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What if aliens are humans only 200,000 years into the future?

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posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 09:51 AM
What if aliens are humans only 200,000 years into the future? What if we abused genetics to engineer our bodies to live on other worlds? What if we are human 2.0 or "human type 58" and they were the "last" humans coming to earth to make a "human type' that can live in a planet like this one. They go to other worlds and do exactly the same thing. Hundreds of millions of times they do this to certain planets accross thier "domain".

what do you think?

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:03 AM
Well if that's true why would they leave us here alone and not make themselves known? Are we a failed experiment or are they not 'finished' with us yet?

I'm not debunking your idea or anything i actually think it's an interesting concept maybe even possible for other advance alien races to implement. If they are studying us as an experiment i wonder what for...

Interesting, a wee star for you

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:06 AM
The "aliens are time travelers" idea isn't new. It's plausible, as the common description shares many attributes with us. However, looking at our own evolution, the changes between Greys and Humans would be extremely different, and we've only seen relatively minor variations in hominids over time.

Probably more likely that they are a bio-engineered life form designed for space travel (altered beings) than a natural evolution perhaps.

Of course, this theory opens up the whole question of the possibilities/impossibilities of time travel, paradox, etc.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:07 AM
Then we are NOT a experiment of them... because we are there ancestors...

I don't think that this is possible, because I think that time traveling is not possible... at least not back in the past.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:19 AM
why 200 k years?

why not 100 years?...i think we dont need 200 k years for learning how to time travel

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by css1981

Yup. I think the only way to see the past is to look up at the sky and watch the stars.

If you are into paradoxes you should know why!

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

The concept suggests that our “ancestors” – these ancient Humans, are quite vain; they see fit to seed the Universe, at will, with recreations of their original form. Are we that important to their future, their religions, and if so, why?

What does this tell us about other possible life out there? Are we – Human – the dominant form?

Did the opposable thumb make us unique, and are we preeminent amongst sentient species because of it?

Who knows…

I’m not sure if I’m entirely comfortable with the idea of Man being rife throughout the stars; what if our present character flaws have continued unchecked?

Can you imagine a race of greedy, angry, empirical Men with 200,000 years worth of technological and military advancement at their disposal?

Perhaps that’s why they – the alien us - haven’t bothered to “disclose” themselves or their technology; it would be akin to Lady Gaga showing a bonobo chimp the latest iPhone. They wouldn’t understand a thing.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by John_Rodger_Cornman
What if aliens are humans only 200,000 years into the future? What if we abused genetics to engineer our bodies to live on other worlds? What if we are human 2.0 or "human type 58" and they were the "last" humans coming to earth to make a "human type' that can live in a planet like this one. They go to other worlds and do exactly the same thing. Hundreds of millions of times they do this to certain planets accross thier "domain".

what do you think?

200,000 years! Ha!
Humanity is AT LEAST 2 million years old (maybe even older). I don't think that we humans could change that much (big black eyes, colorless skin, long arms...) in that "short" period. If not ever. But I don't say it's impossible...
Who knows.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by 123321

Let's assume they are indeed our successors... would DNA manipulation sound plausible?

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by John_Rodger_Cornman
What if aliens are humans only 200,000 years into the future? What if we abused genetics to engineer our bodies to live on other worlds? What if we are human 2.0 or "human type 58" and they were the "last" humans coming to earth to make a "human type' that can live in a planet like this one. They go to other worlds and do exactly the same thing. Hundreds of millions of times they do this to certain planets accross thier "domain".

what do you think?

Depends. Do you mean that Aliens are Humans that far advanced, or that they are Humans travelling back in timethat number of years?
If you refer to the first, then yes, it is very possible, given how advanced they are and have been for a very long time.
If you mean Time-Travel, then I really don't think so. If they had Time-Travelled, it would also mean that they created themselves, given the ancient legends describing them as being the creators of Modern Man, which would be an impossible paradox.
This is the reason that the theory of them being Time-Travellers, never seems logical in my eyes, because it means that they would have created themselves.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by css1981

This isn't actually accurate. We can travel backwards but possibly not forwards. The problem lies with the theory is this. Time machines are like phones, they are useless with only one. So 200,000 years in the future you invent a time machine, you can only return and travel between that first time machine and any that come after it. That then poses the question, if they are coming back this far, who built the time machine in our time to allow them to do so?.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by 123321

200,000 years! Ha!
Humanity is AT LEAST 2 million years old (maybe even older). I don't think that we humans could change that much (big black eyes, colorless skin, long arms...) in that "short" period. If not ever. But I don't say it's impossible...
Who knows.

I am certain aswell that Humanoid species have existed for a very very long time on Earth.However, I think Modern man is quite new, and a direct result of hybridisation of one of the previously existing humanoids-supposedly the remnants of a destroyed Civilisation- and ET's.

In regards of the greys, I agree aswell, why the idea seem all the more unlikely.
That said, and without "defending" the idea of ET's being Time-Travellers, it is important to keep in mind that alot, maybe even most, ET-enconuters describes the ET's as looking pretty Human but with certain differences, such as being very tall and having whiteblonde hair.

The Greys seem to be their helpers, and it have been suggested that the Greys might also be artificial beings.
Ofcourse, they could also just be coworkers and not "under" anyones service.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by FireMoon

What if another race od beings created a hominid-like being on another solar system. We may be completely different organisms but share simularites in how our cellular systems work.

Kinda like if apple made a mac on x86 and a mac on PowerPC. Both computers share the same OS but the archetectures are completely different.

Apple can spread(compile) thier OS to any processors type they feel like(same with microsoft 's windows os)it.

The third party could have made 30 or 3 million humaniod paraterretrial organisms if they felt like it.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 11:04 AM
I cant help but think maybe we are indeed ancestors to these ET's but whos to say that they dont just go round to all the planets with life (cause lets face it billions of stars out there we arent going to be the only things living out there) and like women have said they have been abducted and made preganant then abducted again few months down the line and surprise surprise no baby when they return, but what im saying is. Who's to say that they dont do this and maybe thats why they are so advanced what if they can reproduce with any species. There for gradually adapting to all these different species??

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
The "aliens are time travelers" idea isn't new. It's plausible, as the common description shares many attributes with us. However, looking at our own evolution, the changes between Greys and Humans would be extremely different, and we've only seen relatively minor variations in hominids over time.

Probably more likely that they are a bio-engineered life form designed for space travel (altered beings) than a natural evolution perhaps.

Of course, this theory opens up the whole question of the possibilities/impossibilities of time travel, paradox, etc.

exactly, it would have to be a great amount of time to evolve if at all (still not certain evolution can change major traits, like turning a monkey into a human) with out outside help or millions of years, evolving the only way we know it through natural genetic mutation

the bio-engineered life from or space suit is what I think makes the most sense given they are all similar in appearance and void of emotion almost like robots (at least the accounts of greys) and our atmosphere or just traveling through vast amounts of space to all types of planets would need some sort of suit or robot to do this safely ..... and an advance race would most likely use organic robots (clones) instead of mechanical ones we think about because that is all we can make currently, but organic would be much better just think about all the abuse your body can take and still heal itself

as for the time travel not sure it is possible, but if it was DNA would be the biggest reason IMO and I think DNA is the most important thing/resource in the universe, because (thinking out load) evolution is the only sensible goal in the universe once all other things are figured out (endless fuel, resources, food, etc.) that would be the goal of these advanced civilizations, what is there to gain in conquering planets once all needs are met for hundreds of years, they would be almost like treasure hunters except DNA would be the treasure

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 11:30 AM
Well, if they are us from the future (time travelers) you have to wonder why they are messing with the time line to begin with. There are different theories about time travel, one of them is that it can lead to paradoxes. The famous example is going back in time and kill your grandfather, but then you wouldn't be born or would have invented the time machine to begin with - making the whole endeavor impossible.
Another theory is that by traveling through time you wont change anything - because by the act of time travel you're causing exactly that which you are trying to prevent. Time is elastic in this sense and will more or less shoot back to its original position.
Although there seems to be a factor of time when you read the books about UFOs and aliens, it is by no means clear they are time travelers. Time concepts are difficult to wrap your mind around, and the subject of UFOs seems to be just as elusive.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 11:32 AM
well if they are out there ... I would love to meet them ... we got alot to talk about .. them and I ...
... lol ... would be the best thing ever to happen to me ... future humans and time travel seem possible to me
... Please Come ... I got just a few thousand questions I hope you got time ...?...

edit on 3-11-2010 by Vonour because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

What if my aunt had testi*&^s? She'd be my uncle!

What if??

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 11:36 AM
you should know this day and age you don't need to have testies to be a guy or girl. anymore

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 11:40 AM
What if you are right. What if they are humans from the future. What if they are far more advanced than us. What if they discovered new physics laws. What if that lead to the time machine. What if they traveled back in time. What if those UFOs that we are seeing are really us from the future. What if some disaster happened in the future. What if they traveled back in time to Earth for one reason. What if they abduct us just for experiments. What if they need to do those experiments to create some type of vaccine. What if they need that vaccine to save themselves in the future from that disaster. What if they already know they can't change the future but can only help with the disaster in the future. Like in that movie Twelve Monkeys. I loved that movie. It blew my mind. I should really download it and watch it again. Wait....what was I talking about ?

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