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Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on the table'

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posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by BigTimeCheater

Originally posted by xX aFTeRm4Th Xx
reply to post by BigTimeCheater

apparently you don't... perhaps you should brush up on American history

This country was founded by revolution.

Hopefully that is not a surprise to you.

Yes, but if you actually read the OP, you would know this guy was suggesting Revolution if he was unhappy with the election results. There is nothing American about that at all. It's childish and shortsighted, and incredibly ignorant.

If that is what you think "America" was founded upon, then you must not think much of America.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 08:31 PM
Just throwing this out there.... As long as there is electronic votes, there will always be the whole doubt that any election is even real. I say we go back to paper voting, and have 50 people from each party(not just dems and republican) there watching the count. Probably just a dream of mine lol, but one can at least still hope these days i hope.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

They were shocked? The fact that they were shocked is what shocks me.

If they were that shocked to know that the people are not too happy with all the crap they pull. They'd have a heart attack if someone suggested that we would actually like to know the truth every once in a while.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:00 PM

I can't believe I actually had to pull that card out again.

Ah the bravery of being out of range.

There's a better video on YouTube, but it shows actual killing and from the maturity level of some armchair revolutionaries, I decided not to post it because it may encourage them. But the message of the song is what is important.

Most armchair revolutionaries have no freaking clue about warfare, nor do they have any idea what it's like to kill another person. I will admit, I don't either, and guess what? I don't want to find out. There is a reason I didn't go into the service, and that is because I don't want to kill anyone.

But these armchair revolutionaries do, they want to start killing Americans. Just think about that for a moment, these people that want a violent revolution in this country want to start killing their fellow Americans. Don't any of you who want to start a revolution think about that? Your fellow countrymen? For what? Because they have a different political ideology than you? Or they elect people you don't agree with politically? And you want to lie to our faces and tell us that you want freedom?

How can you sit there in your nice comfortable house, and tell the rest of us, that if we don't elect people YOU want elected that you are going to start a revolution and start killing your fellow Americans? How can you say with a straight face you want to return to freedom with a fascist action like that?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:23 PM
I find a Christian pastor calling for a violent revolution ironic at best. I can't believe how tea partiers could justify the deaths of hundreds of thousands in a civil war because we have a black President and better regulation of the evil healthcare industry. What is wrong with you people?

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posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by BigTimeCheater

Originally posted by Misoir
I think before we could honestly consider overthrowing the government violently they must first be harming all of us directly. Not just because an election doesn't give you the results you want, that is 100% childish and immature, I truly believe people like him should be locked up in jail for treason.

Your future, and that of your family is being directly harmed by our current puppet government.

Your wallet is being harmed. Your freedoms are being harmed.

Should I continue?

This has been used against every president, pretty much, since Washington ran for his second term. Like the others said before me...

Are we going to use the threat of overthrowing our government if we don't get what we exactly want in an election? We'd never get anywhere.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 11:30 PM
A violent overthrow would oust Democrats and Republicans alike, so don't tell me they're trying to hijack any possible violence movement like they did the Tea Party lol...

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 12:06 AM
Good. They all need to be thrown out on their butts one way or another. As for all this baying about throwing over democraically elected government give me a break. These politicians don't come close to representing the people! Any people but themselves and their corporate masters. Voting is a joke too! They rig the elections and you end up one way or the other replacing trash with more trash! You can't even run for office and stand a chance in hell of winning if you aren't already in their pocket! That is NOT what America is about and that is NOT freedom. Quit being so affraid to do the right thing. Grow a pair.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by BigTimeCheater

It's NOT a viable option at this point.

But, if some right-wing loonie wants to try, there will be plenty of soldiers to put them to rest.

edit on 23-10-2010 by The Sword because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Instead of picking on one side or the other, or imaginary scenarios, why don't you take a look at reality?

France is attempting to reduce pension obligations by raising the retirement age from 60 to 62.retirement entitlement. Result? Violent riots and devastating work stoppages and disruption.

The UK is about to enact similar reforms and civil disobedience and disruption are in the works there, too.

Greek government practically brought to its knees over necessary cutbacks and reforms.

Spanish transport and industry crippled by strikes and stoppages because of reforms.

Even the relatively well-off Israel saw the closing of Ben Gurion airport over necessary reforms.

As soon as the American labor unions are taken from the government teat, the same will happen here.

It will not be the "failure" of an election, but the confrontation of the socially dependent with economic and political reality, that will spark civil disruption and potential violence in this country.

When the "I wants" finally get told, "No More," there will be no stopping the frenzied stomping of feet and tantrums. Obama will try to put it off buy literally BUYING more time with more "stimulus" and bailouts; but, watch out when the Republicans finally have no choice but to "pull the plug" on hopelessly over-taxed social programs and unsustainable entitlements. Everyone will blame conservatives, but it will have been the Liberal profligacy that was the true cause, just as it was everywhere else.

deny ignorance

edit on 23-10-2010 by jdub297 because: failure to proofread my grammar and syntax

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by Misoir
I am not being harmed, not yet anyways, and neither is 99% of the population.

what a blatant load of crap.
There are 16 million homes in foreclosure
do you think those folks are NOT getting harmed??

There are 4 million unemployed
do you think those folks are NOT getting harmed??

There are 300 Million taxpayers paying for
the welfare of anchor babies from illegal aliens
do you think those folks are NOT getting harmed??

I could go on and on but I'll spare some
who are already aware and awakened.

maybe you should try throwing this BS
in a different direction as it don't fly with me.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 02:13 AM
Election Time

I hope this is a fitting link/article to the OP's thread.

I'm still trying to find out how to get "No-Confidence" check boxes on our ballots.

It seems only our elected officials can implement it, and I don't see any willing candidates.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Hmm, let's look at this through Conservative eyes for a moment...

There are 16 million homes in foreclosure
do you think those folks are NOT getting harmed??

It is not the government's fault these people bought more house than they could afford. How dare these people rob the banks by not paying them back on a promise they made! They make me sick! Big Banks are our friends and they should be respected and propped up with money from the taxpayers especially those deadbeat homeowners who signed a mortgage contract knowing full well they wouldn't be able to pay the holy banks back!

There are 4 million unemployed
do you think those folks are NOT getting harmed??

It is not the government that creates jobs, it's the rich who are much better than the poor in every conceivable way and should be listened to for everything and not taxed at all that create jobs, and if you anger the rich, they will take away those jobs because the rich should be worshiped.

There are 300 Million taxpayers paying for
the welfare of anchor babies from illegal aliens
do you think those folks are NOT getting harmed??

You are right, those Americans born from the dirty dirty loins of illegals should get jobs on their own! How dare they sponge off of the government. Damn anchor babies! They are being irreparably harmed by socialism in the form of welfare! They should learn to live on their own and turn in their parents to INS! It's the American way!

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by Misoir
reply to post by BigTimeCheater

We have an obligation the citizens of our nation and if that means higher taxation and/or debt then I guess we have to take it on the chin.

I have 0 personal debt so no thanks with sending me bills.

Have you ever read the Constitution?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by fraterormus

In a republic, where the vote is more powerful than the sword, I wholeheartedly agree with you.

However, in light of the documented voter fraud as well as the protests from many black caucus members, (chaired by Al Gore), not to mention the tactics and timing of a Supreme Court Decision regarding votes counted in the 2000 election, literally appointing 43 rather than count the votes, and then, after the world changing terrorist attacks of 9/11, the voter fraud documented in many states during the 2004 election, as well as the testimony before congress on voting machine tampering, again resulting in an administration that took us from a contriversial and perpetual war executed with preemptive strikes, justified by the best intelligence information available -(right or wrong), to a series of bubbles that along with RICO-ish behavior from wallstreet, bankers, treasury and federal reserve;

Not to mention the shallow priviledge of the vote since the creation of the Electorial College, I, at this time, must disagree with your conclusion regarding the oratories of the candidate in question.

Our vote has become a game of illegitimizing as many voters in districts known to historically vote for the opposing party and stuffing the ballot boxes with graudulent ballots using illegal aliens to our beloved deceased.

The three Government entities have all allowed, and in some cases forced, financial institutions to make fraudulent loans and disperse them on pieces, bundled with other investments that conceals the worthless protion while collection on the turn-over and insurance schemes to place multiple policies on each default, litterally stealing one-half of most the worlds people's wealth, without recourse.

So, in fact, it almost seems as if the talkings done, now urging change with a nudge of diplomacy of another genre may be fitting.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by Redwookieaz

so, are you saying that the congressmen wantabee who wants us all to divide into two groups, give us guns and well...start shooting each other dead is the right type of person to have in office??

still say let's start drafting the people we put in office.....that way well, the person might be rich or poor, college grad, or not, a nice rounded group that represents everyone, and since they've been forced into office, they will probably hate it and there won't be any need for violence when it comes time to get them out....

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

the seed for the foreclosure mess as well as the unemployment that is the result of that collapse were planted during the bush years!! just about everything that I've read puts the securitization craze, along with it's willy nilly paperwork (or lack of it) as starting during the bush years. and, it's that crappy paperwork that is the biggest problem....

as for anchor babies.....even after 9/11, while they were telling us all how these horrible people were trying to blow us all up, that moms needed to drink their own breast milk and old ladies in wheelchairs were being harassed was for national security....
umm....what did bush do to secure our borders so those horrible terrorists couldn't get in so easily to begin with???

it was bush that bailed out the banks also....check your recent history if you don 't believe me..he laid the groundwork, and now the republicans are blaming obama for following through, ya makes alot of sense....
so, now I have this republican telling me that if I don't vote his buddies in, they'll resort to violence......
I had been called a traitor many times during the bush years, just trying to speak up for justice....told that if I didn't like it here, I should go elsewhere....

well..this guy should go elsewhere!!! too bad they took out saddam's regime, because it sounds like he would fit in great, everybody votes out of fear, and everybody votes for saddam's favorites, or well, they are hauled away....
what is it they say, oh ya...

for those who are wishing that there'd be a no confidence box on the ballot, I do believe there is still a write in box.....I plan on voting for mickey mouse, donald duck, and the tasmanian devil this year....if they can't figure out that I have no confidence in the two political parties from that selection, I don't know what to say to them!

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by Misoir
I think before we could honestly consider overthrowing the government violently they must first be harming all of us directly. Not just because an election doesn't give you the results you want, that is 100% childish and immature, I truly believe people like him should be locked up in jail for treason.

"Treason" ??

Thomas Jefferson would strongly disagree with you Sir..Infact he called for a revolution every twenty years or so to keep the pols inline.(and this experiment in democracy running).Nobody is "mad" because the election went to the liberals.(or a "black" man) That's a cheap shot that quells discussion. We can disagree with the slide into communism...

"Treason" ??

How about: "Read the bill? Its a thousand pages! nobody reads the bills"...and the best for last:" We have to pass the bill to tell you whats in it." or "cedeing to the executive the power to go to war without congress declaring it ( bush/iraq); and "Bailouts? not just no but "hell no". "CONGRESS IS ABDICATING its responsibilities.

There's your "treason".
If you think the gov is not "harming us" you haven't been paying attention. Where's all of our jobss? Overseas...why ? Taxes.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by Misoir

Ok Mis,

I'll go with you. No "violent" overthrow.

BUT (there's always one :lol

Instead of Broden being jailed for treason how about 95% of politicians?

EBJ is someone Louis the 14th would have admired. Stupid (or arrogant) and corrupt.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 09:58 AM
You do not have a true democracy. Your leaders mostly come from a political class or family dynasty that seems to take it in turns to rule. You also have people who stay in congress for a lifetime it seems with an attitude of divine right to be there.

What i have garnered from reading a lot of political discussion on these boards from Americans is the intrinsic reverance for the constitution, which your leaders rewrite to keep their dynastic ambitions going. I also see a lot of fear from Americans for what the government can do to the countries citizens. That fear permiates these boards.

The people should NEVER fear the government, but the government should definitely fear the people! It does them good to reminded of that every now and again or they will steamroller you into submissive serfs that serve THEM. THEY SERVE YOU NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!

The terms."heads will roll for this" should become less figurative and an appointment with madame gulliotine for failure and treatchoury will put them in their place!

Always be wary of those who seek to lead and wield power.. That kind of psychology does not a pleasant person make...

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