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IMO: NWO, Disclosure and the public need to know

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posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 05:47 PM
I got my arm twisted on this one. Well, more like my conscious. I'm posting this U2U because I was asked to. I'm sure that most will be doubtful because of the lack of media evidence. But other media that most don't watch has been covering this stuff because some have a conscious.
Here we go...
I still have issues concerning Project Bluebeam. See, I don't know if you follow prophecies - I follow several and am still connecting stuff from other religions and exploring so called myths as well, but I have a big problem. Facts and Fantasy are so intertwined that we are gonna lose more people than what is predicted.
First, The Nibiruian System is real. Zecharia Sitchen was incorrect about only one thing - Nibiru being a single body traveling around our sun at such a distance with just natural planetary gravitational pull. That is definitely not the case. Please see this video on the Science Channel website - it is the most updated on this event and yes, all agree there will be an event.
If you go back to the Annunki story, Sitchin says that these guys came to our planet in search for gold to use on their planet because their sun's radiation was low. That's what did it for me. Brown dwarfs don't emit a lot of light. Also this thing about us being created to mine gold cuz our stepdaddies were too lazy to pick up the remote (like parents do to children - get it?)
As for what may be coming - its them but is this it? I don't think so. A few cards have not been played.
1) If the Annunki story is true, then this may be the transport ship for the gold. Only, we are short the amount we were supposed to have. 9/11/01 was a heist. TPTB cannot tell us that all our hard work has to leave the planet just because - too many who think they are entitled would debate this gold reserve being given to anyone w/o some type of contractual proof. That's the secrecy folks - they just don't want to cut us all in so they make us do the work and cut us out.
2) They are preparing WMDs we've never seen the likes of. Could it be the naughty children are plotting to rid themselves of their parents and collecting the insurance money (tons of gold)? hmmm
3) The DUMBs are to withstand heat hotter than what can melt steel and the pressure of being submerged under violent tides. We know from the Annunki story that the Annunki knew the passing of their system would cause our system havoc and they used it as a weapon - see the video on bombardment.
4) Intimidation factor: They know the kiddies are being bad and they are trying to intimidate us to get us 'back on track'!
There is too much to go through all of what I know. The funny thing was, when I was reading your thread, the coincidence factor kicked me in the rear - I have worked in just about every govt entity that has something to do with this and that red thing in the video they call Nemesis was at every one of them.
So in closing, do not expect anyone to levitate into the arms of Jesus (or whomever) anytime soon because several books that didn't make it into the Bible at Nicea, make it perfectly clear that those who won't experience this tribulation, would be dead. I'll have to find those links again and send them. Sherry Shriner touches on some of this - but frankly, she also promotes stuff that seems counterproductive to me. Also I've read tons of stuff on Dulce - there is a paint, not the orgon she pushes that you drop in water, that they use on the walls of places they don't want them to go and they don't go. Kinda like alien stop accident spray - you know, the stuff you spray after a dog/cat urinates on your carpet so they don't continue to mark that spot. Now, more than ever we need THAT information. And please don't get caught up in her 'channeler' Yahweh - she said he told her she was King David's grand daughter - yeah I know. But she does have the best true interpretations of Bible quotes out there, minus the standard traps.
Oh, and this has happened hundreds of times and we are still here. I did the math somewhere. Getting old. LOL
Good luck to you during these times.
To Add:
I really don't know for a fact that aliens exist, but brown dwarfs do. And no, they don't shine in the sky like stars. Also remember planets reflect light don't they? If they didn't, you wouldn't see Venus, Mars, Jupiter, etc, in the sky at night. This thing may NEVER be visible if it doesn't emit light and light refracts from it because its still an illumination.
Also, every channeler that has channeled events on the net and other places have had NO success in predicting these events of disclosure, so I still say don't react. Just watch and see. Have an open mind people because if this is a plot to take over the world - regardless of who is doing it man or alien, this time it looks like it got its kick off and they are in the first quarter.
Second quarter may be sudden death.


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