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You are all being conditioned for an alien space invasion.

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posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 10:40 PM
So if your being conditioned and prepared, how does that make you feel? Like your being manipulated? Can this be a good thing? Would peaceful, Benevolent beings be party to manipulation and dishonesty? Discern carefully. Listen to your higher self.reply to post by Socratic Method

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by Socratic Method

Hahahahaha - I love how you think..

You're kooky!!

I'm a fan now


posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by debris765nju
reply to post by EV38111

Nazi Germany had flying saucer in WWII, they supposedly recovered a craft in the 1930's. The Russians also recovered one in the early 1940's. There is a strong possibility that they might be craft created by underground dwellers known as Djinni. I have seen videos of craft landing by crashing, i have seen them crash taking off. That leads me to believe they are not very experienced nor skilled aviators.

See I am sick of eating gossip for truth - too old for that,

got pictures or its a load of bollocks.

really. just stop it..... or prove it - its not hard...

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by badw0lf

Type in Nazi UFO in the ATS search box and it will take you to many well documented Nazi flying saucers, many of the threads have photographs. You might also want to check out VRIL and the Thule society. Just a footnote, people on ATS don't bluff about information. It is always best to ask for more information before you grumble, you will feel better about yourself and promote harmony among your peers.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by Socratic Method

It's becoming increasing difficult to separate the signal from the noise on this topic:

1 - The Aliens are real. Full gov't/media disclosure imminent because (insert one of many reasons here).

2 - The Aliens are not real. It's all the Gov't/NWO/whatever, but full gov't/media disclosure imminent as they will use the threat of non-existent aliens to effect takeover of the country/world.

3 - The Aliens are real but they are not ET. They are demons/spirits pretending to be aliens in service of evil/the devil in the coming final battle with good/God. Again full gov't/media disclosure imminent because it serves the purposes of evil and everyone knows the Gov't/MSM is dominated and controlled by those in the service of evil.

Then you have all of the variations of the above including a few that manage to incorporate elements of all 3 versions.

The mind reels...

Maybe, that's the point....

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by Mastertheory
I think we were givin a deadline from what I call the master race. I think we are being used as a science expirement by them and that we may be a second attempt and if we don't do something right by X date we will be annialated just as it says in the bible that god will rise up in all his fury and wipe the earth clean and bring the worthy to his kingdom. But say we were to replace god with my master race theory and instead of his kingdom say a new world to start a new expirement

just wanted to chime in and say I agree with you. I've read and researched reams over the years and this is the same conclusion I have reached. There's a huge number of people - about half the planet if you count those from Islam as well as Christianity, who are primed via their religious tomes to expect two things - first, the arrival of the so called anti-christ, second , the arrival of *god* and co who come to destroy the world as we know it, replacing it with a *divine* new world order. The master race you refer to are in my opinion going to play BOTH parts of the script . It's a good war tactic to present an enemy to the masses (Satan/antichrist) that you then come and *save* the world from. VERY FEW people would even consider the notion that what transipires thereafter is anything else but a war between two opposing *angelic* factions. Yes, I know the ancient texts speak of a bonafide rebellion in the ancient past, with the so called fallen ones breaking away from their leader and their attempt to take power themselves. But when you realize we are talking of a race of extraterrestrials here it kind of changes the perspective. Neither side were especially *good* as they were frequently engaged in warfare, there were attacks on groups of earthlings and the Jehovah personage for example made Hitler look like a lamb, yet people persist in viewing him as the GOOD guy in the story ??!! More likely is that one faction overthrew the other eventually and now there ie just ONE group in control and THEY are the ones acting out the parts in the Koran and Bible. In other words, there is no war between one faction and another anymore , but it will be MADE TO APPEAR as if this is so, because the people will yield more readily when it appears that the victors of the battle have crushed some terrible (non existent) enemy.

The mother of all wars these 3 billion people have been conditioned to expect (Armageddon) is going to be acceptable to those religious folks who view what will occur as some kind of righteous wrath the world deserves. Those left standing will be quick to obey or *convert* to this *god* and his soldiers - people will do almost anything to survive. It would be very easy for a highly advanced ET species to fake battles in the skies between themselves and some *enemy*...they just stick *enemy* ships in the sky piloted by mind controlled drones who have been programmed to have inferior fighting capabilities. They pit these against another bunch of mind controlled drones who have been programmed to die for the cause if need be. None of the sentient, self aware members of the master group would even need to be IN the skies fighting !!!

As for the science experiment side of things well the alien abduction phenomena appears to suggest that the master race has created a worker drone force to execute alot of their scientific objectives which seem to include experimental hybridization programmes, and perhaps upgrades have been embedded in the abductees, awaiting activation in the new world they intend to create after crushing the existing order.

The people at the top of the power pyramid on Earth are not the ones pulling the strings - it is in my opinion that they are merely following their own scripted part of the agenda - serving the species you are talking about. Perhaps they are anticipating being bestowed some kind of gifts in exchange for their loyalty to the plan...?

The earthly NWO agenda is something the religious folk have expected to occur - a so called *satanic* system of government which has it's leaders seeking authority over the world . This is a system that HAD to be set up as this is the system that the so called *good guys* come to crush. The earthly powers are just following a script in my opinion.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 12:51 PM
Is there life out there? Essentially Certain.

Is there intelligent life other than Humans? Essentially Certain.

Are they here, visiting us? That is still an unknown.

I've seen a lot of curious things (on TV, internet, in books) but not a single piece of truly inexplicable, undeniable evidence.

To accept that we KNOW they are here, or that they are going to be coming here, requires clear and concise evidence.

Humans are extremely creative and I have seen nothing that we d not have the ability to create ourselves.

It's not that I am unwilling to believe, but these pictures are not proof of anything at this point.

Interesting to see them though. If they are fakes, they are very well done and someone was determined to create a strong illusion of reality. I'll go that far.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by Socratic Method
I just know.

No you don't, you just believe you know, big difference.

Originally posted by Socratic Method
Dont you think it is a bit outlandish for them (the governments) to out of no where start talking about different species of life not from this planet

And now suddenly, they appoint 1 human to represent every living thing on this planet.

This 1 human position you mention was created based on the findings of earth like planets found by the Keplar telescope which automatically increases the chances of alien life existing to such a degree that even the hardest sceptic has to take note, not because aliens have visited.

Originally posted by Socratic Method
Also there has been more sightings and accounts of alien life forces all around the world this past month then there has been in many years combined.

How do you arrive at that statistic? Please provide source.

Originally posted by Socratic Method
This is all a strategic tactic for you to become distracted about a much greater ploy.

Nahhh, really, it's not.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 01:24 PM
I strongly suspect TPTB will launch a false flag operation involving a mass appearance of UFO's, along with the threat of humanity being wiped out. The military has the equipment capable of projecting 3D images into the sky, and because of all the hype involving the year 2012 and the expectation of a great many people of some massive Earth changing event, an invasion of ET's would be relatively easy to fake. Much of whatever is being sprayed into the atmosphere at what seems to be an ever increasing rate, may well be particles that will form a world enveloping screen onto which images of Alien craft would be projected. With people worldwide in a state of panic, just think how easy it would be to form a One World Government needed to unite humanity and repel the faked invasion. Besides pharmaceuticals, and the poisoning of our water and food, a faked invasion of ET's would be another way of killing off millions of people needed to suit what the N.W.O. has in mind for a manageable number of human slaves.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Bkrmn

There is no evidence of an ability to project realistic 3D images in "the sky". I have witnessed the technology used to project 3D images into air. It took places in a smallish auditorium in which the air flow and humidity could be tightly controlled. In open air the images could not be made believable and may not even be seen as anything more than some reflections off of thin wisps of what ever pockets on condensation might happen to be in the area at the moment.

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