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Have These Chemtrail Formations Been Appearing In Your City Lately?

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posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

You are putting two and two together and coming up with five! See your post on the following thread.

Invisible/cloaked aircraft are they? Do you honestly believe this?

Why are people so gullible over this? I constantly shake my head at the naivety of people that actually believe there is either no plane there or it is somehow fake/morphing?

There are a number of You Tubers that pump out this claim. Here is one from TrutherD1.

Look invisible plane that somehow appears then disappears. The aircraft is cleary a high T-tailed aircraft for example in the class of a C-17 Globemaster. He asks the question 'shouldn't the tail be completely blocking the first and second trails? It is this constant ignorance from these 'believers' that is most amusing. In many cases they can't even identify what they are filming. Their lack of aviation knowledge simply leads to their outlandish theories. You can see this in the comments where people just like nodding dogs go along with their analysis of what is presented. Not to mention anything that flies inbetween the object is immediately an alien 'orb'. Anyone can replicate these videos day in and day out if they chose.

Why is the aircraft 'invisible' in some cases?

Consider the height that the aircraft in these video are actually at? In some cases they could be cruising at 7 miles up and producing contrails much larger than the aircraft themselves.

A combination of cheap video cameras, unable to produce good resolution, and lighting conditions all have a part to play. Check out Rayleigh Scattering and consider why an aircraft in certain lighting conditions can 'disappear' in the sky?


posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
reply to post by firepilot

Here's the thing.

I don't purport to know what's going on.

What I do know 100% absolutely is......there has been a marked difference in the airplanes 'contrails' and flight paths over the last several years.

Now putting two and two together (on those two merits alone) I realized something different was going on.

I noticed this way before it got all this Jesse Ventura type attention.

So I've been reading up on it for nearly 5 years now.

I see them and I trust these scientists (who are calling them 'chem' trails) are seeing and sampling the same ones I'm seeing.

You want to sit on the sidelines, no where near my home and tell me (and others) that what we keep seeing are nothing but contrails? How do you know that? How can you possibly know what I am seeing? And when photos are furnished, you can tell from behind your monitor exactly what that is.

Just because there's been a conventional explanation behind these vapor trails for many many years doesn't mean it's cornered the market.
I don't know why you aren't allowing contrails and chemtrails to co-exist?

After all, jets have now allowed rockets to share it's space..........but I can see a modern-caveman thinking they're both airplanes seeing that's what he was taught and is now...stuck on.

And here is the thing. There is ZERO evidence you or any others have presented to prove any of this nefarious conspiracy. And no, wanting proof, and having knowledge, is not caveman thinking. Actually what seperates us from earlier types of people, is an increased cognitive ability for critical and logical thought.

And there is ZERO evidence of any changes in flights and contrails. And maybe someday a chemtrailer will define what "flight pattern" is for that matter. And if it is such a thing, how is it that all of you with no knowledge of aviation whatsoever, somehow can ascribe some degree of significance to it.

And here is another thing. Not only is there ZERO evidence, its actually worse than that. When you all try to give us evidence, its never what you say it is, which is worse. Like putting up the same explained photo over and over and airplanes that those of us know what they are. The E-6A photo dumping fuel has been explained since it first came out, but its used over and over by chemmies as evidence of chemtrails. Same with the KC-135 modified for icing tests that has the attachment on the back of its boom.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by BadBoYeed

I am starting to wonder if one of many facets of chemtrails is to release metal particles in the atmosphere so (for some reason) to work in conjunction with our electromagnetic field acting up.

I am almost certain one of its functions is to work in tandem with HAARP.

Today I saw two planes making the same length trail. Instead of filling the sky (from horizon to horizon like the normally do) these were very short trails and parallel to one another. I saw the one plane that was closest to my field of vision, suddenly stop producing his trail and continue off flying. Now if that was a regular contrail, the vapor trail would've stayed consistent and persistent.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

So go on. Keep it up. More you deny the more attention you're calling to our cause.

Chemtrails are real !

Might I ask what your cause is? And when will we see the definitive proof of real chemtrails, because as now you have failed to produce this evidence.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

There is not much telling what is being released into the atmosphere, and into the air that we breathe, and for what purpose.
We are simply out of the loop. But, more and more people are observing, taking samples, and having them tested.
It is a shame that some people have the power to do these sorts of things, and on such a massive scale. But it shows just how perverted the economic structure has become, where vast sums of money can go into such a few peoples hands, that they think they are in fact gods of earth. I don't have to know exactly what they are spraying or why to know they are misguided at best, evil at worst. I am inclined to believe it is for a purpose that has to do with profit and/or control because everything that these sorts of people do IS for profit and/or control.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 07:43 PM
Why? Why does it have to be consistent? Do you think the upper air is totally consistent with the same temperature and humidity all over? If the atmosphere was so uniform that a contrail would have to be uniform, the clouds would be exactly the same too.

Here are some chemtrail believer myths.
1. That contrails can not persist. Says who, a conspiracy site? Sorry, but they can persist. Dont be so gullible.

2. That upper air is not always cold. Yes it is, and its always below freezing from 24,000 ft up, even in summer.

3. That all aircraft up high are at the same altitude. No, they are not. They can be all different altitudes up there.

4. That trail should not cross. Well why not?

5. Trails that cross into an X mean spraying? Again, says who, a conspiracy site? Do any actual spray programs like malaria control or cropdusting do that? NO, they go in tight parallel lines, no crossing.

6. Cloud seeding means chemtrails. No, small general aviation planes that weight the same as a car, and used inside storms, can not possibly be doing what you all think they are.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

'Regular contrail'? Weather conditions and altitude all effect how contrails form. What you witnessed is nothing out of the ordinary. No smoking gun or any other such proof of 'spraying'.

You can see the ignorance that is out there on the contrail subject within the first two minutes of this video. She actually believes that because she lives in Hawaii that no contrails can form!

This person actually believes that he has 'caught' the moment where the 'spraying' starts/stops.

You can see from some of the comments such as "debunkers your heart out on this one" that there really is no hope out there. Human_Alien you are not promoting the cause but simply showing and adding to the ignorance that is out there on this subject.


posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by tommyjo

Speaking of stupidity, posted on YouTube.....(AND, I think by now, we've all seen the classic "Rainbow Lady" video?? Of the water sprinkler making a spectral prism rainbow pattern??)

That one IS a classic, and hilarious for educational purposes...but this one belongs up on the "Pedestal of Ignorance" right along next to it:

WHAT did she say????

"Cirro-COME-yoo-liss" clouds????

edit on 13 January 2011 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 08:23 PM
Ahhh reminds me of this time I met a hot girl at a party in Santa Fe, and unfortunately, northern New Mexico and southern Colorado is the epicenter of chemtrailers.

One has a lot better chance of getting somewhere with a hot chemmie girl, as long as you just tell her what she wants to her, rather than tell her facts and the truth. Lesson learned. Although one could argue that is taking advantage of the handicapped.
edit on 13-1-2011 by firepilot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by firepilot

Smart guys would tell her over a late cigarette, but then, smart guys would know a chemtrail from a contrail from cigarette smoke blown up a horses, I understand if this message dissipates like a contrail.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I saw that one WW. Someone should invite her onto ATS!

Now you can actually drive through the 'Chem Clouds'. Just think how many samples they would be able to take?

Driving though the chemclouds on Haleakala.


posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by Stewie
reply to post by firepilot

Smart guys would tell her over a late cigarette, but then, smart guys would know a chemtrail from a contrail from cigarette smoke blown up a horses, I understand if this message dissipates like a contrail.

Sure, right after you tell us about those 600 new tankers the USAF wants for chemtrails..Smart guys know a few things about airplanes and flying. What kind of male grows up with no fascination about flying and airplanes...

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by Stewie

Still....still, still, still, still waiting, Stewie, for any "proof" other than your "opinion".

Countless times, you've been offered the tools here on ATS threads to use to research properly....when you see what YOU THINK are "chemtrails"....and you can then identify the airplanes responsible for what you are actually seeing (CONTRAILS).

Is it the case that you may have actually taken a look at the sites we've offered, like "FlightAware", and discovered your mistake....and, just refuse to admit it???

Furthermore, I recall an exchange regarding the Appleman Chart, and radiosonde readings, and the correlation there.

THE SCIENCE is there, indisputable, available, and clear to see for yourself, by doing the research.

The videos (many of them) exist on YouTube (for one) that clearly show how clouds form, and mutate ("evolve" is an apt description too) AND how contrails, once they have been made by a passing airplane, AND when conditions are suitable, will contribute to FURTHER formations of other cirrus-type ("cirri-form") clouds as well.

Usually, indicative of a changing weather condition overall, for the immediate area. Frontal approaches being common, or even more subtle changes....not ALL weather patterns are dramatic.

There are countless numbers of people who (for whatever reasons) will be dropping by this site (ATS) in future, possibly in greater numbers than ever before. While it is fun, interesting, and even useful to speculate about SOME topics....those that actually DO MERIT some "concern" as potential "conspiracies".....this (so-called "chemtrails") is the 'white elephant' of ignorance; and anyone who bothers to properly study quickly sees this to be the case.

It is embarrassing, actually. ATS is about getting to the roots of things....AND, this sometimes means, exposing FALSE "conspiracies" for the claptrap that they truly are based upon........BUT, w hat's embarrassing is when people REFUSE to learn, from the many, many resources generously offered their of charge, out of a concern FOR the 'ignorance" that is often so prevalent.....

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by firepilot

My first shop had photographs of almost every "aeroplane" made, when the stealth fighter was a gleam in a certain persons eye... (the guy that laid that girl that you didn't, who didn't want to hear chemtrails don't exist.)

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Lay off the weed whacker.
Don't address me, please. You have nothing, you bring nothing to the table.

No offense, of course.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by tommyjo

Off-topic.....but, since yo mentioned Haleakala:

Driving though the chemclouds on Haleakala.

Everyone who EVER gets to visit Hawai'i....You MUST be sure to include the island of Maui, and a visit to Haleakalal!!!! IF you want to get an idea of what it might kinda-sorta be/look like IF you could visit the planet Mars (and walk around without an EVA suit)....well, you will see such similar terrain. Getting to the summit? Car rental is one way...OR, a company will bus you up, and supply bicycles for the trip back down the mountain (volcano). It is NOT all "downhill" DO have to pedal a bit.

MORE "Martian" terrain can be found on the Big Island too.....(Kona side....Hilo, the Capitol, is more lush and tropical). Also, while there (since Haleakala ---- pronounced "hall-ee-A-kala" ---- is dormant) you can visit Kilauea (pronounced "kill-a-WAY-a") and walk ( it is a National Park, and very safe ) on areas that are VERY recent fresh lava flows.....

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by Stewie

I really should have "ALERTED" this post to the ATS staff, ya know???

I did not.

YOU should attempt to get a grip, however. INSTEAD of attacking....I asked you specific, pointed questions.

You deflected, and attacked instead.

(BTW....not that it's anyone's business, but personally?? HAVE NEVER partaken in any illicit controlled substance, as alleged by Stewie in his response directed at me. Just wish to make this is MY choice not to, and I harbor no judgements on others who may "indulge" along those lines. ALSO, it IS a violation of ATS terms, this discussion....and I fear it treads close to the lines, I simply reiterate that I DO NOT advocate such use, and end the discussion NOW!).

Since it was brought "username"?? A "Home Depot" commercial (for those outsidde the U.S, it's a "DIY" type warehouse store) was on the TV when I was joining ATS, back in October of 2007. Fall yard cleanup. Get it???


What a great thread idea!!!! "Where did you get your username?"

edit on 13 January 2011 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I have long since abandoned this thread, assuming that the "yes they do exist", "no they don't exist" argument had enough fuel to carry on, presumably as long as the thread lasts. I have taken a few cheap shots in the volley out of frustration but they are not right, nor in keeping with ATS policy. Now that I've taken some emotional distance from this particular ongoing argument, the level of vitriol and emotional intensity on this topic (on both sides) would be amusing were it not for the fact that too often it ends in more cheap shots and a general lack of civility. I still thoroughly disagree with Weed Wacker and those on his side of the fence (despite not having the "proof" they clamor for) but this is no reason for a lack of civility Stewie (or any one else.) In other cases I would have just let this go without comment, but seeing as how I am the OP, I feel a certain responsibility to say something about it. Please, can't we all just get along?

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by Stewie
reply to post by firepilot

My first shop had photographs of almost every "aeroplane" made, when the stealth fighter was a gleam in a certain persons eye... (the guy that laid that girl that you didn't, who didn't want to hear chemtrails don't exist.)

A good friend of mine was a squadron command of the F-117s during the first Gulf War. And for having all these photographs of every plane made, how do you end up knowing so little about aviation?

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by coyotepoet

Guilty as charged, yes I will admit it. It is hard for me to watch every chemtrail thread get derailed by the same people asking for "proof", and read all of their condescending comments without having an emotional response myself. Especially when they verbally attack a new poster, and act like they cannot think for themselves. This is demeaning, and is a form of harassment.
At least I do it openly, and I call them like I see them. Notice, that I have been accused of knowing little about aircraft just for posting some links that I brought to the attention of ATS members. What do you call that? I call it harassment. I have been called a liar (in a "left-handed" way of course), delusional, ignorant, with less knowledge of aircraft than an elementary child.
All for stating that I believe something is being sprayed, just like tens of thousands or more people believe around the world.
And, they will certainly continue, but I will make a point to rise above the low level they seek to maintain on chemtrail threads, or not post at all. As for getting along, when I see a plane spouting chemtrails, it crosses my mind that if "they" wanted to get along, they would be forthcoming about their ops.
But, that is MY opinion.
It was not my intention to be a party to trashing this thread. I apologize if you feel that way.

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