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Why Aliens don't land? Its religion of course.

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posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by amari

ok, let me get this straight then...
So...dont let the UN do it.
rather, let each country vote a representative in to represent that country.

and how is this different than the UN?

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by enkira
reply to post by SaturnFX

its religion of course and i dont have any doubt about it. but why not land? they've been here since our present human generation is in existence...and why did they chose to make moon their staging base or concealing their presence there? whats stalling them and keep lurking on us? obviously they are far superior and advanced than us,evolutionary and technically . if they had made their presence among us instead of giving the impression that they had left, leaving us with mouths open staring at the skies then we could have been saved from a lot of troubles,genocides,mass murders, wars and our minds should have been cleared up.
Instead, they messed us up and a lot of things or maybe it was the intention after all.who knows..."Gods" way are not our ways.
its religion of course...

I suppose you could read the original post which considers those questions.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by Watcher-In-The-Shadows

Will respond to you when my brain wakes up in a bit...dont think I am giving up that easy

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
reply to post by Watcher-In-The-Shadows

Thanks for the response...I like the way you debate.

lets start

Ah. So long as people meet with your approval their beliefs are fine? Once again. Who are you to judge?

I judge for myself, and if others see the logic in my judgement, they will also judge for themselves. (snip)

Well, using your words, I do not see any logic in your judgement and using my logic I judge for myself. You use a lot of space to posit your views that in the end doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
reply to post by amari

ok, let me get this straight then...
So...dont let the UN do it.
rather, let each country vote a representative in to represent that country.

and how is this different than the UN?

You are correct each country would vote in a representative to make contact with aliens. UN positions are appointed by their prospective governments and these alien contact positions would be voted in by the people of each country. I do not want one person appointed by the UN to make any kind of decisions on my behalf or for anyone's behalf for that matter. First of all I do not know what she or the UN body will say or negotiate on behalf of the Human Beings on this planet Earth. What if she or the UN sells out mankind and gives the go ahead to exterminate 5 billion humans or enslave the world population. What if she or the UN gives the go ahead to aliens to eat as many humans as they wish. What if she gives the go ahead to evacuate millions of people off this planet to be taken to God knows where. You may laugh but these are serious concerns for mankind. You may say this will never happen but can you guarantee it will never happen. Aliens will have far advanced technology and will want to control everything just like Cortez did when he invaded the Aztecs in Mexico. You may say the aliens will not harm us and will let humans exist and live their lives as usual. I say dream on. ^Y^

Here are some of the things that the UN stands for and promotes.

* Control of all zoning matters in the United States and the control of our national parks, rivers and historical sites.
* Control over whether women are allowed to have babies.
* Control over the economic and judicial policies of all nations.
* Programs are being processed to create a tax on citizens of the United States as a permanent method of UN funding.
* The United Nation has its own Army and United States soldiers must swear allegiance to this foreign government.

Have you ever been to our National parks and read the signs saying under the supervision of the UN. We are a
sovereign nation with a constitution in many cases our U.S. constitution does not mean a hill of beans to certain
politicians in our government.

edit on 2-10-2010 by amari because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

i did read Ragged and i just thought that he laid the benchmarks of his time frame a bit to much in the future.implying that at the rate these recent developments on ufo/alien awareness are unfolding there will be still be a few more hundred years before we can come in to terms with them.
well the damage has been done.
my point is, if they just steered close to us on those ancient times and openly stick around then Raggeds projections is now ripe for the offering.
well, if not for religion, of course...

edit on 2-10-2010 by enkira because: well, if not...

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by amari

What if she or the UN sells out mankind and gives the go ahead to exterminate 5 billion humans or enslave the world population. What if she or the UN gives the go ahead to aliens to eat as many humans as they wish. What if she gives the go ahead to evacuate millions of people off this planet to be taken to God knows where. You may laugh but these are serious concerns for mankind. You may say this will never happen but can you guarantee it will never happen. Aliens will have far advanced technology and will want to control everything just like Cortez did when he invaded the Aztecs in Mexico. You may say the aliens will not harm us and will let humans exist and live their lives as usual. I say dream on.

I don't think you are giving due credit to ET. There is much to said about the idea that if ET wanted to exterminate some or all of Human life, or enslave you, it would have already have happened. As it hasn't; it seems clear that ET has no such intention. Also, ET doesn't eat Humans, while all space faring species are or rather were preditors, there are few, if any, species that roam the galaxy in search of food, there are far better ways.

There is currently no need of evacuating any of you to anywhere, yet, what if there is that "perfect" solar storm? Would you want to stay here?

You are right, these are serious concerns, yet, the answers to many of them are right in front of you, all you need do is recognize this face.

Comparing us to the likes of Cortez is an insult! None of us are quite that backward. Most of us have evolved for hundreds to thousands of years beyond Human kind. The likes of Cortez would be considered a criminal in virtually any space faring society.

You may think that ET has motives and intent to cause harm to Earth and Humans; You are wrong! While not all ET's are the most friendly towards aliens such ah Humans, very few would seek to cause harm. With the array of different ET species and their respective governments, I don't think you will have any trouble finding a "good fit". You may still have cause for concern over the Humans you allow to run your governments, but, that is your problem, and you cannot blame ET for that.

You place your trust in total strangers every minute of every day, the only difference is that they are the same species as you. Trusting in ET to do the right thing is no different, we are at least as civilized as you.

As for the U.N. or other Terrestrial governments; you really have little choice. ET has already been talking with the UN anf the G20. Preliminary agreements have already been struck, and it is likely way too late for you to hold planetary elections on who you will have as negociators. The general feel I am getting from both Humans and my people is that disclosure is less than a year away.

Etharzi od Oma,

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by The Shrike

Originally posted by SaturnFX
reply to post by Watcher-In-The-Shadows

Thanks for the response...I like the way you debate.

lets start

Ah. So long as people meet with your approval their beliefs are fine? Once again. Who are you to judge?

I judge for myself, and if others see the logic in my judgement, they will also judge for themselves. (snip)

Well, using your words, I do not see any logic in your judgement and using my logic I judge for myself. You use a lot of space to posit your views that in the end doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

You realize this thread is not required reading, right?

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by enkira
reply to post by SaturnFX

i did read Ragged and i just thought that he laid the benchmarks of his time frame a bit to much in the future.implying that at the rate these recent developments on ufo/alien awareness are unfolding there will be still be a few more hundred years before we can come in to terms with them.
well the damage has been done.
my point is, if they just steered close to us on those ancient times and openly stick around then Raggeds projections is now ripe for the offering.
well, if not for religion, of course...

edit on 2-10-2010 by enkira because: well, if not...

I agree, and I spoke to him about that...even started talking in his discussion for that essay. the piece is a bit old, and he has since been reconsidering the phase at which we are in..he said he may amend the philosophy in that regard should more attention be pushed forward from government or religious leaders.

the biggest problem is islam...most religions have leaders...islam is a democracy though, so there is no actual leaders...there are imams and such which do hold some honor and influence, but ultimately nobody makes rules or guides the overall a very influential imam could say that islam allows for aliens...but that doesn't mean anyone in islam has to believe it.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Watcher-In-The-Shadows

ok, been considering your post for a day now and figured out how to best approach the core issue here

You are saying that the logical failure I am experiencing is due to the fact that speculation about religion and speculation of ETs existing or coming here to earth..the subject in general, both are little more than fantasy that merit equal consideration.

First off, the issue of religion is that it is supernatural or paranormal in its nature. the ET/Alien subject is not...there is absolutely nothing about the concept that is supernatural in nature. It falls into the same area as a new breed of fish at the bottom of the is testable.

Organizations have popped up to test this theory, such as SETI, that are actively seeking out signals of alien origin. Hubble spends plenty of time looking at planets to determine if it is habitable and able to house if not already houseing life.

NASA has sent out probes such as Pioneer 10 to broadcast our own signals specifically to alien races, to include a starmap, pictorial of what we look like, etc.

Is there a government funded equal in regards to any religion whatsoever to determine and test the god theory? no...there isn't, because as much posturing as government officals do, they know that they cannot prove a negative also in these regards...there is simply no satisfactory way to test for God because it is paranormal in nature...aka, no test will ever work because such a being is undetectable by tests...therefore the hypothesis itself is without is not requires you to be able to test, measure, observe it.

Aliens - testable (if a bit time consuming)
Deitys - untestible

There is no logical fallicy I am committing beyond being a bit presumptious as to how the tests will eventually turn a way, one could see that as faith, I simply view it as a statistical certainty.,,the dice are loaded and we got a trillion trillion chances to roll snake eyes.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

"Organizations have popped up to test this theory, such as SETI, that are actively seeking out signals of alien origin. Hubble spends plenty of time looking at planets to determine if it is habitable and able to house if not already houseing life".

NASA sent out probes such as Pioneer 10 to broadcast our own signals specifically to alien races, to include a starmap, pictorial of what we look like, etc. "

These posturings really amused me...and a mystery too...why send a starmap, pictorials when these alien races are practically just around the corners...
or just plain deflection???
they must have wondered , when the probes fly by ,why on earth they were ignored ...
or where they really?

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 11:50 AM

edit on 123131p://bSunday2010 by Stormdancer777 because: off topic

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 11:54 AM

edit on 123131p://bSunday2010 by Stormdancer777 because: off topic

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by enkira
These posturings really amused me...and a mystery too...why send a starmap, pictorials when these alien races are practically just around the corners...
or just plain deflection???
they must have wondered , when the probes fly by ,why on earth they were ignored ...
or where they really?

It is a curiousity, isn't it.
Spending incredible amounts of money as a nation and world to basically...try and find fairys.

Clearly this has to be either an example that humanity has collectively gone insane, or that the premise of extraterrestrials are far more credible a hypothesis to test than other such things people lump into a paranormal subject (even though there is nothing paranormal about ET)

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
I haven't read through all the post yet, but, it is a wonderful topic,

I think they were always here, why did the Gods/aliens at one time make contact then stop?

And why do we think they are not still manipulating our consciousness?

We are them.
We are their seed.
We were stranded.

Heya Storm.
Thanks for the input. What you suggest is interesting, but its not really on topic. its sort of a breakdown hypothesis as to why things are moving soo slowly towards any proof...more of a social implication and rollout plan hypothesis.
I like speculating on what you wrote, but ultimately if this is to be used as a resource for thought should be kept on topic...granted, several times it has veered away, and would love for those posts (mine included) that went off topic to be removed...but oh well..anyhow, if you wish to skim over the thread and weigh in, that would be great.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:05 PM
How do we know the seeds of everything from writing to religion, to scientific theory and inventions, weren't planted in our minds?

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
reply to post by Watcher-In-The-Shadows

Aliens - testable (if a bit time consuming)
Deitys - untestible

Provided that there would be any difference between the two, that is.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Oh I am sorry I didn't realize, I had strayed off topic, considering the other post.


posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:08 PM

edit on 123131p://bSunday2010 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by amari

I think the people collectively are idiots.

I am from the US, so I am simply going to discuss the US way of doing things.
We have a republic here...meaning the founding fathers also knew the people collectively are idiots..a democracy is a horrible it is the mob rule mentality.

Here is why they are idiots. the average joe needs to go to work, spends time after work having a beer with the guys, going home to spend time with the family, perhaps watch some television. They are not going to spend 20 hours a week reading the fine details of legislation and histoical research done before voting on something...they simply don't have that time in the week...therefore, they are ignorant about the process overall.

The solution is to hire some guy to do it for them...a community gets together and elects a single person whom sort of represents the area...the average mindset and concerns of the area...and its his job specifically to read up on whats going on, get the great detail and history behind the events, and weigh in and vote approrprately based on his knowledge and how it will effect his community.

If you said each nation votes in their rep towards ET...the average person would end up voting in absurd Chuck Norris or Rush Limbaugh...entertainment people, because most of the country, being this is a republic, is more understanding of the entertainment industry than they are the fine details of politics and science.

So, that same rep that you sent to represent yourself becomes the person whom also votes in the representitive, because its their job to do so.

The representitive on a large scale is the POTUS and congress here...its his 24/7 job to take the collective understanding of the US in regards to science, military, political, and social issues. They are the ones that then decide, weighing in on those concerns, who the best fit is

and that is how the representitives to the UN is formed. This is a good way of doing things.

I fully support the concept of the UN...and I see its broken because, at the end of the day, the concept isn't broken..the people could make a million variations of the UN and it would always turn out the same...eventually you got to stop shaking your fist at the top players and demanding they are corrupt idiots and start looking at the actual problem...which is actually how you view your neighbor, the next town over, the next state over, and the next country over...THAT is where its broken...and that is where it must be repaired.

but its simply easier to elect someone to be the punching bag...completely unproductive, but easier...and one thing we like in the US is convenience over substance.

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