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Iraq War footage (graphic)

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posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 09:11 PM
Making sure that combatant ( a NON innocent) wasn't going to ambush them later, or get up and shoot them from behind is fine. It's war. Get over it.

HOWEVER, that marine saying "hell yeah, that was awesome, lets do it again" Is seriously messed up in the head. He has a job to do, but saying it is awesome to kill an enemy that isn't even attempting to harm you? Hmm.

Sure, they killed him. Fine. But you don't have to make that comment. That marine makes me semi-ill. I mean, sure, do what you have to do, get it done, but pray for that man's soul, not say "hell yeah, that was awesome"

Plus, that marine looked like some redneck farmboy that grew up taught to kill.


posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 09:32 PM
I don't know about you all but i would have grabbed the iraqi and pulled him into our lines. Yes this is a war but you can choose how to fight it. Last thing i would do is shoot a wounded soldier. To me he is a soldier and a man risking his life for his country. I wouldn't give a # if he would have bayoneted my frickin corpse. We need to show we're better than them.

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 11:48 PM
He was not a soldier there fore the Geneva rules do not apply to him his country did not sign the Geneva rules and an enemy who dresses like a civilian and fires on the run is not eligible for the Geneva rules also im sure that if you tried to attack an Iraqi and he wounded you im sure he would try and help you. But he wouldn't he would just drag you body for miles till you die that way these are the people we are dealing with.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 01:50 AM
westpoint you stupid idiot they are nothing like that, the people there are strong people. they demand respect cause thier country has been through a dictator and they survived.also NOT EVERY ONE IS AGAINST YOU.
its time you woke up and smelt the coffee.
also thats the same damm exscuse the japanses pulled in ww2 so are you saying we should disregard the geneva convention?
infact using that logic hell lets just bring back all those lovely you banned.
they might not of signed it but you country and mine sure bloody well did and dont you dare forget that if you go into the services.
west point i can seriosly say this if i get into the services and i we meet you better watch it cause il be watching you like a hawk and have the MP's on your ass

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 02:21 AM
The differance between America atitude to people and Britains is clear see linklink

This soldier didn`t even kill.Americans forces have always had a questionable attitude to fellow humans.Look at the amount of murders and rapes that occured during vietnam.American basic training has no room to teach matureaty and respect for your enemy.Thats why they lose so many men because they underestimate there opponents.Maybe one day that marine will grow a brain and if he survives long enough he will learn at least not to do that on camera.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 02:31 AM
devil your always loving the enemy this is war not some peace keeping mission your orders are to win and kill the enemy he may be wounded but what do you benefit by giving him another day to live nothing and the enemy will take advantage of this if he thinks your soft and wont kill him he will not be afraid of you anymore and if they were oppressed for so long why would they attack the liberation army and the shia make over 60% of Iraq they were tortured the Kurds make about 20% they were also tortured the other 20 percent are the Sunni so to say that only a small minority was tortured by saddam is ignorant.

[edit on 5-7-2004 by WestPoint23]

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 02:18 PM
There are a few things to remember, he is an enemy combatant, probably had just been engaged with the marines and firing very real rounds at them. Its war and people die, and given the chance the enemy would do the same to you. If he was still holding his gun he would most certainly be firing it.

The general idea is for you to remain alive while eliminating the enemy. The enemy combatant new the risks when he engaged the Marines and for that he lost his life, not because the Marines were being in humane.

Remember: "You dont win a war dying for your country, You win by making the enemy die for his country! "

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 11:03 PM
And you wonder why the iraqi's feel terrified and oppressed. If you kill wounded in front of iraqi eyes you will have more enemies. They will grow and grow if you keep this # up.

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 11:48 PM
I don't know why I decided to go back into this post. Devil, you are a bad role model for risking soldiers life as stated in my other post. Ivan, how do you know that the person didn't have anything else on him. The guy is a enemy, I can't believe a video turned into this. I posted this in words of the video, not the words written on the page. Sad how you people see this as a fault.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 12:22 AM
Oh its not ok for us to kill the enemy but it is ok for Iraqis to dance in the streets like monkeys whenever a car explodes and kills their own people

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 01:17 AM
Westpoint sometimes when i see them dance when the marines pick up a dead comrade of their and put him in a truck, i get disgusted, more like i want to get a 50 cal and rain down upon them... but im sure they are a minority.

As for that wounded bloke. I would personally risk my life to rescue him. But of course i'll be pointing a gun at him at all times in case if he wants to take someone with him.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 02:24 PM
I just love how people who have never seen one iota of combat are willing to say "If I were there, I would have done this...."

People who have never been involved in close quarter combat (myself included) with a determined enemy have NO BASIS or JUSTIFICATION at all for criticising the actions, reactions, words, attitudes and deed of those people who are unfortunate to have to put a bullet into somebody else's body. PERIOD.

You have no idea what they have been through, who they have seen killed, maimed or destroyed, who they themselves have had to kill, maim or destroy, and how much pain, suffering and anguish they have had to either endure or inflict. It screws with even the toughest person's head, and we armchair quarterbacks should just shut the hell up and let the Army deal with it themselves.

This is a perfect example of why the military is loathed to let combat reports on the front. Not to censor them and prevent the public fromseeing what is done....but from distoring and misleading the public on what the soldier have to do in order to survive and win....just to create ratings or forward a political agenda.

War is hell and people die....sometimes in a very hard an unmerciful manner. It is a fact.

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 05:16 AM
These people were killed because they were hostiles. If an enemy is wounded in combat and is not killed before crossing the battlefield aid is not required to be given. According to the geneva convention one can walk across the battlefield and shoot every single body in the head and this is legal. If a wounded enemy is found after crossing the battlefield then aid is required to be given as long as this enemy has been passed already. The Geneva convention has this written in it because of the food and essentials that soldiers carry usually are not sufficient to support POWs.

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 05:30 AM

Originally posted by WeBDeviL
Making sure that combatant ( a NON innocent) wasn't going to ambush them later, or get up and shoot them from behind is fine. It's war. Get over it.

HOWEVER, that marine saying "hell yeah, that was awesome, lets do it again" Is seriously messed up in the head. He has a job to do, but saying it is awesome to kill an enemy that isn't even attempting to harm you? Hmm.

Sure, they killed him. Fine. But you don't have to make that comment. That marine makes me semi-ill. I mean, sure, do what you have to do, get it done, but pray for that man's soul, not say "hell yeah, that was awesome"

Plus, that marine looked like some redneck farmboy that grew up taught to kill.


This is an example of how a video clip cannot tell a whole story.

Those Marines are trained to kill for months and months, and when they are put into a war zone they are going to do what they were trained to do.

The first reaction to killing someone who is trying to kill you is usually euphoria. Once the adrenaline wears off and the kid (he looked about 19) has time to think about it, he probably won't be recalling the kill with war cries and cheers.

Notice how someone posted a video clip taken from an F-16 FLIR of a bomb falling on about 30 people, and people posted over and over about how awesome it was. Now they see one guy who is wounded get shot and they all call the Marine sick.

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 05:40 AM
-Laws are silent during War - Cicero

What do expect when you give a 18yr old a gun and tell him its his job to shoot people flower arranging?!?!

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 05:44 AM


posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 05:46 AM
Laws are not silent during war. Infantrymen are trained about the laws of war before and after being trained to kill. They are experts on these laws. The U.S. Soldier has more classroom training than field training on how to kill. This is so the U.S. leads the way on following the Laws of War.

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 06:02 AM
I'm glad the Marines have enthusiasm for killing the enemy.

Also, I think the guy was laying mines when they shot him, the Marines probably didn't want to get to close.

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by FNG_J
Laws are not silent during war. Infantrymen are trained about the laws of war before and after being trained to kill. They are experts on these laws. The U.S. Soldier has more classroom training than field training on how to kill. This is so the U.S. leads the way on following the Laws of War.

Errr if Cicero says laws are silent than the laws shut the $%$% up OK!?!?!

No seriously this Cicero guy has been around for alot longer that us and.. well... is right....

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 08:33 AM
It's just a matter of opinion that's all. Depending on where one is from and what religion someone is some laws are silent during war. Not all laws though.

[edit on 4-10-2004 by FNG_J]

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