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Ancient forest emerges mummified from the Arctic

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posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by 11andrew34

Who knows on that end. I'm sure someone out there could possibly have a silly idea of plundering this forest. But the person who discovered this particular forest, found it only in 2009, accidentally while camping out on an unrelated research project. So it's still a pretty new discovery.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by tribewilder
reply to post by SpaceJ

What I am curious about is that if they found perfectly preserved leaves, then the "freeze" must have been very quick as leaves decompose rather quickly.

Interesting indeed and I can't wait to find out what if any their results of this study shows.

The next ice age could begin any day.
Next week, next month, next year, it's not a question of if, only when.
One day you'll wake up - or you won't wake up, rather - buried beneath nine stories of snow. It's all part of a dependable, predictable cycle, a natural cycle that returns like clockwork every 11,500 years.

. . . And since the last ice age ended almost exactly 11,500 years ago . . .
Author honored
28 Aug 08 - Prentice Hall has included an entire chapter from Not by Fire but by Ice in their college-level textbook The Millennium Reader (5th edition). With the publication of his chapter "Fatal Flaw," author Robert W. Felix joins such luminaries as Charles Darwin, Alice Walker, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Maya Angelou, Aldous Huxley and Walt Whitman.

This guy makes real sense since he is just reading the record.
What if the elites know this?
I'm sure the bankers have the BEST intel, they always did...
aside from that the forensics of this are facinating
edit on 16-12-2010 by Danbones because: conntent fixed quotes

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 10:36 AM
this third image the OP was good enough to post:



to my untrained eye, that looks more like a pile of landfill

at first i thought that maybe there could have been a lush valley with conifers and evergreeens
that was protected from the general areas colder weather system... think in terms of a Eden
or a hidden vally in the Himalaya/Nepal, AKA: Shambala...
and the snow, ice, and glacier finally encroached on the hidden valley, perserving the biomass

but i thought to myself, no, thats too outlandish...
so now i'm entertaining the notion that the flood of Noah was actually 11mya, and the trees & brush we see in the pic is just a pile of the flotsam & jetsom from another location deposited as the flood waters receeded.

i know one of these scenarios is more correct

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by havok
reply to post by SpaceJ

Interesting article and good find.
I'd like to see the comparison of those trees to the petrified forest in CA.
Maybe they were all around the same 'era'.

Either way 'global warming' happens whether or not we agree with it or not.
This Earth goes through numerous cycles and I don't think people understand certain aspects.
For instance, we can't change or stop any 'warming' or 'cooling'.
Even if we contribute to it, nothing is worse than a volcano eruption.

The trees at the Petrified Forest National Park are around 209 million to 214 million years old.
These on the Canadian island are much younger.

edit on 16-12-2010 by Violater1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by St Udio

The Siberian animal bone islands have intact frozen eyeballs less then three days decomposed, and they could still eat the mastodons they found with the buttercups in their mouths. I was reading that they must be flash frozen at about 150 degrees below zero to accomplish this.

flood sure
biblical not so much

Regular cycles would make such a god newtonian to the extreme...
The snow and ice scrapes everything around when it thaws
Look up building on perma frost if you would like to know more about the tumble jumble..

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by St Udio

Just wanted to add the captions for clarification, especially since the 2nd image may be hard to see, but it is a birch leaf well preserved. Pretty cool. Also, these pictures are slightly bigger, off the Ohio State University website.

Link to Research Page

Here's a bigger one of the outcropping:

An outcropping of mummified tree remains on Ellesmere Island in Canada. A melting glacier revealed the trees, which were buried by a landslide 2 to 8 million years ago, when the Arctic was cooling. The remains could offer clues to how today’s Arctic will respond to global warming. Credit: Photo by Joel Barker, courtesy of Ohio State University.

And here is the leaf image:

A mummified birch leaf discovered on Ellesmere Island in Canada. Ohio State University researchers and their colleagues have discovered the remains of a mummified forest that lived on the island 2 to 8 million years ago, when the Arctic was cooling. The remains could offer clues to how today’s Arctic will respond to global warming. Credit: Photo by Joel Barker, courtesy of Ohio State University.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 11:21 AM
One theory, is that when the firmament was still in place above earth, the warmth was retained. This would be very similar to how a cloudy sky retains the warm for the land below.
When looking at the area of where this island is located,
there is no current proven paradigm that would substantiate it's viability.
I have studied the expanding world model!
, and the lat and long would still make this a cold place where deciduous trees would be able to live.
However, if there was also a massive shift in the axis, then the trees would have been able to survive at that their former lat and long. But can you imagine how fast that shift happened! Mammals being found with food in their mouths. And plants being preserved such as these!
Incidentally, the time difference between this island's forest and the petrified forest is approx 208 million years (209 M - 2 M).
On another plane of thought, if the expanding Earth theory is correct, where does this mass come from? Since volcanos release this magma through extrusions in the Earth, could a mass, coming within close proximity to the Earth, perform the reverse? Filling up the center with magma?
I think this would indeed cause more than a pole shift, but a planetary one as well.
Ergo, land masses frozen within minutes, along with other inhabitants.

edit on 16-12-2010 by Violater1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by Violater1

Thanks the research!
I figured the petrified forest would be older.

It's incredible either way.
But to find organic material from a time when areas had different climates...

I like the ideas of a mass gettin close enough to disrupt our gravitational force.
Thus, slowing or even stopping the rotation of the Earth causing an instant freeze on the dark side.
But what could get that close?
And why has it happened a number of times?
Also, is it an object in orbit?
Maybe our own Sun caused enough disruption to temporarily change things.

Good job OP.

One of my favorite reads in a while.

edit on 16-12-2010 by havok because: I wanted to add a thought....

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 11:39 AM
As of now there are about 12 areas in Canada with ancient forests found, but this one is considered especially important because of the fact that it's located the farthest north, and is so well preserved.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by Danbones

I'm sure the bankers have the BEST intel, they always did... aside from that the forensics of this are facinating

Yes they did have the best intel, that is why a Senior Advisor to the World Bank started the "Global Warming" myth with lots of help from the media propaganda arm of the banker elites. The really interesting thing is "Global Warming" hype was started in 1972 BEFORE the warming started!

It is also interesting that we got OSHA and EPA in 1970, these laws started the exodus of American business for foreign shores. Before that pollution was considered "The Price of Progress" Note how India, Mexico and Brazil have been targets for banker/elite money, then look at a map.

George Kukla, together with Robert Matthews of Brown University, convened a conference in 1972 entitled “The Present Interglacial: How and When will it End?”, and reported it in Science magazine... [note the date]

Kukla and Matthews alerted President Richard Nixon, and as a result the US Administration set up a Panel on the Present Interglacial involving the State Department and other agencies. None of us knew then that the mid-century cooling was about to be punctuated by a warming spell from the late 1970s to the mid 1990s.... [again note the dates]

A more definitive confirmation of Milankovitch came in 1976, in a paper by Hays, Imbrie and Shackleton, using Shackleton’s data in the figure above. But long before either that paper or my own, there was widespread behind-the-scenes acceptance of Milankovitch, and Kukla, for one, was concerned about the implications.....

George Kukla: Well almost all of us have been pretty sure that there were only four ice ages, separated by relatively long warm intervals. But now we know that there were twenty in the last two million years. And the warm periods are much shorter than we believed originally. They are something around 10,000 years long. and I’m sorry to say that the one we are living in now has just passed its 10,000 year birthday. That of course means that the ice age is due now any time.

Don't forget the 1974 CIA report: s-and-more/

(note the edit on the first post was a spelling error god => good)

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by St Udio
this third image the OP was good enough to post:



to my untrained eye, that looks more like a pile of landfill

at first i thought that maybe there could have been a lush valley with conifers and evergreeens
that was protected from the general areas colder weather system... think in terms of a Eden
or a hidden vally in the Himalaya/Nepal, AKA: Shambala...
and the snow, ice, and glacier finally encroached on the hidden valley, perserving the biomass

but i thought to myself, no, thats too outlandish...
so now i'm entertaining the notion that the flood of Noah was actually 11mya, and the trees & brush we see in the pic is just a pile of the flotsam & jetsom from another location deposited as the flood waters receeded.

i know one of these scenarios is more correct

There were no humans 11 million years ago.

And no Noah, either . . .

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by tribewilder
reply to post by SpaceJ

What I am curious about is that if they found perfectly preserved leaves, then the "freeze" must have been very quick as leaves decompose rather quickly.

Interesting indeed and I can't wait to find out what if any their results of this study shows.

That is a very good point.
And wasnt it theorized that a woolly mammoth was flash frozen with the food it just ate still in its stomach?
makes one wonder about the potential scenarios we could face

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 09:33 PM
That is sick.!

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 12:00 AM
So, if, there was a flash freeze or something like that, I wonder if there would be insect larvae that could have been preserved then come "back to life" and start repopulating when they begin to thaw out. Just a thought, but, I wonder if there would be any problems such as the pine beetle which decimates the pine trees...What do you think?

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by gardCanada

I don't know if they'd come back to life, but I think they probably will find some very, very well preserved insects in the forest, maybe some forest critters, who knows? But you reminded me of a movie I saw (can't remember the name) where some crazy bugs came back to life out of a mammoth in the melting arctic and start killing everyone, and near the end you think they contained it, until the very end they show a guy out with his dogs hunting and the dog gets one of the bugs. Ahh!

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 09:40 AM

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by MaximumTruth

You should talk to crimvelvet about that. While the scientists say that IF many, many more forests emerge from the arctic as it melts, then the rotting wood could release gases into the air. That is why THEY said it could potentially contribute to global warming. However, I wasn't trying to point out anything about global warming/cooling/climate change.

I just thought 2-8 million year old preserved organic material like leaves and twigs was a find worthy of a post.

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