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The Zionist role in the Holocaust, Unbelievable!

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posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:40 PM
I highly recommend that you listen to Benjamin Freedman's speech (a former zionist and a jew) who paints a totally different picture of WWI and WWII.

I see many many parallels between the Germany back then and the Iran of today. The Jewish bankers had control of every other country around Germany and squeezed them to the point that they were forced to go on the offensive. (seems to be what the powers of the world are doing to Iran).

Most don't know that Jews declared a worldwide boycott (filling up madison square garden even) on germany against the wishes of the actual jews living in germany (for obvious reasons).

I also recommend listening to Hitlers declaration of war speech on America.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:47 PM
On Feb. 24, 1943 Stephen Wise, President of the American Jewish Congress and leader of the American Zionists issued a public refusal to this offer and declared no collection of funds would seem justified. In 1944, the Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People called upon the American government to establish a War Refugee Board. Stephen Wise testifying before a special committee of Congress objected to this proposal.

During the course of the negotiations mentioned above, Chaim Weizman, the first "Jewish statesman" stated:
"The most valuable part of the Jewish nation is already in Palestine, and those Jews living outside Palestine are not too important".
Weizman's cohort, Greenbaum, amplified this statement with the observation:
"One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Europe".

Amazing, and you are not outraged by this thinking!
This is HISTORY and cannot be denied.
I am going to be in Tel Aviv on business next week and will bring this up with some of my friends as I am curious as to whether they think as you do.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:55 PM
Why is it that it's always the Zionist Jews keep coming up in most important historical dates, the biggest conspiracies and world control?

Did you know that Webster's defintion of "anti-semitism" has been revised to include any and all opponents of israel? Basically you can criticize Israel about anything but by doing so you are an anti-semite.

Anti-Zionism, anti-Americanism, anti-globalization, third worldism, and demonization of Israel, or double standards applied to its conduct, may be linked to antisemitism, or constitute disguised antisemitism.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by airspoon

Though your post looks off-topic in this thread it's extremely interesting to me. I'm not familiar with subject of entering US into WW1, can you advice a good source for reading? Indeed there had to be more fundamental explanations of USA joining to Antanta rather than just Lusitania sinking.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:11 PM

This right here is what I'm focusing on. This act - the unprovoked and completely condemnable act of forcing an entire people out of their homeland - is an atrocity itself.

It was bad planning all the way around. Germany was fighting over what they felt were unfair war reparations from WW1. If you have read Mein Kampf then you will understand how easily it was to blame the Jews for the Germans defeat in WW1. Mein Kampf was one of those history changing books like Uncle Toms Cabin that can move the consciousness of an entire nation.

The German Jews set themselves up as resistance to this antisemitic cause naturally. The Nazi high command misjudged the amount of resistance there would be defeating the rest of Europe. By the winter of 1942 Germany was running out of resources. German civilians were starving by the millions out in the country, and soldiers were starving on the Russian front. Obviously any enemies of the state in Germany would not be treated any better than the German soldiers.

The point is that the holocaust was never planned for, it was a result of the resistance movement bringing Germany to its knees leaving no resources for prisoners. Its true if the Jews had taken the German offer to leave peacefully rather than stay and fight they would not have been forced into concentration camps. How would the Zionists know ahead of time that Mein Kampf was going to be such a big hit with the German public though?

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by gem_man

Even if they did say that, and even if it isn't taken out of context, no one knew about the death camps until after the war!

Come on man, think.. They might have not cared about the Jews in Europe, but they didn't know they were being massacred..

The whole thing just doesn't make sense.. The Jewish leaders in Europe didn't even care about moving to Palestine, that's the only reason they stayed in Europe...

That's why the Zionists didn't like them..

At any rate I doubt they didn't like them that much.. I mean after they found out about the horrors or the war they made every effort to get them out.. It just doesn't sound solid enough, doesn't make sense...
But I'm keeping an open mind, what proof does he have?
How can I know this isn't made up?

edit on 28-9-2010 by Eliad because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by airspoon

There was also a good deal of jealousy on the part of the German people towards the Jews after the Weimar Republic. I don't have the exact figures, but somewhere on the order of 90% of all the professional jobs (doctors, lawyers, bankers) were Jews. They also owned near the same percentage of newspapers and radio stations, and much of the manufacturing. This was despite the fact that Jews were less than 5% of the population.

Hitler resorted to class war to bring the National Socialist party to power.

As for the OP, I don't buy the story at all.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by gem_man

I did read the link. Show me some evidence that the Jews was complicit or involved in what this story barks on about. There is no historical evidence. It is revisionism.


posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

I don't disagree with you for the most part, however we are talking about two slightly different things. My first two posts were about the persecution of Jews and the wave of anti-Jewish sentiment that the Nazi party surfed to power, as it relates to the informationed contained in the OP's link..

Before the Weimar Republic, Jews had rose to the upper crusts of society and although the Nazis had destroyed a lot of the civil records the documented Jewish businesses before 1919, one only has to look at military records to see the Jewish caste and rank it among other German demographics. To become an officer in the German military (or any military of the world back then), you were a part of the upper class. Today, it is dependent upon a college degree but back then it went off of social standing and/or caste. The German military before 1919 was heavily staffed with German-Jewish officers.

When I say that the Germans welcomed the Jews with open arms, when nobody else would take us, that was part of the equation. The idea that Jews could be kicked out of their previous homeland, only to migrate to Germany and immediately be excepted into the social hierarchy and own successful businesses, as they did.

Before WWI, Germany's economy was top-notch and German life was good, relatively speaking, even for the peasants. However, it was the Treaty of Versailles that was a result of the war and America's entrance into that war that killed the good life in Germany and the Germans blamed the Jews for bringing America into the war. America, the previous German ally.

You see, at that time, there were many German Americans and this country had a fondness of German culture. The German immigration waves (we had a few) were unlike other immigration waves here in the States. Most Europeans immigrated to America because of political turmoil in their homelands, though Germans migrated for different reasons all together, especially in the 19th century. This heavily influenced the positive feeling among many Americans towards Germany and their culture. However, during WWI, Hollywood was taking off and the motion picture industry was mainly Jewish with pro-Zionist leanings. Hollywood produced many films demonizing Germany, and one could easily imply this was done on purpose, seeing how the Zionists were trying to get America to enter the war against Germany, something that would have been unheard of, just a few short years ago.

The Zionists could easily influence government, seeing how they controlled our money supply and our banks after the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. However, at this time in our history, influencing government was not enough, as you also had to influence the people. It wasn't like it is today, where the government could do whatever it liked, without the people's consent. Many people happen to believe that Hollywood was created for this reason alone, as a sort of propaganda wing and the timing is perfect for such a notion. If you look into it, you would see that at the same time America was being taken over by the bank, the motion picture industry was also taking hold. Both of these movements were heavily, if not all Jewish. Also, if you you research, you will find America's fondness of Germany, as I believe that there are old reals of parades being thrown in New York for docked German U-boats at the beginning of the war and even local newspaper clippings that were heavily supportive of the German side of the conflict.

In 1916, the Germans declared victory and offered peace to Great Britain. This is one year before America entered into the war, in 1917 and one year after the Zionist-British proposal to bring America into the war. 1915 was the also the year that anti-German films started to be produced by Hollywood and it is also the year that RMS Lusitania was sunk by a German U-Boat, the U-boat U20 and as I said before, the year that Great Britain was approached by Zionists with their deal to bring America into the war, so long as Great Britain allowed the Jews to enter/control Palestine. Some people argue, and convincingly so, that RMS Lusitania was placed there on purpose and information was leaked to Germany that the liner was carrying military resources for England. I believe there is evidence to back this claim up.

With Hollywood influencing the people and the banks influencing government, it was only a matter of time before America entered the war. At this time and directly after the war, the German people had no idea what brought America into the war and nobody even though to blame the Jews though shortly thereafter, the deal that the Zionists made with Great Britain was leaked to the world and more importantly, to the German people. This caused the German people to blame their current troubles on the Jewish population, for the actions of the Zionists, especially since their current sufferage was due to their loss of the war, a war that they had already won in 1916. With the German people blaming the Jews for betraying them, kind of like we do today with the Muslims, the Nazi party rode that fervor all the way to absolute control over Germany.

So, why did the Germans hate the Jews? Because they blamed the Jews for their troubles and it wasn't an empty accusation. We are lead to believe that the Germans were simply anti-semitic, for no other apparent reason that racism and that notion is inherently false. In fact, what we see today with the Muslims and 9/11, is almost as if it was taken out of the Nazi/German playbook, only suited to our current times and socio-political climate. It's as if our leaders have recreated what happened in the beginning to mid 20th century Germany and using it to their benefit, only learning from the mistakes of that era.

This is why I always say that history, true history is so important. It gives us an awesome view of whats happening today and what will happen tomorrow. Our leaders or those in control seem to know true history and they are using it to their benefit, along with the history that is spoon fed to us. History is one of the most important subjects when dealing with our political crisis, as it seems to be repeated on purpose and rewritten for that same purpose. For those that know history as it actually happened, they also have holes poked in the wool being pulled over the public's eyes and can clearly see what's going on.

This directly relates to the information linked in the OP, though whether that's true or not, I don't know yet as I haven't had tome to look into it, though it certainly fits. However, does it fit because it's true or does it fit because someone who knows true history fabricated it to fit true history? For those that only know history as it has been spoon-fed to us, such a notion sounds absurd and anti-semitic, though for those who actually know true history, such a notion seems accurate.


posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by paraphi
Here is the link you asked for. This is HISTORY

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 10:37 AM
So, to sum up Airspoon's words : The Nazis (the good) were pissed off by the German Jews (the bad). After they failed in peacefully kicking them out of Germany, they came to the conclusion that they have no choice but to annihilate them. After awhile they decided it is not enough to annihilate just German Jews, so they started gathering Jews from other places, like Ukraine, Hungary, Italy, France, Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Romania, Croatia, Latvia, Austria, Belgium, Greece and Bulgaria, and at the same time – though not planing anything – they built these recreation camps called ghettos, concentration camps and special treatment camps. They even had special comfortable trains dedicated for that purpose.


As a son to a father who was a holocaust survivor and lost most of his family on bloody Europe soil, I began reading on the subject from a very young age. Let me tell you something, you can spend a lifetime researching the era, and still not know everything. Still, learn to choose your sources, not because they coincide with your beliefs, but because they show attempt for a true honest research and not modern time revisionism, which serves everything BUT truth.

BTW, have you seen the movie “The wave” ? Among many things, it shows a dictatorship uniting its people by hatred to the other. This was a true experiment, and it was the reality in Nazi Germany.
All you need is a scapegoat to blame for everything, and people will follow you.
I'm seeing similarities here.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by gravitational

That's what happens when you allow your biases to interfere with the data and you aren't capable of looking at things in an objective manner. You deduce from my previous threads as such. Thanks for putting words in my mouth and interpreting my posts in a manner that best suits your world-view. Way to embrace ignorance there.

If you don't agree with the data or if it doesn't suit your world-view and biases, skew the intent, spin the message and exaggerate it in an effort to mainuplate others into your relm of ignorance. Luckily, many people on ATS at least try to deny ignorance and so can see right through your contagious attempt to spin my words into something else entirely, something more suited to your subjectivity.


posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 11:23 AM
The Jews only survive by playing the victim, they are a people based on lies, living in a country based on lies. They are a parasitic race of people who can not live peaceably in another country, they are therefore destined to create their own country at others expense in order to exist.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by airspoon

He could say the same to you, the truth is you are both choosing your sources, both choosing how to view the truth...

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by gem_man

With respect Gem_man, I am contesting that Nazi Germany offered free passage to European Jews in 1941 and 1942 as asserted in your in your original post. Citing a single-cause anti-Zionist website is hardly providing a weighted and impartial documentation of history and I cannot find reference to support the asserted claim on this site anyway – just a few disconnected and selective quotes to prove Zionists are bad.

If there is evidence that Nazi Germany (or rather the Gestapo as cited) made such an offer to Jews in 1941 and 1942 and (by implication) the refusal of Jews to leave was them choosing their fate – thus they are to blame - then this would be well documented. After all, the Nazi’s were sticklers for all the bureaucratic niceties of running the Final Solution…

No matter how authentic a website purports to be, it still needs to reference historical evidence and if they do not do so then they are making it up. I assert that the source in your original post which states “the Jewish role in the Holocaust” is making things up. Making fiction look like fact.


posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:30 PM
Give me a break airspoon.

You are trying to make excuse for the Nazi regime. Do you even get it?
That's exactly the revisionism I'm talking about here. “ The Nazis were bad, but hell they had a good reason to be bad ..Yeah...the Jews in Hollywood even made some movies on them depicting them as bad.

If I hadn't read your previous posts regarding Israel, I would think you really try to make an honest research.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by Eliad

No where in any of my posts did I ever claim or even remotely imply that the Nazis were anywhere near resembling good and the Jews bad, in fact I even stated that whether the allegations were true or false, was irrelevant to the point, as this is what started the anti-Jewish sentiment in Germany that allowed the Nazis to exploit the situation. With that said, I say what I had implied again. Whether the allegations of a secret deal between the Zionists and Great Britain were true, I don't know, only that it makes sense given the variables.

Most Americans supported Germany at the outbreak of war and it is a fact that German U-Boats docked in our harbors and we threw parades for them. It is also a fact that the motion picture industry was started by Jews and made the movies that turned the tide of popular opinion against Germany. It is also a fact that the central bank was started by Jews, so in 1913 the Jewish bankers had control over our money supply so in effect, control over our government, given that it is a debt based currency and controls the interest rates. It is also a known fact that this alleged deal was made public in Germany after the war, turning Germans against the Jews that they had felt betrayed by. They didn't hate the Jews because they were racist, at least not at first, not until the fervor was exploited by the Nazis. Furthermore, I believe that there are some documents in England's archive that document this "deal". It is also a fact that this whole ordeal has been written out of history, hence most people don't even know about it.

Really only historians and political scientists know the truth, as they surely don't teach this below the college level, though it is common knowledge at the university level, especially when focusing on ME or European history. So one has to ask why this would be covered up. Why do our public educational institutions (below University) teach our kids the "Good German" storyline or even that the Jews were the main and sole oppresses, while conveniently leaving out what is common knowledge among scholars? Why is it implied that the Nazis and Germans alike were simply anti-semitic, while ignoring the very known reason? Just the fact that this information is conveniently left our children's explanation of German history, is indicative of some ulterior motive.

Again, whether the allegations are true or false are completely irrelevant, as the Germans believed them to be true. Why not teach our children what lead to the anti-Jewish fervor in Germany? One would have to think that we are watching history be rewritten right before our very eyes.

"Gravitational" was trying to put words in mouth, saying that I was suggesting that the Nazis were good and the Jews bad, when I was really only denying ignorance. Should we propagate ignorance, simply because it doesn't fit in with people's established world-view? Such a notion is foolish. I'm not going to propagate foolishness and ignorance simply because it is politically correct to do so. I'm going to expose the truth, whatever that truth may be and regardless of whether it fits in with my, or anyone else's, world-view and the truth is that the Germans blamed the German Jewish population for the troubles resulting the from the Treaty of Versailles, a peace agreement that the Germans were forced into by their former American allies, though only after they had originally declared victory in 1916. The Germans didn't hate the Jews because they were different or because they hated Jews, rather they felt betrayed and blamed the Jews for Germany losing the war, due to this Zionist agreement with Great Britain and that is a fact.


reply to post by gravitational

I wasn't making any excuses, nor implying that the Nazis were "good" (as you put it), just exposing the truth. The Nazis being "good" were your words, not mine. Am I simply supposed to propagate ignorance in an effort to be politically correct or because it puts Nazism in context? Give me a break. You may not like the truth but the truth is the truth and it should not be ignored for anything or anyone, because ignoring the truth is the very definition of ignorance.

Since Homer, the father of written history, governments have spun history in their favor or for some political goal or agenda. I am a historian, it's what I do for a living and part of my job is uncover history how it happened and relay that to whoever is interested. What isn't part of my job or in my job description, is to propagate rewritten history for political reasons. The winner of the battle will always record history in his favor and the historian will always uncover the truth in history, as it actually happened. You may not agree with the truth and you might even ignore it, however the truth is never wrong.


posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by zbeliever

When you watch a documentary on the news, remember that what you are seeing is a zionist-created fiction.

The Zionists stage managed the whole thing, including the British and US governments. They wanted to create a reason to reclaim Palestine. They engineered the war, fuelled the anti-semitism, and were willing to sacrifice ordinary Jews to do so.

From the initial 4 million Jews killed on the first Auschwitz memorial plaque, the number has been reduced to 1.5 million, as a result of evidence emerging that the figures about the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust were lies. You might guess that even this 1.5 million is an exaggeration.

The Holocaust was a huge propaganda exercise to gain control of someone else's country - and tragically, it worked, and the Palestinians are still paying a terrible price.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 06:50 PM
One of the main reasons for the hatred of the Jews prior to WWII was the fact that the Jews were considered to be trying to weaken and destroy the country through criminal, financial, moral, racial, and political infiltration, as part of them wanting to destroy the German culture and impose Communism. The anti-semitism was part of a greater anti-communism initiative. They saw this happening in their own country and they knew that most powerful communists leaders, and the major funders of the Russian revolution, etc. were Jews. Even Karl Marx was a Jew.

In fact, Communism seems to have been a Zionist/Jewish creation. Dictatorship of the proletariat suits their philosophy very well. What it actually means is that the Zionists will dictate to the gentile servants. It's feudalism under a different name. It's based on the Talmud which states that the Jews are a superior race, and that they shouldn't have to work, except involvement in commerce, that gentiles are like animals, will work for them, and they (the Zionists) have every right to take their money and their possessions, etc.

This attitude was evident elsewhere, for example when you realise that the commerce of slaves for America was dominated by Jews.

And today, this is exactly what's happening in the West. The Zionists have infiltrated all aspects of the national institutions and the governments and are taking those countries towards a zionist controlled feudal dictatorship of the proletariat. That is also where all the national money has gone. To the Zionists. And they will use that to further their plan to impose their 'superiority' on the tax payers whose money they are stealing. They are now succeeding where they failed in the 1940's.

Do I believe a Holocaust is justified. No. But I do believe all these criminals should be rounded up, put on trial and face the people, and should receive appropriate sentences for the heinous, murderous activities they carry out.

edit on 29-9-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-9-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-9-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

It's called trying to take control of the country. When one single group owns all the media, they have tremendous control.

It's exactly the same thing which is being repeated in US and Europe today. And after WWII the Jews bought all the educational publishing businesses, hence they controlled what was taught in schools - and of course, spun it to suit their own ends, irrespective of actual facts.The problem of Jewish financed and supported communism was a HUGE problem in Germany, and - as we can see - it is the problem we are facing today.

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