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Fred Phelps' daughters sing 'Crazy Train'; U.S. Supreme Court torn over case

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posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by 19872012

I have a few beliefs about the guy:

First, I think its highly probable that he is gay. His abuse of his children leads me to believe that he was abused as a child also. Sometimes I wonder if he isn't a homosexual with a deep self loathing and alot of violent reenacting upon his children and families of gays and lesbians, etc, because of his own self hatred.

Second, sometimes I do believe that he's an extreme parody, but I doubt it. Sometimes its hard to just admit that monsters like this man exist. The guy is so nasty in so many ways and to such an extreme degree even if this started out as a "parody" i think its safe to say the parody consumed his life and personality and is no longer a parody. So no to your question.

Third, there is a biography about Phelps that is free online (because phelps got it on public record in a lawsuit against the guy who wrote it...yea he's a giant litigation hog too). From what I remember of the small amount I read, Phelps used to be fairly mainstream back in the day, even appearing in Time Magazine? His radical shift a couple decades later leads me to believe the guy is a gigantic media vaccuuum who can't get enough publicity no matter how he has to get it.

To add to the third theory, I also believe his most crazy anti-gay stuff didnt' hapepn until after he lost his bid for election.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 05:40 PM
One thing I must add as well is that Phelps may have finally ticked off the wrong people.
One doesn't mess with the fans of Ozzy Osbourne. Or tick off Ozzy himself enough for him
to issue a statement for crying out loud...
Really, has the man ever issued a statement saying he was disgusted and upset at
someone else's behavior?
And messing with Crazy Train?
That song is beloved.

The "Prince of Darkness" has millions of die-hard fans who
more than likely never heard of the idiot until now.
And now they know that Ozzy isn't amused with this man.
Phelps has nothing to fear if he takes jabs at Justin Beiber, Adam Lambert
or Lady Gaga....
Pissing off Ozzy?
A whole different catagory.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by fraterormus
Actually, there is a potential copyright issue, regardless of parody. If they even altered the pitch of their speaking voices to match the original tune, then, if they used more than 9 consecutive notes of it, without the permission of the copyright holder, in a venue which is not licensed for the public performance of copyrighted material (ie a fee has been paid in advance which is theoretically supposed to be paid to artists - yeah right, dont get me started), then that is an unequivocal breach of copyright.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by Bunken Drum

They have parodied so many songs...
I hope so badly they get nailed somehow.
They have bastardized John Lennon, Carly Simon, Michael Jackson.... the list goes on.
As repugnant as it can be, go to their website. They proudly show off their parodies on their page.
Proof online if needed for a copyright lawsuit by any of these artists, but I would think that the Phelps' are too savvy for that.
edit on 8-10-2010 by thegoodearth because: added link

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 06:34 PM
I've watched Osbournes show and enjoyed it in the past. But it looks like he's taking this all to seriously. To me this is just another fun show watching the preacher burn the Koran and making up some crazy lyrics to some old songs. Instead of "God Hates The World" it should be "We Are The Weird" judging by the way the public is going nuts over this.

I think Ozzy should practice what he preaches. He's always making a joke out of the Christian faith. Crosses upside down. Santa nailed to a cross. Such good fun.

Now when someone else has a little fun with something Ozzy thinks is important. He freaks out and has a fit. All these civilized people threatening law suites and death threats. Makes me think this guy has hit a nerve of the beast or something.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by daluniverse

pfft ozzyosbourne who cares what he thinks, hes a talentless idiot who screams down the mike and earns money, he doesnt even have a nice voice

after what he did to the doves which were LIVE
i have no respect for him ever.. sick person
Ozzy's getting on a bit, no question of that. So's Sir Macca, who admitted on live tv that he was past his best.
Now, I'm not comparing the 2, b/c that would be like comparing Jimmy Hendrix to Brian May, but both were outstanding at what they do, in their day. I know for a fact that, whatever you've seen of Ozzy on tv is him playing to the camera. When he was in the mood to work, he was no less professional than any other vocalist &, apparently, could nail it in less takes than many.
If you know anything about music, have a listen to the 1st version of him singing "Paranoid" by Black Sabbath. If you've an ear, I'd suggest you choose at least a CD copy, if you dont have vinyl capability, but forget MP3. Then remember that that tune & Ozzy's voice was as groundbreaking in its day as when Janis Joplin hit the world between the eyes with hers.
Btw, do you eat chicken?

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by thegoodearth
Thanks for the info, but I'm afraid that, if I went to their website, my blood pressure might not be able to take it, since I dont have any RPGs with which to rock up F2F & ensure that they did actually follow my instruction to f# off & die. So I'll just take your word for it.
They can be as savvy as they like: if they're publishing copyrighted material online, then its worldwide. Thus suits for infringement &/or libel can be heard in London - a lawyer's dream venue for such cases. Someone'll get to them eventually. Its probably just that, so far, they haven't got enough money to be worth going after. After all, a big mouth does not a fat wallet make, eh?

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by Bunken Drum

Actually the only thing that makes a song worth anything in the (eye of the simpleton law) is the lyrics. So if you change the lyrics it is a new song. So I'm afraid Ozzy hasn't really got a case. Of course he has enough money to harass someone with the court system.

In my eyes since Randy Rhoads probably wrote all the music to that song. The new song written by the Baptist minister is just as much the ministers song as Ozzy's. And maybe we should put Ozzy in state prison for a new world order hate crime.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 01:02 PM
i'll say again the military guys and ozzie fans
the gays and christians also,
should hammer this cult.
reap what you sow muther-f-er

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 05:16 PM
I think that preacher and ozzy are 2 peas in a pod. Both playing the public for publicity. Ozzy's just a little frustrated that this preacher has inched ahead of him toward the finish line of "freak of the decade".

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 05:34 PM
so its okay for user to take scripture and use it backards like they claim subliminal messages in OZZY music if played same instance.

I know an occult practice that prays upon scriptures out the bible for their spell casting abilities.

then we have that jessica hawn with the swaggert faye BS

how many priests are being charged with molestation now? is this okay for religions?

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 07:36 PM
This is great. The Westborrows minister is more entertaining than even Ozzy.

I have some respect for the minister. He has conviction and does what he thinks is right at great peril. I don't share some of the beliefs he has but that doesn't matter.
edit on 10-10-2010 by Doctor Smith because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:42 AM
No Doc, a melody is subject to copyright. Thats how the whole music industry started: by publishing the sheet music of songs that became popular on stage, so they could be played by musicians elsewhere. You may be right that Ozzy doesn't own the copyright tho. It'd be usual for the record company to hold all rights, but the bigger they get, the better deals artists get, so who knows. Somebody definitely owns it tho!

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 08:32 PM


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