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They Are Coming - Are You Ready For Disclosure?

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posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:27 PM
Ok what i would like to know is just what is it
that the DOD etc of any nation has put into
orbit?yeah some of it we know of and what
it's for some looking down to moniter and
give us stuff and some looking out and
sending back data to look at for our benifit.

But you have to ask yourself what is up there orbiting
and god knows doing whatever else that we dont know

there has to be some serious hardware up in orbit
and further looking and tracking and maybe exchanging
DATA with another's a possibility,take BLUEBEAM
i hear about it all the time but where is the evidence for it
actually existing?and it does what,is meant to dupe us
into the fact that we are being invaded.

also look at cloning,you think TPTB have not been hard
at work creating all sorts of hybrid genetic organisms
that may fool the averidge joe into thinking it's ET.

Thats why so many people are on the fence when it comes
down to the fact we are in contact with alien life forms.

i don't discount all the stories i have heard/read about
sure some of the stuff seen is our tech,take the triangles,
ours i think.BUT you cannot discount the possibility that
some of what people have witnessed may have been a true
alien encounter tech and all.

PROOF is the problem and will remain the main problem
like disclosure,as much as i would like it to happen i doubt
it will.religion is in the way as well as those who wont be able
to handle the truth if there is any.aliens are out there but have
we been visited? i don't know for sure.
and if they turn up will it just be bluebeam and geneticly
created stuff that WE made.why would they do it any way?
so many qwestions so little i'm still sat on the fence.A cop out at best.

sorry spell check not working.

edit on 22/9/2010 by stealthyaroura because: DO have & star & flag by the way,plus loved the ashtray vid.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by Mr Mask

Originally posted by guyopitz
people want too much proof.
I always assumed in a universe this size there would be life out there. Eventually I personally spotted a UFO. When I say UFO, it's just that, an unidentified flying object. I say unidentified because I don't know of any kind of plane that can fly in one direction then suddenly split into multiple parts that fly in all different directions even opposite of the trajectory it held when it seemed like one object. That sort of instant momentum change is a flight characteristic reserved for top secret planes/drones or aliens.

Maybe you uber skeptics just don't go outside and look at the sky enough. Try it and your bound to spot one of these weird glowing objects eventually. They are out there if you just get out and observe.


Nobody on either side of this lovely debate is denying that unidentified flying objects exist.

What are you saying and to whom?

I am outside every night and make sure I get a good star gaze VERY OFTEN. I'm more familiar with watching the sky then I am with watching TV or even people...

But thanks for putting words in people's mouths here.

Repeat- almost everyone here agreed there are weird objects flying around.


UFS's exists, whether they be Unidentified Floating Objects, Unidentified Falling Objects or Unidentified Flying Obhects. In Fact, almost anything without a Transponder could be a UFO.

The question is, are these UFO's or Spacecraft of some description under Intelligent Control and NOT from Earth. And I haven't seen any real proof for them being anything but UFO's. They are either Hoax's, Space Junk, Top secret Military Projects or Others, and unable to place them into the correct shoe box means their UFO.

A UFO does not mean Kang and Kono are here for supplies, just they are UnIdentified.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by D.Wolf

Is that a wolf's paw?

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Dear boondock-saint

Could you please tell me where in the Bible the Rapture is mentioned???????

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by Phage

The LHC is capabale of creating wormholes can we all agree on this?

No. We can't.
It produces no where near enough energy to produce a wormhole (if there even really is such a thing) and even less to keep one "open".

edit on 9/22/2010 by Phage because: (no reason given)

We don't really know exactly what it is capable of doing. We have theories. Of course, the CERN people say that they are constantly monitoring and don't see any irregularities, but according to them, it pumps out so much data that they can't keep up! So, while we HOPE it dosen't have enough energy, we don't really know.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by franspeakfree

You have gained my respect, for what it is worth. This same issue of people running to Wiki or whatever and linking a contradiction to whatever discussion and yelling "debunked" gets annoying, it is very narrow minded, we are after all on a largely conspiracy site and yet the trend seems to be the first one to contradict another with a youtube video / wiki link or some graph/data gets a cookie.....

People have to open their minds, none of us know everything, laws of science can only go as far as contradiciting a claim with the application of known laws.

It is far more enjoyable to think outside the box, discuss things with an open mind and then you have alot more potential for 'joining the dots'.

We can respect someone's opinion even if we do not agree with them, they are entitled to believe what they want. This childish trend of calling for a thread to be closed or moved to Hoax just because one person has found something on the net that contradicts 1 detail usually kills a discussion and discourages more active participation.

With the ratio of lurkers to posters, it is evident that many are too scared or don't want to waste their time posting for fear of having the usual smart a** youtube response along with the attitude.

/rant over

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:45 PM
The entirety of human history suggests a deep and integrated contact relationship with one or more extra terrestrial species. Sure, now all kinds of things can be faked. But even a hundred years ago, they could not, and evidence abounds at every turn.

I have long surmised that the stargate series was loosely based upon factual semi-current events. It was certainly embellished by creative writing, but many of the underlying themes and even some stories have solidity. e.g., the replicators. I believe those are quite real. I dreamed of the creatures (which I dubbed mechanical spiders from outer space) many years before it was introduced as a concept in the show. The similarities were stunning, down to the inability of projectiles to effectively stop them.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by Phage

The LHC is capabale of creating wormholes can we all agree on this?

No. We can't.
It produces no where near enough energy to produce a wormhole (if there even really is such a thing) and even less to keep one "open".

edit on 9/22/2010 by Phage because: (no reason given)

How do you know how much energy is needed to produce a wormhole if you don;'t even know it exists ?
I would say the universe is a wormhole, it is the energy, all you got to do is shape it into a wormhole, create a vortex.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by pepsi78

Originally posted by Phage

The LHC is capabale of creating wormholes can we all agree on this?

No. We can't.
It produces no where near enough energy to produce a wormhole (if there even really is such a thing) and even less to keep one "open".

edit on 9/22/2010 by Phage because: (no reason given)

How do you know how much energy is needed to produce a wormhole if you don;'t even know it exists ?
I would say the universe is a wormhole, it is the energy, all you got to do is shape it into a wormhole, create a vortex.

I don't know about the energy for a wormhole, but two minutes from the creation of a thread, this thread, to a reply, with an indirect quote insertion is warp speed, and all the energy that might imply

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 08:04 PM
I lived and worked at Nellis AFB for well over a decade minus 3+ years deployed to warzones. As a firefighter I held/hold a security level that granted me access to any building on base in case rescue or firefighters were needed. I don't know everything, contrary to what some believe just because one holds a security clearance does not mean one is automatically informed about everything at that level of security, just mission essential aspects. My brother worked at the pentagon for 6 years in the past decade. It would be difficult for me to imagine I didn't learn a few things.

They Are Coming - Are You Ready For Disclosure?

It's not how disclosure is going to effect me that I am worried about.

Originally posted by franspeakfree
Whilst we sit here debating the same old subjects over and over again, there could very well be a war going on and we sit here oblivious to what is going on. Star Trek and Stargate may indeed be based on something very real and not just an entertaining show, we need to join the dots and figure out just where we are heading, before its too late.

star trek....

I'm Star Trek Capt.
no law I know of says I can't turn that "m" upside down and re-arrange the letters:
Patrick Stewart

same exact symbols & letters. same exact ingredients.

Disc Low Sure
Disc ...lo.....sure


posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
Its about time we focused on the strong possibility that contact is about to be made by other beings in our universe and beyond. Looking at the information that is presented to us on a daily basis now, things are in motion for full disclosure, but in my opinion not the disclosure that everyone wants and hopes for.

Life on earth is changing for us at a rapid rate and there is so much going on at the moment its hard to keep up, we now have

I am convinced that there is a war taking place up above our skies and we are completely unaware of whats going on.

There is alot of talk about our 'gods' our makers returning, what with nibiru,enki,enlil, annunaki e.t.c. I used to laugh and titter at people who spoke openly about planet x and the annunaki but after some serious research it appears that there may well be some truth to all of it and that we may be encountering such 'gods' shortly, but again at what cost?

Jesus will return, no need to worry. The War is predicted in The Bible. Forget about Panet X, that's form a 1950's Movie.

What scares me, is what you pointed out, that people are un-aware, and not prepared. Life on earth IS Changing, and there is no stopping now.

Today, Riots in Jeruselum. Prophesied in The Bible. When 2 people start Preaching from the Mount, the Time Has Come.


edit on 22-9-2010 by mw451 because: comment didn't post

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 08:11 PM
What is with all the children attacking phage? I know the dude can rub people the wrong way, but his very first comment was the most accurate that I've read so far on this thread. A wormhole is a THEORETICAL phenomenon. It is proposed to exist going off of what WE KNOW about physics, among other scientific fields. The amount of energy and mass present in these THEORETICAL wormholes is immense. If you are unable to do your own research, please do not try to sound intelligent by demanding information that is easily available online, free of charge. You see, some people do enjoy using peer-reviewed and academically-acceptable research as the base of their foray into such subjects.

I am sorry for the late response to the post, but I couldn't get past the second page.

edit on 22-9-2010 by Shark VA84 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-9-2010 by Shark VA84 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by Shark VA84

Don't you be worrying about me. The response to my post was quite predictable and expected but the major point was that no, we can't agree. As has been amply demonstrated.

You're correct of course. The existence of wormholes is purely theoretical. There is no evidence for them whatsoever.

Have you ever noticed how science is derided for its theories which tend to stifle fantasy; "Science doesn't know everything, how do they know we can't go faster than light!? That's just a theory!" And yet when the same science produces theories which support such fantasies the response is "How can you say that, science says wormholes exist!"

edit on 9/22/2010 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Shark VA84
What is with all the children attacking phage? I know the dude can rub people the wrong way, but his very first comment was the most accurate that I've read so far on this thread. A wormhole is a THEORETICAL phenomenon. It is proposed to exist going off of what WE KNOW about physics, among other scientific fields. The amount of energy and mass present in these THEORETICAL wormholes is immense. If you are unable to do your own research, please do not try to sound intelligent by demanding information that is easily available online, free of charge. You see, some people do enjoy using peer-reviewed and academically-acceptable research as the base of their foray into such subjects.

I am sorry for the late response to the post, but I couldn't get past the second page.

edit on 22-9-2010 by Shark VA84 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-9-2010 by Shark VA84 because: (no reason given)

This is what John Gribben has to say commenting on Russian scientists ideas of the LHC opening wormholes.

" So they expect time machines to exist. The snag is that the kind of accidental 'time tunnel' that could be produced by the LHC in Geneva would be a tiny wormhole far smaller than an atom, so nothing would be able to go through it. So there won't be any visitors from the future turning up in Geneva just yet. I'd take it all with a pinch of salt, but it certainly isn't completely crazy."
So there you have it, the only way through to here from the future is by arranging yourself/itself into subatomic particles or bytes if you like and arriving as a zip file. No problem then since we already have the internet and Winzip...done and dusted
on second thoughts, he says the wormhole would be far smaller than an atom, so how small are the bytes needed to be ....??

edit on 22-9-2010 by smurfy because: add text.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 09:09 PM
It's my belief that any species that can navigate that galaxy would have no use for war.

If mankind is any indication, a species would be hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years old by the time they were able to safely harness the ability to travel at lightspeed. Even traveling at the speed of light, it would take thousands of years to extensively explore our closest neighboring star systems. Hundreds of thousands to fully map the galaxy.

If a species is still warring whilst exploring their own galaxy, it's one that I don't believe should even exist. In fact, the Universe would be a better place if they didn't.

As for wormholes ... they're just an idea based on theories, most of which have yet to be proven. At this point in time, wormholes are as real as unicorns and leprechauns.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by Shark VA84
A wormhole is a THEORETICAL phenomenon. It is proposed to exist going off of what WE KNOW about physics, among other scientific fields. The amount of energy and mass present in these THEORETICAL wormholes is immense.

Hmmm I am confused... not sure what your talking about, so I went and did some research...

Wormhole... a hole made by a worm digging in the ground...


A wormhole is a vulnerability that allows a worm to infect or operate on your computers. Wormholes are there to allow malicious software to infect a victim's computer and in most cases worms will use the same hole to communicate with its author. Most worms are there to penetrate firewalls. How do you help to patch wormholes. Well if you are using a PC (computer that is running an operating system of windows) go to the microsoft website and make sure you are updated.

Why pick on Phage? Well when someone says they don't believe in something, then claims to know how much power they would take, even if they ARE a THEORY, making those power requirements THEORETICAL..

I expect that person to present the facts, not make me have to go look it up.

Afterall those are the requirements I am expected to follow... Seems at ATS many debunkers feel they are above those rules of evidence..

Were I to say "Go look it up!", I wouldn't last to long

I am sorry for the late response to the post, but I couldn't get past the second page.

That's okay.. but we could have waited...

Teleportation via Wormhole-Stargates

Wormhole Physics 101 - By Dr. Samantha Carter, et. al.

As to power...

Wormholes Take On a New Dimension

New calculations suggest that wormholes large and stable enough to allow intergalactic travel really can exist. The possibility that the cosmos is peppered with wormholes, short cuts through space and time, has long intrigued scientists. Current models, based on Einstein's general theory of relativity, suggest that only tiny quantum sized wormholes may exist. A type of negative energy filling, known as "exotic matter", keeps them open. However, the difficulty of producing exotic matter limits the size of wormholes to the sub-atomic scale. Now, says New Scientist magazine, a Russian theorist has come up with a calculation for a large, stable wormhole that is compatible with the known laws of physics.

Energy supply

According to Sergei Krasnikov of the Pulkovo Observatory in St. Petersburg, the new wormhole can create its own abundant supply of exotic matter. This way, the wormhole would be big enough and could stay open long enough for people to use.

Main stream News
BBC News

So next time be more specific when you say "Just go do your own research

edit on 22-9-2010 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by skeptic_al
If they're bad Aliens and don't want to fix our problems, then all we have to is
upload a Computer Virus into their Central Core. Simple.

Aliens aren't stupid...they wont come to enslave humanity until AFTER Will Smith is dead.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 09:20 PM
I have some problems with your theory. You can draw on shows such as Star Trek and Stargate because, like it or not, these are actually intelligent shows. The science used in both, however, is far from factual physics, and more based in Quantum Mechanics (Theoretical Pysics). On the subject of Wormholes, however, I will have to side with Stephen Hawking. Mr. Hawking adressed the subject of wormholes, and while they are theoretically possible, keeping them open is at this point considered impossible. The womhole, once open, would constantly be taking in particles of matter as well as radiation. This would cause a feedback effect much like the feedback experienced if you were to place a microphone in front of the speaker amplifying the sound from the mic. It creates a loop, where the sound contiuously gets louder until the speaker is finally blown. So, all the matter and radiation flowing into the wormhole would intensify rapidly, and cause the wormhole to collapse.

However, I will agree that human beings are "different" from anything else on this planet. That much is obvious in daily observation. Our looming skyscrapers and clustered rural settings seem very alien when compared to the natural environment of this planet. But the only reason you can give for this separation is the fact that we are inelligent in ways that other animals (yes, we are animals) on this planet. What gave us this intelligence? Was it evolution, ala Darwin's theory of natural selection? Was it God? Was it an ancient race of alien beings who played God via Genetic Manipulation? These are questions that cannot be answered now, and might never be answered.

Technology is getting increasingly more impressive because technology doubles in efficiency and halfs in price ever year to eighteen months. This is a formula that has held true since the 70's/80's. In a decade, we will have built computers that operate five-hundred times faster than the human brain. I have a hard time believing that this is due to aliens, and an easier time believing that every new innovation will spaw hundreds of others.

As for noticing that what I am thinking is everywhere, or that the song that happens to be playing on the radio is applicable to my life specifically, I would have to agree with you. I, personally, have been noticing the same effect in my everyday life. At first, I was intrigued (and a little terrified, having just seen Inception). But then the logical side of my brain kicked in. Things such as music on the radio, or television shows, or books are supposed to invoke that reaction. Otherwise, how would such things make millions of dollars? To use a mentalism analogy, it's a form of cold-reading. It's like if I told you I was psychic, and proved it by saying that there had been a time in your life when you felt as though your friends really didn't care about you. That it was all an act, and that they just hung around you out of pity. Chances are most people have had a moment such as that.

Now, are we driving towards a moment of global change? That question cannot be answered factually one way or another. Nor can the cause of that change be narrowed down. That question has to be answered on a personal basis, and must be answered by using your heart and soul, not your brain. And while it may seem like I have been trying to disprove your theory, when I look around at the modern world, my heart says yes. I feel that we are being pushed towards the edge of a cliff by forces unknown to the common man (God, Aliens, Illuminati, take your pick). And I FEEL that very soon humanity will need to make a choice. We either unite as a species, spread our wings, and fly, or we plunge over the edge (again, as a species) into anarchy and chaos.

I cannot prove such a thing, of course, but it doesn't stop me from looking around at the world of today and feeling, on some deeper level, that this is the case.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

Your entire post made no sense

have you been drinking?

anyhow, what didja learn at the base then? go on...let the cat out of the bag.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 09:33 PM
Every so often I've been know to be "clever". I was one of the few people who has successfully given themselves a nickname and it stuck. Playing baseball in h.s. I told the PA announcer when i come up to bat, instead of coming up to bat K.C. (insert last name), say now coming up to bat K.C. Sticks! The funny part was all the parents and crowd though the "sticks" part was just referencing to the baseball "bats" but in reality it was an inside joke that I was "sticking" more girls than any other guy at my school by a country mile.

So here my idea... All the people on this site that have a hard time thinking for themselves, whenever they don't know what to think they say... Man I wish "Phage" was here to tell me what to think.

Well instead of still referencing Phage as "Phage" lets just call him...

wait for it

wait for it

wait for it


(peoples champ) get it

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