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Outrage: Teens aged 15,14 and 16 charged for Statutory Rape for Consensual Sex!

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posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by Secularist

There have been groups who wanted to provide free condoms in schools.
The plans were rejected after religious protests.
Similarly, plans for condoms in prisons were opposed at every step.

But that is not unique to SA, although our HIV rate is alarming.

It appears people just deny what they don't like.
African men never resort to homosexuality (therefore we don't need condoms in prisons) and African kids don't have sex (therefore we don't need condoms in schools).
It's as if putting condoms there will make make people do those things.
But we know they are already doing them anyway.

edit on 20-11-2010 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by debris765nju
If i had a fifteen year old daughter having sex with anybody i would want them prosecuted. If i had a fourteen year old boy that was being used for sex, i would want her prosecuted too. AIDS and HIV and pregnancy do not respect youth. They all have life altering effects that last a lifetime. Just because you are physically capable of performing the sex act does not mean that you are capable of supporting your mistakes. Society must demand that reproductive children be responsible for their actions, their offspring and their medical expenses. You don't like it? Too bad, you're having sex with peoples children.

You cant lump forcible rape and consensual sex in the same category. Those boys arent pedophiles, theyre of the same age. You would want your daughter arrested for having consensual sex with her boyfriend? You may not like it, but if she is going to have sex she is going to have sex. If she wants to smoke pot, shes going to smoke pot. If shes going to have sex why dont you want her as protected as possible? Why make it impossible for her to receive the best possible birth control and STD prevention treatment possible? A simple condom. Thats all it would take.

If you are having sex in SA without condoms youre going to die of HIV. Youd wish that on your daughter all because her boyfriend took her virginity??

Shame on you.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by debris765nju

Hi debris,

May I enlighten you?

Teens do what they want, forget what you want.

To everyone who has brought up teens, I salute you on doing an impossibly hard job!

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by Secularist

The crime is statutary rape, not consensual sex. You have too be of legal age of. the society you live in, to consent to have sex. You do not get to paraphrase my words nor provide my motivations.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by catwhoknows

The fault lies with poor parenting, i am a parent and proud of all my children, now in their twenties and on their own

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by debris765nju

well, if your 15 year old daughter is having sex with a 15 year old boy, then she should be prosecuted as well. Goose and the gander and all that, yeah?

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by halfoldman

How is this anything to do with "Liberals"? Surely this is a response one would expect from more conservative sections of society, rather than those of a liberal bent. You may be from SA, but your slinging around of the term "Liberals" and blaming everything on them is reminiscent of the idiotic black and white, two party politics of the US.

As for the topic, it is rather silly, but I suspect they only got caught because the filthy little buggers filmed it and showed all their mates, posted it on the net and the rest of the moronic things people now do with personal information, namely feeling the need to tell everybody about everything.

Back in my day, if you were lucky enough to convince a 15 year old girl to shag you, you wouldn't film it! You might tell your mates, but at the end of the day there was no evidence of the "crime" to be prosecuted for statutary rape.

That said, in the UK, one can only be charged with statutary rape if the girl is over 14 and she has to be the one pressing charges. The parents can spit feathers, but if she didn't want to make a complaint then nothing can be done, so the "de-facto" age of consent could be said to be 14.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by debris765nju
If i had a fifteen year old daughter having sex with anybody i would want them prosecuted. If i had a fourteen year old boy that was being used for sex, i would want her prosecuted too. AIDS and HIV and pregnancy do not respect youth. They all have life altering effects that last a lifetime. Just because you are physically capable of performing the sex act does not mean that you are capable of supporting your mistakes. Society must demand that reproductive children be responsible for their actions, their offspring and their medical expenses. You don't like it? Too bad, you're having sex with peoples children.

How terribly naive of you. I met my first "proper" GF when I was 15 and she was 14. We did the deed when she was 15 and her parents, despite being quite conservative, were not as reactionary as you seem to wish. You would happily prosecute a young person, ruin their life and prospects, all for the sake of "protecting" your own? Protecting from what? MY first GF's parents took her to the doctors, got contraception sorted and sat her and me down to talk about boundaries, sex and the rest of it. Teenagers throughout the ages will experiment and two teenagers "in love" will likely perform sexual acts on each other. It's called growing up.

I assume if you had a 15 year old daughter having sex with her boyfriend, you agree she should be prosecuted as well?

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by stumason

By "liberals" within our context I mean people who promise freedom and equality for all, but they do so Janus-faced.
They are actually "fake liberals".
From the Marxist or ultra-leftist discourse in our politics it could probably mean "conservative" elsewhere.
OK, let me say people with lofty ideals that are out of touch with reality.
They are so academic and legalistic about things that they make bad matters worse.
Instead of protecting these kids, they have done them a disservice.

It's just so cold and bureaucratic.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 11:56 AM
Absolutely ridiculous. People seem to keep forgetting 1) Teenagers have been having sex for literally as long as there have been humans, and 2) the concept of 'teenage years' is incredibly modern and can be seen as a false notion.
In the world we live in *now* do teenagers need protection and guidance from adults? Sure, it's an infinitely more complex world, but thinking we need to completely protect teenagers from everything is ridiculous. You can't, and more importantly you shouldn't. I mean, it's not exactly uncommon for teenagers with a very sheltered upbringing to go completely off the rails once they're off to college/university.
The ridiculousness of this case doesn't surprise me. What does surprise me is if there was apparently a video made that they're not being charged with production, and possibly distribution of child pornography.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Secularist
These kids arent hurting anybody. No ethical codes have been breached. Theyre of the same age. I agree that teenagers should be a bit more prepared before having sex but then again so should most people when it comes to having sex
Condoms, condoms, condoms. There are much better ways for the South African government to promote teenage abstinence then to arrest them and label them as sex offenders for the rest of their life. The story made me lol.

Actually, they broke many laws, and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Rape is not valid, it's clearly something else. We could start with public indecency, child pornography, there's the false accusation of rape, and other simple charges. Enough to get them sent to reformatory. But they won't, any decent lawyer will have this sorted out, in time ... the state will waste a fortune getting egg on it's face again.

What the story doesn't carry, but is palpable here, is how deep this problem is. Where were the teachers? This is in school, and nothing romeo and juliet about it. Depraved .. retarded was mentioned, and it is the norm. My kids are in school, surrounded by other kids with the same mindset. Think about it. This needs to go much further than just the obvious. They can trace who passed these videos on, but this is the rainbow nation, where accountability is not on the menu. Shame, poor misguided kids ... that have not a single skill the developed world would be interested in, starting from reading, writing, basic math ... and this IS what you get with the most advanced constitution in the world, and a bunch of self serving criminals in power.

Zapiro, as always sums up the situation with this priceless cartoon. Simelane is the public prosecutor, the head guy. Pretty much everyone's worst nightmare. A stupid puppet on a string with almost unlimited power and a dangerously criminal outlook on a properly functioning justice system.

Here's another good example of our schooling and justice systems recently. IOL

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by debris765nju
reply to post by Secularist

The crime is statutary rape, not consensual sex. You have too be of legal age of. the society you live in, to consent to have sex. You do not get to paraphrase my words nor provide my motivations.

There is no crime of statutory rape... Statutory is when an adult has sex with a minor.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by Secularist

No, Statutory means it is a technicality in that it violates a statute which defines the age by which they can legally give consent. Statutory rape is a crime, in many nations at least. An adult having sex with a minor is something else entirely.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 12:22 PM
Now, I realize you guys are in South Africa and so you "view" these things differently but no offense, your country and your laws are moot. Your government does noting about the spread of HIV/AIDs and contributes to its rise by refusing to sell birth control to minors. Its appalling. Instead, you people arrest minors for these things. There is no justification for prosecuting kids for having consensual sex with one another. Its ludicrous.. There are way more important things your government should worry about then trying to mentally castrate all teenage boys for fear of prison.
edit on 20-11-2010 by Secularist because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-11-2010 by Secularist because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 12:25 PM
Oh, I see. It looks as if they each received their 15 minutes of fame. Isn't technology wonderful?

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by FuzzyDunlop

The ridiculousness of this case doesn't surprise me. What does surprise me is if there was apparently a video made that they're not being charged with production, and possibly distribution of child pornography.

Reading our Sunday press today, the prosecutions are going ahead.
The potential of a video has been mentioned, and that anyone viewing or distributing it will be charged for child-porn.
However, no such video has actually appeared to date.

The better news is that the accused will not suffer prison if guilty, nor a criminal record.
They will be put on a diversion program.
But that's strange because they already seem to be on such a program.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by nerbot
That's retarded!

If all three were charged with statutory rape....who's the victim?

The victim is the state. Apparently.

That's what sex crimes are always about. The state, and the opportunities given to seek more control.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 12:14 PM
It seems that the term "minor" is hardly used consistently.
In the US it varies from state to state, often referring to 18, but 21 for drinking alcohol.
Many US states treat minors as adults for serious crimes, like murder.
This is very controversial by the US and places them in violation of signed treaties similar to states like Somalia.

The US also failed to separate "combatants" they kidnapped as minors under 16 at Guantanamo.

If torture or water-boarding is allowed, it seems that children and the elderly are subject to the same justifications.

edit on 21-11-2010 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

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