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Defaulting On Home Loans and the Banking Conspiracy

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+35 more 
posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 04:54 PM
This is all conjecture that can probably be backed by references but unfortunately I am on my phone and cannot do this. I am relying on my research sinch the meltdown started in 2008 and things I have learned on ATS.

I posted this on another thread but I wanted to give it a thread of its own.

I hope you enjoy reading it.

People can be so hateful towards victims of the banking conspiracy.

The problem with people's attitudes towards this issue is their failure to understand the scope of what is happening in today's society.

It is everyone's dream to own a home. It is one of the pieces of the great American dream that has been slowly dying for almost half a century.

Why and when did banks get involved in the sale and purchase of homes? Homes are something that are necessary for the survival of of a real live human being. Corporations such as JP Morgan Chase, have no need for a home. They should not have any ownership in the so called "housing market" at all. Matter of fact their (the banks) presence has only served to make it more costly and more and more expensive to buy a home at all.

The sale of a home should be person to person, owner to owner. Back in the day, Sears sold starter homes in a catlog and shipped them to you. Then you owned the home and the land you built it on. You added onto it as you saw fit. You passed down to your kids if you wanted, or sold it to the next passerby that wated it. Most people kept it because owning a home wasnt a business back then, it had sentiment and pride attached to it.

Now huge corporations buy up huge swaths of land, denying it to real live human beings, and then they develop homes on those lands and offer them for purchase at ridiculously inflated prices.

Then you go and try to buy one from them but because of the ridiculously inflated price, you have to beg and plead with the bank to loan you money. You beg the same corporate body who is responsible for assigning value to the home and the land it sits and therefore responsible for the inflationary beg them for the money so you can own the home.

Then you are allowed to buy or denied the home based on a credit rating which they assign you. The same credit rating which can make it impossible for you to even borrow a home from someone else who was allowed to buy it from the bank. This then pits you against your fellow human being. Yet another divide and conquer tactic from TPTB.

All of this removing the human choice of where to live, or what you want your home to look like and putting it into the cold, heartless, extortionate, inhumane, greedy vicious racket of corporations that have successfully taken control of every basic need of our delicate human existence.

Not only that, lets say you want to go out and tame some wild land and build your own home. Well you're not allowed to develop any empty land because the humomgous government owns all of the empty land. The only things who can cut lumber are the gigantic corporate bodies, so you must buy it at inflated prices. The government requires you to have degrees in contracting of all the different areas of the home. Lets face it. It simply cant be done. Your basic need for shelter has been taken out of your hands and you now must rely on the government and banks to supply it for you.

Yet people still try their hardest to own their own piece of Earth. Rather than being nomadic, like my family is, borrowing house after house. TPTB use this to their every advantage to reinforce how you can never own anything and you are subject to them. Most of us have fallen right into it and some even empathize with TPTB. A bit of Stockholm Syndrome if you ask me.

Let's examine the aspect of defaulting on loans, lest you still see it as the homeowner's fault.

These banks that you buy your home from are responsible for lending you money, assigning value to the home, setting interest rates, making regulations for home purchasing, assigning your credit score and assessing your credit risk. They are responsible for inflation and printing the money that causes it. They created the housing bubble and collapse, they created the economic collapse. They put millions of Ameicans out of work, the same Americans they sold homes to, the same Americans they raised interest on. Members of these corporations sit in Congress and argue whether to raise your taxes. These same people gave one trillion dollars ($1,000,000,000,000.00) of the money of taxpayers to these banks. The same ones that printed the money. The same ones that sold the homes. The same ones that are now taking the homes back. They took the money from the people that are having their homes taken away and gave it to the banks that are taking their homes. People who cannot afford the homes because of the banks who caused the economic collapse who are now taking their homes whos representatives in the governnment gave them the money that the government took from the same people who are having their homes taken away.

Lets face it. The lines between the corporations are heavily blured and between the government and corporations is nonexistent.

You get it now?

Welcome to fascist America.

+20 more 
posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 05:28 PM
Really great opening piece my friend Dbloch.

I don't think a lot of people are aware just how recent the invention of so many of these debt oriented banking products are.

In 1970 there was no such thing as a revolving charge card, a home equity loan, or a revolving line of personal credit.

People need to realize that the banks invented a whole slew of products to give people easy credit to keep financing a living wage lifestyle, in absence of the corporations actually paying a living wage, while at the same time much of our manufacturing and many of the best paying blue collar and even white collar jobs were transfered off shore.

We have been turned into debt slaves and endentured servants and in the process the banks and the corporations have acquired most of the real property and farms in the United States and the corporations have squeezed out most mom and pop sole proprietor businesses.

None of this was an accident. It was all carefully planned, and executed.

So I think the question is, why do the corporations and the government want us largely unemployed, poor, heavily in debt, frightened about the future, and angry?

I doubt it could be something very good for us.

Great opening post, and it's nice to see some members stepping up to the plate and beginning to push this issue.

You know just in case the space aliens everyone wants to have seen yesterday, don't end up saving the planet for us!

Star and flag.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 05:46 PM
This thread deserves attention.

You lay out perfectly whose responsible, while most sheeple continue to debase consumers for trying to live in a market oriented against them.

Proto alludes perfectly to the eugenics front after total centralization. Criminals thief's and psyhopaths that's who runs things. Flag

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You're absolutely right when you say people need to realize what is going on. This certainly was by design with the intention of subverting the population into a controllable conglomerate of shared-minds. The entire system is designed to suppress free thought and freedom of action. No one needs to take our rights away when the banks and corresponding government agencies simply make it impossible to excute them.

The entire idea of credit is a huge scam. It was invented in order to allow people to buy things the needed right now. But it was invented and utilized by the same people that cause prices to inflate out of reach for the people that credit was loaned to. The entire consumer market has evolved around a need for credit. Even for something as basic as a roof over your head.

Blaming the consumer for the problem is tantamount to blaming the victim for being raped.

This conspiracy, the banking conspiracy, is in my opinion the most important and significant conspiracy affecting humanity today.

Thanks for your contribution feel free to add more.

Your praise means a lot.
edit on 10/14/2010 by dbloch7986 because: typos

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by ISHAMAGI

Thank you.

I hope this conspiracy gets the attention it desrves. The banking conspiracy deserves its own forum entirely.

I am hoping many others can share their knowledge, experience and references if they have any.
edit on 10/14/2010 by dbloch7986 because: typos and change "thread entirely" to "forum"

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:30 PM
Modern day Snake oil, if i do say so...

Credit will cure all your ills.....Yeah right!!!!

Great thread, and fantastic intro....

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by dbloch7986

You covered a lot of territory there!

It seems that the people, us, have a few weaknesses that can be exploited.
!. We trust(ed) bankers and brokers.
2. We want things NOW, we don't want to wait.
3. We don't educate ourselves, make sure our children are adequately educated.
4. We don't pay much attention to our politicians and what they do.

How many people in America know that repealing Glass-Stegall was a major reason why we are in this mess. How many know what Glass-Stegall is? How many know WHO voted to repeal it.
How many people SAVE money?
How many people pride themselves on knowing what is going on in politics? Who their Senators and Representatives are and how they vote(d).
How many people will still vote for those that approved the bailout, and will approve the next bailout?

Society is a jungle. The powerful exploit the weak and feed on their flesh. The sooner that the young know this, the sooner they can be prepared. They should know the consequences of all of the above weaknesses, and THEY WILL.
I guess experience is the best teacher.

This is not to say that these big corporations and our federal government have not been criminal, because they have. They realize they are the law, and thus, above the law. The question remains,
what are we going to do about it?

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by dbloch7986

Great thread. S&F.

Our only option seems to be...... I have no clue.........


posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by freetree64

They certainly promote it as an all-purpose solution. Even my dentist tried to offer me credit to pay for some work my insurane wouldn't cover. Needless to say I dont go there anymore.


I will watch your video as soon as I get home. Its not as good quality on my phone.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by Stewie

You make some good points there. As they say, knowing is half the battle.

Education is a part of the combination to unlock the door to freedom from indentured servitude. However with lack of educational funding and lack of adequate schools to educate the masses, we come to an impasse. The parents themselves could educate their children but how do they have time when both parents have to work in order to pay their debts to the banks. This opens the door to a much larger conspiracy to undermine the families of the people and prevent their progeny from growing to be useful leaders in society. That allows TPTB to groom whomever they want into leaders and maintain their stranglehold on society.

This also dates all the way back to WW2 when women were dragged away from the home and forced to work to support the nation while all the men were at war. This coincided with inflation so when the men came back from war both parents had to stay in the workplace.

This led to a gradual decline of the family unit into the promiscuous 50% divorce rate you see today.

The more you look at things the more you will see how they tie together.

edit on 10/14/2010 by dbloch7986 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/14/2010 by dbloch7986 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by Gabo-

Honesly, I am right there with you. The first step is education and that will eventually pave the way for action. The important thing is we will need a lot of people on board before anything will happen.

Thanks for asking an excellent quesion. Perhaps another poster can answer it.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by dbloch7986
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You're absolutely right when you say people need to realize what is going on. This certainly was by design with the intention of subverting the population into a controllable conglomerate of shared-minds. The entire system is designed to suppress free thought and freedom of action. No one needs to take our rights away when the banks and corresponding government agencies simply make it impossible to excute them.

The entire idea of credit is a huge scam. It was invented in order to allow people to buy things the needed right now. But it was invented and utilized by the same people that cause prices to inflate out of reach for the people that credit was loaned to. The entire consumer market has evolved around a need for credit. Even for something as basic as a roof over your head.

Blaming the consumer for the problem is tantamount to blaming the victim for being raped.

This conspiracy, the banking conspiracy, is in my opinion the most important and significant conspiracy affecting humanity today.

Thanks for your contribution feel free to add more.

Your praise means a lot.
edit on 10/14/2010 by dbloch7986 because: typos

What most people aren't aware of is how far back the concept of debt began and what the earliest concept of debt was.

Of course in the beginning born into a pristine world where there were no consumer goods or money at all one might wonder where debt originated from.

It originated from the earliest warfare. If your tribe or village was conquered and your life was spared, you literally owed your life as a debt to the conquering cheif, warlord of king.

This is how slavery was born. Your spared life was now forfiet to the person who spared it, and you owed your life to them, your labor and anything you could produce.

In these times there was no currency and people bartered and traded for the things they did not have and could not produce themselves.

This led to the first forms of credit, where you might grow barley and I might make beer. I would supply you beer on account until your barley crop came in, and then you would provide me barley in payment for the beer, I would in exchange provide you beer in exchange for the barley.

Most people had agragarian products to trade that were seasonal, so often craftsman and trademen and butchers people with year round products would extend that to you on account until your crop came in, then you would settle accounts.

This worked pretty well, except for soldiers on long campaigns, they could produce and grow nothing of value while on the march for months at a time.

So believe it or not, the first coinage was minted to pay soldiers.

The first markets where you could use coins to buy things sprung up around soldier camps to supply them with amenities and luxuries in exchange for the coins.

During this whole period there was no such thing as interest, as you recieved on account from various merchants things you would pay for with your crops, crafts, or slaves once they were grown, harvested, produced or acquired.

The only people who had a significant debt were slaves.

Gradually but very slowly as more tribes put down roots and built fixed fortifications the concept of debt to the state was slowly expanded.

You owed a debt to the state for providing you security and the amenities of a basic infrastructure. This debt was often thought to be held by the ancestors and previous generations who began building these things.

You owed a debt for being born into a city state that had some wells and walls already there!

Even then for a long time free men were generally considered to owe no debt to the state.

That began to change drastically a few hundred years after the time of Christ.

Rome invented a new debt that would ensnare rich men, noble men, free men, and slaves alike.

You owe a debt for killing Christ!

Yes original sin and killing Christ! Christ died for your sins and thus you must pay for that! You owe a debt, a debt to the church and a debt to the state.

Gradually this concept took hold in the form of service to the state, taxation to the state, you owing your very life to the state, for accepting you upon birth into some place within the state.

Even as you breathed your very first breath, you were now already in debt, you owed a debt to God, you owed a debt to the State, you owed a debt to what ever nobles land you were born on within that state.

All in exchange for your first precious gasp of air and your life not being snuffed out upon arrival.

This system still exists to this day. It is what the divine right of Kings is based on, it is what the notion of the State being sovereign and you not being is based upon.

This all developed out of a world that cost no one nothing to be born as a product of nature and live in conjunction with nature.

The debt is owed for being allowed to live, for not being killed at birth.

Liking the whole concept of debt so far? I am not.

No usury was actually frowned upon by the Holy Roman Empire. The Jews who weren't bound by Christian teachings were typically the only money lenders of any reputed because of this. Nobles considered money dirty and unclean in fact, and would never touch it. The very rich and many of the nobles still to this day will not phsically touch money, they have servants who do that for them.

The Knights Templar were the first Christian organization outside of the Vatican itself to get around the usury prohibition in an innovative way.

Pilgrims on the way to the Holy Land were often robbed along the way, and killed for their money. So to prevent that from happening you could deposit your money or valuables at any Templar location throughout Europe or England and be issued a letter of credit for a like amount minus a transaction fee. When you arrived in Jerusalem the Templars there would redeem your letter and give you a like amount of coin or tradeable items.

When it was time to go home, you could then do the same thing.

The Templar Knights became the first International Bank through this process.

As the middle ages drew to a close the practice of borrowing money primarily for military campaigns and business ventures began to take off again.

This led to the modern banking industry, and the bankers realizing that they could they themselves decide the outcome of wars, simply by denying one warlord credit in a clutch keeping him from being able to buy weapons, and ammunition and pay his troops, and extending credit to another warlord in a clutch so that they could do all those things.

Since the 1700's most wars have in fact been decided by the bankers. The people generally have no idea that this is the case, but this is the case.

All modern wars have in fact been decided by the bankers.

Debt and Credit in fact are about the most powerful weapons that there are on a global and national scale.

Won't help you much with the guy who's girl you just hit on, but in just about every other scenario on a grander scale it will.

In the mid 1700's a famous mathemitician named Neuman came up with a formual where he imagined on average how many resources the earth harbored in the way of precious metals and other valuable resources and ores, and how many people it would take to extract them all, and what their rough sum total would be.

His formula was a relatively simple one, space, times people, times emerging technology.

The goal was to produce enough people, to get at all the planet's resources, by growing a large enough population and developing the technology to maintain it, to acquire and secure those resources.

This in part is what led to the colonization of the Americas and the systematic elimination and genocide of all the earth's pagan first nation's peoples.

Christians and those willing to convert could live and partake in the system, owing a debt of course to the state for the privilege.

Everyone else, had to die, and be displaced in order to get at and acquire and control these resources.

By the early 1900's this project was essentially done.

The bankers then decided to do away with gold and silver based currencies and to do that used the Federal Reserve Act.

In the aftermath of World War II, a war like world war I, that had been orchestrated by the bankers, and fought to the bankers desired outcome they then made the U.S. Dollar the world's reserve currency.

Eventually attached to nothing at all, after Nixon took us completely off the Gold standard with every other nation following suit, since the early 1970's our currency itself is a instrument of debt attached to nothing of any value at all.

It is simply script for use at the corporate company store. This works because all the resources are now owned by that select group of families that set out to acquire them all. So in essence money is just a requisition slip for some of those resources, in a world they own, run and control.

A world where you are born in debt and die in debt and are governed by notions of debt throughout.

This is how we got here, and up to this point, they have been kind enough to let people play along too, to a certain extent, like in Las Vegas.

You might get rich too! They will eventually take it away, but you might get rich at some point, in that process of acquiring resources for the oligarchs or supporting those that do with some product or service.

Now for the bad news, and it is bad news. Nuemans mathematical plan has been accomplished and now that the resources have all been located and secured for the most part.


So a lot of you have to go. Sorry!

They are in the process of pulling all the assetts back in, divesting the people of them, to make culling the human herd more efficient and less messy.

Are you guys really sure you want credit? I highly advise against it.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by dbloch7986
Lets face it. The lines between the corporations are heavily blured and between the government and corporations is nonexistent.

You get it now?

Welcome to fascist America.

Great thread.

Not related directly to the housing mess is another huge bubble flooded with credit in which both government and corporations are heavily blurred.

College education is now costing an enormous amount of money. Most government jobs and many corporate jobs require a 4 year degree even though many of these jobs could easily (and more appropriately) be filled with someone who has proper experience or has the proper mental capacity. This is turning colleges from places of higher learning into degree mills. 90% of what a person "learns" in college is proven useless in the professional world (math and science makes the best transition) yet the demand for "higher" education has resulted in super huge tuition and "colleges" in many retail spaces. All those Di-Tech or Remax ads I saw online during the housing bubble have been replaced with some online education thing.

The education bubble is just like the housing bubble and is another example of the collusion between government and banking. Having a place to live shouldn't be so expensive and having an education shouldn't be expensive (and should be useful) but banking and credit has inflated the costs and created an industry which is more like a vampire than a boon for society.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I am sure that you will agree that there are at the most basic level two kinds of debt. Legitimate and Illegitimate.
There is no way that a human can be born into legitimate debt. To incur debt, is to enter into a contract whereby both parties sacrifice some resource. A newborn baby cannot enter into a contract, so therefore, if a newborn is born into debt, it is illegitimate.
The fact is, the debt placed upon unwitting humans by these cunning and merciless plantation owners is simply TOO great for any living slave, so it MUST be passed on to their offspring.
So, taking out credit, or borrowing money from these same people is to the slaves advantage! Not paying it back is to the slaves advantage as well!
You are very good at bringing us up to speed on how we got here. Any frail human born into this jungle should not be born into debt, and in fact, they are not born into LEGITIMATE debt. They simply do not have the advantage of being born into privilege. But, they should be taught, that by the same token that an entity would enslave THEM by illegitimate means, so should THEY have the right to reverse this crime by illegitimate means!
The only means the POWERS have to enslave is by force, not legitimacy, and only by force shall the enslaved ever be free.
The enslaved and the future slaves can only benefit by an effective plan to release them from their bondage.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 08:49 PM
Ahhh...and let's not forget the Old Testament Law given to Moses and the Israelites, which had in it the first version of Bankruptcy...The year of Jubilee after Fifty years, when all that was owed would be forgiven, and the points it also makes about loans given with interest expected... obviously not followed to this day, by said "Bankers'....

Simply noting that there are many sources throughout history, that have both led us, and brought us, to this point....

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by Stewie

I agree with your concept of legitimate and illigitimate debt. I also agree with your belief that it is better to take advantage of the system, by letting them extend and then defaulting on legitimate debt.

I am very much into money for nothing and chicks for free.

But the truth is we are all born into bondage as wards of the state and serialized and collateralized at birth. Our future productivity as members of the state pledged for credit now.

Now yes, I believe this can ultimately be contested. In part by challenging the notions of divinity that the whole system is based upon.

Bearing in mind that all officials swear oaths to God, and we are considered one nation under God this presents two hard to overcome problems for the state to the insistent personality.

One is that they can't actually produce the God these notions of power and divinity are based off. This ultimately means they have no authority based on the concept of where that authority ultimately eminates from. So proving their divine right becomes far more problematic than asserting it.

Which leads to problem number two, and that is that they have in essence conspired to get around this by naming the Pope God's legal representative on earth.

So the hidden truth is the divine right is actually eminating not from God but the Pope. The second problem with this second problem is that the Pope can't prove his divine appointment either, he simply obtained the position by treaty by decree of others nobles using their non-existent but self proclaimed divine right.

So ultimately for any of this debt to be truly enforcable because of how they have structured the whole system, they do have to produce the God that the whole notion of debt and authority and divinity is based on, and have that God assert that these things are bestowed by him and backed up with overwhelming power employed by him.

What we have here is one massive fraud on the masses, so yes, naturally I do concur the best way to fight a con man is with a con of your own.

The only problem is that when you in essence 'cheat' at the game in this fashion, you are still perpetuating the game.

I don't think it's a good game though, too many people die and suffer needlessly to play it.

Sure, I imagine there needs to be some unified story line and backdrop to life, but I am prepared to wager a more user friendly one, would actually work out better, than the current version.

Just my own humble opinion.

Thanks my friend.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

The control of the world's resources is something that people fail to see. They don't understand that all their basic needs have been stripped out from underneath their very feet while they weren't looking and are now being sold back to them at exorbitant prices.

I am not even talking about oil. I am talking about metals, lumber, water, food, and herbs.They have even taken the very land that you stand on and the planet that you live on. The only unclaimed land left around the United States are the coasts. The rest are bank owned or state owned with a small percentage owned by people not in debt (because face it, if you owe money on a credit card, your assets are owned by that credit card; anyone who has studied basic accounting knows how ASSETS = LIABILITY + EQUITY.)

Its amazing how quickly and thoroughly such a small group of people have completely monopolized the resources on this planet. Back in the day you could walk into the forest and kill or pick some food. Now the government owns all the animals and plants. You cant hunt without their permission. They did all this by saying "its for the good of the planet; its for your own good; to save endangered animals; yadda yadda yadda..." The same way they now use "for the good of the children" to take away the rights of the parents to care for them.

That was a bit on the history of debt. Borrowing has been around for ages! The concept of currency and interest and inflation are what really changed the playing grounds.

Oh what a tangled web we weave. As thoroughly as I understand the conspiracy, if I think about it I get lost.

You are a very engaging conversationalist. Its rare that I read every word of a post that long.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by wutone

I was going to get into that earlier, but I was waiting for someone like you to come along and mention it!

That is a very good point. The qualifications and degrees required for some positions now days are ridiculous. I can think of some areas (doctors, high level engineers, teachers, scientists to name a few) that really do need a lot of training. For the most part, in a small company managing five people, you do not need to have a bachelors degree. Any monkey with half a brain can easily do the Accounts Receivable job that I do.

The worst part of this collaboration is that in order to make decent money you need to have a degree which feeds directly back into the banking conspiracy with them loaning you that money. Exactly like you said. Its pure insanity is what it is and the fact that it has been allowed to happen and people cannot see it makes me crazy.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by freetree64

I am not very well versed in bible studies, however I do appreciate your contribution as I am sure it will mean more to other members than me. One thing is clear to me, TPTB are not Christian.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by Stewie

I agree with your concept of legitimate and illigitimate debt. I also agree with your belief that it is better to take advantage of the system, by letting them extend and then defaulting on legitimate debt.

I am very much into money for nothing and chicks for free.

Proto quoting the British Invasion?

Couldn't resist. This song embodies the idea of credit!

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