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The apathy that is building in me

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posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 07:49 PM
I am basically pessimistic to begin with. Which makes this era all that much worse for me. With everthing I read on the ATS boards I am becoming more and more hopeless about the state of the US and humanity in genereal especially reading some board members' responses. This past three months I have felt unmotivated in my schoolwork and recieving my Associate's Degree, and I sat and wondered Why the heck was I feeling like this, well last night it dawned on me... I beleive or I think that it is going to be a total waste, I mean if the collapse does happen, wth good is this going to do me anyway????
I am just filled with apathy...And I keep pressing on, but really what happens to this education if these things happen, stock market crash, 2012, civil/revolutionary war on our soil, etc???? Will I have wasted valuable time on something that really won't get me anywhere when TSHTF??? I wish I knew. Or at least I wish it didn't affect the goal I have but it is. I am feeling like I will get two steps forward and then situational events will knock me four steps back (which is a repetative cycle for me, so you can understand why I am feeling like this).
edit on 23-10-2010 by ldyserenity because: I misspelled

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

This apathy you speak of is freedom.

Anything could happen at anytime but there is a chance it won't, but keep that 'apathy' on the back burner if something does happen. You know more than most, if something does happen, you'll be free, completely free.

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