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Conspiracies are Real, Skeptics Aren’t!

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posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 11:20 AM
Of all the animal life on the planet, humans stand virtually alone in transforming their environment to become a product of them. Reasons for this abound and are hotly debated. Some claim it’s a universal form of destiny, others that we were genetically engineered by advanced alien races, some contend that God(s) made us to be this way, while some claim it is merely an evolutionary aspect.

Yet if I had to put my finger on one quality that has set humans aside and apart from the rest of the animal kingdom, I would have to say it’s our imagination.

Yes, that wonderful ability to conjure up in the minds eye a series of future events and things that don’t presently exist and then to often visualize one step further the ways and means to effect such things to come to pass.

In other words to conspire!

It is the innovated nature of the human mind and spirit, to dream, theorize, and then conspire to transform their environment to become a product of that dream, imagination and desire.

No Man is an Island

It would seem one of the leading conspiracies today is to exchange age old wisdom and common sense with political correctness, but the truth is that such time honored homespun homilies as favored by our nation’s founding father’s and publications like the Farmer’s Almanac offer a wealth of wisdom for those who truly wish to be wise to consider.

No man is an island, and more often than not to make our imagined hopes and dreams come true we need to enlist others, to conspire with others, to help obtain and provide the logistic, materials, knowhow and other forms of support and aide that then become the vehicle for manifesting our imagination into a material transformation of our environment.

In fact, we all conspires everyday in some fashion and to some end, even the isolated hermit conspires how to remain and stay isolated in their solitude.

Even the skeptics themselves often conspire, even right here on ATS, often right here on ATS to use their numbers to effect a state of peer pressure to deter or deflect those espousing something other than the ‘official story’.

Amazingly even as they do this, they will chide the rest of us, that conspiracies aren’t real!

Necessity the Mother of Invention

It is said, that it is necessity that is the mother of all invention. Most often that necessity is born from a clear and present imminent danger. Whether it is Mother Nature in the form of weather, or some other predatory form of life, or even predatory humans that threaten, often it is our fears, which are also largely a product of our imaginations that create the impetus to take action in response to them. To then often conspire with others to that end, where strength and safety and numbers can be found, and two sets of hands can do more work, more quickly than one, and three sets of hands can do more work, more quickly than two, where two sets of eyes can see better than one, and three sets of eyes can see better than two.

The reasons to conspire with others become compelling and myriad.

Fear of the Unknown

Change is something that confounds many of us. We tend to romanticize the past in sentimental ways, and often in self deceptive ways, as we cling to the fond memories of it, while discarding the not so fond memories. It becomes a safe haven in our minds ruled by our imaginations. A past we now imagine as either better than it was, or not that bad, and definitely not as potentially bad as the unknown.

Meet where skeptics are born. They are born at the juncture where the vision of change is on the cusp.

Where reluctance and fear and an imagined and romanticized safe harbor beckons in the mind, where suddenly the present isn’t as important or pressing and it’s challenges slight compared to honoring the status quo and maintaining it at any and often desperate cost, as the most tangible link to that route backward to the romanticized and embellished past.

Meet the members of the Flat Earth Society, skeptics one and all.

You see the skeptical mind is not only one ruled by silent fears, and a longing to regress towards the past, it has an inherent need to play on the imagination of others not ruled so much by fear and the past.

Sail to your doom at your own risk…but there are monsters at the edge of the world, monsters best left alone! Monsters that should you happen upon shall exact their revenge by traversing from whence you came and visit destruction upon us all.

The skeptic is afraid of the unknown and wants you to be too. They will hide their true fears and often mask them with more bold and assertive statements such as, I am just trying to be the voice of reason, and I am just trying to be the voice of caution.

Much of this though is to mask their true fears, while trying to exploit your own.

Skeptics are afraid of change they love the status quo for better or worse, because they do take some comfort in what they feel they know, and see some resemblance of security in it.

I am My Own Worst Enemy

Whether it’s being too clever for one’s own good, or imagining one is clever than they are or a host of other potential weaknesses and conflicts that plague the duality of the human mind, each and every one of us remains our own worst enemy.

How many of us have heard someone say, I give great advice to others, I wish I could learn to listen to it and follow it myself!

And so it goes, that conundrum that plagues the world since none of us are an island, and we do need to cooperate with one another in making our hopes and dreams come true.

The Skeptic doesn’t believe this is really possible though, and not really prepared to pull their own weight or take any real risk in that endeavor.

Things will work they tell us, if we just accept this and that, trust in this and that, and get back to the basics of that or this, stay the course, all will be well.

A Coward Dies a Thousand Deaths a Brave Man but One

We hear it on these boards frequently, most often from the Skeptics that those of us who dare to dream and try to achieve a better more peaceful and prosperous way of life are cowards.

Challenge the present system, and you are a criminal and a terrorist. Refuse to fund it with paying your fair share of taxes and you are a criminal and a shirker.

Speak out against what is wrong with the world and you are a foreign agent bent on subverting and destroying ‘our’ way of life???

But wait a second are Skeptics really telling us that people do conspire? If you listen to them carefully in fact they are admitting the obvious, that conspiracies exist, just denying that it’s possible any organization, religion or nation that comprises their own sense of identity could possibly conspire in such concerted attempts to domineer and dominate.

The Skeptic seeks safety through conformity, and certainty, and doesn’t appear to mind that romanticized systems that never worked except in the minds of those who came decades and centuries later that then imagine that they once worked, could still work, if we but stay the course.

The Skeptic is afraid of change and the responsibility that comes along with taking mastery of one’s own destiny.

It is the dreamers and the innovators of the world, the tinkerers the creators, the artisans, craftsman, philosophers and orators of the world who are the truly brave.

In a Skeptic’s world where bravery boils down to ones lust to participate in gladiatorial confrontation, they never can quite ponder the very real notion that such disputes are born out of their fear of the unknown, and stopping the unknown from manifesting and becoming known.

Absolution, Validation and the Psychology of Leadership

The Skeptic above all is sustained through these simple intangible but powerful concepts. Believe in the official story and obey your leaders, and submit to them for better or worse and you will receive absolution. Though their actions and leadership might take you down a slow tortuous path to utter ruin, follow along properly and while the world and events they have unleashed might punish you to that end, your leaders will never directly do so to you for your submission to them, or their own ultimate failures.

Skeptics need pats on the back, lot’s of accolades and other forms of validation to appease that sense of ego that masks their fear of the unknown and change.

This is why they often travel together in herds and packs to provide an illusion of both strength and popularity, because no man truly is an island, and all men conspire to make their environment a product of their own design.

Even those who would deny it and most especially those that will deny it conspire to that end.

The Voice in the Wilderness

Meet the true innovator, the true brave person who seeks to be the first to stand up and introduce new ideas, new visions and dreams, a better way forward in the face of and the defiance of the Status Quo.

What makes this person so brave? The very fact they will be beset upon by Skeptics and defenders of the Status Quo.

History then often reveals such personalities for what they are, brave people, willing to take on all odds, to make the world a better place, that then arguably did make the world a better place.

Yet their contemporaries and peers are rarely and seldom so kind.

What did they do to John the Baptist? The skeptics beheaded him. What did they do to Jesus? The skeptics crucified him.

Evolution is a process made much more slowly by the skeptic.

Meet the New World Order’s Best Friend…the Skeptic

All it takes for evil to succeed is a few good men to do nothing. What’s the best way to get a few good men to do nothing? Very simple, just expose them to a few skeptics.

Skeptics are all about vacillation, and pondering for the sake of vacillating and pondering, for the sake of attention, for the sake of control and power, for the sake of maintaining the Status Quo.

They are all about denial, even denial as to what constitutes the Status Quo. In love with romanticized pasts and false paths to illusionary notions of security, the Skeptic rarely has their eye on the present or the future in any truly informed or inquisitive way. They are too distracted by the past present to honestly engage in dissecting the current present and the future trends.

They become not only their own worst enemy in that regard, but everyone else hoping to evolve towards something better and more mutually sustaining.

Objections are Typically a Request for More Information

In sales the word no simply means the potential customer or client needs more information to make an informed purchasing decision that they feel comfortable with.

Yet this is predicated upon something that does not always allow this concept to be employed successfully with the purposeful and determined skeptic.

A need that requires fulfilling must first be present. When that need is genuine and honest, then it all boils down to the individual making the best decision and selection in fulfilling that need.

Yet the Skeptic’s need is to maintain the Status Quo as a bridge to the romanticized past at all cost. Because they have no genuine need, no amount of additional information or resources is likely to persuade or dissuade the Skeptic.

The Skeptic is seldom an honest negotiator or arbiter.

A Mind Convinced Against its Own Will is a Mind that Remains Unconvinced

This is why debating, discussing, or otherwise trying to inform or teach a Skeptic becomes a fruitless and actually counter productive task.

The Skeptic has no desire to change their mind or consider anything beyond what they have already considered in reaching their conclusions.

The Skeptics aim is not to grow or learn, but rather to deflect and derail.

Their entreaties of the opposite are most often ego related ploys to draw one into a confrontational and counterproductive stance that the Skeptic controls through the use of select questions to dominate the course and direction of the debate, with an eye of taking it far afield from where it was originally intended and meant to go.

If You Want to Upgrade the Quality of Your Life You Must First Upgrade the Quality of Your Questions

Questions are a control element, the person asking the questions, the person posing objections through questions is in control. The Skeptic knows this quite well which is why they will cherry pick over everything that has been imparted to find the weak link in the chain. That element that takes the conversation furthest afield from the original objective and bogs it down in tedious points of contention orchestrated by the Skeptic’s strategic questioning of those purposefully selected elements.

The Skeptic does this for multiple reasons, starting with but not limited to their fear of the unknown and change.

They often hope to discredit the larger message and the messenger themselves in this fashion, yet all the while, they are seeking to foster a confrontational environment, where quality discussion between people who have a genuine curiosity or passion in the proposition then find a very inhospitable and even threatening environment in which to discuss it.

If the Skeptic can shut down collaboration between such predisposed and curious minds, then they can effectively present a critical mass from forming that can challenge and change the Status Quo.

The Skeptic will engage and reengage in this process asking question after question, answering your own questions with questions, yet another control element to see that a productive conversation never gets on track.

The Skeptic relies on notions of your own ego compelling you to engage them in this process, and playing on your own fears that if you fail to do so, it’s a sure sign of a weak argument or notion.

The Skeptic wants you to become and stay apart of the lowest possible common denominator not the highest possible common denominator.

Ultimately the Skeptic seeks to deny you the things the Skeptic prizes the most, absolution and validation.

They count on you continually engaging them in a dishonest debate that they can control by holding out some vague and false notion that absolution and validation can be obtained through that endeavor.

Starving the dishonest and disingenuous Skeptic of attention and not feeding their ego by giving them a platform for it, is usually the best strategy.

Skeptics Generally Create Nothing

The skeptic is seldom if ever an innovator or creator. They don’t author the threads that they infest and attempt to derail, the prey on them like parasites.

They don’t care about what you might be attempting to create or the potential soundness and possible wisdom in your visions and notions.

They care only about maintaining the Status Quo.

Skeptics attempt to sell the notion of balance, but the truth is they really function as ballast. They are there to weigh the whole ship down, and impede and arrest its progress if at all possible.

While we all like to suppose and even assume all people are fundamentally honest two things should always be considered in regards to that predisposition.

One is people are only as honest to others as they are capable of being honest with themselves. The Skeptic is rarely honest with them self so by extension it’s virtually impossible that they are being honest with others.

Two is people do conspire and often conspire in dishonest ways to dominate through sheer numbers, or other forms of effective manipulation.

Bread and Circuses

Because life is seldom ideal for the majority of people in a world were artificially created scarcity of abundant recourses denies most people a true quality of life, security and peace of mind, entertainment then becomes a key factor in keeping the natives from becoming restless.

The Skeptic loves the gladiatorial sport of the Circus, the Skeptic is not a philosopher they are a Skeptic, the Skeptic is not an innovator or creator they are a Skeptic. The Skeptic is not a statesman or a negotiator they are a Skeptic.

Skeptics are all about gladiatorial confrontation. Though they often pretend to be and will attempt to take on the guise of erstwhile teachers they are not.

For skeptics have a closed mind when it comes to considering any source of information that they are not predisposed to consider credible.

Skeptics really only seek one thing, confrontation, and winning that confrontation through either creating dominant numbers or preventing other schools of thought from achieving dominant numbers.

Because people have long been trained to accept gladiatorial sport and confrontation as a substitute for spiritual growth and innovation the allure of the spectacle and drama compels most people to quickly fall into that trap once it has been snared.

Armed with dogmas and limited sources of information that create the circular logic of the Skeptical Mind they will employ these as weapons to promote and maintain the Status Quo.

ATS the Conspiracy Site

Some days you wouldn’t know it, as the entertainment value of gladiatorial forms of debate and arguments between conspiracy theorists and Skeptics lead many to focus in on the entertainment of it all versus the possibility that conspiracies do exist.

As difficult times lead to speculation and theories abound as to what is amiss in the world, the formerly rather small community of conspiracy theorists has swelled to increasingly larger numbers.

Like any gathering that leads to spectacle it attracts those spectators looking for entertainment.

Yet entertainment isn’t knowledge.

Long before a band takes a stage, the musicians conspire together to create the music and the choreography and lighting for the show.

Long before the actors take the stage for a play the writers and producers and casters have spent countless hours with the actors creating the entertainment.

Long before two boxers take to the ring they spend countless years in training and learning and conspiring with those that can impart to them the ways of that craft to make them the best they can ever be.

When Skeptics run amuck as entertaining as that might be, what they do in effect do, is prevent those people who are honestly and genuinely coming to ATS to do the one thing ATS is best suited for, and that’s discussing and investigating conspiracies.

In recent months ATS has become much more of a circus, where roving bands of Skeptics do in fact conspire to declare that conspiracies aren’t taking place, and to detract from and derail the conversations amongst conspiracy theorists who are often in fact, working out their theories.

Many notable threads take place where the authors clearly put them forth as theories, and not fact. Theories open to honest discussion, and debate, and collaboration.

Brave people that put their thoughts and ideas and words out there, exposing themselves and them, not as absolutes but things to honestly ponder and discuss with a hope that honest and genuine people will do just that and that it will be a good thing.

Yet the Skeptics never see it or want it to be seen as a good thing.

Seldom do those looking to be entertained ask why, rather they just want to be entertained.

Killing the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg

Skeptics create nothing but drama and spectacle, but when they create so much drama and spectacle, the drama and spectacle of attempting to create something noteworthy in their presence no longer is worth the price of the drama and spectacle then the Goose that laid the Golden Egg dies.

Then there is no more entertainment to be had, or increasingly less, and less entertainment to be had.

Understanding the Benefits of an Atmosphere of Mutual Respect

This can be hard for a frightened person, who doesn’t perhaps respect themselves. It’s hard to respect others if not impossible when you don’t respect yourself.

Yet ultimately what makes society civilized and function is a bare minimum of decorum, manners and respect extended to others.

ATS has perhaps the highest standards of all the discussion boards, in part because it does take a certain amount of bravery and even foolhardiness to put ones thoughts and dreams and notions out there for the consumption of others.

People simply would not do it, if all they could expect is ridicule.

Yet the Skeptics in particular become Masters at skirting that line to where at best they are only putting in the bare minimum of civility required, and at worst they are often putting in less, with a keen and purposeful eye towards stepping over the lines of decorum and civility whenever possible and as often as possible.

It might all be entertaining to those looking for drama and spectacle, and those pressing and pursing an agenda through conspiracy, but it’s not ideal for a collaborative and productive environment where truly innovated minds are free from molestation to exchange ideas and research, notions and thoughts.

What are the Skeptics really afraid of?

The truth, you knowing the truth because that means then they too will have to face the truth.

33 Real Conspiracies that Really Happened

A dear friend and fellow member sent me this link to a fascinating article written about 33 well known conspiracies that really did happen.

Skeptics of course didn’t believe they were conspiracies at the time that they happened. To prove they were conspiracies it took a lot of time and research and theorizing and investigating to basically change how people looked at the history of these events, by exposing the conspiratorial elements and players in them.

Conspiracies happen all the time, and whether you chose to believe it or not, right now, at least one dedicated group of like minded thinkers is conspiring to not just take over the world, but make everything in it, including you a product of their own environment and imagination.

Want to see it happen? Just feed the skeptics and be a skeptic!

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Skeptics create nothing but drama and spectacle, but when they create so much drama and spectacle, the drama and spectacle of attempting to create something noteworthy in their presence no longer is worth the price of the drama and spectacle then the Goose that laid the Golden Egg dies.

I actually think that any real Skeptic, not just an argumentative troll, is actually an extremely useful person to have on a site such as this.
We wouldn't want everyone just believing all the crap that is posted on here.... would we?

You see the skeptical mind is not only one ruled by silent fears, and a longing to regress towards the past, it has an inherent need to play on the imagination of others not ruled so much by fear and the past.

That is probably the most ridiculous and ignorant thing I've read.

The skeptical mind is the most rational and reasonable mind on a site like this.
Willing to accept anything and happy to read up on any topic, but does so with a skeptical mind.... an err of caution.

The Skeptical mind, The person who uses their own mind and thinks critically about the topics here, is the perfect mind to have on ATS.

To just believe what you're told is not only gullible but dangerous.

edit on 29/9/10 by blupblup because: spelling, as usual

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Of all the animal life on the planet, humans stand virtually alone in transforming their environment to become a product of them. Reasons for this abound and are hotly debated. Some claim it’s a universal form of destiny, others that we were genetically engineered by advanced alien races, some contend that God(s) made us to be this way, while some claim it is merely an evolutionary aspect.

I can't say that I'm going to read that whole thing when the first sentence is plain wrong.

What about Bees





edit on 29-9-2010 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by blupblup

I disagree with the inflated value of skeptics. Especially those that have some bizarre notion that anyone who entertains the notions of conspiracies is predisposed to believe each and every one as put forward to them.

The truth is, that I find many of the theories put foward on the site to be lacking credible information that illustrates their existence.

I arrive at that decision independently based on my own standards, regardless of who feels it's a conspiracy of merrit or who feels it isn't.

Yet the truth is there are more unknowns in the universe than knowns, and one can never obtain too much information in the quest to understand things and put them into a proper perspective.

Hardcore spektics dismiss things out of hand in absolute ways unless a sufficient level of proof is provided.

Open minded and objective people simply reserve judgement, without rendering an absolute.

For instance I don't believe that Reptillian overlords control us, even though its a popular conspiracy amongst some.

Yet I also know that I don't have access to all the streams of information and perception that would allow me to say definitively no such conspiracy exists.

I might not believe there is a rattle snake in my bushes but that doesn't mean that one could not be there, and could not bite me, simply based on my disbelief.

So to me it becomes about disagreeing in a respectful way, that is more about simply reserving judgement by acknowledging the very real fact, that most of us, don't have access to all the real facts.

We have no access to some of the players, and no access to some of the communiques, and no access to the bank records and financial transactions, and the back room conversations that investigators armed with the power of a subonea generally can obtain through a lot of dogged leg work, that usually starts out first with some theories and speculation as to which avenue to investigate.

Proclaiming something doesn't exist, simply because you don't have access to all the information is what skeptics do.

Open minded people were willing to consider the possibility the earth wasn't flat, Skeptics weren't!

Thanks for posting.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by davespanners

I can't say that I'm going to read that whole thing when the first sentence is plain wrong. What about Bees

Had you read the whole thread, you would find that yes, a favorite tactic of the skeptic is to isolate and part hairs over an aspect that is far removed from the actual premise of the conspiracy.

In this particular case do other portions of the animal, marine, and insect kingdom have organizational and building skills.

Yet the truth is, that while some do have basic inherent primordial skills geared towards propogation, what they do lack is what I pointed out is the essential ingredient that seperates humans from the rest, and that's imagination.

Notice how the Bees and the Termites and Ants whose hives, and mounds are simply for the purpose of breeding and propogating, do not paint them! Nor do they put up an entertainment district around them. Nor do they carve statues of the Queens or festoon themselves with Jewelry, or dawn makeup to make themselves more attractive. Clothes? Forget about last years styles, there is no style at all. Weapons? Modes of conveience they don't have to exert themselves personally to get from point a to point b with as much?

No the imagination is lacking, and it was the imagination that was the main point in the very opening paragraph that a decided skepticism of then led you to dismiss the possibility of even and reading the rest out of hand.


edit on 29/9/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:44 PM
Fulmination arising due to reaction-formation from having been demonstrably erronous. Prognosis is tenebrous.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Perhaps you could define what type of skeptic you're referring to?

As far as I can tell, they come in a lot of different 'flavours' and styles rather than some 'one size fits all' template. They aren't an advocacy group with an imperative towards 'one message.' Put a few in a thread and they'll eventually disagree with each other like any other collection of individuals.

We've got some pretenders to the throne on ATS, but are any of them close to the ideal of a neutral, unbiased sceptic? I can think of just one who's within arm's reach of being a sceptic...

In my experience, trying to define a 'skeptic' is as plausible as defining a 'typical' waitress or bus driver.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Fulmination arising due to reaction-formation from having been demonstrably erronous. Prognosis is tenebrous.

Supercalifragilous means expialidotious even though the sound of it is really quite atrocious, pardon me for saying such it's really quite precocious because supercalifragilous means expialidotious!

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
I disagree with the inflated value of skeptics. Especially those that have some bizarre notion that anyone who entertains the notions of conspiracies is predisposed to believe each and every one as put forward to them.

I think 99.9% of people on here entertain most conspiracies, otherwise they wouldn't be here.

I think your definition or idea of what Skeptics are, differs somewhat from mine.
I'm not not talking about pseudo-Skeptics or Trolls or ignorant people.... but Skeptics.
People who doubt and question the official views or mainstream ideas... much like the conspiracy theorist,

As for your "Flat earth" comment....

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Open minded people were willing to consider the possibility the earth wasn't flat, Skeptics weren't!

One who instinctively or habitually doubts, questions, or disagrees with assertions or generally accepted conclusions.

So I think it would have been the Skeptics who doubted the flat earth, not the way you put it.

Yet the truth is there are more unknowns in the universe than knowns, and one can never obtain too much information in the quest to understand things and put them into a proper perspective.

Oh totally agree... which is also why a Skeptic, and I mean a real skeptic, would do exactly the same.
Research and find all the information they can on the subject and then make up their mind based on the best evidence and what their own mind tells them.

The skeptics on this site, and I mean the real skeptics, believe most of the conspiracies that are discussed here.

The Pseudo-skeptic may roam the boards arguing on all manner of threads, offering nothing but insults and one liners..... any true skeptic would read through the thread, mull over the ideas and also add any knowledge they have, in a hope of coming to a better understanding or helping others to do so.

I think you should really swap the word "Skeptic" for the word "Troll" in your OP.

You seem to have the two confused.

I might not believe there is a rattle snake in my bushes but that doesn't mean that one could not be there, and could not bite me, simply based on my disbelief.

No, but if after examining your bush, doing a full investigation and covering all areas of your bush you find no snake and no evidence of a snake, then you can say, at least for that moment in time, that there is probably no snake in your bush.

Doesn't mean there never will be, just means that it's not there at that time.

Much like when viewing grainy youtube videos of supposed UFO's, if after analysing the video, checking all available data and working out that the is just a plane, albeit a blurry, grainy one... you can safely say that there was no UFO in that video... doesn't discount every UFO sighting or video ever.
These things are best done on an individual basis.

So to me it becomes about disagreeing in a respectful way, that is more about simply reserving judgement by acknowledging the very real fact, that most of us, don't have access to all the real facts.

Yes, totally agree. But then this is more an issue of manners and decorum and both skeptics and believers are guilty of lacking respect when it comes to debating these issues.
To single out skeptics is pretty unfair really... I think this boils down to just people, regardless of their position on certain topics, It's a matter of civility and manners.

Proclaiming something doesn't exist, simply because you don't have access to all the information is what skeptics do.

No they don't... A skeptic will examine any theory and find out all possible answers and even if they don't personally believe it, most will always leave room for doubt.

Nobody likes to be wrong but I think approaching any subject with a skeptical mind is far healthier than just blindly accepting and believing something just because somebody says so.

edit on 29/9/10 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Supercalifragilous means expialidotious...

I am skeptical that those two terms are synonymous. Corroborating evidence of that assertion is requested.

Now I've undermined your thesis. Good day, sir.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:35 PM

Had you read the whole thread, you would find that yes, a favorite tactic of the skeptic is to isolate and part hairs over an aspect that is far removed from the actual premise of the conspiracy.

What you mean take facts that are presented to them and see if they are true or not?
Thats called logical analysis, it's what stops you from believing lies.

In this particular case do other portions of the animal, marine, and insect kingdom have organizational and building skills.

Yes they do, thats how they organize themselves to build things, have you got any idea how complex a Termite mound is.

Yet the truth is, that while some do have basic inherent primordial skills geared towards propogation, what they do lack is what I pointed out is the essential ingredient that seperates humans from the rest, and that's imagination.

Had the post said this I would have read it as that, the problem is it didn't it said humans are almost unique in changing their environment to suit them.. a statement which is provably false.
How do you know how animals think have you seen inside the mind of a Bee then?
If animals have no imagination how come some of them can dream?
Can you even tell me what the word imagination means?

Notice how the Bees and the Termites and Ants whose hives, and mounds are simply for the purpose of breeding and propogating, do not paint them! Nor do they put up an entertainment district around them. Nor do they carve statues of the Queens or festoon themselves with Jewelry, or dawn makeup to make themselves more attractive. Clothes? Forget about last years styles, there is no style at all. Weapons? Modes of conveience they don't have to exert themselves personally to get from point a to point b with as much?

There are quite a few tribes of humans that don't have paint or entertainment districts either or colourful clothes and make up. Are you saying that people that don't have fashion shows aren't humans? I'm sure theres a few Amazonian tribes that would love to here you say that!
Primates use tools as do certain birds Elephants and Octopus so not unique again their either

No the imagination is lacking, and it was the imagination that was the main point in the very opening paragraph that a decided skepticism of then led you to dismiss the possibility of even and reading the rest out of hand.

If the OP had meant that then I'm sure he would have said it, why do you feel the need to speak for him?
If the first statement in a premise is false then how am I supposed to believe the rest of it? It shows that no time or thought has been put into researching the "facts" that are being presented

edit on 29-9-2010 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by davespanners

If the OP had meant that then I'm sure he would have said it, why do you feel the need to speak for him?

Because I am the original poster, which makes one then wonder just how much attention you are paying to any fact no matter how obvious!

If the first statement in a premise is false then how am I supposed to believe the rest of it? It shows that no time or thought has been put into researching the "facts" that are being presented

It is only false by perspective and selective interpretation of someone then clearly predisposed to reach such dubious and hasty conclusions.

When one fails to familiarize themselves with the whole piece to provide proper context and foundational elements one could certainly become confused.

Though its hard to get so confused you don't even recognize who the posters are.

There are quite a few tribes of humans that don't have paint or entertainment districts either or colourful clothes and make up. Are you saying that people that don't have fashion shows aren't humans? I'm sure theres a few Amazonian tribes that would love to here you say that! Weapons? Primates use tools as do certain birds Elephants and Octopus so not unique again their either

However there are no termite tribes that do have these things, at least none that you have displayed.

More importantly while clamoring for facts you provide none to support your own conclusions, who are these above referenced tribes of humans?

This is something a Skeptic typically does, decries what is often a matter of opinion and conjecture on another person's part, while putting forth their own opinion and conjecture as absolute fact, with no reference to any factual resources or materials that would establish it as such.

Had the post said this I would have read it as that, the problem is it didn't it said humans are almost unique in changing their environment to suit them.. a statement which is provably false.

Reading comprehension for someone who can't even ascertain who the original poster is, from one post to the next is likely at play here.

How do you know how animals think have you seen inside the mind of a Bee then? If animals have no imagination how come some of them can dream? Can you even tell me what the word imagination means?

You have reached your limit of derailing and deflective questions.

Thanks for displaying many of the things I labeled as disingenuous and counterproductive to a honest exchange in the opening piece.

That you claim to have not read and dismissed out of hand, while you muse as to the working of the minds of a bee, while the thread is clearly about HUMAN skeptics.

Yes they do, thats how they organize themselves to build things, have you got any idea how complex a Termite mound is.

You might want to actually create a thread and name it Ode to Termites, rather than emulate them by trying to undermine the structures created by others.

What you mean take facts that are presented to them and see if they are true or not? Thats called logical analysis, it's what stops you from believing lies.

When you find the words phrased together "It's a Fact" in my opening piece, make sure to quote them specifically.

Thanks again for displaying all the classic tactics of the derailing and deflecting skeptic.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Fulmination arising due to reaction-formation from having been demonstrably erronous. Prognosis is tenebrous.

Actually, just because some don't understand what you mean here, doesn't mean it is without meaning.
I understand, and I concur. For what's it worth.

This response is completely for my own amusement. Not yours.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Perhaps you could define what type of skeptic you're referring to?

Skeptics label themselves as such. Many other skeptics might even disagree with many who do define themselves as skeptics, as to what constitutes a true skeptic.

Self defined Skeptics wear their self attached label with pride and distinction though nonetheless.

I think what we will see in this thread is all manner of skeptics from the downright silly, to the almost thoughtful.

They all share one trait in common though and that is labeling themselves as skeptics.

Thanks for posting.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by davespanners

If the OP had meant that then I'm sure he would have said it, why do you feel the need to speak for him?

Because I am the original poster, which makes one then wonder just how much attention you are paying to any fact no matter how obvious!

If the first statement in a premise is false then how am I supposed to believe the rest of it? It shows that no time or thought has been put into researching the "facts" that are being presented

It is only false by perspective and selective interpretation of someone then clearly predisposed to reach such dubious and hasty conclusions.

When one fails to familiarize themselves with the whole piece to provide proper context and foundational elements one could certainly become confused.

Though its hard to get so confused you don't even recognize who the posters are.

There are quite a few tribes of humans that don't have paint or entertainment districts either or colourful clothes and make up. Are you saying that people that don't have fashion shows aren't humans? I'm sure theres a few Amazonian tribes that would love to here you say that! Weapons? Primates use tools as do certain birds Elephants and Octopus so not unique again their either

However there are no termite tribes that do have these things, at least none that you have displayed.

More importantly while clamoring for facts you provide none to support your own conclusions, who are these above referenced tribes of humans?

This is something a Skeptic typically does, decries what is often a matter of opinion and conjecture on another person's part, while putting forth their own opinion and conjecture as absolute fact, with no reference to any factual resources or materials that would establish it as such.

Had the post said this I would have read it as that, the problem is it didn't it said humans are almost unique in changing their environment to suit them.. a statement which is provably false.

Reading comprehension for someone who can't even ascertain who the original poster is, from one post to the next is likely at play here.

How do you know how animals think have you seen inside the mind of a Bee then? If animals have no imagination how come some of them can dream? Can you even tell me what the word imagination means?

You have reached your limit of derailing and deflective questions.

Thanks for displaying many of the things I labeled as disingenuous and counterproductive to a honest exchange in the opening piece.

That you claim to have not read and dismissed out of hand, while you muse as to the working of the minds of a bee, while the thread is clearly about HUMAN skeptics.

Yes they do, thats how they organize themselves to build things, have you got any idea how complex a Termite mound is.

You might want to actually create a thread and name it Ode to Termites, rather than emulate them by trying to undermine the structures created by others.

What you mean take facts that are presented to them and see if they are true or not? Thats called logical analysis, it's what stops you from believing lies.

When you find the words phrased together "It's a Fact" in my opening piece, make sure to quote them specifically.

Thanks again for displaying all the classic tactics of the derailing and deflecting skeptic.

Sorry I didn't realize that the post I was replying to was the OP, I guess pointing that fact out and using that to invalidate anything I have said couldn't be seen as a "Derailing" tactic at all could it

Heres some fish that decorate their nests. They don't happen to have invented paint yet though and heressome birds that do the same things.

I'm happy that you think I have displayed all the derailing tactics of sceptics by questioning the points made in your post, it helps give us a perspective on what you think a sceptic is... Anyone that doesn't agree with you.

edit on 29-9-2010 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by davespanners

What you sure haven't done is discuss anything relevant to SKEPTICS, or CONSPIRACIES being real.

So why pretend that you are some how participating in the discussion that is about SKEPTICS and CONSPIRACIES while you go on and on with the exact tactics, that actually PREVENT Topical Discussion from occuring, while your purposefully clutter up the thread with anything but, the topic at hand.

Once again, thanks for displaying how Skeptics, tend NOT to take part topical discussion.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

How am I preventing discussion, It just so happens that hardly anyone else has bothered posting on the thread..

I'm hardly beating off hoards of posters eager to agree with you am I

edit on 29-9-2010 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Skeptics label themselves as such. Many other skeptics might even disagree with many who do define themselves as skeptics, as to what constitutes a true skeptic.

Self defined Skeptics wear their self attached label with pride and distinction though nonetheless.

I think what we will see in this thread is all manner of skeptics from the downright silly, to the almost thoughtful.

They all share one trait in common though and that is labeling themselves as skeptics.

Fair enough, anyone can call themselves a skeptic. Inevitably, some members get labelled skeptics by others.

I'm interested in your explicit definition of what you regard as a 'skeptic' to add clarity to the OP. As it stands, it seems that by 'skeptic,' you mean ill-informed. Reading the OP, 'ill-informed' is interchangeable with 'skeptic.'

As much as I doubt the neutrality of some of our better self-professed skeptics, they are rarely ill-informed.

Is it possible that your argument isn't with skeptics rather than people posting ill-informed rhetoric?

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 03:28 PM
In a nutshell, there are multiple types and calibers of skeptics. You either don't see this, don't want to see it, or are so arrogant and ironically misinformed that you dismiss the so called skeptics as malevolent parts of the duality that comes with conspiracy theories.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by davespanners
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

How am I preventing discussion, It just so happens that hardly anyone else has bothered posting on the thread..

I'm hardly beating off hoards of posters eager to agree with you am I

edit on 29-9-2010 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

The Thread is actually about Skeptics and Conspiracies being real.

What you haven't done is post anything specific to what the thread is about, nor have you managed to engage anyone else in conversation regarding your opinions about the animal and insect kingdom.

What you have displayed though is no serious intent to engage in a quality oriented discussion regarding the original posts actual subject matter which is Skeptics and Conspiracies being real.

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