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Webbots, Time Wave Zero & the Fractal Prophecies of Daniel & John

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posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 03:08 AM
As cogently observed by Freud more than a hundred years ago, the consciousness of the ‘thinker’ (or the “ego”) originates in the fear of death; while, simultaneously, the “ego” is also considered to be the origin of the concept of time itself. (And, interestingly enough, at about the same ‘time’ that Freud was establishing the psychological origin of the concept of time, Einstein was challenging the concept of “absolute time” in physical theory itself, with the introduction of such concepts as “time dilation” and “relativistic time” in opposition to the descriptions of classical physics.)

But, only in retrospect, a close examination of the Meditations on First Philosophy by Descartes could have easily come to a similar conclusion; the postulation of the thought of the ‘thinker’ being a “reaction formation” to the ‘time dilation’/emergent psychosis described in the opening passages of the Second Meditation of Descartes; and radical doubt being recognized as, in fact, a time-reversal of the “beast of the earth”-consciousness of the ‘thinker’ to a more primitive dimension of consciousness: the “beast of the sea” (“I feel as though, all of a sudden, I have fallen into deep water.”)-consciousness of the “self”.

(And, interestingly enough, more than a hundred years after Freud established the “ego” as the origin of the concept of time—that is, time going only in one direction—Time Symmetrical Quantum Mechanics, Reverse Speech Analysis, and the observations of theoretical physicist, Jack Sarfatti with regards to “back action” or ‘backwards causation’, simply take for granted that time goes both forwards and backwards; and that information is, in fact, at this very moment coming backwards in time from the future in order for these words to be written at all.)

In any case, then, there are two independent and incommensurable points of view (or frames of reference) for the description of the fractal Prophecies in both Chapters 11 & 12 of the Book of Daniel and the Revelation of John with regards to the “time of the End”: the frame of reference of the consciousness of the ‘thinker’, which originates in the fear of death (and, for that reason, is utterly obsessed with events in the space-time reality); and the frame of reference of the dimension of consciousness Created ‘by and in the image of God’—that is, a frame of reference which is utterly unconcerned with events in the space-time reality; but, instead, conveys the Knowledge Revealed through the Vision of the “Son of man” and the Revelation of the resurrection”.

Now, because the consciousness of the ‘thinker’ is significantly if not primarily concerned with the fear of death, all Prophecies of the “time of the End” are considered to be nothing more than predictions of, exclusively, horrific catastrophes of one kind or another (or, on the other hand, people being ‘Raptured’ or ‘riding white horses out of the sky’, etc., etc.) in the space-time reality; when, in fact, given that time itself originates in the consciousness of the ‘thinker’ (Moses, Daniel, Jesus, John and Mohammed all had a Knowledge of human consciousness several orders of magnitude ‘above the pay grade’ of either Freud, Reich, Jung, or even Krishnamurti), the term “time of the End” should be understood as, instead, “the End of time”; that is, the very annihilation of the consciousness of the ‘thinker’ itself. (And, thus, it should come as no surprise at all that the consciousness of the ‘thinker’ is both infuriated at, and intensely opposed to any and all Knowledge Revealed through the Vision of the “Son of man” and the Revelation of the “resurrection”.) In other words, the Prophecies in both the Book of Daniel and the Revelation of John have been received only against the background of the utter annihilation of both the consciousness of the ‘thinker’ and the consciousness of the “self”; an experience several orders of magnitude more traumatic than as described by Descartes in the opening passages of the Second Meditation.

And, getting to the point of this note, this obsession by the ‘thinker’ with the fear of death and the potential for world-wide catastrophes of one kind or another in the space-time reality is also the reason for the significant amounts of attention currently being given on ATS to the predictions of the ‘Webbots’ and ‘Time Wave Zero’; which purportedly, or so the story goes (I really don’t pay that much attention), have both predicted some horrific occurrence or other (nuclear terrorism, financial collapse, geological catastrophe, war with Iran, or Britney Spears breaking a fingernail—you know, things like that) in the space-time reality from today (or is it tomorrow, or is it the day after tomorrow, or was it last week, or will it be in another week or ten days, etc. etc. etc.) over the next couple of months or so.

In other words, just as there is a second (and minimally publicized) perspective on the fractal Prophecies of Daniel and John—a perspective having to do with the Knowledge received through Revelation rather than any events in the space-time reality—there may very well be another frame of reference altogether for interpreting the data of both the ‘Webbots’ and ‘Time Wave Zero’; that is, not as pertaining to any particularly horrific events in the space-time reality; but rather, as, instead, descriptions of a large-scale change in human consciousness as a result of relatively minor occurrences or changes in the space-time reality.

Or not.

It really makes no difference to me.

Mi cha el

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 03:18 AM
Well written..Good read..I hope that you are right..My wife and I have discussed this as well..but I could not have written it as convincingly.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 03:21 AM
Maybe there is hope that we can rise to civilization 1..from our current level of 0. Glad to see that someone else is seeing just a hair of hope in all the doom and gloom. The odds are against us but..Maybe.

Well, assuming that are new level of consciousness is not worse than our current level of consciousness.
edit on 14-11-2010 by spav5 because: added the last line

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 04:05 AM

Originally posted by spav5
Maybe there is hope that we can rise to civilization 1..from our current level of 0. Glad to see that someone else is seeing just a hair of hope in all the doom and gloom. The odds are against us but..Maybe.

Well, assuming that are new level of consciousness is not worse than our current level of consciousness.
edit on 14-11-2010 by spav5 because: added the last line

The major problem I have with all such predictions of the future is that, ultimately, they result in paralysis.

What is a person supposed to DO with such predictions?

People spend money on such predictions; and hours contemplating their significance; and then determining whether this or that occurrence is, in fact, one that has been predicted or not; in order to determine whether any credibility should be given to the next, and the next, and the next prediction. And the situation repeats over and over.

All of which appears to be pursued with the same intensity as an alcoholic or a heroin addict attempting to maintain a constant supply of alcohol or heroin.

People are relegated to being nothing more than observers of reality with no power--and, therefore, no responsibility--whatsoever to change that reality.

The Christian religious 'authorities' and their followers, in particular, appear to have PROSTRATED themselves to the Prophecies of Armageddon; rather than doing EVERYTHING in their power to prevent them.

And, if you challenge them on this, you are accused with the same tone of voice as if being accused of being a demon from hell for suggesting such a thing.

And that is part of the reason for the fulfillment of those Prophecies themselves in the first place; that, rather than attempting to oppose evil each and every day on both a large scale and a small scale, people have just sat back and 'comforted' themselves with the belief that NOTHING can be done.

And, when this paralysis occurs on a mass scale--to tens and hundreds of millions of people--those who are aggressively pursuing evil have free rein to effect their goals.

And, when that happens, all of these people 'think' that they will be able to sit back and congratulate themselves that they have believed those Prophecies...

When, in fact, it was their responsibility to diminish violence and immorality in the world.

Mi cha el
edit on 14-11-2010 by Michael Cecil because: grammar

edit on 14-11-2010 by Michael Cecil because: ditto

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by Michael Cecil
in reply to your conclusions:
"And, when that happens, all of these people 'think' that they will be able to sit back and congratulate themselves that they have believed those Prophecies...

When, in fact, it was their responsibility to diminish violence and immorality in the world"


chaos, disorder, death are all elements of the larger plan...and will occur just as surely as a tide does.
Apocalyptic Prophecy not withstanding

the flower of today was produced from the ashes and decomposed matter of the world and time...
is that such a bad thing... if we actively change the 'plan' by sterilizing chaos/disorder/destruction/death from our lives...

then... we have become another anti-christ.
edit on 14-11-2010 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-11-2010 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 04:55 AM
Interesting read.

I can tell you don't know much about Timewave Zero. I have read most of Terrence Mckennas books and studied the Timewave Zero program over the years so I can fill you in a little bit.

Timewave Zero is supposed to track novelty. New, different experiences, change etc. For example

So you cannot really predict anything specific with Timewave Zero. The graph starts plummeting (lower points are increases in novelty) on Nov 14th right now, today, as I type, it has begun.

the novelty we are about to experience isn't necessarily going to be anything bad. Maybe someone will invent a new machine that creates unlimited free energy and it changes the world for the better, or maybe a plague wipes out 99% of all humans on earth. Who knows. It could be anything at either end of the spectrum.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by St Udio
reply to post by Michael Cecil
in reply to your conclusions:
"And, when that happens, all of these people 'think' that they will be able to sit back and congratulate themselves that they have believed those Prophecies...

When, in fact, it was their responsibility to diminish violence and immorality in the world"


chaos, disorder, death are all elements of the larger plan...and will occur just as surely as a tide does.
Apocalyptic Prophecy not withstanding

the flower of today was produced from the ashes and decomposed matter of the world and time...
is that such a bad thing... if we actively change the 'plan' by sterilizing chaos/disorder/destruction/death from our lives...

then... we have become another anti-christ.
edit on 14-11-2010 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-11-2010 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

And it is nonsense like this that is contributing quite significantly to the problem in the first place.

An "anti-christ" is someone who attempts to diminish immorality and violence?

An "anti-christ" are the members of the Jewish Voice for Peace or Young, Jewish and Proud who are fighting for justice for the Palestinians?

Are you SERIOUS?

In one of the Gospels or another, Jesus says something to the effect 'Evil must come into the world; but woe unto you if you are the one by which that evil comes'; or something to that effect.

And, if he didn't say it, he should have.

The purpose of Prophecies in the Bible has always been to convince people to repent of their immorality and the errors of their ways. As demonstrated by the Prophecy of Jonah against Nineveh, repentance is what is desired by the Creator rather than the annihilation of His creation (humans).

It appears that each and every one of the thousands of people that I have informed of the Prophecies I have received of the coming "time of trouble" over the past 34+ years have been PARALYZED into doing nothing more than WAITING to see whether those Prophecies will be fulfilled or not.

That was NOT the reason that I informed them.

Mi cha el

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by guyopitz
Interesting read. I can tell you don't know much about Timewave Zero.


Just as I said in the OP.

Personally, I am particularly drawn to the whole concept of novelty; when I lost interest is when I saw there was an attempt to mesh the webbot predictions of catastrophes to time wave zero.

But I have not in any way attempted to validate the time wave zero perspective or investigate its origin.

In other words, I know probably less about time wave zero than you 'think' I know.

Mi cha el

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 05:26 AM

Originally posted by guyopitz

I like how the chart puts both the Revolutionary War and WWII prior to the year 1776. Stellar work.
edit on 14-11-2010 by DeltaChaos because: clarity

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by DeltaChaos

i would suggest a typo in the final date, merely judging by the previous time gaps.

michael, thank you for your thread, a very encouraging and intuitively resonating perspective. the fear of the unknown and projected worst case scenarios are very much symptoms of the current insecurity-ridden zeitgeist, courtesy of those whose interest is an insecurity-ridden populace. but all these current events, both global and galactic (and universal or omniversal as far as i know) ...the bubbles, the electromagnetic space we are entering etc, they need not necessarily entail a negative novelty, though a novelty it certainly seems to be.
the concept of multi-directional time (as seen in reverse speech as a small example) is one that has most definitely struck a chord for some time now. i have daily experiences of acute near-future cognition, to an increasing degree, which make linear time seem decreasingly plausible. and though my consciousness has been equally invaded by gloomy suggestions as anyone else's on these boards, my intuitive sense is that of an incomprehensibly positive shift. for those who have the capability to process it.
and i thank you for nurturing that intuition

a good time to you and all

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by DeltaChaos

Thats what I'm thinking.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by Michael Cecil

Originally posted by St Udio
reply to post by Michael Cecil
in reply to your conclusions:
"And, when that happens, all of these people 'think' that they will be able to sit back and congratulate themselves that they have believed those Prophecies...

When, in fact, it was their responsibility to diminish violence and immorality in the world"


chaos, disorder, death are all elements of the larger plan...and will occur just as surely as a tide does.
Apocalyptic Prophecy not withstanding

the flower of today was produced from the ashes and decomposed matter of the world and time...
is that such a bad thing... if we actively change the 'plan' by sterilizing chaos/disorder/destruction/death from our lives...

then... we have become another anti-christ.
edit on 14-11-2010 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-11-2010 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

And it is nonsense like this that is contributing quite significantly to the problem in the first place.

An "anti-christ" is someone who attempts to diminish immorality and violence?

An "anti-christ" are the members of the Jewish Voice for Peace or Young, Jewish and Proud who are fighting for justice for the Palestinians?

Are you SERIOUS?

In one of the Gospels or another, Jesus says something to the effect 'Evil must come into the world; but woe unto you if you are the one by which that evil comes'; or something to that effect.

And, if he didn't say it, he should have.

The purpose of Prophecies in the Bible has always been to convince people to repent of their immorality and the errors of their ways. As demonstrated by the Prophecy of Jonah against Nineveh, repentance is what is desired by the Creator rather than the annihilation of His creation (humans).

It appears that each and every one of the thousands of people that I have informed of the Prophecies I have received of the coming "time of trouble" over the past 34+ years have been PARALYZED into doing nothing more than WAITING to see whether those Prophecies will be fulfilled or not.

That was NOT the reason that I informed them.

Mi cha el

i retort that your worldview is sophistry, compared to my 'nonsense'....

subjective virtues, like expelling destruction (evil) are mankinds follies.

death, disease are always with us, and if not necessary to the function of living
then we would all be immortals...what a mess that would be...
No, your duty is not to stamp out evil in the world, your individual duty is to not embrace
falsehood, lies, murder and like kind character traits in one's life

It is your loosey-goosey moral crusade that is the cause of most of the worlds ills...
your outlook that your WAY is the correct Way and all others are Satanic ideas.
just look at the Muslim-Christian-Zionist's all imposing their militantancy on others
because they are ordained to stamp out the other persons' Evil ways and notions.

the Prophecies were put there to confound the seeker, the elements of these
prediction events are 'roadmaps' and 'keys' as to the historical time and the
human Imperitive... there is a tincture of morality in the forecasts so as to
help heal the minds of the seekers but that is not the sole purpose of
Revelation or Apocalypse...
seeking to change the chain of life, death, birth,live, death, etc
is attempting to supersede the plan of your G0d with one's human wisdom.
seeking to force others to be moral, or pious to your belief system is taking
on the character of Judge, Jury, Jailer, executioner--a self appointed Anti-christ,

the same 'enemy' you seek to confront.


posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by St Udio

Originally posted by Michael Cecil

Originally posted by St Udio
reply to post by Michael Cecil
in reply to your conclusions:
"And, when that happens, all of these people 'think' that they will be able to sit back and congratulate themselves that they have believed those Prophecies...

When, in fact, it was their responsibility to diminish violence and immorality in the world"


chaos, disorder, death are all elements of the larger plan...and will occur just as surely as a tide does.
Apocalyptic Prophecy not withstanding

the flower of today was produced from the ashes and decomposed matter of the world and time...
is that such a bad thing... if we actively change the 'plan' by sterilizing chaos/disorder/destruction/death from our lives...

then... we have become another anti-christ.
edit on 14-11-2010 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-11-2010 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

And it is nonsense like this that is contributing quite significantly to the problem in the first place.

An "anti-christ" is someone who attempts to diminish immorality and violence?

An "anti-christ" are the members of the Jewish Voice for Peace or Young, Jewish and Proud who are fighting for justice for the Palestinians?

Are you SERIOUS?

In one of the Gospels or another, Jesus says something to the effect 'Evil must come into the world; but woe unto you if you are the one by which that evil comes'; or something to that effect.

And, if he didn't say it, he should have.

The purpose of Prophecies in the Bible has always been to convince people to repent of their immorality and the errors of their ways. As demonstrated by the Prophecy of Jonah against Nineveh, repentance is what is desired by the Creator rather than the annihilation of His creation (humans).

It appears that each and every one of the thousands of people that I have informed of the Prophecies I have received of the coming "time of trouble" over the past 34+ years have been PARALYZED into doing nothing more than WAITING to see whether those Prophecies will be fulfilled or not.

That was NOT the reason that I informed them.

Mi cha el

i retort that your worldview is sophistry, compared to my 'nonsense'....

Hey, be my guest.

Retort all you want; today, tomorrow, next month, next year, next lifetime.


subjective virtues, like expelling destruction (evil) are mankinds follies.

Oh, of course.

Like not raining down white phosphorous on children.

What a "folly" that is.

Like not attempting to starve people to death.

What a "folly" that is.

death, disease are always with us, and if not necessary to the function of living
then we would all be immortals...what a mess that would be...

More of a mess than what we have right now?

Say, what is the name of the planet you live on?

I might like to live there.

This planet is called "Earth".

No, your duty is not to stamp out evil in the world, your individual duty is to not embrace
falsehood, lies, murder and like kind character traits in one's life

Well, it appears that you have failed in that regard.

But you appear to be ejoying yourself immensely.

So, carry on.

It is your loosey-goosey moral crusade that is the cause of most of the worlds ills...
your outlook that your WAY is the correct Way and all others are Satanic ideas.
just look at the Muslim-Christian-Zionist's all imposing their militantancy on others
because they are ordained to stamp out the other persons' Evil ways and notions.

We'll see.

the Prophecies were put there to confound the seeker, the elements of these
prediction events are 'roadmaps' and 'keys' as to the historical time and the
human Imperitive... there is a tincture of morality in the forecasts so as to
help heal the minds of the seekers but that is not the sole purpose of
Revelation or Apocalypse...

I've already dealt with these matters at lengh in dozens upon dozens of notes I have written to ATS, as well as on a website which is described as a "hate speech" website.

seeking to change the chain of life, death, birth,live, death, etc
is attempting to supersede the plan of your G0d with one's human wisdom.

The Knowledge I write has been received through Revelation; whatever evils you may accuse me of.

seeking to force others to be moral, or pious to your belief system is taking
on the character of Judge, Jury, Jailer, executioner--a self appointed Anti-christ,

(And I don't have even ONE nuclear weapon or F-35, imagine that.)

In any case, flattery will get you nowhere.

Mi cha el


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