one half witted trust fund baby and they can score millions.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 01:25 AM

edit on 1/24/2011 by TonyWoodside because: (no reason given)

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