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Electric Power in Peril ?

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posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 12:05 AM
I suppose if it was strong enough, it could fry the circuits in your car. You could be stranded. Sounds like a nightmare and one day solar flares as strong as those in the 1800's will hit again. It's not a matter of if it will hit but when. I remember reading if there was an EMP attack, you could get electrocuted by simply touching your toaster because it would be plugged into the grid at the wrong time. That is if you got the jolt of electricity traveling down that long line into your house. If this started massive fires, it would truly be a nightmare especially if firetrucks and gas stations were not working. I believe the public would rather hide their head in the sand and just hope this never happens even though we know it will eventually happen. It could happen in the next two years.

I wondered the other day if small cities and communities could set aside protected resources to set up emergency power and get emergency services running again along with water, food and fuel distribution. Law enforcement might be non existent in some places. Whoever has the biggest weapon may take whatever you have if you have something worth taking. Thousands of desperate people hunting for food and water even in small cities would quickly overwhelm any small town police efforts. Now if small cities and communities could set things up ahead of time just in case, we might prevent thousands or millions of desperate people from roaming the streets turning into criminals just to stay alive.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:31 PM
Looking for more membership or otherwise input on a possible scenario in which our sun could wipe
out our power grid.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by L.HAMILTON
I just don't see any kind of predictive type of maintenance science that could predict which transformer
would likely fail first in the likelyhood of major solar activity.

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