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Merkel says German multicultural society has failed

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posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 08:00 PM
Wow, some comments here are just ... I don't know.

I live right now in Germany. I do not plan to stay here though. I had to come here because of war and sought shelter here. I thank Germany for that.
I speak perfectly german, among dozens of other languages.

Yet, I still don't want to live here. I miss my country, my people. I work very hard, pay my bills and taxes. I am not here to "use" social benefits, in a few years time I am planing to go back to my country (right now I am building a house there).

Here is a funny thing: My wife is german. We have no problems whatsoever with anyone, german or non german. I respect the Law in Germany, and try to be a good citizen as long as I am here.

But I am also fed up with requests of "integration" put down my throat again and again. For me, "integration" means "assimilation". I do not want to be assimilated. I am just temporarily here and as I said I respect the law, but I do not want to "become" german - because I AM NOT.

I see myself as person working here, since EU is an open market. I could as well go back to my country and work FROM THERE for the same clients I have here. There are no boundaries actually.

For people bashing Islam: I am absolutely for the rights and freedoms of all religions. A religion of a person should be respected.

Which means: If my daughter does not want to attend sport lessons wearing only a bikini, then that should be her right. It is absolutely incorrect to FORCE integration on her in this aspect, e.g. to force her to be almost naked in front of others, if she doesnt want that, and more so if that is directly against her religious teachings.

This is what many here mean by "integration". They come up in kindergarden with things like "Oh, but why wouldnt you allow your daughter to attend this years Christmas celebration with other kids?".
Well, maybe, because the said celebration is being held in a church and the kids are being "taught" that Jesus Christ is their Saviour and stuff like that. Not directly of course, but more in a subtle way.

When I tell them this, they say "You are against integration!"
No, I am against ASSIMILATION.

They would want us all to celebrate what they celebrate, to like what they like, to eat what they eat. Again: this is assimilation.

I am for an "integration" where every citizen will be granted his rights to celebrate what he wants, eat what he wants, pray how he wants, etc., without one "particular" way of doing it being "sponsored" by the state. I want them to respect the Law of the said country, but I also want that country to respect THEM.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 08:39 PM
They say NZ is multicultural. Yes, and yet they all live apart in little groups of race and colour. It's like 254 countries inside one city. Thats hardly unity is it?
That's why there are suburbs that have different connetations. 'Howick' in Auckland is called 'Chowick' because of the high asian content. We have suburbs with maori, suburbs with South Africans and suburbs with Indians. Then we have Muslims areas. Of course there is also West Auckland which has a different breed of human altogether!

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 08:53 PM
Germans have a right to a sovereign nation of their own based upon bloodlines. If Angela Merkel has executive authority she would be acting according to the wishes and in the interest of Germans by deporting foreigners, who should work to improve their own countries instead of imposing themselves on others in places where they don't belong. At the end of the second world war non-combatant Germans who had been living throughout Europe in some cases for decades were forced to return to the world that their ancestors colonized thousands of years ago and now they are being told that Deutschland doesn't belong to them either. Frau Chancellor has taken time from apologizing to the illegal occupiers of Palestine long enough to talk sense. Race is a fallacy; But, there are seven remaining human species including (1) the white and brown, so-called red-skinned, indigenous Terrapin tribespeople of my native continent Terrapin Island, that outsiders call North America, (the indigenous tribespeople of the continent that has come to be known as South America were exterminated by the portion of the invading Polynesian boat-people who made their way south from Guatemala long before the Medicis sent the Conquistadors), (2) the white-skinned, black-haired Europeans, (3) the aborigine Australians, (4) the yellow-skinned East Asians, (5) the Arabs, of which the Persians are the most pure, (6) the Black sub-Saharan Africans and (7) the blonde and red-haired white Egyptians, of which Jews are one tribe. The motivation for zero population growth in the mid-twentieth century wasn't to ensure room for guest laborers who would become permanent residents. Germans, like other white people in Europe, voluntarily limited the number of children they had because they wanted to conserve the ecosystem.
edit on 17-10-2010 by ChiefHuntingBear because: I left out my name: chiefhuntingbear

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by ChiefHuntingBear
Germans have a right to a sovereign nation of their own based upon bloodlines. If Angela Merkel has executive authority she would be acting according to the wishes and in the interest of Germans by deporting foreigners, who should work to improve their own countries instead of imposing themselves on others in places where they don't belong. At the end of the second world war non-combatant Germans who had been living throughout Europe in some cases for decades were forced to return to the world that their ancestors colonized thousands of years ago and now they are being told that Deutschland doesn't belong to them either. Frau Chancellor has taken time from apologizing to the illegal occupiers of Palestine long enough to talk sense. Race is a fallacy; But, there are seven remaining human species including (1) the white and brown, so-called red-skinned, indigenous Terrapin tribespeople of my native continent Terrapin Island, that outsiders call North America, (the indigenous tribespeople of the continent that has come to be known as South America were exterminated by the portion of the invading Polynesian boat-people who made their way south from Guatemala long before the Medicis sent the Conquistadors), (2) the white-skinned, black-haired Europeans, (3) the aborigine Australians, (4) the yellow-skinned East Asians, (5) the Arabs, of which the Persians are the most pure, (6) the Black sub-Saharan Africans and (7) the blonde and red-haired white Egyptians, of which Jews are one tribe. The motivation for zero population growth in the mid-twentieth century wasn't to ensure room for guest laborers who would become permanent residents. Germans, like other white people in Europe, voluntarily limited the number of children they had because they wanted to conserve the ecosystem.
edit on 17-10-2010 by ChiefHuntingBear because: I left out my name: chiefhuntingbear

I disagree with your statement that "she would be acting according to the wishes and in the
interest of Germans by deporting foreigners, who should work to improve their own
countries instead of imposing themselves on others in places where they don't belong"
for the simple reason that Germany invited foreigners to help rebuild it during the "Economic
Miracle". It seems that germany is now saying wham bam thank you ma'm "now get out"
after the two Germanies are united and the country is rebuilt.

I also disagree with your statement that "Germans, like other white people in Europe, voluntarily
limited the number of children they had because they wanted to conserve the ecosystem".
There is nothing "Voluntary" about it as they can not afford to have more children because
of the high tax to wage ratio. Methinks you haven't been there long enough to make those
statements or you are only seeing one side of the story.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 09:34 PM
ATS is the perfect place for this sort of discussion because the immigrant problem is absolutely a conspiracy. Corporate interests either bring these people in (such as with Arabs in Germany) or set up an infrastructure that allows them to be brought in, and hire them en masse while natives go unemployed in order to increase their profit margins. An immigrant can't steal your job. You can't steal someone else's job. The bosses decide who gets hired for what job, not the employees.

So to solve this issue, in my opinion, requires greater enforcement and punishments for those who don't pay minimum wage, who hire illegals, who don't hire natives, If you're mad about immigration, go to the source - the businesses that are actively attracting them in.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by Zanti Misfit
reply to post by The Revenant

Pride in ones People and Culture are Great attributes and motivators for a Sovereign Nation . It is Only when it is taken to the Exstreem that they become Weaknesses . History has proven that all to well ...
edit on 16-10-2010 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

Pride in ones Blood is now a sin....especially if you are white (much less if your Deutsch).

They want us all to be mongrelized so the we have no culture, no history, no language. These things are dangerous to the NWO.

I see far too many young people now crossing blood lines. Makes me ill.

Are there some nice looking women in other races? Bloody well better believe it! Does that mean we have to breed them? No.

I dont care what race you are! Make your race as strong as it can be! Remember your history, remember your culture! Keep it strong!

Anyone that disagrees is a traitor to their own kind.

.....and now the "YOUR A NAZI" comments may proceed as expected.

I also if Frau Merkel is doing this in reaction to Thilo Sarrazins book. She may be worried about him having a run for office and getting the NDP in power.

IF the NDP get power, the muzzies better run.....FAST!
edit on 17/10/10 by felonius because: EDIT TO ADD

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 10:57 PM
I personally think of Merkel as the B---- word.

Because that's what she is.

I used to live in Germany and race didn't seem to be much of an issue at all.

It was those Pro-Affirmative Action daydreamers that caused most of the problems.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 11:23 PM
This is such a big issue i think around europe and north america, where massive immigration for several reason, for workforce, political refugees, new students,education. i can more so speak about canada, me behing a citizen, of canada, there are too many little things that can come up. In canada in the 60, and 70s religion was slowly taken out of schools, hospitals and government. The seperation of state and church become a big foundation to our country. Ok not all provinces has the same involvment with church. The issue we have today, is certain religious groups are now and have been trying to get special benefits, (like religious schools), when not too long ago we took out the church out of our schools, but behing canadiens we said ok, then they asked us for funding, we said ok again, cause they do have the rights to live there on way, no problem there. Then so many little things had to change, from headscarves, to knives sown in belt, more funding for school, demanding that women officers could not process and arrest on certain religious praticiners. So many more, and we said yes to all. But then it always crosses the line, the law says you have to show your face and id to be able to vote, then again they got to vote with out showing there face. Oh also everytime some group or someone in the government says, plz stop asking for more, ah well, racism comes out, the media smells blood and jumps in. I thought that multicultural society was a nice canopy of beautiful colors and smiles. Not certain parts of town for different culture, fear, prejudism, its not a nice picture sometimes. Oh and i so dont want to soud racist, i hope i aint, im sure i got certain insecurities i guess. I am all for exchanging cultures and living together, I just dont get it, that people leave there country of birth, to move to better pasture, but dont open up to there new country and cry racism to get stuff, its horible,

just my 2 cents

hopefully i dont get im a fascit comment eheheheh

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 12:11 AM

I see far too many young people now crossing blood lines. Makes me ill.

Well I must say that's a plus, because the quicker fossilised beliefs such as the ones you hold die out the better. You'll forgive me if I don't wish you a speedy recovery.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by boredsilly

Perhaps it will be your multiculturalism fad that loses out to traditional beliefs - that does seem far more likely, no?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 12:30 AM
I believe Lord Monckton agrees for 'some' of the same reasons.
One has an axe to grind while another has some explaining to do though they're both right.
We should hope one knows the difference.

Perhaps there's some truth to it all.
Yes, there is.
"Do the Right Thing".

Because it's the right thing to do.
Your children would agree.
It would be nice to be able to 'ask' them when they come of age.
edit on 18-10-2010 by Perseus Apex because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by centurion1211
Multi-ethnicity is a good thing. helping build a country with new blood.

Multi-culturalism tears a country apart when immigrants won't assimilate.

I agree.

Still, I wonder why she didn't really go into any specifics on HOW it failed, but instead simply repeated that it did.
It then goes on to say that part of the German population feels the country is overrun by immigrants.

I'd have like to know in what sense she meant, but she didn't really elaborate.

- Lee

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by Zanti Misfit
reply to post by The Revenant

Nationalism is what kept Europe Strong for the Last 2000 Years . Now , it has become a Homogenized Lump of Clay . Good Luck with that Mates..........

And wasn't Nationalism also the reason why Europe fought two World Wars? I'm all for sovereignty and a national identity but when national identity becomes some sort of pseudo religion it becomes a serious problem. Lets not forget Einstein's famous quote- "Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."-a quote proven by the horrors of conflict carried out by the Imperial Europe of WWI, the Fascist regimes of WWII, and the Slavic conflicts of recent times.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by Daedalus24
Lets not forget Einstein's famous quote- "Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."-a quote proven by the horrors of conflict carried out by the Imperial Europe of WWI, the Fascist regimes of WWII, and the Slavic conflicts of recent times.

He might be smart, but he was still stupid enough to buy into communism.

Nationalism is a threat to international commies like Einstein.

*You'd think someone that smart would understand economics enough to know he was courting a failed system.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by boredsilly

I see far too many young people now crossing blood lines. Makes me ill.

Well I must say that's a plus, because the quicker fossilised beliefs such as the ones you hold die out the better. You'll forgive me if I don't wish you a speedy recovery.

I agree.

Whomever I choose to "breed" with...God it makes us sound like really no concern of anyone but me.

If my choices in partners makes you ill, seek medical attention. Work it out in therapy. Write it down in your journal. Give me a dirty look I don't give a damn about.

Just don't expect me to change anything to suit a stranger that isn't paying my bills or doing anything to make me a better person.

I'll make myself happy since I don't suspect people like that will.

Thank you.

- Lee
edit on 18-10-2010 by lee anoma because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by The Revenant

Imagine that! The great and powerful Duetchesreich has figured out that tribalism is fractional... Only a damned Yank would still believe that kind of stuff ;-)

A hegemonic culture is contrary to survival. Putting a Neo-nazi, an advocate for cerebral palsy, a catholic and a baptist together and telling them, "okay boys, you guys all get along" is just insane. If genetic variety is an asset to survival, why would anyone believe that culture could buck the bull on this one?

Funny! I wonder if the Germans plundered the taxpayers to fund research on what should be obvious to anyone not educated within an "accredited" mind-warp (my term for edumikation centre).

A greater discussion enshrined within the premise of a "failure of multiculturalism" is that of collectivism in general. Collectivism by its very definition demands assimilation, disenfranchisement with sub-cultures and the rise of competing pariah groups. If I may, I'd say, "Duh!"

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:02 AM
Well the comment is aimed at the Turkish community. Most of these came over as “Guest workers” and worked in manufacturing doing the jobs that the Germans felt were beneath them. Of course some mixed with the locals. Can someone explain tome what the status of guest work is? Do they get right to citizenship after X years of work or what?

Anyway Merkel is ideologically bankrupt and has no clue regarding the real problems of Germany hence falls back on the tiresome canard of RACE BAITING. She fears the coming election.

What is sad is that if the British pattern is anything to go by there will be an increase in race-related violence as a result of her comments.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by tiger5

Culture is something that exists irrespective of formal citizenship. Determining the lawful citizenship of sub groups, and their inability to co-exist in harmony are two separate endeavors. Look at the Amish. They don't speak Amerikan, don't participate within Socialist Security, don't serve in the military, live amongst themselves on their own reservations, and don't get along with professionals of the Las Vegas flavour...

What does it really matter to understand that not all people are going to "get along" for the sake of the Human Farm. Does it really matter if they've all been approved for service for the collective by citizenship?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by tiger5
Well the comment is aimed at the Turkish community.

To quote Erdogan, the current Turkish PM

"The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers."

BBC News

“Democracy is a train, from which you could alight once you reached your destination.”

The Financial Express

More to the point, he stated, when talking to a crowd of 16,000 Turkish immigrants in Germany

"Assimilation is a crime against humanity"


He has also stated,

'The Muslim world is waiting for Turkey to rise up. We will rise up! With Allah's permission, the rebellion will start.'

The Daily Mail

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:55 AM
It's history repeating.
Next thiing you know we'll all be tagged like the jews in WWII.
What a brave new world we live in.
So much for civilication.

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