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E - Tombs Let Your Grave Join The Social Network

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posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 02:31 PM

I found this kind of interesting and for sure a sign o the times, pun intended. I guess I can see this as being a good thing for the family and friends to have a perennial display of the deceased's life and/or attributes. Visitors to the grave could pull up memorabilia about the person. The tomb would create a more interactive experience with the deceased, or their shrine at least.
I could also see a desire by the future deceased to leave behind a signature that they want to be remembered by, that is way more than just an engraved phrase. I can just imagine the last message that some people would want to be remembered as.

What I thought(crazy I know) was what if one day the tombstone becomes the active medium for communicating with the dead? Sounds like a good piece for a futuristic sci-fi flick or something.

With some forethought, a person who is approaching their last days could prepare specific messages for individuals so that when that person visits the grave, they can hear/see a message tailored to them specifically.

It’s time for the tombstone to be upgraded for the 21st century. A team of creative designers has developed a Bluetooth enabled grave that will allow mourning friends and family members to sync with digital media while weeping over your death. The E-Tomb, featured on Yanko Design, is a concept piece that tries to connect the emerging importance of social networking with the traditional form of cemeteries. A solar panel in the headstone powers a hidden hard drive that stores information from key webpages like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Visitors to the E-Tomb can interact with this data via their smart phones and the Bluetooth connection. Mourners will still be discussing their lives with the dearly departed, only now they’ll be doing it through the medium that we’ve grown accustomed to: the internet.

I don't know about all the social networking aspects here, but who knows. Upon further thought I could see these tombs incorporating advertisements, agreed upon by the individual whose grave it is, thereby earning some money before they pass, by a company whose logo will sporadically flash on the tombstone during idle times. I know that sounds disgusting and I am not for it, but I also know if there is a screen available, marketers will do all they can to exploit it. "So Dan, it appears you will be leaving us soon, and we are willing to pay for your grave costs and give you 10,000 dollars if we can put Pepsi logo on your tomb." "Okay," says Dan, " I or my family could use the money before I'm outta here."
Sounds crazy but who knows?!

edit on 21-11-2010 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

I dont' know pal
but when I die I want them to just throw me in my woods for the critters to have at. Problem solved.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by inchworm

I don't disagree inchworm, just thought this was interesting and apparently inevitable.
Thanks for the reply,


posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 10:34 PM
I dont think that its a bad idea. I think I would like to be able to leave certain people a particular message, I dont see how social networking sites would need this type of publicity, unless they come up with a plan to help with the cost, like a commercial or something.

I guess we will have to see how this plays out, because you know that their will be some __fill in the___ that will find a way to hack it, and ruin someones message.

Peace, NRE.

BTW, I know you already added the cost thing, but I was also wondering, if there was some type of "family plan" that can make this a whole lot easier, maybe even a way to leave messages for the passed.
edit on 21-11-2010 by NoRegretsEver because: added

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Thanks for the reply NRE. At first I thought this notion was a bit silly, but now I se it more as an opportunity to leave a creative legacy in one's own name. I think it would be cool to leave a lasting impression of your choice. Something more to remember you by than just a few words on a headstone. I like the idea of images or music playing in/on my gravestone. Surely this will become popular with the newer generations. I can see it now, LOL's flashing across a nightime cemetery scene.


posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 12:54 AM
HAHAHA,is that real? either way it's hilarious. But i am sorry if people realy do this and it works for them.
Who knows,maybe someone will start chatting after death.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by whipsandchainsamerica

Yes it's real... a real sign o the times too I guess.
I know it sounds a tad absurd, but it is an interesting subject to ponder though, what would you want to leave "playing" on your gravestone?


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