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Best educations a buyer can save with, in 2010 and onward.

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posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:20 PM
Two things to note:

1. step-by-step 'how to' DVDs.
2. Computer game simulations.

Average DVD video with step by step educating/training info, costs under $22. So why pay for higher schooling which can cost around $20-$40 thousand? You can't learn by your visual learning skill when being taken through a walk through by steps? Don't let higher ed that costs high alright fool you out of lots of bucks you could use for buying either a nice ride or a nice place.

And 2-4 years? Haha, shouldn't take but some re-watching within a week, if your education is on DVD. Visual learning for 2010 and on, folks. Remember who told you.

Helicopter piloting? Should be a DVD with step by step insight. If not, then a videogame of a swell enough simulation should do. Simulation type games for a computer shouldn't cost nothing but around $40 or less. Why pay $40,000?

You could say I learned just enough in how to fly a chopper by a computer game of a simulation kind. Didn't even pay for it since it was a gift when I was younger.

There is a market for you who will put learnable educations into visual, step-by-step format.

Schools will hate this insight. They know why come. Even because you can LEARN WAY MORE than one thing in littler time than some costly higher learning schooling will give to endure.

What sort of educations do you truely want now, if they can be put visually in steps for those with a visual learning skill?
edit on 9-11-2010 by XsameXoneXotherX because: Extra

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:54 PM
True world ed right here:

Hell, if all your life and entertainment is by a laptop and wi-fi, then why pay rent for an apartment or why buy a house, when all your lifestyle calls for is a living out in tents in tent cities? You can pack up your most expensive things (or even lock them up) such as your laptop and ipod. Job? Ha. Don't need to be an employee, just do odd jobs for quick meal (simple muffin pack by little debbies and some granola bars will do, if you need a clue to start with) and clothing and transportation (cab or bus) money. Need to take showers and bush teeth? YMCAs or FITNESS gyms. And anywhere outside, just a cup you fill with water for you to start at brushing your teeth with a wettened toothbrush with toothpaste on it. Yes, just only buy travel size hygene tolitress (sp?). Easy and simple and affective. No need to be paying for todays BS higher learning, or buying today's BS houses, or paying for BS AP or car leases and rentals under BS landlords. All you need TODAY is a simple laptop that can get wi-fi from just outside other people's houses, which inner got it unwebcoded internet FREE by FCC rules and regulations to come into your device which must accept such interferrence, or places like bookstores which got free wi-fi. Look up barns and nobles, and see the free wi-fi.

Dont like this true ed? Then what can you do about it? Nothing!

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:54 AM
I am just a little bit lost, but well go into the first post. You see there are too many professional fields that require a little something called 'experience' , and they require it for a reason. I dont think youd want a two year med students that did 100 hours of "heart simulation" to do a coronary bypass or whatever the hell you call heart surgeory nowadays. Because although most human hearts are similar in design, there are always variances from individual to individual that would never be recognizable unless you experienced it first hand from doing live training sessions and operations.

Or take the helicopter flying you cited. The natural world is highly unprediactable. Whereas a simulation trained pilot has only encountered weather phenomenon as a statistic in the view screen, he may go ahead and gung-ho a flight path that disregards tall objects and other lfight plans due to lack of foresight, soley because the person was awesome ina video game and their ego takes over. A real world experienced pilot however has actually felt the wind manipulate and attack his vehicle. And also knows taking a quick countermeasure can have dire consequences.

So you see, there are countless reasons why real-world experience and hands-on training in a natural setting can and do make a difference in thousands of professions worldwide compared to simulation only based training.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by XsameXoneXotherX

Schools will hate this insight. They know why come. Even because you can LEARN WAY MORE than one thing in littler time than some costly higher learning schooling will give to endure.

I think you need to watch your English/Grammar DVD again.

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