I think that the New World Order is happening now. The NWO is NOW, so to speak.
The ones that live in the illusion that they have control over us and Nature, the Earth and all of the Heavens, are really stressed out. They are
playing all of their magic spell-cards NOW, in the NWO.
We need to stand up. Every single one, from within Ourselves. NOW!
Be positive, because YOU can. YOU can do a lot of positive things.
All of YOUR positive deeds and doings counts for ME.
WE are separate beings, separate and ONE. How "out of there" as it might sound. YOU know it and I am proving it.
Think positive thoughts of YOUR breath five times a day. That is of MY breath to.
I am thinking of YOUR breath today and tomorrow!
There are endless of "GOOD" things WE can do. YOU know it and I and I to.
EVERYTHING is the same, if YOU go awesomely deep at IT. =)
WE are never alone. ^__ ^
The NWO is the war on OUR perception of reality itself.
WE need to focus on ME.
I ain't talking bull#. Ask any old physisist that have lived a while to think about this. I PROMISE you they will tell you about the same thing.
Only you can tell yourself the true story. Don't listen to me, just read my words and add it to your knowledge.
Turn of your TV, throw away your NEWSPAPER and turn on ytour LIFE.
edit on 30-10-2010 by olle2000 because: (no reason given)