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Saddam to be found Not Guilty by his own People!!!

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posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 04:16 PM

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 04:26 PM
Thanks for the links...We must have been posting at the same time...

It's like watching an episode of "Cops" - It was him (man 1) - no, it was him! (man 2)"

Lie detector tests for everyone! that would solve anything

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 04:26 PM
yep thats right, but the iraqies get to decide weather or not he's guilty, and the main problem is going to be gathering physical evidence against him. The things that he was accused of yesterday have not even gone under complete investigation, witnesses are one thing but even what they say can be discredited if there is no pysical proof to back it up. From the documeteries i watched sudam never signed an order himself, and I dont think he'd lose a moments sleep watching one of his officals getting excecuted for his crimes.
And the way that the states have gone about the war could cause alot of problems. They have no physical evidence that the reason they invaded Iraq in the first place was justified, they have abused prisoners wich could bring the witnesses against sudam under closer scrutiny by the defense.
And because the states have been so discrediting to themselves thus far , why cant the defense argue that any documents brought to light were tamperd with/ manufactured?
It would have been a more open and close case if the states had gone in under truer pre-tenses, and conducted themselves better.

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 04:33 PM
Not to mention our hoarding of oil rigs...Is it just me or is the US becoming more and more like the Borg

If this turns out in such a way as you've described, I'm interested to see who's going to get paid off to keep their mouths shut and what new excuses will begin to be slipping away from behind the doors of the oval office at the White House...

Drum roll please!!


posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 04:42 PM
Rather than repeat my post on this trial and the importance of it being seen by the Arab world as fair and just I'll just put a link to it:

For those who may think that the Arab world doesn't hold concerns about what happens to Saddam in this trial:


posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 05:30 PM
Please dont misunderstand me. I beleive the Iraqies want this to be a fair trial, thats why im afraid that he may not be convicted of alot of these crimes hes been accused of, real hard proof and not just witnesses are needed for an actual conviction. Everyone in the world knows he's guilty, we can all stand up and testify, we can all tell the judge he is guilty, but without the signed paper that says that he ordered these attrocities, or video tape of him approving it, ect.. how will they convict him?
I hope beyond hope that real evidence, as opposed to manufactured/tamperd evidence can be found that will sentence him to his excecution and remove this threat from our world.

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