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any one have remedies for me/cfs

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posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 02:51 PM
hello all

as yo can probably guess from the title i suffer from me/cfs

and i am having a bit of a crappy time of it lately my head has cleared a bit so i have managed some

posts over the last week but fisicly it feels like some one has taken a baseball bat to me and has given me a right seeing to from the moment

i get up untill i go to sleep, that when i can sleep

i live yn the highlands of scotland so we are a wee bit behind on remedys my doctor tho she is lovely

and trys to help as much as she can there is not much she can do exept

fill me full of painkillers and sleeping tablets

so i was just wondering is there any me/cfs sufferers out there

that have tryed something that might of worked for them

or heard about some one else that might havea good remedy

thanks to every one who ries to help out

just in case i dont get back to yo

thanks digby

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by digby888

I know what helps for me is having a full spectrum light, I take cayenne supplements too. Dark chocolate can help raise your serotonin levels, which would make you less annoyed/depressed about everything. You don't need a lot of it, especially if it's good stuff
Garlic can be a stimulant as well- but don't take too much of it or it does the opposite.

Yoga is amazing too. Very energizing. You don't have to be super flexible to begin with- that will come in time. Just learn to breathe right and work toward a goal and you'll get there.

This is just what works for me.

PS: Cayenne wouldn't be a good idea if you've got IBS, i would think.
edit on 31-10-2010 by StinkFist because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by digby888

Apologies for my ignorance, but what does me/cfs stand for?

The only thing I'm guessing it could stand for is chronic fatigue syndrome? But I am uncertain of the me.

Have you ever tried using essential oils? DoTerra is the brand I would recommend most, if you are interested. If not perhaps wellness, or holistic healing places would be able to offer more information, if not help.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by StinkFist

thankyou for the ideas

i will have to try them out

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 03:27 PM
It is suggested to take oil of evening primrose supplements (the tablets are massive though luckily not suppositories) and drink lots of green tea. Have you ever been tested for XMRV? I would suggest having a blood test done to be sure.

Depending on your age it is also recommended to have a prostate exam, as XMRV can increase your risk of that and also damage to lymph nodes. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news man. The good thing is the disease is now getting the recognition it deserves and the long awaited legitimacy by the medical community. Hang in there new treatments will come on leaps and bounds over the next ten years!

In the mean time don't give blood, as it is now against the UK blood donor guide lines.

*To the poster above ME stands for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.
edit on 31-10-2010 by Big Raging Loner because: To remove a sentence.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 03:34 PM
I thought I'd tie an older thread into your post - sadly it does not contain any immediate remedies - but it is about current studies on this issue, that may be of interest to you and perhaps something to discuss with your physician in the future. Take care of yourself.

Virus Discover - a breakthrough in fighting CFS

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 04:46 PM
thanks for all the help

but as for XRMV the brittish health assosiation

po poed that one saying it is not the cause

i went to my doc when the news first come out about about xrmv

and was toaled flat that i could not be tested for it

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 05:00 PM
Check out this link:

Pathogenic Mycoplasma

It seems we've all been infected with weaponized mycoplasma which was dispersed onto human beings decades ago. It manifests as various symptoms/diseases based on one's genetic susceptibilities. I had what seemed to be CFS & slight dementia a few years ago. It took an integrated approach to get well. There was a lot of porphyria involved, and overall it just felt like I was wasting away.

All I can say is to listen to your body and experiment with various dieting techniques and herbal/nutrient supplementation. What works best for me is the vitamins niacin and ascorbic acid taken daily in huge doses along with a good natural sourced b-complex. It seems that very high doses of niacin either keep the mycoplasma at bay, else counter the damage done by boosting the energy within mitochondria. Perhaps it's doing both. I'm not a scientist, so really haven't a clue, I just know when I take the vitamins I'm mostly well, and after a few days off I start developing lethargy, apathy, and psychosis again.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

wow great link

i always thaught that there must of been something funny going on

i remember as a kid playing wheat field crawling about making tunnels

through it when i came out i was realy dizzie feeling faint so maybe it was in the

pesdecides they were spraying as a kid you dont think of these things

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 07:27 PM
I dealt with symptoms of CFE for almost a year after being infected with the Epstien Barr Virus and developing Mononucleosis. You could supplement with Co-Q10. You could check to see if your serum magnesium levels are low, in which case you could supplement with magnesium. Avoid sugar, juices, sodas and easily digestible carbohydrates. Also, you might cut out all wheat products for a month and see what happens, as you may have a gluten intolerance.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 01:46 PM
I have been self treating CFS for two years without any help from my doc (who diagnosed 'old age').

A good place to start is a regime of dietary supplements to correct any deficiencies and boost you immune system.
The most comprehensive advice I found in this free e book, written by Dr Sarah Myhill

When it comes to getting vit B12 in your system, forget injections, docs only give them for pernicous anaemia which he has no doubt decided you haven't got. The UK 'norm' for serum B12 levels is half of what the Japanese consider dangerous. So get yourself some Jarrow formulas Vit B12 lozenges and absorb the vitamin as slowly as possible through the lining of your mouth.

I found some very useful advice in this forum
...and before you post with a question read this

Within a year I was 'back from the brink', which was about 50% better.
I had reached a plateau of recovery and was websearching for something to give me more improvements.

I decided that mercury poisoning was a possibility - I had lost most of my teeth to abcesses in two years, and they were filled mostly. I first used HumetR

When you first do any form of 'detox' you will be amazed at what your body expels, that you never realised you were storing.

I took MMS
which cleared out another load of nasties, and I then felt 75% better.

During one of these detoxes I had a Herxheimer reaction which revealed to me (a eureka moment) that I had a severe overgrowth of Candida albicans.

I have been on a strict 'kill candida' diet for two months now, together with using herbal fungicides.

The root cause of CFS can vary from person to person - I have found mine - and detoxing is improving my energy levels.

The food supplements may be enough to cure you, but a 'good clear out' will speed things up.

Good Luck - and don't expect an overnight cure - slow progress back to normal is the rule.

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 04:14 PM
A couple other important things to consider for anyone suffering chronic fatigue:

CFS, Fibromyalgia, and various other conditions, such as endometriosis, ovarian cyststs, hypothyroidism, and persistent obesity, are also linked to Estrogen Dominance. There are estrogenic compounds in most cosmetics, lotions, sunscreens, plastics, food treated w/ pesticides, tap water, bottled water (actually worse than tap water, because the estrogen leaches into the water from the plastic bottle if it gets the slightest bit warm, like being transported in a metal truck), and foods such as meat & dairy products, which are treated with hormones. If you are a man, this can cause impotence and other sexual dysfunction. If you are a woman, it can disrupt your entire hormonal system. You already have estrogen in your body, and estrogen antagonizes your body's levels of thyroid hormones (causing your metabolism to lower, and all your body's functions to slow down, which often leads to obesity and CFS symptoms), progesterone (necessary for healthy libido, becoming pregnant, and carrying a baby to term), and testosterone (even women need testosterone and with too-low levels can experience CFS symptoms). This is really just the tip of the iceberg. All tap water and bottled water is contaminated, with no regulations against it in the U.S., all food kept or heated in plastics is contaminated, all non-organic food is contaminated. High estrogen levels also DRASTICALLY INCREASES your chances of getting breast or ovarian cancer.

A few things you can do: get a really good water filter like aquasana, use "klean kanteen" steel water bottles for your tap water instead of using plastic bottled water, use only natural cosmetics w/o parabens or other chemicals, stop using sunscreen unless absolutely necessary (i.e. if you know you are going to be out in the sun for long enough to burn), if you must eat meat, dairy, or eggs, make sure it is organic and "free-range," take supplements like kelp powder, maca root, and DIM to combat the excess estrogen, eat lots of organic broccoli (one of the best estrogen antagonists). You can also take natural bio-identical progesterone to balance out estrogen, but check w/ a Dr. first to make sure you need it, and do not take if you are on The Pill (synthetic progesterone).

Keeping your body's pH balanced also helps with hormone levels. Lemons (organic) are the best way to maintain enough alkaline in the body, so squeeze some into your water (lemons are acidic, but turn alkaline in the body. Limes will also work). And yes, keep taking all your B vitamins, as suggested in this thread, but DON'T FORGET VITAMIN D, a lack of which can make you weak and chronically tired, among other symptoms. The best way to get it and actually be able to process it is through the skin, and it's free (sunshine). You need 20 minutes a day, un-sunscreened, if just your face and arms are exposed (try to sit out in your yard if you have one, while you eat breakfast, in short sleeves, or take your lunch break outside somewhere every day if you work until it's dark out). If you are so fair-skinned that you will burn in less than 20 minutes, you actually need less sunshine because fair skin absorbs vitamin D better (so tailor your sun exposure to what you can handle, you will know best from experience). During winter you need to supplement or get it from eggs or oily fish like salmon (again, make sure these come from trusted free-range sources), but supplements and food sources are never really enough, so grab what little sun you can. I can't emphasize that enough. NEVER so much that you burn, but you NEED those few minutes. Easier said than done in this high-tech, cloistered-indoors, internet-driven world, I know, but try it. Bring your laptop outdoors if necessary. Just do it, and YOU WILL NOTICE A DIFFERENCE IN DAYS.

Or just google "estrogen dominance," "vitamin d deficiency," and/or "alkalize or die."
edit on 1/21/11 by burdenofdreams because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 08:28 AM
I have been taking Ubiquinol for a week now and WOW !!!!!
I have been shifting heavy furniture and am planning to redecorate - amazed at myself

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