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2012 Earth’s Polar Reversal

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posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 09:00 AM
Posts and Threads are currently running about GLOBAL WARMING / CLIMATE CHANGE, and discussions are being had as to whether this is a natural, cyclical event, or actually induced by man's pollution of the planet. It's both, in my opinion.

However, by far the biggest effect on our planet, the events of which are starting to occur now, isn't climate change, or global warming, whether due to man's effect on the plant, or a cyclical global event, it's in fact more than likely to be due to our planets future alignment with the Milky way's massive blackhole, and this event will occur in 2012!

'This is a significant year from an historical and astronomical perspective. According to astronomers the Poles of our Sun will reverse towards the end of 2012. Under the right conditions this could have a serious knock-on effect on Earth. A sudden twist in the orientation of the Sun’s poles could also reverse the Earth’s poles as well'.

See link:

This is the event that will arise in 2012, and this the event that will change the way we live and think forever!
(Well that's my belief, and it ties in with so many things, Myan and current.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 09:05 AM
link year : 2003

so weve known for a while, that the earth has potential to shift poles, but:

the sun flipped then... magnetically speaking.

2012 end of the world? not sure

edit on 2-11-2010 by Lagrimas because: addition

edit on 2-11-2010 by Lagrimas because: addition

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 09:18 AM
I'm not really convinced about this 2012 scare...something could happen any year..who knows...
but i must say, this recent spell of flooding, and volcanic movement...big holes, tsunami's...make one wonder
if it could be a celestial problem..

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by Lagrimas

True, we have previously known about polar switching, and like Climate change it's apparently a natural event.... That is until you add man's effects to Climate Change and in this case, our alignment with the Blackhole!

The Blackhole was discovered some 36 yrs ago, but was better defined in 2003/2004:

'The supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy is heftier than thought and rotates at an amazing clip, new research shows.

For years scientists said the black hole contained about 2.6 million times the mass of the Sun. They now believe the figure is somewhere between 3.2 million and 4 million solar masses'.


These further discoveries about its make up, will no doubt have brought about an adjustment in the writings about its affect on us, particularly in relation to alignment.

They may have already known about the true effects, but like most things it's kept quiet. Sites like ATS and Youtube bring us the pieces of the jigsaw puzzles, and we try and put them in place to make a clearer picture. Of all I've read, 2012 and the impending alignment seems a possible and likely cause of current increases in weather extremes, along with climate change, which may of course be part of the effect anyway.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 09:36 AM
When the poles reverse I believe that is where the new level of consciousness the Mayans talked about comes from. The magnetic field of earth is very important to how we think and behave. For instance, there is more crime on a full moon because a full moon effects gravity on earth. Our magnetic field and gravity are highly entwined. I think that around 2012 thing are going to start getting hectic. But the end of the world? No. The Mayans never said anything about Armageddon, only entering a new age and the end of the world as we know it.

Starred and flagged, people need to be aware of this issue and the fact that it is a real event that really is going to happen. (IMO)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 09:51 AM
I dont' doubt that 'pole shifts' do happen, I've read a little about it and its not just new age types talking about shifts in consciousnes etc.It seems there is geological evidence of it being a regular event through earths history.What I want to know is if theres any evidence of these shifts making any difference to anything.
From my understanding all that will happen is compasses will be confused.
Why do people think it will cause some kind of cosmic awakening or give us telepathic powers etc.

edit on 2-11-2010 by neonitus because: spelling

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by neonitus

Read my post above yours for the answer.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by TechUnique

I did, no offense but i dont find anonymous opinions on the internet very convincing.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 10:06 AM
Heres my small take on the subject!

Geomagnetic reversal

It would appear the Earth is in the early stages of what is know as a geomagnetic reversal, this is where the magnetic polarities of the planet make an abrupt switch, reversing there positions. Geological evidence revealsthat it has occurred before, apparently on a major cycle of around 250,000 years, with other possible ones occuring at shorter intervals( some believe there was one 13,000 years ago )
Calculations reveal that another reversal should therefore be expected any time soon, and the signs are that it has already begun.

The north magnetic pole first began to shift its location in 1904, as noted by Canadian scientists from the Geolab group, but since 1974 it has been wandering four times faster, by several hundred kilometres.

Geoligist Gregg Braden has stated that the earths magnetic field has dropped 38% in the last 2000 years and that this rate of decline has risen to an average of 6% per year over the last centuary. This strongly suggests that the magnetic field is dropping at an accelerated rate towards zero point at which the polarity of the earth will reverse.

Although many analysts of geomagnetic reversal do NOT believe that a magnetic polarity switch will physically alter the tilt or rotation of the planet, it is clear that huge effects could be expected. The temporary collapse of the earths protective magnetic field that would accompany the final stage of a polarity flip ( which some believe could occur very quickly - possibly within days or even hours - after a very slow build up ) could also expose us to a surpluss of cosmic rays, with unknown resuslts. In the worst case scenario, any huge EMP that that might emanate from the sun during this period could also result in the entire neutralising of all electrical equipment on earth. ( with obvious consiquences )

The interesting part now ( for me anyhow )

Exposure to increased or altered electromagnetic fields can have a number of striking effects on human states of mind, creating mood swings between elation and depression, and even stimulating epilepsy or hallucinations depending on the dosage. Some researchers believe this to be a result of the brains pineal gland producing natural ammounts of of Dimethyltryptamine, or '___', as it responds to energetic changes.
'___' is found in plants and in some Amazon regions is added to the Ayahuasca brew, known for its extreme and sometimes expansive effects on the human mind.
Speculaters believe that a huge rush of '___' production in our pineal gland could be stimulated across the entire global population in response to a cosmological energy spike, solar EMP or geomagnetical polarity shift, perhaps resulting in a mass out-of-body experiance that affects the entire population of Earth. Given that a change in the geomagnetic field of just twenty 'nanoTeslas'(nT) is enough to trigger epilectic seizures, a major leap caused by unusual solar flares, which can already raise the field by 500 nT, could clearly result in a very dramatic effect on civilisation.

But will we be brought to our knees - or raised to a higher state of being?

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by neonitus

From my understanding, it's not the pole shifting, as a fairly common event over time, that is relevant, it's the fact we will be aligning ourselves with the centre of the milkyway, where lies a massive blackhole which could be having unknown effects on us, the climax occurring in 2012....

The last time this occurred was 6,450 years ago! I don't know what happened back then, but we certainly didn't have computers, electronics, sat nav, mobiles, etc. Neither were there 6 billion of us.... The world probably won't end, but can you imagine the consequences of a major electrical systems malfunction, massive climate change affecting land masses, food production, population movement, air travel etc etc.

This could happen as a result of pole shift, flooding, drought and ice age weather hitting areas around the world.

Lets face it, in today's world we only need to get a sniff of a petrol shortage due to strike action,and all of the major stores empty of food. Chaos would reign for sure.

Maybe, after the worlds weather or it's pole shift subsides, those that have survived will wake up and see how damaging unimportant money, wealth, oil and materialism is, and from that will dawn the new spiritually enlightened era.

Oh please bring it on.... This world we live in today is sick and failing, so something HAS to change.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by Exforcesuk

Brilliant post... This is what I am trying to get across too, but you do it so much more eloquently!

I believe 2012 will bring a change in humanity and everything and everyone is feeling it, as we write this, even though they don't necessarily know it.

Anger, frustration, mistrust, pressure, disatisfaction, over commercialisation, banking fraud...earthquakes, flood and name it, it's all leading to a melt down, and it's all probably caused by a change of energy we cannot see or understand, yet it's all part of the alignment. The earth is reacting, we are reacting, the Illuminati is reacting!! It's a build up - after all no one can deny we are ALL made of the same things, so therefore must be effected by cosmic or universal energy! We all consist of vibrating particles (super-string theory), and as we sense danger, so we can sense change.

Don't believe what you read, hear, or see in the media... always question why is that? what is that leading to.

Two minor examples - We hear of bombs in the Yemen, now its apparent the USA wants to invade it. We get told foxes attack children in bed, now the government wants to bring in a vote to re-introduce hunting with hounds. Everything you get told is a lie or precursor to an agenda! And the big one - 9/11!

Be wise.... Become spiritually led, not ego!

edit on 2-11-2010 by ckitch because: typo 'let' to 'led'

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by neonitus
reply to post by TechUnique

I did, no offense but i dont find anonymous opinions on the internet very convincing.

None taken. I would have backed up my claims with scientific evidence but I am pressed for time

Its good that you don't just listen to anonymous internet opinions, keep it up.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 11:20 AM
Here's a very good interview that is related to the OP.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by OnTheFelt

Wow, great post. Thanks. Very interesting interview..

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