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PROOF: Wikileaks is censoring & deleting cables!!

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posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by thecinic
Assange and wikileaks is worthless...

What have they leaked that is of ANY importance..

All wikileaks has done is boost assanges ego and give you fanboys something to do..

Get real wikileaks will be gone with the wind same with you fanboys have fun while it last.

Sorryto crash your day with the proof that wikileaks has fudged their information..


Wikileaks and assange is not credible......

And here we go again, like a parrot...without posting anything of sources to back up your claims. Your "he changed stuff and hid files" argument has been completely dismantled, yet you continue to spout your crap and completely ignore that people have proven you wrong multiple times. What a sad brainwashed zombie you are

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 06:01 PM
Wikileaks fanboys will soon understand what I mean

that they have all been duped by wikileaks and assange..

Wikileaks has produced nothing of importance and are now fudging changing and censoring the cables to suit there own needs..

The fanboys hold on for dear life to a wikileaks that does NOT deliver.

The wikileak fanboys don't even understand that wikileaks has not unleashed anything valuable......

Can't even name something that makes a difference especially nothing *world changing* get real...

edit on 17-12-2010 by thecinic because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 06:12 PM
Well I started to to read the whole thread.........I decided to stop at the lack of understanding of "Insurance" and the obvious disinfo members playing down WL anyway possible. Discredit and Downplay......whats next Assange is the Anti-christ?

reply to post by thecinic

If its all not that important a leak why are the US Government to coin a phrase, "Want that dookey so bad they can taste it"

edit on 17-12-2010 by DreamerOracle because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by thecinic

Nothing of importance, huh? You have a funny definition of "important"...

Let's have a look at some of the "unimportant" stuff they uncovered so far. They uncovered...

• How a secret "black" unit of special forces hunts down Taliban leaders for "kill or capture" without trial.

Last I checked human rights are giving people a fair trial should be basic. Apparently it isn't for the US.

• How the Taliban have caused growing carnage with a massive escalation of their roadside bombing campaign, which has killed more than 2,000 civilians to date.

GROWING carnage..things aren't getting better or aren't stabilizing as the government wanted to make us believe for a long time.

Questionable shootings of civilians...

Nothing wrong with that, right?

What the government (and MSM) told us about the war in Afghanistan is far from the real picture.

• US authorities failed to investigate hundreds of reports of abuse, torture, rape and even murder by Iraqi police and soldiers whose conduct appears to be systematic and normally unpunished.

Not important, right?

• A US helicopter gunship involved in a notorious Baghdad incident had previously killed Iraqi insurgents after they tried to surrender.

Not important, right? I'm sure the guys who tried to surrender don't agree though...

• More than 15,000 civilians died in previously unknown incidents. US and UK officials have insisted that no official record of civilian casualties exists but the logs record 66,081 non-combatant deaths out of a total of 109,000 fatalities.

No records exist...huh?
I guess civilian lives are worthless if they're foreign, right?

The numerous reports of detainee abuse, often supported by medical evidence, describe prisoners shackled, blindfolded and hung by wrists or ankles, and subjected to whipping, punching, kicking or electric shocks. Six reports end with a detainee's apparent death.

Prisoners abused by coalition forces.

Aren't we in the west meant to be a shining beacon of freedom, liberties, and human rights? I guess I had that one wrong...but it's not important, right?

Killing journalists, never investigating the incidents...who cares anyway, right?

India tortures

Western nations act as banks for dictators (even the ones they fight)

Washington is running a secret intelligence campaign targeted at the leadership of the United Nations, including the secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, and the permanent security council representatives from China, Russia, France and the UK.

Always nice to be spied on by someone who pretends to be an ally.

• China is ready to accept Korean unification and is distancing itself from North Korea which it describes as behaving like a "spoiled child".

China switching to our side...but wait, I thought they were the enemy, wtf??

• Spain's El País focuses on repeated attempts by the US to curb court cases in Spain against American soldiers and politicians accused of involvement in Iraq war crimes or torture at Guantánamo.

Why investigate war crime if it's your people, right? Definitely not important...

• The US ambassador to Pakistan said the Pakistani army is covertly sponsoring four major militant groups, including the Afghan Taliban and the Mumbai attackers, Laskar-e-Taiba (LeT), and "no amount of money" will change the policy.

Given that OUR tax money is used to supply Pakistan with aid/weapons, I think this might be relevant...don't you think so?

• Russia armed Georgian separatists in South Ossetia and Abkhazia and carried out a wave of "covert actions" to undermine Georgia in the runup to the 2008 Russian-Georgian war, according to US diplomats.

That's pretty relevant if you're from Georgia, no?

• The US embassy in Moscow criticised the IMF, the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for offering huge loans to Russia it felt were not justified.

But them getting loans is fine I guess...

• One of the biggest objectives at the US embassy in Madrid over the past seven years has been trying to get the criminal case dropped against three US soldiers accused of the killing of a Spanish television cameraman in Baghdad.

ON WHAT GROUNDS??? Does being American somehow allow you to kill innocent people? Wrong is wrong, and it doesn't matter if you're American, Sudanese, or from Timbuktu!

•Rampant government corruption in Afghanistan is revealed by the cables, including an incident last year when the then vice-president, Ahmad Zia Massoud, was stopped and questioned in Dubai when he flew into the emirate with $52m in cash.

Where does the Afghan government get a lot of its money from? The US! Where does the US get it from? The tax payer or China...which ultimately ends up on the shoulders of the tax payer.

Not important, right?

I could go on and on giving you examples, but you made it VERY clear you rather focus on Wikileaks/Assange and not the actual content of the information provided...just like most of the MSM and opinion pundits/bloggers like Beck. And a whole army of brainwashed blind zombies like you happily close their eyes and ears with a serene smile on their lips as long as their fantasy land picture of the world doesn't get destroyed. Normally I'd just pity those people, but given that they're allowed to vote and therefore influence my life, I'm more angry at those fools than just feeling sorry for them.

I hope the majority won't be as dumb and will make a real effort to WAKE UP and start accepting the uncomfortable truths. It's the only way we can start fixing stuff like that and make sure we don't repeat those mistakes in the future.

edit on 17-12-2010 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

Exactly nothing important thanks for reiterating my point....

Now tell me, WHO CARES?


Only a few wikileaks fanboys ushering in web censorship thanks......

Totally ignorant...

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:50 PM
Technology isn't perfect in recording things.

I'm not surprised that the data is conflicting.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by thecinic
reply to post by MrXYZ

Totally ignorant...

Oh the irony

Thanks mate, you really make me laugh a lot today...

But I'm gonna help you, here, look up this definition: LINK

I have to say it's kinda sad you so obviously don't care about human lives, freedom of speech, justice, and liberties. I take it you're not from the US? Because last I checked those were some of the values the country was founded on...but you obviously spit on those values.
edit on 17-12-2010 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 08:34 PM
thats why i downloaded all of them when they first came out, because seriously. You think those files would be up there and NO ONE WOULD DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT? geez get real

Of course wikileaks is going to redact things, they have a gun to thier throat (so to speak) the whole world is looking at them, certain things shouldnt be public, others needed cleaning.

We all know the power our govs have, you do something they dont like, you will make sure you know they dont like it, hassle you, threaten to kill you, and if you still wont obey, they blow your brains out.

Why? because most of you (90% of populas) is still homo sapiens, none of you are aware of this (execpt the 10%) that we are still evolving, homo sapiens are mentally retarded compared to homo novus (yup thats the 10%)
Physically they look the same as us, but mentally, they are much better off.

See being a homo sapiens has its disadvantages, for example, homo sapeins, like power. They like control, if something doesnt obey like they want, they get angry (yet another primtive trait) homo novus however, are much more mentally advanced, they can come up with complex soluations in a matter of moments, something that could take a homo sapiens his entire life, would be done in mere moments for a novus.

So if you have noticed the change in todays much more modern world, then you should ultimatily realize that homo sapiens should have no political control what so ever, leave everything in the hands of homo novus, and you will be okay.

When superior intellgence runs the world, sites like AST and wikileaks will no longer have any need to continue, because there will no longer be conspiracies to hide from the people, everything our in the open. Of course homo sapiens are also paranoid and get jealous pretty quick, so they would assume your up to something at all times, then become jealous of the power you hold, and then begin to see you as a threat to thier way of life, which then they useally act in violence.

So what is better stupidity or homo novus? (im going with homo novus on this one) homo novus population wont be 100% untill most likely 2121 (or sometime around then)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 08:45 PM
This just in! Politicians lie, snoop and gather info on each other!

More news at 11!

(But honestly people, who cares about this wikileaks crap, its a down right snooze and only the gullible are intrigued by this topic, are they not?)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 09:19 PM
I have not really dwelt on the subject matter because it is still a bit early, From what I hear/read its mostly confidential and secret documents being released, not much in the way of top secret or higher. Perhaps they are holding the really juicy stuff as insurance and may never release it unless its absolutely necessary for them to release. Who knows?

One thing that made me suspicious of Julian Assange though is that he does NOT believe 9-11 was an inside job according to some source which I can't recall. What his true motives are remain to be seen but I am convinced he is definitely no disinfo agent. The whole operation seems to be CONTROLLED INFORMATION release rather than dump everything at once and swamp the public. I think its a good idea so people can digest the information SLOWELY and more accurately.........

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 09:43 PM
Proof! lol. This has gotta be the funniest post yet! Why hasn't this post title been amended or at least taken down to hoax?

This beggers......
edit on 17-12-2010 by Neutradol because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by thecinic
Now why would wikileaks be changing data so much?

Well it's obvious now, so that they can push THEIR agenda.

What is their agenda?

To creat chaos for America and allies, to cash in on *free information* (not really free is it) for fame (so assange can fill his narccisistic dreams of being a hero), gain power so that they can manipulate and fool many.

As you see wikileaks is NOT what it seems...

No wikileaks has a hidden agenda, and now they are retracting this, adding that, maybe even making things up..

Wikileaks has yet to deliver anything useful..

All we get is dog food (what assange has MOST thankfully let us see) OH thank you assange for feeding us dog food while you keep the cavier (insurance)...

No you havn't fooled all of us assange, MANY are opening their eyes to your deceit, wikileaks, shame on you for fudging documents!

I can't argue that you are wrong, but what are the alternatives? Should he play it like phil schneider who ended up dead with piano wire around his neck or a bob lazar sceintist that NOBODY but his mother and father know and with no credentials to speak off?

Seriously you have to make choices in life and you can either play it safe to garner mainstream support or you can play your hand wreckfully and end-up a dead nobody. Which would you choose? I would go the safe route and judging by the level of ignorance that has befallen the world its definitely not a bad choice. When you go out for dinner you first get your soup and salad, then the maincourse and finally desert with coffee/tea. When you play poker you play your hand smart or you lose. We are talking about the NWO here that has influence over every government you can think of and corporations with billion or trillion of dollars to bribe anyone they want so that they get what they want when they want.

To all the people criticising the man and wikileaks be patient and let things develop naturally. Don't force the issue! If he proves to be a false messiah we will find out sooner or later and there will be no harm done.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

This whole thing is fake!

Don't waste a breath on it!

Edit To add: I'ma go watch home alone 2 while you all debate about fakey, fakey, yeah? Bah. Cya's!


Whata buncha..... ".......", whoever takes stock in this.
edit on 17-12-2010 by Neutradol because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 10:49 PM
Greetings one and all.

I also agree that this is all fake but as usual contains some truths just to get the sheep in line and baaaa'ing amongst each other.
I believe this wikileaks is a Israel /Zionist plot to distract attention from themselves and all the murders and lies and spying they continue to commit and what real influences and control they have on the USA UK and many many many countries!
From observing, one can always predict the Typical actions of these evil entities - blame your subservient slaves for it all and in turn the slaves carry on following suite, blaming the slaves of the slaves!
eg. USA is blaming people ie it's own citizens and anyone around the world who can think clearly and have chosen to speak out against their atrocities because obviously they see they have been lied to and taken for fools under this illusion of democracy and so they label them terrorists!
One can obviously see what country and Government has benefited from the leaks that being Israel, also the timing of leaks was at a time when many many people were becoming much more aware of what Israel is and has been doing from a long long time and it was being discussed on a wide scale on a wide range of websites!
Then as predicted BADA BOOM! Many predicted a false flag but also people were screaming it from all areas that a ff would happen and as many said that would be to obvious to do at the time, right in the midst of people questioning Isreal, their suspected involvement in 911 ( which was totally covered up by their slave gov the usa), also discussing (once they were reminded) the USS Liberty, discussing Israeli control over Usa Gov even when many many people involved in the gov and press stated that Israel is controlling everything even in the uk ie bbc, discussing the fact that Israel has its hands and ears in all USA secrecy and top secret files intelligence etc ( making them the obvious source for the leak), discussing the theft of land and murders they commit on nearly a daily basis against the Palestinian people children included, discussing the hypocrisy Israel showed when it comes to nuclear weapons ie how they refuse to sign into and treaties and refuse to let ANY weapons inspectors into their country, discussing documents videos online that were disappearing faster than one could blink + THE LIST IS PREETY MUCH ENDLESS!
Also i would like to add to the either brainwashed fools or Gov agents ( they can be hard to tell apart at times) who are going to scream anti semite nonsense as predicted! This is for YOU!
I myself am not against ANY SPECIFIC country - as in every country their are good people who speak the truth and their are bad people who lie, so to blame them all would be a case of ignorance of the highest order!!!!!!!
( i state Isreal ZIONISTS NOT every one in ISREAL)
I am not against ANY Religion what so ever, i do not believe in any of them as i believe they are simply their to control the masses, although maybe thousands of years ago there might have been a religion that didnt do that.
I am not against any Color of skin either!
And it so saddens me to see these people in every Government worldwide in every press outlet and the ones walking the streets brainwashed into following suite! Again i am not saying all but their numbers seem to be increasing like i have never seen before! It saddens me because at the end of the day these people are Human just like you and I and have the capability to be brilliant Good Truthful people helping one another, sharing and seeking knowledge advancing the human race in a positive way as-well as mother earth ( which personally i believe that is why we are here if not one of the main reasons) yet they seem so intent on doing the opposite of all of those and in turn end up destroying themselves and their souls. If one would step away from the lies and anger and material obsessions and just observed they would see it for themselves.
Now on a positive note i have seen many people do this recently from all countries the BIG WAKE UP I CALL IT and what a smile it brings to see people wake up and realize and in turn change their ways, turning to GOODNESS! TBH i never though id see it! I would like to applaud all those who have done so and applaud all those who are starting to see it and starting to make the move! LOVE & MEDITATION IS KEY! If only people knew their souls could speak!
Sending blessings to each and every always - be ever blessed


posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by TheDeader

I'd like to clarify where I'm getting this information from, and where my source is getting it from. Cable-Diff downloads the freshly updated batch of "all" cables directly from Therefore, they compare information released directly from the source, and compares it to other archives posted from the source as well. It therefore chronicles all name changes and data changes within the cables over time, as they are available on the official Wikileaks website.

I have no doubt in my mind that your mirror hosts the "missing" files, as well as "unredacted" ones. The point is, the official cable listings that are shown on Wikileaks do not appear in their original form any longer. This is the main place where people will go to for reading the cables, not mirrors. Therefore, when Wikileaks deletes or censors huge parts of cables that they released previously, it seems like this is the way the cables have always been to the uninformed public, or to those who don't actively track changes to the cables themselves.

As I mentioned earlier, you can definitely still find the original cables - but only if you know what to look for, and only if you don't search on the official Wikileaks site. Wikileaks is manipulating its version of "history", but that doesn't stop mirrors from passively chronicling this manipulation.

(PS, starred your post because I think your points are important)
edit on 18-12-2010 by pforkp because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 01:39 AM
I cant understand why we are all so sure of ourselves.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 03:43 AM
True or false? Fact or fiction? The subject matter of the docs have been largely ignored while we witness the pantomime of lengths TPTB will go to in order to attempt to silence what they perceive to be one loose cannon...and the complicty of different states. There is no place for complacency by the Europeans - our authorities have demonstrated that they too have an agenda they're attempting to hide. A 'One World Government' is NOT 'on the agenda for some future date - it arrived years ago.

The out and out terror the US administration is instilling in its' people, and peoples of the world with the thought of being sent their to face trial sends shivers down the spine. Another example is being made of Bradley Manning,

The Independent

"Bradley Manning spent yesterday, his birthday, alone in a tiny, bare prison cell, without a pillow or sheets on his bed, in weak health and wracked with anxiety at the prospect of a prison sentence of 52 years.

The young American soldier has faded into the background as international ructions continue over the hundreds of thousands of pieces of classified material from the US government that he is supposed to have supplied to WikiLeaks.

Now the fate of the whistleblowing website’s founder, Julian Assange, who has very much held the centre-stage, lies in the hands of the 23-year-old former army intelligence analyst.

Facing 52 years in jail?? That will certainly make future whistle blowers (they're the good guys remember? - The ones with a conscience.) think twice before coming forward. It follows that TPTB can continue unimpeded to follow an agenda that they are not making public - while the same public suffers the consequences.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by pforkp
reply to post by TheDeader

I'd like to clarify where I'm getting this information from, and where my source is getting it from. Cable-Diff downloads the freshly updated batch of "all" cables directly from Therefore, they compare information released directly from the source, and compares it to other archives posted from the source as well. It therefore chronicles all name changes and data changes within the cables over time, as they are available on the official Wikileaks website.

I have no doubt in my mind that your mirror hosts the "missing" files, as well as "unredacted" ones. The point is, the official cable listings that are shown on Wikileaks do not appear in their original form any longer. This is the main place where people will go to for reading the cables, not mirrors. Therefore, when Wikileaks deletes or censors huge parts of cables that they released previously, it seems like this is the way the cables have always been to the uninformed public, or to those who don't actively track changes to the cables themselves.

As I mentioned earlier, you can definitely still find the original cables - but only if you know what to look for, and only if you don't search on the official Wikileaks site. Wikileaks is manipulating its version of "history", but that doesn't stop mirrors from passively chronicling this manipulation.

(PS, starred your post because I think your points are important)
edit on 18-12-2010 by pforkp because: (no reason given)

Actually, I posted a link a few posts back directly to the official .ch site showing that the files you claim are gone are still there...even on the official server.

Not that it matters, they always said they're gonna change files if people's lives are at risk, even post publishing. Nothing wrong with that, every other news outlet would redact things too if it found out lives are at stake...

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 01:24 PM
I believe WL because it has directly impacted my family. a person in my direct family and all the other employees has been ordered by the government not to read newspaper, get on internet,this corporation this family member is employed with went so far as to stop all texting services to all their employees and ordered them not to get any other mobile service outside the company mobile phone This WL issue has not been published yet. It will have a direct impact on this national corporation. With all the cover up going on know, im begging to think it may not leak out....Personally I know they WL is real

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 01:33 PM
This national corporation does subcontractual work with the government....

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