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Should "Creationism" be considered a sign of insanity?

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posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 10:28 AM
I am a Christian that actually believes in *GASP* the young earth creation theory. I guess I am insane guys, send me a white van with a straight jacket please... I now know the error of my ways.

Seriously though, you cannot disprove creation anymore than I can disprove the Big Bang. Why not just live and let live?

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by Y2KJMan
I am a Christian that actually believes in *GASP* the young earth creation theory. I guess I am insane guys, send me a white van with a straight jacket please... I now know the error of my ways.

Seriously though, you cannot disprove creation anymore than I can disprove the Big Bang. Why not just live and let live?

It is unreal how this topic loses all common sense.They are called theories for a reason,because they are not facts.Now sceince has facts in them.There is not one single fact in science that proves we ever evovled from apelike creatures.Not a sinle explanantion how the Big Bang was started or Why it happened or how life evovled out of the Big Bang.I don't know when evolution turned into facts instead of common sense that it is absolutely theories based off data that is observed with the naked eye.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 10:36 AM
After all said and done, you still have to wonder why these living creatures are roaming on the earth if not on the entire universe. What is the purpose of them all including the humans? Well, the evolutionists have no answer and they will say it is not something scientists should answer.

Well, the problem is why the humans ask that question of 'WHY" in the first place.

Why humans ask the question of 'WHY" ? If everything doesn't have any meaning, due to the randomness of the evolution, where are we all going with this rationalizing and questioning ? What is the end and what has started all these?

If you don't have a satisfactory answer for these questions, you have no right to criticize the creationists. By the way, I'm a scientist and I value the nature of the human soul and spirit.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
So...whats left? What is there honestly left about "creationism" in any of its forms? There is nothing, yet 50% of America still believes in evolution.

This is about as sensible as believing Gandalf created everything..there is absolutely no merit..yet it is being pushed by politicians, some corporations, and being taught by parents homeschooling their children to perpetuate the absolutely known falsehood.

I am a Christian who accepts science as a key tool for understanding our existence. Psychology, physiology, evolution, big bag, etc... If you approach biblical scripture from a science and psychological perspective, you will realize the beginning and end of the book is metaphorical for physical truth. Other words, as the bible was being created around 2,000 years ago, the individuals who wrote scripture translate what they saw with the limited knowledge they knew.

Example of this would be the grain of sand that God used to make Adam. Moses (credited writer of Genesis) translated the small speck he saw in a vision, and related it to the smallest element in which he knew about. If a modern day scientists had that vision, would he or she see a speck of sand? Or, would he or she see a sub-atomic particle?

Another example of science meeting scripture is within the first book of Genesis. Moses (credited writer of Genesis) saw a vision in which everything came into formation within seven days. If 'we' were put into the position of giving Moses that vision, the first question would be - How can we cram 1.0 billion years of geological and biological evolution into a small 1 hour film? You hit the fast forward button, and you hope the receiver is intelligent enough to understand the process. Did Moses's vision last for seven days; thus, he drew the conclusion that God created the Earth in seven days? Or, did God just abbreviate a 1.0 billion year process into a quick summary?

When it comes to the Creationist movement, I think some aspects of them are just as radical as every other movement. Generalizing an entire religion based upon the actions of a few is being foolish.

edit on 6-12-2010 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 10:37 AM

It would mean billions of people of faith would be considered insane, just because they have faith that God created this planet and the life on it. I do not consider people without faith to be insane, they just have a different belief system, these would include atheists and evolutionists.
This attitude is a slippery slope of intolerance, and what it can lead to in many area's of society.

Would you like the majority that believe in a creator to say "Should 'evolutionist thinking' be considered a sign of insanity?" Then legislating laws to put all atheists and evolutionists into mental facilities.
No the idea EITHER WAY is totally absurd.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by jennybee35

How condescending is it of you to associate someone with faith in Yahweh as insane?

Silly straw man.

InertiaZero did not say people with faith in Yahweh are insane.
He asked if creationists are insane.

Most people, (all Jews, Catholics and many other sects,) who have faith in Yahweh also accept the fact of evolution.

If I said all women who dye their hair were insane, would that be the same as saying all women are insane?

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 10:45 AM
Lost common sense? I just read from the OP how Creation was "disprovable." I am here to say that it is not, and while I was at it I asked for the straight jacket because I am insane.

I do not think that Evolution makes sense, I also do not see how it is the only theory that fits our universe well. You are all so much smarter than me the ilk that believe as I do though, what good is it to even have this conversation if the best thing that happens (nicest thing said) is I am ignorant?

I have researched this for years, I see the same "evidence" that you all do... I do not interpret the evidence the same way which leads me to a different conclusion. Thats just the way the cookie crumbles.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by Blue_Jay33

It would mean billions of people of faith would be considered insane, just because they have faith that God created this planet and the life on it. I do not consider people without faith to be insane, they just have a different belief system, these would include atheists and evolutionists.
This attitude is a slippery slope of intolerance, and what it can lead to in many area's of society.

Would you like the majority that believe in a creator to say "Should 'evolutionist thinking' be considered a sign of insanity?" Then legislating laws to put all atheists and evolutionists into mental facilities.
No the idea EITHER WAY is totally absurd.

It is like these people totaly forget about abusing human rights and how the law of the land works.All that has to happen is you get a dictator lunatic voted in.Because of the one sided bigotry language used by some evolutionist it would turn into throwing christians and people of faith and creationist into prison and killing them.All because evolutionist taught evolution as truth and blamed everyone else as crazy and stupid and insane in the head.Same thing the Germans did to spread hatred of the jews and indoctrinate kids.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by kingofmd

Animals changing over time (within their kind) due to natural selection/speciation or by mutation has never been argued EVER. (micro

Actually, it has.

Linnaeus, credited with the binomial name now used to describe any species, was of a generation that believed that animals were created perfect and unchanging by the creator. He also believed that nothing ever went extinct - because when there were less around than God wanted, he'd just make a couple more.

However the Darwinian evolution belief that all living creatures are descendants of a common ancestor is total garbage. (macro)

Evolutionists like to play word games and provide evidence for the 1st to prove the 2nd. You have no transitional fossils of any sort, no mechanism, no example of how the 2nd law of thermodynamics can work backwards... Sounds like blind faith to me.

The difference between the two is merely in the degree. We only have the concept of speciation at all because Linnaeus falsely believed that these animals, created perfect (any variation, to Linnaeus, was explained by injury or other life events), formed discrete groups. They don't.

Can you see the differences between a horse and a donkey?
You can also see the differences between a przewalski's wild horse, an asian wild ass, and an african wild ass. But, in order, they're less clear.

It's easier to see with them, though, than with their domesticated relatives, that they started out the same.

It's a lot harder with horses and anything else, but if we look at all their relatives which are now extinct, we find that a lot of them resemble not only one another, but also resemble some of the (MANY) extinct rhinos and tapirs.

We dig deeper and we find more.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by Jobeycool

Which is of course very, very different for the thousands upon thousands of people killed because they didn't accept Jesus as their personal saviour, or because they felt that their (identical) history book gave them just as much right to live in Jerusalem if they wanted to, or even just because they understood which plants had medicinal values and this gave them a little bit more power than the priests?

The Eugenecist movements of the early and mid twentieth century were definitely horrific, but they fade to nothing when compared with the atrocities commited for a deity. We cannot claim that evolution wants us to do bad things, so evolution does not want, but many, many people have killed many, many others because they believed that it was what God wanted.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 10:53 AM
The muslim world has this problem now,it use to be called communism under Mao Zetong,Adolf Hitler,Jospeh Stalin and the list goes on and on.Only difference is the muslims use exetreme religious views and blame everyone else in the world except for themselves.Same thing some evolutionist are doing to creationist.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by Y2KJMan
I am a Christian that actually believes in *GASP* the young earth creation theory. I guess I am insane guys, send me a white van with a straight jacket please... I now know the error of my ways.

Seriously though, you cannot disprove creation anymore than I can disprove the Big Bang. Why not just live and let live?

No, you're not insane, but there's a good chance that you are uneducated in the area of biology. For example, I doubt you successfully completed biology 101 or spent a day in an anthropology class from a regionally accredited institution.

As far as disproving your version of creation, well there are thousands of creation myths known to mankind. What determines your belief at this point is has to do with the time you live in and religious demographics of your location. Still, it is no more valid than me asking you to disprove Zeus, the flying spaghetti monster, or the invisible pink unicorn. All non-sense as you know, just like your belief in a god.
edit on 6-12-2010 by laiguana because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by TheWill
reply to post by Jobeycool

Which is of course very, very different for the thousands upon thousands of people killed because they didn't accept Jesus as their personal saviour, or because they felt that their (identical) history book gave them just as much right to live in Jerusalem if they wanted to, or even just because they understood which plants had medicinal values and this gave them a little bit more power than the priests?

The Eugenecist movements of the early and mid twentieth century were definitely horrific, but they fade to nothing when compared with the atrocities commited for a deity. We cannot claim that evolution wants us to do bad things, so evolution does not want, but many, many people have killed many, many others because they believed that it was what God wanted.

Christians have done more to Help the world than to kill off the world if you people would stop this argument and read facts about christians who help people.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 10:55 AM
Like I said here comes the ignorance once again.Christians as well as most majoroty of humans have done more to help the planet than to destroy it.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by jennybee35
reply to post by SaturnFX


Your thoughts?

My thoughts are that I am sorry for you. I am sorry that you have no faith in anything larger than your narrow existence. I am sorry that it seems you are desperate to have someone, anyone prove you wrong in your beliefs. It seems that you badly want someone to come up with an argument that would prove to you that God exists so that you can finally have something to believe in. You keep asking people of faith to prove to you that He exists, and that is an endeavor doomed to failure.

I am sorry that you seem so lost and looking for an answer that you cannot receive in the way that you are asking. God really only wants one thing, and that is unconditional trust in Him without evidence or proof. That is the one thing that you will never receive, and I am sorry for that.

Those are my thoughts. You asked.
edit on 12/5/10 by jennybee35 because: to add the ridiculous "sparkle" to prove I read the OP.

lol...nice job..but shush about the arklespay

Actually, I have a well founded and strong spiritual side to me..I certainly don't want a religion or singular deity in my life simply because that is a disruption to what my personal code of beliefs are..however I won't go into all that.

I see religion...religion..not a cosmic concept of God, but a structured taught religion to be an abomination to the planet. My huge epic beef is with -religion-, which in my very strong opinion, has absolutely nothing to do with something greater than myself, but rather completely cheapens a elegant divine connection between the individual and the universe into schoolyard lies, creation of powerful godlike men, division between thinking, forbidden sciences, etc...there is nothing good religion does for the intellectual progression of society.

It is a tool used by power hungry organizations to keep thinking minimal.keep the flock dumbed down so to speak.

So again...spirituality..I highly encourage. Definately seek a more profound understanding of your place in all of this...but religion? tie it to a stake and burn it from our civilization.

Didn't you get the message?
God equals religion and religion equals believing lies.
So if you refuse to believe lies you can't believe in god and will burn in hell.

Why do you refuse to trust a version of god who will torture his creations in hell for eternity for having a scientific outlook on life?

We must support the teaching of creationism because some Christians declare it is a vital part of their religion,
just as we must support female genital mutilation because some Muslims declare it is vital to their beliefs.

Then, having allowed Christians to lead us down the path of trust, we must also encourage the murder of homosexuals and witches and people who work on the Sabbath, (whichever day that is,) and the stoning to death of rebellious children.

Get with it or my sky-daddy, who my bible says is bigger than your sky-daddy, will look at you one day and say, "burn, baby, burn!"
- and all us Christians will be enjoying the greatest treat of all, the one we have spent our lives yearning for, looking down in vindictive glee, giggling as we watch those leftie intellectual atheists writhe in agony.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 11:00 AM
I'm responding to the OP.

People believe in G/god because they're afraid to die. Ego cannot handle that ego might be finite and so ego tells itself there is no end. We continue on and, if we acted a ceratin way and believed certain things and did certain things (and didn't do others) we would actually spend eternity in ecstacy.

Once they get this in their heads, it's pretty hard to give it up. It becomes a core component of their perception of the universe and reality in general. Under these circumstances, they hear a nutty theory like creationism and they believe it. They cling to it. The truth of the matter is judged by an entirely different (and inferior) criteria. It doesn't need much evidence. Sometimes virtually no credible evidence at all. Then they become entrenched to the point of becoming a warrior for a silly idea. They WANT to believe it. BADLY. They simply ignore all the evidence that contradicts it, embrace ANYthing that supports it, and walk around with blinders on.

So I'd say it falls into the category of willful ignorance.

BTW, people do this for many things, not just religion.

None of this is to say "there is no god." There might be. But like many here at ATS, I'm an agnostic. I just don't know and don't pretend to know.

"Belief" is 50 percent doubt. But when people get into a certain mindset, they ignore that 50 percent.
edit on 6-12-2010 by ClintK because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

If I were to believe that the Universe is the Creator creating of itself and evolution is a product or tool of the Universe/Creator creating of itself in perpetuity am I insane or willfully ignorant?

Probably not. However, that is entirely subjective.

The only way for an eternal creator to exist is to be Infinite and the only way to be Infinite is to entirely be of singularity. Thus, my complete and unfaltering belief is that the Universe, us, you, me, and everything that exists in entirely an Infinite Creator which creates of itself - anything otherwise has no logic and is fallible.
edit on 6-12-2010 by 11118 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Kailassa

Most people, (all Jews, Catholics and many other sects,) who have faith in Yahweh also accept the fact of evolution

Are you saying that these other people with faith in Yahweh don't believe that He had anything to do with creation? Really? And when you conducted this poll of ALL Jews, Catholics and many other sects, they stated that God didn't have anything to do with creation. It was just a happy circumstance that the first spark of life appeared out of thin air and then we evolved to the species that we are now to create our own God? They don't really believe in a God, then. He is just a myth they cling until questioned and faced with all the FACTS of evolution?

Did you bother to read what I believe about creation and evolution? I don't think so. You just got thru stating that ALL Jews etc. believe in the FACT of evolution. What fact of evolution? Oh, you mean all those transitional fossils and skeletons that have been discovered showing how we branched out and became so many different species? Yeah, speaking of straw men and all.

That was a pitiful attempt, at best. Maybe ALL women who dye their hair are insane. Is that what your problem is?

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Jobeycool

Can I ask you, assuming that you are in fact a Christian, whether you are of either a Catholic or an Orthodox church?

If not - and even to a considerably extent if you are catholic - then the teachings of your particular branch of christianity owe a great deal to the teachings of a german monk named Martin Luther. One of Martin Luther's major points was that you shouldn't be going around being good and kind - and not being bad - because it pleased God, but because it was THE RIGHT THING TO DO.

People regardless of faith are capable of doing the right thing, and knowing what the right thing is. Saying that you only do the right thing because otherwise you will go to hell makes you seem like an extremely shallow, empty and selfish person. Christianity, following the reformation brought about by Luther's 99 theses that he nailed to the church door (detailing only the most important things that he saw were wrong with the catholic church), is not supposed to be a form of Hedonism.

Point is, PEOPLE do good things, PEOPLE do bad things. People who excuse their bad deeds on christianity or evolution are BAD PEOPLE, as are people that need such a reason to do GOOD things.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 11:02 AM
Another thing Jesus Christ does not ever say in the entire bible you must order people around to force themto believe in Jesus Christ.Matter of fact it is the exact opposite.But Jesus wanrs it will happen anyways.
Chirstians can be just as guilty as non-christians of sin.However it is not by accident that the christians have influenced and helped the world more than any other culture or religion that has ever existed.

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