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"UFOs and Nukes"

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posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:16 PM
I'd be happy to video it & host it on youtube if I can get free entry & some one on one coverage for my own documentaries
Sounds interesting, and being from Oxford, no travel issues.

Edit - oh wait, it's only a fiver. No biggie. Is it possible to pay on the door?
edit on 18-11-2010 by markymint because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 02:06 PM
Hi Markymint,

Thank you for the offer. I accept. Please email me at [email protected] on Friday or Saturday and I will provide the details. I fly to the UK on Sunday and won't be able to correspond with you as easily from that point forward.

And, no, you will not have to buy a ticket. Just show up with ID and I will make sure that you get in. Thanks again.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by Robert Hastings

My take on the UFO Nuke thing. If they are really UFO's then I believe that they are just testing to see if it can be done. After watching skyline it made sense that they would want to take out our larger Nuke sites. If you have not see this movie take a look. It is not to bad minus the ending.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 06:09 PM
Cheers Robert. I'm strapped, I have a pool match on Wednesday and I don't want to let my team down, but if you're serious about some one on one interview time then I will definitely attend the meeting. I already believe and understand UFO's and nukes, I've got friends accounts of UFO's hovering about local RAF bases, so I'm interested to know what some key points of your speech will be. If it's enticing enough I'll definitely email you and drop my commitments to be there. I've never been to a UFO speech and this one seems interesting, and is one of the few that are close. Either way, have a good time in Oxford!

PS. A technical Q. Will you be amplified during the presentation?
edit on 20-11-2010 by markymint because: (no reason given)

+21 more 
posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 09:45 AM
Mr. Hastings, those who do their own research and with a moderate degree of intelligence may rightfully conclude your intentions are fraudulent and just another attention-seeker in the long and painful list of hucksters perpetuating fraud in contemporary UFOlogy.

It should be made clear that James Carlson has a much more detailed and genuine representation of the facts about these alleged incidents than Mr. Hastings would have people believe.

Since your transcripts of your interviews with Figel are obviously incomplete, why don't they include any complete assertions regarding the presence of a UFO? Nowhere in your transcripts is there a clear and definitive statement regarding any report of a UFO. In the interviews and written statements that he was immediately willing to share with me, his statements are very definitive: there was no UFO reported, no UFO was involved, and no investigation of a UFO was undertaken. He was very clear in this regard -- with me. Why not with you, or did you just edit that part out of your transcripts in order to create the impression of a UFO where none could be otherwise reasonably established?

James' father was the Commander who was in charge of the base the day of the incident you allege involved a UFO of extraterrestrial origin. Furthermore, he has repeatedly stated that there was no cover up, nobody ordered them into silence, and there was only one mention of a "UFO" -- and that singular mention was clearly an off-the-cuff joke from one of the men in the field.

As is typical of attention-seeking hucksters of UFO fraud. Mr. Hastings has called Mr. Carlson a liar and government-shill for the coverup. Those with genuine intent and the truth on their side to not engage in such embarrassing bottom-feed behavior.

Additionally, Mr. Walt Figel was sitting next to Mr. Carlson in the control room at the time, and has been presented as one of Hastings' "start witnesses." However, those seeking the truth will discover that Figel states he never believed there was a UFO involved, there was never any ordered of silence, and no one was "debriefed for hours" for any reason (this information is found in an email from Mr. Figel to Mr. Carlson). The fact that Hastings failed to invite Mr. Figel to his grand press conference in September of this year, despite the fact Mr. Figel lives only a few miles from the venue, speaks volumes to Hastings fraudulent intent.

The involvement of Robert Salas in Hastings' media grandiosity is more evidence of the intent to deceive the public. Salas, who Hastings has taken on as a partner, has been proven to have not been at any of the actual bases where these contrived "UFO events" took place and has changed his story more than once over the years.

It should also be pointed out that the actual cause of the missile shutdown was, absolutely discovered and found to be a software issue that was corrected.

These are but a few of the troubling indications of deception in Hastings' story that are unfortunate examples of all that is wrong with contemporary UFO studies; unethical people concocting fiction for personal gain. Sadly, Hastings has demonstrated he is little more than just another con-artist fabricating a hoax to sell books.

For those concerned with provable facts, I strongly suggest you read Mr. Carlson's definitive and freely available book on the subject here:
Echo Flights of Fantasy: Anatomy of a UFO Hoax

On September 27, 2010, in an attempt to build support for the disclosure of UFO-related documents by the U.S. Department of Defense, authors Robert Hastings and Robert Salas hosted a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.Only confirmed members of the press and Congressional staff were invited to attend.With them were seven veterans of the U.S. military who have publically affirmed the interference by UFOs with nuclear facilities in the United States and Europe. According to Hastings and Salas, this proves that the claim of the United States Air Force since 1969 that UFO activity has never had an effect on the national security of the U.S. is a lie.Out of all of the witnesses present,three had come forward to discuss their involvement with a well-known case that allegedly occurred at Malmstrom AFB, Montana in the spring of 1967:the Echo Flight incident of March 16, and an associated event at Oscar Flight on March 24-25.Since first being exposed to public scrutiny by Robert Salas in 1995, this alleged confrontation between UFO and nuclear missile silos has come to be considered one of ten UFO incidents around the world that is best supported by the most reliable evidence.Questions raised regarding the credibility of the witnesses insist, however, that this notoriety is hardly deserved.

According to Robert Salas, co-author with James Klotz of Faded Giant, which purports to discuss the Echo Flight event, UFOs reported over two flights – each equipped with ten nuclear missiles – interfered with the normal operation of the flights by taking all of the missiles off of strategic alert, thereby rendering them temporarily unavailable to U.S. forces.When Robert Salas, the primary witness to this event, first made public this case in 1995, he asserted thathe was present at Echo Flight as the deputy commander on duty, who, with the commander, was required to monitor the missiles and fire them, if necessary, at pre-selected targets in the Soviet Union and China.This small, two-man capsule crew was embedded in a chamber 60-100 feet beneath the surface of the Montana plains.It was very well protected, because the crew needed to survive a first-strike scenario in order to retaliate should a nuclear exchange occur.It was in this environment that Robert Salas posited UFO interference with America's primary nuclear deterrent of the 1960s, and he did so by redefining an actual event that the U.S. Department of Defense was, in the 1960s and 1970s, extremely concerned about keeping secret, not because of UFOs, but due to the inherent nature of deterrent forces.In the original USAF records discussing this event, it is characterized as the Echo Flight Incident.

USAF records indicate that the Echo Flight Incident occurred at 0845 on the morning of March 16, 1967, about two hours after sunrise. The events that occurred were summarized in September 1969 in Bernard C. Nalty's USAF Ballistic Missile Programs 1967-1968, a TOP SECRET NOFORN document discussing problems encountered by U.S. missile forces:"Another problem … appeared in March 1967 when an entire flight of Minuteman I missiles at Malmstrom went abruptly off alert.Extensive tests at Malmstrom, Ogden Air Materiel Area, and at the Boeing plant in Seattle revealed that an electronic noise pulse had shut down the flight.In effect, this surge of noise was similar to the electromagnetic pulse generated by nuclear explosions.The component of Minuteman I that was most vulnerable to noise pulse was the logic coupler of the guidance and control system.Subsequent tests showed that the same part in Minuteman II was equally sensitive to this same phenomenon."

The incident is discussed in some detail in other documents as well, notably the 341st Strategic Missile Wing and Combat Support Group Command History:"On 16 March 1967 at 0845, all sites in Echo (E) Flight, Malmstrom AFB, shutdown with No-Go indications of Channel 9 and 12 on Voice Reporting Signal Assemble (VRSA).All LF's in E Flight lost strategic alert nearly simultaneously."

These statements are clear, straightforward, and very specific, as almost all of the official documents discussing the incident are, so why, exactly, are UFOs thought to have been involved?The documents certainly don't attribute the cause to UFOs – they are all very clear, as such records generally are.If this event is one of the ten UFO incidents around the world that is best supported by the most reliable evidence, where is the evidence? And where did Salas' version of this incident originate, if not with the incident itself?

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Robert Hastings
No video of the lecture at Oxford is planned. No money to do that.

I'm quite certain it would be relatively easy for you to locate one or more gob-smacked true believers to record the event in its entirety. Unless, of course, a complete record may provide thinking people with additional means whereby your conjecture may be dismantled, again.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by The Shrike

Funny, I would have said press conferences covered on international news sites both before, during and after the event, would be evidence of quite a high profile- and, Robert is a well known and respected figure within the UFO investigation field. As a UK citizen, I for one am glad he has taken the time out to visit this country- I imagine it will also give him the opportunity to investigate some of the many hard sightings in the UK (including ones around nuclear bases). I find it laughable that the debunkers are claiming that he is somehow 'cashing in' by these appearances- I can think of much easier and lucrative ways of making money than taking constant public flak from ill mannered, under researched mouth pieces with their own axe to grind (dont mean you, by the way).

And, no one cares about UFO's ability to de-activate nukes? Speak for yourself- I would say that it is extremely important that a countries nuclear deterrent seems to be able to be shut down remotely 'at will'- but hey- maybe 'UFO's over Mexico' is more important to you?

As for Mr Carlson, anyone who is familiar with his 'work' would know that this person has continually harrassed Robert Hastings, and has been shown to be wrong repeatedly. I have no idea what his agenda is, but it seems as though he spends his every waking hour looking for ways to attack Robert Hastings, which in itself marks him out as suspicious.

Good luck in Oxford, Robert.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Thunda
As for Mr Carlson, anyone who is familiar with his 'work' would know that this person has continually harrassed Robert Hastings, and has been shown to be wrong repeatedly.

Would you be so kind as to provide the evidence that supports you claim?

Based on my research, through multiple sources, it is Hastings who has been proven to be wrong.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by Thunda
reply to post by The Shrike

Funny, I would have said press conferences covered on international news sites both before, during and after the event, would be evidence of quite a high profile- and, Robert is a well known and respected figure within the UFO investigation field. As a UK citizen, I for one am glad he has taken the time out to visit this country- I imagine it will also give him the opportunity to investigate some of the many hard sightings in the UK (including ones around nuclear bases). I find it laughable that the debunkers are claiming that he is somehow 'cashing in' by these appearances- I can think of much easier and lucrative ways of making money than taking constant public flak from ill mannered, under researched mouth pieces with their own axe to grind (dont mean you, by the way).

And, no one cares about UFO's ability to de-activate nukes? Speak for yourself- I would say that it is extremely important that a countries nuclear deterrent seems to be able to be shut down remotely 'at will'- but hey- maybe 'UFO's over Mexico' is more important to you?

As for Mr Carlson, anyone who is familiar with his 'work' would know that this person has continually harrassed Robert Hastings, and has been shown to be wrong repeatedly. I have no idea what his agenda is, but it seems as though he spends his every waking hour looking for ways to attack Robert Hastings, which in itself marks him out as suspicious.

Good luck in Oxford, Robert.

We can cut to the chase with the following: when was the last time the topic of UFOs and nukes made the news whether on TV or newspapers/magazines? Frankly, I cannot remember even one instance. But UFOs over Mexico are constantly in the news. I don't accept the alleged reality of aliens and I don't accept the alleged reality of UFOs connected with nuclear sites or interference with ascending missiles.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by


Hate to agree, but I do. Hasting's popped out of the blue after 2001 ego man (Dr) Steven Greer failed to Internationalize his work at the Press Club.. (9/11) got in the way?
However, Mr Hasting's is a serious face fluttering of other's work in terms of investigations. ATS has far more direct and incisive researchers than Mr Hasting's has tv airtime. McDonald, Kehoe, Linda M. Howe, Timothy Good, Berlitz, Stringfield and a few others such as Ray Fowler and Bud Hopkins (mentioning a few of the major researchers), did the real work through research compilation and written reporting.

Hastings? Sorry sir.


posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 07:29 PM
Unfortunately I won't be able to make it, can't let me team down tomorrow - but I hope it goes well. Hopefully someone else will have a camera!

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 07:34 AM
Mr. Hastings was listed on todays RENSE news list with this:

Robert Hastings: Unidentified Aerial Object Sighted During October 2010 Nuclear Missile Incident

Interesting.... very interesting....

posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to:

Is this interview also a fraud ?

Robert Hastings/Walt Figel Audio Interview Clip (2008)
link -

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: easynow

I was based at Hill AFB, UT., which was the depot for the Air Force's Minuteman Missiles. My base was involved in investigations involving UFOs interfering with our Minuteman missiles. The UFOs were not of this earth and have affected missiles of the former Soviet Union as well.

In addition, our space surveillance assets detect UFOs as they arrive from deep space, but not many people are aware of that fact. In 1968, Carl Sagan requested radar space surveillance data on UFOs. Apparently is seems, he was made aware that our space surveillance radars were tracking artificial objects that were not spacecraft nor missiles.

edit on 9-10-2015 by skyeagle409 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2015 @ 12:35 PM

originally posted by: skyeagle409.... In 1968, Carl Sagan requested radar space surveillance data on UFOs. Apparently is seems, he was made aware that our space surveillance radars were tracking artificial objects that were not spacecraft nor missiles.

How would anyone verify this story, please?

posted on Oct, 10 2015 @ 06:18 PM

originally posted by: JimOberg

originally posted by: skyeagle409.... In 1968, Carl Sagan requested radar space surveillance data on UFOs. Apparently is seems, he was made aware that our space surveillance radars were tracking artificial objects that were not spacecraft nor missiles.

How would anyone verify this story, please?

Given Sagan's changing/alternating views concerning ufos as his world picture expanded, why does it seem to you that he might not have sought that data when he learned of its existence? It seems to me that it would take any individual years to become familiar with everything he conceptualized, wrote about, and discussed with others.

posted on Oct, 12 2015 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: JimOberg

You can start here.




JULY 29, 1968

Dr. Carl Sagan:
"Apparently what is now happening is that the Air Force surveillance radar is throwing away the data that is of relevance for this inquiry. In other words, if it sees something that is not on a ballistic trajectory, or not in orbit, it ignores it, it throws it in the garbage."

"Well, that garbage is just the area of our interest. So if some method could be devised by the Air Force to save the output that they are throwing away from these space surveillance radars, it might be the least expensive way to significantly improve our information about these phenomena."

I have also contacted Ron Regehr, former Aerojet engineer who was involved in the DSP satellite project. He confirmed to me personally, that our space surveillance assets have been tracking UFOs in space and he even mentioned detection by DSP satellites.

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: skyeagle409
a reply to: JimOberg

You can start here.





JULY 29, 1968

Dr. Carl Sagan:

"Apparently what is now happening is that the Air Force surveillance radar is throwing away the data that is of relevance for this inquiry. In other words, if it sees something that is not on a ballistic trajectory, or not in orbit, it ignores it, it throws it in the garbage."

"Well, that garbage is just the area of our interest. So if some method could be devised by the Air Force to save the output that they are throwing away from these space surveillance radars, it might be the least expensive way to significantly improve our information about these phenomena."

I have also contacted Ron Regehr, former Aerojet engineer who was involved in the DSP satellite project. He confirmed to me personally, that our space surveillance assets have been tracking UFOs in space and he even mentioned detection by DSP satellites.

Thanks, that indeed shows that Sagan was interested in seeing all NORAD tracks, presumably to see what if anything they were picking up, perhaps to compare with ground sighting reports. He wanted to add yet another instrument [such as all-sky cameras] to enhance the depth of airspace surveillance.

The presumtion that he KNEW that data WOULD regularly show unknowns of a consistent type seems a stretch to me. But that looks like what many folks want it to mean. Trying to read somebody's mind via indirect cues seems to frequently result in people perceiving what they already think they know.

ADD: To me, his desire for raw tracking data does NOT mean "In 1968, Carl Sagan requested radar space surveillance data on UFOs," which assumes what is to be proven, that anomalous readings involved a category of objects called 'UFOs'.
edit on 13-10-2015 by JimOberg because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 04:11 AM
Bashars pov is pretty interesting and accurate imo

posted on Oct, 19 2015 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: Benicealways
Bashars pov is pretty interesting and accurate imo

New screen name, same Bashar spam.

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