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ATS on IRC...

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posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 10:35 AM

I was wondering. I've been using IRC for quite a while, and I just wondered whether or not ATS had an IRC channel. It would be a nice place to talk, hold discussions and so forth. I (sort of) have my own channel on the Undernet servers. It's a trivia game to play. #sin-trivia is the channel if u're interested, but I have to be there for the game to play.

So, if anyone wants to get in touch to create an ATS channel (IF THERE ALREADY ISN' T ONE!) (#ATS or #AboveTopSecret), let me know. I have two possible servers I can use.

U2U me...


[edit on 23-6-04 by prophetmike]

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 10:42 AM
The problem is that IRC tends to be a "free for all" and we've gone through great lengths to establish "Above Top Secret" as a credible and reliable source of discussion and debate that maintains decorum and manners, while embracing and encouraging a wide diversity of opinion. If the "Above Top Secret" name is attached to something that becomes less than the above statement, it may detract from the reputation we're working hard to maintain. From what I've seen of IRC, without constant attention, it could easily degrade into something that may be embarrassing from time to time. I hope that helps you understand our position.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 10:44 AM
I agree SO from what I seen on IRC it's nothing but a big mess. ATS is very wise to stay away from it.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
The problem is that IRC tends to be a "free for all" and we've gone through great lengths to establish "Above Top Secret" as a credible and reliable source of discussion and debate that maintains decorum and manners, while embracing and encouraging a wide diversity of opinion.

If the "Above Top Secret" name is attached to something that becomes less than the above statement, it may detract from the reputation we're working hard to maintain. From what I've seen of IRC, without constant attention, it could easily degrade into something that may be embarrassing from time to time.

I hope that helps you understand our position.

Originally posted by KillerD
I agree SO from what I seen on IRC it's nothing but a big mess. ATS is very wise to stay away from it.

I understand totally. I just wanted some feedback from SOMEONE about the possibility. IRC is a pretty big mess, and it would be hard to moderate all of the BS that will (or may) go on.

Thanks for the feedback. It's appreciated.


posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 12:14 PM
Indeed, IRC and ATS would not be a good combination. I've been an admin on an IRC network for a few years now, and it definately can be a mess. You get to deal with skiddies, flooders, and general pain-in-the-arse types. As for controling a channel, you have to use extremely heavy-handed techniques much like the very strict Freenode network is known for. I've heard some of them are very anal about how they run things there, but on the flip side it keeps the trolls and skiddies out. Also another thing I was thinking about is the fact that since ATS draws so many trolls at times, that the same thing would surely bring bot floods to whatever irc network/server that was willing to host an ATS channel. I would think a few channels already exist where ATS members chill and talk, but an offical ATS channel would not be the best thing as William pointed out.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
The problem is that IRC tends to be a "free for all" and we've gone through great lengths to establish "Above Top Secret" as a credible and reliable source of discussion and debate that maintains decorum and manners, while embracing and encouraging a wide diversity of opinion.

If the "Above Top Secret" name is attached to something that becomes less than the above statement, it may detract from the reputation we're working hard to maintain. From what I've seen of IRC, without constant attention, it could easily degrade into something that may be embarrassing from time to time.

I hope that helps you understand our position.

You could always do it like i did on

Make the nickserv db in sync with the websites user tables. Disallow writes to the database for nickserv and disable registrations trough nickserv. Also make logon mandatory. Disallow channels to be created by anyone other then Oper's. Like that only website registered members can logon to IRC and only staff can create channels.

All these things can be done by default ircd and *serv ini settings and create a 100% private and secure IRCD.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by thematrix

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
The problem is that IRC tends to be a "free for all" and we've gone through great lengths to establish "Above Top Secret" as a credible and reliable source of discussion and debate that maintains decorum and manners, while embracing and encouraging a wide diversity of opinion.

If the "Above Top Secret" name is attached to something that becomes less than the above statement, it may detract from the reputation we're working hard to maintain. From what I've seen of IRC, without constant attention, it could easily degrade into something that may be embarrassing from time to time.

I hope that helps you understand our position.

You could always do it like i did on

Make the nickserv db in sync with the websites user tables. Disallow writes to the database for nickserv and disable registrations trough nickserv. Also make logon mandatory. Disallow channels to be created by anyone other then Oper's. Like that only website registered members can logon to IRC and only staff can create channels.

All these things can be done by default ircd and *serv ini settings and create a 100% private and secure IRCD.

Can someone describe this in broken down terms? I'm not exactly an IRC whiz... I'm not a n-e-w-b-i-e either, though.

I'd just like the previous post broken down for all (or most) to understand.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 03:26 PM
prophetmike > it basically means that the IRC server would tie into the database of the site, so nobody could impersonate other users and such, plus allow for control of who can and cant access the server. Also thematrix was suggesting locking down the server so that only staff can create new channels and make it so that only people registered with the site could connect to the server, basically making it members only.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 03:27 PM
Make the Nickname Server database insync with ATS's User List. So only people that are registered on ATS can login. The list cant be changed by Nickserv. People have to login with there ATS info to get into the channel. Only OPs can create channels.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by dreamlandmafia
Make the Nickname Server database insync with ATS's User List. So only people that are registered on ATS can login. The list cant be changed by Nickserv. People have to login with there ATS info to get into the channel. Only OPs can create channels.

This sounds like a REALLY good idea. It'd make things more interesting. But, I still understand what Skeptic said earlier...

I just don't know. It's both a GOOD and BAD idea.



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