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So you want Free Energy?

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posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 02:40 PM
those videos are not free energy, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FREE ENERGY! those videos are not free energy, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FREE ENERGY!
those videos are not free energy, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FREE ENERGY!

i swear people should have proof of taking a thermodynamics class before posting about "free energy".

MAGNETS wear out over time and will not have the same B as they did, especially if they are really worked!

MAGNETS require lots of energy to create in the first place.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 02:41 PM
I don't understand why solar power isn't considered free energy. Someone care to explain?

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by xiphias
I don't understand why solar power isn't considered free energy. Someone care to explain?


the sun is basically a huge nuclear reactor; it undergoes fusion and fission constantly. Once all the hydrogen atoms that power the sun to create it's energy runs out, (which will be in like a million years) it will start to die. Solar energy can be harvested in a very particular way: It was found that silica (in combination with other elements) can absorb photons ( light energy) and the absorbed photons excite the material and it will generate a charge. Like all things and if you have studied thermodynamics, you will know that over time the solar panel will not be able to transmit the same amount of electricity as it did when it was first created.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 02:56 PM
mecanical engineer
electrical engineer
at what point do we all know our own feild but lack understanding in others
how can a physicist invent something ? experiment
what is the purpose of an experiment? to establish a theory into provable facts
when we are adament about something we find the facts we want and exclude any contary evidence
how can we be adament about a law that states energy can not be made or destroyed
when the same laws predict a big bang explosion that brought forth not only energy from nothing but also matter?

why do the planets orbit the sun?
what imparted angular momentum into the planets?
where did the energy required to orbit the sun come from?
speaking of the sun how much energy does the sun release and can we measure all forms of energy released?

i wounder if the big bang is imposable or miss understood
or is it the conservation of energy THEORY that is incorrect

you cant have both so do you beleive in the big bang or your conservation laws


posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by fordrew

Ahh, that makes sense. So the key to free energy (for the next million years, anyway) might be to develop a solar panel that doesn't deteriorate. Chlorophyll comes to mind. Interesting.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by fordrew

we are guessing what powers the sun it just theory
and i have a theory
its not fission or fusion
if it is not nuclear what powers the sun?
if we are incorrect about the splitting/combining of atoms to produce the energy
where does the energy come from

remember there is no proof the sun is nuclear its only theory
which means we can also look for other factors

keep an open mind about what we know
it changes from time to time


posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by XPLodER
its only theory

Please, at least understand what a scientific theory is before dismissing something as "only a theory".

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by GeorgeH
The government has been suppressing over unity devices for years along with other energy saving devices via the DOE and other agencies.
The government doesn't suppress free-energy devices. Nature does.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by xiphias
I don't understand why solar power isn't considered free energy. Someone care to explain?
In general terms, "free energy" is usually meant as a device or system that produces more power than is put into it. So a solar panel isn't "free energy" because the amount of energy in the sun light striking the surface of panel is less than the amount of energy in the electricity that is produced by the panel.

Solar panels are very handy for converting otherwise unusable solar radiation into electricity, but it is not "free energy."

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by fordrew


Fordrew...fordrew, fordrew.

NO, no, no, no NO!

You're a naughty little disinfo repeater, and you have to know it.

PLEASE read about the things you are saying...not on mainstream, government approved, all shiney and sweet smelling science websites, but on the sites of the people actually involved in this research.

You may change your opinion on a few of your points of view.

I just posted two, long and to many of you lot here, really bloody boring posts on this thread.

What you just said in the post, i'm replying to here, is a classic case in point for my whole argument.

Do you mind if i refer to your post, as a classic repeater POV?

I'm not going to bore the face off everyone again, but here it is in a very small nutshell, if you want the long version, go back a few post or so, and prop your eyelids open with a couple of match sticks or something...

Ready? we go;

Magnets take energy to create yes, but not barrel loads of the stuff, you table took energy to create too, but has no permanent and usable force, magnets do.

The jury is still out on whether modern neo mags will lose thier force or not, but if the 'jury' decides they do, they will last for centuries (conservative estimates) before doing so.

A device that can provide £/$ Euro free energy output and outlive it's owner until it needs an overhaul, is for all intents and energy.

Scientific tenets and cherished theory, even if they had endured for several thousands of years, have still been found to be utter codswallop..tripe...the stuff of idiotic and deranged simpletons..yet was taught and believed by untold millions of people, for so long.

This is the way the world works. Because we name something a 'law' and our devices built while obeying those dictated laws happen to work as designed, does not mean that the law and the device is the fundamental pinnacle of human understanding.

We don't understand 95% of our own bleeding DNA, we don't understand 95% of our Universe, where the hell most of it is, or the physics that operate in the unknown majority, yet we supposed to be rock solid resolute in our assumption that we understand 100% of physics, and our laws are all encompassing?

Come on..think about it, don't be a knee jerk repeater it's so....beneath you and your fantastic capacity for thought.

Don't repeat, Don't revel in..errm..defeat...and remember to eat..your feet, no..your greens..yes.

Ok, never said i was a poet. But open your mind man.. allow yourself the freedom of thought, it's liberating and what drives our species forward. Better that eating feet too!

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 04:56 PM
I have been an ATS follower for quite some time. First of all i'd like to thank everyone out there for the wealth of information that is made available here.

The reason we have trouble accepting such abstract concepts is because the terminology we use to describe the systems are flawed due to perspective or context. This is most aparent in the use of the term "free energy," but more on this later.

The first thing to understand is that in reality there is no such thing as an isolated system. Let that sink in for a little bit as it is quite a large statement. The only constant in the universe is just that, the universe, as it is infinite. The discovery of fractals, in my opinion, proves that even the fabric which defines all of existence is infinite. the composition and arragements in either micro or macro is endless (and sadly to say the hunt thereof is also endless...).

So there is no such thing as an isolated system. that DOES NOT mean the conservation of energy is not observed!

example: there was no need to understand how or why water flowed in any given direction in a river. if the speed and force was acceptable, a water wheel could be utilized to turn that motion into energy. for all intents and purposes, that source of energy was endless.

example: solar energy is available in abundance, and again it is not necessary to understand where it originates from nor where it terminates. it is only enough to understand that it exists, and can be collected. for all intents and purposes, that SOURCE of energy in endless.

so the concept now is attempting to make another paradigm shift. Akin to the discovery that sunlight could be collected. the energy is there, in all scales small and big, ever increasing into the infinite.

so yes the energy was not "free" because the machine did not "create" it out of nothing. all it did was make an otherwise unknown source of eneregy (zero point is my favorite) available for use, which for all intents and purposes is an endless supply. we didn't create the concept of electromagnetic forces and flows, but we know that if there is a static source of such an energy, that there should be a way to collect it, amplify it, rectify it, resonate it, convert it, and so on and so forth...

i hope this hasn't been too much of a rant.

edit on 2-10-2010 by mbzastava because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 05:09 PM
As I mentioned earlier my original goal in posting this was to spur some healthy debate on the subject and I'm quite happy to see some good points being thrown back and forth. In addition to that I'm elated that people have posted videos of other concepts related to this subject.

This is not necessarily about weather this or other devices work, but about thinking creatively or outside of the box. The box is what you see and what you know, or rather what you think you see and what you think you know. Thinking outside of that is about the unknowns, outside of the proverbial box is not about fact, but rather possibility. The laws of physics are part of the box, things you think you know. If no one ever tries to see past what they are told advancement is stifled to a grave degree. As has already been pointed out many of our advancements through history were made against the odds, against common beliefs at the time. Now I am in no way against coming up with reasons as to why one thing or another will not work, but simply saying it won't work because common belief says it shouldn't work isn't doing anyone any favors. As I mentioned earlier, if you believe something is not possible then why not challenge yourself to come up with tangible reasons as to why such a thing will not work?

In response to comments about batteries and magnets my position that a magnet is essentially a battery is justified in my mind. A battery stores energy and releases that energy over time, a magnet does the exact same thing, it stores energy and releases that energy in the form of magnetism over time. As I mentioned earlier it is true that conventional generators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. My assertion about converting magnetic energy into electrical energy is in regards to the device I have proposed here, if it works it would be converting magnetic energy into electricity. Any energy can be converted from one form to another so why couldn't magnetic energy be converted to electrical energy? When one takes an iron rod then wraps that rod with copper wire and runs a current through the wire the rod is magnetized, once the current is removed the rod remains as a permanent magnet, not as strong as when it was an electro-magnet. The point is that the electrical energy was converted to magnetic energy, so why is the opposite not possible?

I am in agreement that some here may have ulterior motives in their attempts to make it sound as though it is not possible to convert magnetic energy into electricity. I say this because there are a multitude of posts that deny the possibility without offering any actual reasoning behind their assertions.

I'd also like to state that there are likely to be many people out there that have ideas on a variety of subjects, ideas that they lack the capability of proving. Presenting the idea to others may incur the possibility that someone with the capability to prove the functionality of the idea might see it. Insulting people and encouraging others to keep their ideas to themselves is counter productive. Personally I lack the capability to build this device because I have no money, but that does not mean I should not come up with ideas.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by nataylor
Solar panels are very handy for converting otherwise unusable solar radiation into electricity, but it is not "free energy."

Gotcha. So free energy is equivalent to perpetual motion, in other words. When I think "free," I tend to put it in terms of cost.

So I wonder if a solar panel could be produced that somehow releases 1 electron for every 1 photon. I know there's probably some sort of law to prevent this, but imagination never hurts. =O)

edit on 2-10-2010 by xiphias because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by xiphias

Pretty close. I found another ATS post about that subject:

That thread links an article about researches at the Ohio State University who have discovered nearly 100% efficient solar cells.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by ArcAngel

The law of conservation of energy is an empirical law of physics.

It is also irrelevant because there's no need to build a power generator that's a closed system. When you burn a wooden log, it generates heat without violating the conservation of energy. And as long as you keep putting more logs in the fire, you'll keep getting heat. Conservation of energy is irrelevant.

free energy

There's no need to look for literally "free" energy. There are plenty of energy sources that aren't "free" but for all practical purposes we don't have to "pay for." Dump all the billions of pounds of radioactive waste we have into a radioactive decay generator. Put piezoelectric generators on bridges that cars drive over. There are wind and solar generators. There are several countries that get the majority of their power from hydroelectric sources. Do they need to apply input energy to make the rain and rivers flow? No so for all pratical purposes isn't that as "free" as it needs to be?

There's no need for humanity to be burning combustibles to produce energy.

edit on 2-10-2010 by LordBucket because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 06:04 PM
Hmmmm need to dump some thoughts here...
First, a mate and i have been toying with these concepts for a while, and while we get close, we never get > 1 COP. Bugger. Deep inside we still have hope, that what we know about physics today is incomplete and a simple breakthrough wil occur. Also, we have debunked many of the hoaxes posted here... so why do we keep going? Because not all of them are hoaxes.

This video: is a news clip about Stan Meyer - he invented a device that could split water into hydroxy gas not using standard electrolysis - but rather a modified Tesla coil which used harmonics and resonance (and some high voltage but very low current) to split water, so that when recombining the water much more energy was released than consumed in splitting it.

Please watch the video and feel free to research him and his invention more.

In summary, we probably dont have a full understanding of the laws of physics - there is hope for devices and inventors, and they should be encouraged rather than shot down.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by ArcAngel

Yeah Yeah. This universe is a holographic school and its not solid in the least. Gravity is a program in your head, along with time. Gravity just sorts the energy streams that are erected on the screen in your mind. Welcome to the Matrix!

By the way, we're in an infinite system with infinite densities, and space-time channels based on orbit. Free energy is hyperdimensional physics.

Not interest in the law you mentioned. Those Tr3b's that went over our roof weren't run on conventional laws.

edit on 2-10-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by ArcAngel
reply to post by Symbiot

Intelligence is lacking to understand even simple physics concepts.

I made a mistake posting here. Won't happen again I assure you.

Not that I need to defend anyone on this forum, but physics is a work in progress bud.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by spikey
reply to post by fordrew


Fordrew...fordrew, fordrew.

NO, no, no, no NO!

You're a naughty little disinfo repeater, and you have to know it.

PLEASE read about the things you are saying...not on mainstream, government approved, all shiney and sweet smelling science websites, but on the sites of the people actually involved in this research.

You may change your opinion on a few of your points of view.

I just posted two, long and to many of you lot here, really bloody boring posts on this thread.

What you just said in the post, i'm replying to here, is a classic case in point for my whole argument.

Do you mind if i refer to your post, as a classic repeater POV?

I'm not going to bore the face off everyone again, but here it is in a very small nutshell, if you want the long version, go back a few post or so, and prop your eyelids open with a couple of match sticks or something...

Ready? we go;

Magnets take energy to create yes, but not barrel loads of the stuff, you table took energy to create too, but has no permanent and usable force, magnets do.

The jury is still out on whether modern neo mags will lose thier force or not, but if the 'jury' decides they do, they will last for centuries (conservative estimates) before doing so.

A device that can provide £/$ Euro free energy output and outlive it's owner until it needs an overhaul, is for all intents and energy.

Scientific tenets and cherished theory, even if they had endured for several thousands of years, have still been found to be utter codswallop..tripe...the stuff of idiotic and deranged simpletons..yet was taught and believed by untold millions of people, for so long.

This is the way the world works. Because we name something a 'law' and our devices built while obeying those dictated laws happen to work as designed, does not mean that the law and the device is the fundamental pinnacle of human understanding.

We don't understand 95% of our own bleeding DNA, we don't understand 95% of our Universe, where the hell most of it is, or the physics that operate in the unknown majority, yet we supposed to be rock solid resolute in our assumption that we understand 100% of physics, and our laws are all encompassing?

Come on..think about it, don't be a knee jerk repeater it's so....beneath you and your fantastic capacity for thought.

Don't repeat, Don't revel in..errm..defeat...and remember to eat..your feet, no..your greens..yes.

Ok, never said i was a poet. But open your mind man.. allow yourself the freedom of thought, it's liberating and what drives our species forward. Better that eating feet too!

Whoever this person is they referred to our Sun as a nuclear reactor... Pretty much says it all right there. It also casts doubt on whether this same 'rational mind' has the comprehension skills to understand our own electrical grid or not. Heaven forbid he/she tries to sum up the Universe for us. Learn to let these debates go... It's the equivalent of discussing religion with Bill O'reilly.

edit on 2-10-2010 by Americanist because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
Anything with a permanent magnet has a good start.
The problem with capturing ambient energy with electrical wires means using a lot of
wires means owning a copper mine as well and the secret science police will find
out about the large wire accumulation and come a knocking.
They know what to look out for because they are told.
They are just doing their job under orders.
A Tesla ambient generator is said by Mr. Lyne to have 5 or 50 miles of wire
and runs a fair sized submarine.

What if you bought the copper wire from a scrapyard by the pound- the secret police would have a hard time find out about that since the copper is sold again 'by the pound'.

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