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Possible "proof" of Alex Jones Illuminati involvement?

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posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by artistpoet

How about we take a look at all the valuable information Alex is giving out. If he is working for the illuminati then he would probably be a disinfo agent full of lies. I think that is half right. That lengthy list of EOs you supplied that grant certain powers to certain positions under certain circumstances. Can we sum them up to say that by readin all those EO's basically what Alex is telling us is that the government is getting things in place to declare Martial Law and basically do whatever they want or is it something deeper than that?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:55 AM
Considering how smart and deceiving the so called Illuminati is it would make sense that they could make you a shill with or without you knowing of it. They could probably get you to engage in disinfo campaigns with or without your permission.

to those that say I give them too much credit and power i say it is wise to overestimate than to underestimate the opponent.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by Curiousisall

I doubt him. But I feel that his being wrong may possibly be innocent. His presence on the Internet is undeniable. So I would like to know his intentions. You are right that he appears to have lied, but I could also see it as him being wrong and not wanting to dwell on his failures (when of course the right thing to do is be upfront about being wrong). He bulldozers on, but is that because he wants to get away with more lies and continue the charade? Or is it because he feels he is doing a service and making a difference and if he is to be successful he must not rest...(and so on)?
I doubt him? I have a gut feeling about him that say's he's no good. But as I said, I refuse to rely only on a gut feeling.
Generally I don't give time and energy to what I don't trust and he doesn't have my trust. But unless I'm presented with damning evidence I wont shut the door to the possibility of receiving evidence to decide his intentions are generally good (doesn't mean I'll believe the info he's putting forward, he's been wrong a lot).

A member of the Illuminati? Well, to start with, I can see how a group like the Illuminati would likely exist just by what I come to learn about humanity through life experience. But that's beside the point, over the years I have seen pretty damning evidence that the leadership of the world are joined together under some whacked out religion of their own and are in fact to some degree delusional (and dangerous). I understand you have no reason to believe that, but just to allow me to make my point, pretend I'm right for just a paragraph.
Now my point is I have not seen any evidence that makes me suspect even a little that Alex is part of that group. But people are funny things and I wouldn't be surprised to see such evidence. But I could say the same about pretty much anyone.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Curiousisall

Originally posted by artistpoet
Apologies - I genuinly did miscount and got that wrong - I see by your count that you added links to Alex Jones videos re FEMA in replying to a post by another.

Well I hope you can understand that from here, seeing that you could not find my post with links in it be it 5 or 7 posts back, kind of seemed like you must just be playing games. If it was just genuine confusion, my apologies but it sure kind of seemed like you were trying to not figure it out so hence the tone in response.

So Fema camps have not yet passed into law.
Wether or not Alex is lieing on purpose does not bother me.

Why would that not bother you? Even if it were just this. He claims to be a Christian and you accept that he may be lying and that does not disqualify him as a credible person to you? It kind of says a lot to me.

From my point of view I did as he asks all to do and research it for myself
Hence finding information about the proposed bill which raises futher questions in my mind.
Like you I seek my own proof of anything I am informed of
Are we back on track? I hope so

Well I would like to think we are back on track but I am afraid I am just confused now. You did what he asked, you looked for yourself. What did you find out that I am missing here? I found out he was dead wrong and has refused to retract, correct, or admit that. Therefore, I conclude he is a willful liar and a fear monger thus nothing on the level of an illuminati member. What am I missing in what you found out compared to what he claimed that does not make you think less of what he claims?

In answer to your question of why it does not bother me If Alex Jones is a liar:-
The world is full of many liars. In my personal life there are very few I could say I genuinly trust.
We see many types of people in many roles that lie to us day in day out.
Trust has to be earned - I am sure you agree
I do not blindly trust any - but will listen to any and be as open minded as I am able.
I listen to Bush Obama Blair etc or any but discernment of truth is down to me as an individual
I listen to people like Alex as he presents an alternative view point but again I do not blindly trust all he says.
By the same premise if I disregarded Alex I should also disregard many others.

If what I think you are saying is correct ie That we all need to look into information and find our own proof of what is true and what is not true then I whole heartedly agree.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by superluminal11
Considering how smart and deceiving the so called Illuminati is it would make sense that they could make you a shill with or without you knowing of it. They could probably get you to engage in disinfo campaigns with or without your permission.

to those that say I give them too much credit and power i say it is wise to overestimate than to underestimate the opponent.

Thanks for the post - Another good perspective and true one should never underestimate those in positions power.
My fear is that the powers that be would love an uprising so they can implement more droconian measures.
Do you think my fear is founded on sand?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Curiousisall
reply to post by artistpoet

How about we take a look at all the valuable information Alex is giving out. If he is working for the illuminati then he would probably be a disinfo agent full of lies. I think that is half right. That lengthy list of EOs you supplied that grant certain powers to certain positions under certain circumstances. Can we sum them up to say that by readin all those EO's basically what Alex is telling us is that the government is getting things in place to declare Martial Law and basically do whatever they want or is it something deeper than that?

Yes lets look at this information Alex is giving out.
I am still undecided if Alex is being manipulated by the Illumuniti - It is not beyond the realms of possibility.
Regarding the something that may be running deeper than what is apparent I can only go by gut feelins.
I am not saying this is true but I do fear for the USA if many were to rise up and take to the steets then it would give the aithoritys an excuse to implement martial law
Wether Alex is a victim of or player in this scenario - I just do not know
I will tell you of a private correspondence with someone who has a contact inside goverment security.
Wether this source is genuine or not I can not I can not say but I do feel he/she genuinely believes we they informed me of as follows -
The powers that be NWO/Illuminati have grown impatient in their desire tocreate a one world dictatosrship.
Thet are are instigaing civil unrest and want an uprising and anarchy on the streets of the USA so they can implement martial law.
Wether Alex is a knowing player in this or merely a victim I do not know.
What are your views on this please

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by Curiousisall

Originally posted by dangerish
reply to post by Curiousisall

There is nothing in the bill that says they will used for prison camps....U r correct.

Yes, I know.

As far as Aj being a liar... I don't think so as I believe these "FEMA in case of a disaster family playgrounds" (I'll call them for your sake) WILL be used to imprison the defective population, I think he believes this as well.

You do not have to believe that he believes this. It is clear that he does. Why does he believe it with not one bit of evidence to support it? Why would you believe it just because you heard it from Alex?

You have no idea if it is true but you do know Alex is not a liar even though he said it is true and cannot prove it?

How do you do that?

But it doesnt say this in the bill....It just allocates the land and moneys for them to make ready these playgrounds that could imprison alot of people. But ur probably right... FEMA and the US gov't have no intention of ramping up it's homeland security and surveillance
of it's citizens, tracking dissidence and building camps to imprison them in case of disaster...I'll go with that.

Right, the bill does not say ANYTHING that anyone in this thread or Alex claims it does. NOT ONE. That is what is called a lie, or wrong.

The only way to convince me Alex is not a liar would be to prove that what he claimed about 600 fully staffed FEMA camps is true. For some reason you just choose to believe it? Why?

Sorry for the delays....I'm on a lunch break
Anyway, I would like to restate that I am not a listener anymore as the show makes me upset and kindof puts a dark cloud over my day. Not to mention as I stated earlier he referred to himself as legion. That being said, I do feel that his information is genuine. I spent alot of time as a cynical skeptic researching most of what he claimed as well as others....bill cooper, david on. But like I said, I think they may be preparing the troops for the bloody battle versus the cops/military, so I quit. But since you made it personal, I did start the research. Here is what I've found so far as the 600 FEMA camps being full manned and operating goes.......

I realize this is not absolute hard evidence of these particular locations being operating prison camps, but it does provide that theyre there, and the letter confirms that some are manned and operating.
Some of the locations in Indiana are accurate, as I confirmed on of them last's ten minutes from my house!
I don't blindly follow anything. I choose not to do the research as it is a waste of my time. I researched AJ enough over the past ten years to know that he has documentation for his claims...I don't know how or why he has so much info, but it is real. And now that old dark cloud has returned as I remember why I don't do this kind of research nor listen to AJ. I'm debating if I will continue the research I have started. Hopefully this will pacify you for now

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 02:01 PM
After consideration regarding Alex Jones - I think he is absolutely correct.
He speaks of the NWO agenda wether proposed or actional.
The problem is seeing the bigger picture - so many things are looked at in isolation and compartmentlised.
Ye he is not perfect who is - I trust him above many - "Go Alex Go"
A true american hero!

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 06:48 PM
There is better coincidences than this one that Alex Jones is an Illuminati Operative.

1. Protocols of Zion: The Illuminati playbook says they will control the media, all sides of the debate, and even their critics. In the globalist game of chess, they control both the white and black pieces (ying and yang, a house divided, two snakes).

2.Guilt by association:
a. CoasttoCoastAM: UFO's, paranormal, astrology all Illuminati subjects.
b. Jesse Ventura: Illuminati created the WWE, most professional sports commissioners have been skull and bones, shiners, or masons. And how do you think a WWE wrestler become governor without illuminati money?
c. Pat Buchanan and Lord Monckton were popular past guests are both "GOOD GUY" ORDER of MALTA and illuminai agents.

3. William Cooper: Wild Bill Cooper was purposefully placed in a position and given security clearance to view fraudulent documents to make him believe that UFO's were real But later in life, Bill Cooper learned about "Operation Blue Beam" and that the UFO thing was fraud within a fraud. It wasn't long after that that Bill Cooper was assassinated. Alex Jones seemed to come onto the scene just at the time that Bill Cooper was removed.

4.Buy Gold: Alex Jones is playing along with all the other radio and TV advertisers to drive the US people to buy gold.

5. No Harm: Nothing bad ever happens to this guy. No real opposition. In medicine when people are faking a seizure, one big clue is that they never seem to significantly hurt themselves.

I still listen to Alex Jones because despite his rants, he does talk about important domestic issues. Most of his info is good, but once he has your confidence, where will he ultimately lead you?

edit on 19-10-2010 by davedan978 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-10-2010 by davedan978 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by davedan978

Nice post Dave i agree, i believe Alex is genuine and trying to fight the fight, doing
his best with the information provided. But one has to ask where is the info really
coming from? Is he only telling us what they want us to know?
If they are leaking info to him it is for one purpose only and that is, to gain our
trust, if we trust in his words and his words are theirs this sets the stage for
their biggest deceipt yet. I beleive that as genuine as Alex may be he is being
led down the path, and because he is the one revealing the secrets we will
follow him down this wrong path.
I often wonder if he questions the amount of credible information that so readily
becomes available. Wouldnt surprise me at all if one of his co-wokers was a seed!
I also beleive he may just be a distraction to keep the curious minds from the
real issue at hand, the one that Alex and Ike are telling us is a no-show, 2012.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 04:22 AM
I am watching "Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA" right now and if Alex is working for the illuminati, they need better production values.If he is genuine, they need to stop putting so much BS in his films.

So no, he is not a memeber of the illuminati because no matter what symbol he uses to beg for money, he is just putting out reallly really really reallly cheap flicks with almost nothing to them still.

Ahhh the UN is taking over our national parks oh noes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah to have it be the 90s and have a video camera with you on your trip to yellowstone all over again. He was right about that too, wasnt he? No? oh well. The man is a marketing genius!
edit on 10/20/10 by Curiousisall because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by Curiousisall

So you havent purchased you pair of Diamond Gusset Jeans yet.
You are entitled to your views of course
I of course disagree but it's rather tiresome to keep batting this about and we are never going to agree
I do however agree to disagree and do respect your point of view
Time will tell I hope and I for one would put my hand up if I am wrong

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:59 PM
Why do i get the feeling that TPTB dont care what we know or find
out because its simply too late in the game?

Is it possible that the reason we dont see a response to the infowars
from the elite is because the full time siron beckons?

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by lestweforget

Is it possible that TPTB could care less because people like Alex have been spreading the "truth" for decades now and gotten nowhere with it? That is really the things that gets me. If Alex had any incite or useful information, he would have supplied it by now. He has had 20 years to warn you and educate you. What is left to learn? How is the stuff he was saying for the first 15 years still valid? None of it came true. None of it was proven. None of it happened. He is STILL talking about it. If I were TPTB, I would not give a crap either since after 20 years nothing has happened. I hope that makes a little sense.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 07:20 AM
Your a liar
Alex has exposed many truths

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by artistpoet
Your a liar
Alex has exposed many truths

Originally posted by artistpoet
I do however agree to disagree and do respect your point of view

Give me some time to go over the list of hard truths Alex has exposed over the last 20 years. Looks like a long one.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 07:31 AM
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit
Go on with your futile debunking if you wish
But what are you offering other than negativity

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by artistpoet
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit

Calling someone a liar and offering nothing to back up the claim is the lowest form of discourse.

Go on with your futile debunking if you wish
But what are you offering other than negativity

Twice as much as you apparently since you gave up nothing to debunk. I never told you you could not like the guy and believe his BS. I certainly never labeled you are called you a liar. You want to be that respectful? Sarcasm is too good for it.

The point of this thread is whether or not Alex is part of the illuminati. So far, no proof of any illuminati. No proof they have symbols and what those symbols are. No proof Alex is anything other than a guy on the radio selling crap. Case closed.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 07:43 AM

edit on 21-10-2010 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by Curiousisall

Originally posted by artistpoet
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit

Calling someone a liar and offering nothing to back up the claim is the lowest form of discourse.

Go on with your futile debunking if you wish
But what are you offering other than negativity

Twice as much as you apparently since you gave up nothing to debunk. I never told you you could not like the guy and believe his BS. I certainly never labeled you are called you a liar. You want to be that respectful? Sarcasm is too good for it.

The point of this thread is whether or not Alex is part of the illuminati. So far, no proof of any illuminati. No proof they have symbols and what those symbols are. No proof Alex is anything other than a guy on the radio selling crap. Case closed.

You wrote
"None of it came true. None of it was proven. None of it happened".
That is why I said you lie
Case re opened

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