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Black Eyed Kids- Did I just have an BEK experience?

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posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Redferret
Did you check around the house/windows and notice anything out of the ordinary?

Nope, nothing wrong there

You mentioned that there was no sign of the cat the next day. Did you check with neighbors to see if they had any similar experiences?

No, Im not really keen to spread my experience too far, for fear of neighbourhood ridicule. Im only new to the street

Were you able to go to sleep that night?

Yes. Slept well, lol

Did you ever see them again?

Well it only happened a few days ago...and I havent seen them since

edit on 3/10/2010 by OzWeatherman because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/10/2010 by OzWeatherman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

So did you check your backyard after the kids left to see if their was a kitten in your backyard?

My wife swears she ran into a young women with all black eyes in a gas station restroom. I was waiting in the car and she came running out acting kinda scared when she told me what she saw. She said she was acting kinda of strange and was sneaking looks at her. I just brushed it off and never thought about it again until I read your post.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 09:23 PM

Did you ever see them again?

Well it only happened a few days ago...and I havent seen them since

Sorry about that. I thought you had mentioned that it had been a few months earlier.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 09:34 PM
My logical thinking has to say that it is because of another thing that made their pupils dilated and black and g'day even sounds like they had some gritted teeth problems. Even if they were under this influence however, they were still up to no good. You were wise not to let them in.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 09:36 PM
It's just curiouser and curiouser.

I would be tempted to call the local police station to see if anybody else has made a report on the little delinquents. To see if they might have additional info.

I've only had one stranger get pushy with me to get in my house, and I believe he clearly wanted to rob me. He was literally looking all around me -- to the inside of the house -- while he was talking. He even saw my dog and asked "Is that an expensive dog?" He did! I said "oh, no, I got that poor thing from the dog catcher". lol. But of course I didn't let him in, and had the police provide extra patrol to my neighborhood for a couple of days. Of course, his eyes were normal.

Had it not been for their eyes, would you have let them in?

Anyway, you have good instincts not to have done so.

Thanks for sharing the experience with us. I'll be on the lookout!

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by ladyinwaiting
Had it not been for their eyes, would you have let them in?

No, there was a bad vibe about them...something i couldnt put my finger on. That alone would have stopped me.

Thanks for sharing the experience with us. I'll be on the lookout!

No worries

Hope you dont have to experience it

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 09:46 PM
Very interesting story, OP. I've not heard of the BEK phenomenon before. I get what I consider to be "relatively odd" phenomenon on a regular basis - and whether it is authentic or not is irrelevant here. The telepathic thing you noted is of special interest to me. I'll admit to being a nut - don't care. One example, long story short - one night, up late I was in my kitchen and upon leaving turned off the lights - at which point I got a thought in my head, "If you turn off the lights, we'll take your cat." I turned them back on, then defiantly turned them back off. And sure enough my cat went missing within two hours - found it outside late the next morning.

It COULD have gotten out on its own. Highly improbable. Either way - it got out and I had some warning of it beforehand. If that was the only instance, I would likely ignore it - but have had a great many of very similar experiences. I was at one time very involved with the occult, and specialized, as far as I was concerned, in discarnate entities. Whether what I believe is real or not, is really inconsequential - I don't have an inclination to try to prove anything to anyone, except to myself... so will leave it at that (mostly). Heh.

Re-reading your post - I'll add that I frequently have lightbulbs blow - and a lot of the time I know as I turn on the switch that the bulb will blow. That's spanned every house and apartment I've lived in... and it is weird, there's a relationship between electricity and astral phenomenon... as far as I'm concerned.

Typically though, in most occasions, even for occultists and psychic investigators, if they feel something around them that they don't like - they usually proceed to different methods of banishing it away. That is something I stopped doing as, in my interest is to know more about whatever the hell would have an interest "in my area" - to determine the nature and characteristics of the presence. Most of this activity is, to me, inconsequential - a matter of sharing space - where what is passing through is no different than someone walking through a shopping mall.

Sometimes though, there are more persistent, frequent or periodic presences and these are the ones I tend to take much more notice of - typically in proportion to the degree of intrusiveness, or intention to be intrusive. Mostly, though not all of the time, what I consider to be malevolent entities stop at the threshold of what I consider my space - which is at the plane of the door into my room. There are some that ignore that, and not by virtue of an invitation, either.

So, understanding that I'm completely whacked out - the seemingly telepathic phenomenon you referenced coupled with stopping at the plane of the door is of interest to me.

A few questions, for the OP -

1. Did you get a feeling that the porch light was going to blow in the instant before you turned it on?
2. Did the more aggressive kid at any time cross the threshold/plane of the door - the more precise you can be the better... such as the exterior plane or interior plane of the door?
3. Have you experienced anything you might consider to be "mental chatter" - before or after - that you might ascribe to not being your own thoughts?
4. Relative to irregularities in speech, and understanding the bad lighting, did you notice whether their mouth movements didn't exactly fit what they were saying? (like on the old Japanese "Godzilla" movies with English dubbing) or, any chance that what you "heard" was telepathic? Inclined to think regular audio, but this part though subjective would be interesting.
5. Understanding poor lighting again, did you notice any peculiarities in their skin complexion, facial movement when talking, or any disproportional features (aside from their eyes)?

Very busy with work, but also very intrigued by this. I'm especially curious as to whether there have been any incidents in which these "kids" were accepted into someone's home or where someone complied with their requests. I'll be looking into this a little bit further and following this thread.

Either way, you did right by not letting them in, keeping calm, and... posting to ATS. The sheer number of reasonably well to very well informed people here able to argue several sides of the equation makes the posts here worth reading (most of the time).

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Hi Oz

Well I guess you have been given a fair few options in this thread as to what they might be.

It seems to break down into two camps,

They were a couple of normal kids that either A) Had pupil dilation due to it being dark or through some illicit substance which you misinterpreted as them having Black eyes because of the weirdness of the situation B) Had a pair of full eye $300 contacts in from a site like this


They were some kind of Vampire / Supernatural being.

I guess you have to decide which you think is more likely yourself

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 09:52 PM
Just thought of another question:

You mentioned that the street lights were out. Were they on the next night? If so, did you see anyone come repair them?

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 09:55 PM
I forgot about it before, but obviously the silent disappearing and earlier mention of 'we don't have weapons' specifically, think I probably would have acquired a weapon of my own at that stage...

I've never had anyone mention weapons related to 'finding a kitten' ever. Nor has it ever crossed my mind talking to strangers whose doors I may have knocked on....

fckn weird man, and you said you just moved into the neighborhood, you never answered if you lived in the country or not, but if you do, go to the pub for a drink, or if not a pub person, start making yourself seen at the local deli, it really really doesn't take long to get an understanding of a country town that way just coz of the sheer amount of gossip that goes on, I reckon give it a month and you'd know half the people in the town whether you'd met them or not...

I've lived all over Australia and just being in an unfamiliar place can be disconcerting...

at least if you got familiar with the town & its people you'd a better Idea of where the F those kids came from?


P.S) a suggestion -
at the deli for e.g., after learning the name of the owner, chatting about yourself for a while, mention casually that you think a couple of the local kids knocked on your door the other night looking for their kitten & you told them you'd take their number and call their parents in the morning if you could find the kitten - as it was really late and you were about to go to sleep - but when you went to get a pen & paper they left without saying anything and were gone by the time you got back to the door...

there is nothing at all supernatural about that discussion & you could potentially find out if there were a.) any locals missing a kitten, b.) any locals that mentioned the new guy who wouldn't help them find their kitten c.) any local kids who are known for mischief & being out late at night or finally d.) nothing to learn in which case it would be even more likely that it was supernatural...

edit on 3/10/10 by B.Morrison because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by USXpat
1. Did you get a feeling that the porch light was going to blow in the instant before you turned it on?

No, I think it was just coincidence. It was probably past its use by date

2. Did the more aggressive kid at any time cross the threshold/plane of the door - the more precise you can be the better... such as the exterior plane or interior plane of the door?

No, the door was closed the entire time

3. Have you experienced anything you might consider to be "mental chatter" - before or after - that you might ascribe to not being your own thoughts?

No, this is my one and only "paranormal" (if it actually was paranormal) experience

4. Relative to irregularities in speech, and understanding the bad lighting, did you notice whether their mouth movements didn't exactly fit what they were saying? (like on the old Japanese "Godzilla" movies with English dubbing) or, any chance that what you "heard" was telepathic? Inclined to think regular audio, but this part though subjective would be interesting.

No, that was all normal. There's a theory that BEK's have telepathic abilities apparently, but again, Im not sure that they were reading my mind, and Im not claiming they were

5. Understanding poor lighting again, did you notice any peculiarities in their skin complexion, facial movement when talking, or any disproportional features (aside from their eyes)?

No, their skin was normal, as was their facial movement. They appeared as normal kids except for the eyes adn the way they talked

edit on 3/10/2010 by OzWeatherman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 09:58 PM
Intresting story op, I have never heard of bek's before this thread......but looking around the thread and internet some people have some experience with them.... I would say to invite them in, just to see what they are, if there pranksters, or thieves, or some sort of demon's or vampires, or even grey alien's in disguise, or half breed's with limited telepathic powers .....But on second thought, since the only talking/writing about them seems to come from people who did not invite them in, and there seems to be no written experiences of those that invited them in......Then no don't invite them in....Tough you should at least asked what they were, since you didn't think they were kids.

"We are just kids, mate, let us get our kitten" So what do you think they were op just two kids or something else ?

Plus All Hallows Eve is coming up soon, these bek's should have a easier time getting invited in then.....and some free candy to.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by Redferret
Just thought of another question:

You mentioned that the street lights were out. Were they on the next night? If so, did you see anyone come repair them?

Yes they were on the next night. I mentioned before they may have been "kicked" out. We use to do that as kids as well. And it is school holidays over here in Australia

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by B.Morrison
fckn weird man, and you said you just moved into the neighborhood, you never answered if you lived in the country or not,

Well I am Australian. Im currently in Perth, where I grew up, but havent lived here for a good 7 years due to my job (lived all over Australia, Broome, Cairns, Gold Coast, Melbourne, Darwin and Woomera). Only got transfered here in May

but if you do, go to the pub for a drink, or if not a pub person, start making yourself seen at the local deli, it really really doesn't take long to get an understanding of a country town that way just coz of the sheer amount of gossip that goes on, I reckon give it a month and you'd know half the people in the town whether you'd met them or not...

Lol, i did live in Woomera before I came back...I know the entire town. Bit harder in cities

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 10:06 PM
Yeah, I gotta say that if I saw a BEK, my first inclination would be that they're either on some drugs or part of one of those little vampire cults that pop up. Smart not to let them in the house, but still, I think the conversation went on a little long. It's interesting the the light exploded when it was turned on, but that could have been "set up" to do just that. Not sure at the moment what the folklore is regarding BEKs, but it sounds interesting.

Didn't those guys from A Clockwork Orange have black eyes? I'm just sayin'.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 10:12 PM
Thank you for the answers, Oz. Reading about other BEK cases now. Your post was the first time I've heard mention of this "phenomenon" - for lack of a better word. Curious as to whether the incident with Brian Bethel in 1998 was the first reported case. Makes for some interesting early morning reading. Thanks again!

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 10:14 PM
Maybe the BEK have been around for centuries, and the people who saw them hundreds of years ago mistook them for vampires and that is how the "Vampires must ask permission to enter" myth started.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 10:19 PM
The children just wanted their kitten back geeez.. Because we all know kittens constantly hop fences...

Disregard the idea of vampires. Are you familiar with the X-Files and the black, oil-eyed aliens?
This could explain your problem.

I'd watch each relevant episode for clues if I were you and had the time.

edit on 3-10-2010 by tooo many pills because: ,

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by tooo many pills
The children just wanted their kitten back geeez.. Because we all know kittens constantly hop fences...

Disregard the idea of vampires. Are you familiar with the X-Files and the black oil-eyed aliens?
This could explain your problem.

I'd watch each relevant episode for clues if I were you and had the time.

I own the entire series, and Im familiar with every episode, lol. Apart from that black oil, nothing esle fits the description (and I highly doubt that a fictional series would provide me with many clues, lol)

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

woomera, that's cool...and Australia is far too awesome to stay in one place all the time...I want to go back QLD & research the gympie man as I used to live there for years and never even knew it existed...
yeah I got nothing for cities...its too alien to me...and isn't Perth the most isolated place in the world or something? seems a good place for everything dodgy, supernatural or otherwise to occur really....I got family over there...think I'll ask about these BEK' takes a fair bit to get them lookin' at me sideways....good luck figuring this one out!


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