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my experience is too strange to tell others

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posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 10:37 AM

Finally a refreshing post about a personal abductions story. What i mean is that you aren't coming in here and shving this down our throats, and you fully admit that you have no evidence from the start. You haven't sold me yet but that's not the point. I don;t think you rintent was to sell anyone, but to get suggestion to do one of the following, find out how to get evidence of the abductions, or place your mind at ease byt other peoples accounts of similiar abductions. I hope one of the 2 can happen for you. I don't doubt that something happens to you in you narcoleptic state, whether it's a true abduction or some kind of night terror dream.

Can you do something for those of us who are interested? Can you list a few detailed examples of a begining to end abduction. A step by step of what happens, even what is happening even before the abductions. I ask because you say that you are usually fully aware of what is happening during the process. Good luck sir, and enjoy your stay here at ATS!!!

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 11:16 AM
Hi unusedphoenix,
Welcome to our strange and interesting crew. I"m curious if you have any theories about what kind of data they are gathering from you. Does your work bring you in contact with special information? Do you have any inkling of what sort of 'data' they need from you or why?
Also, is there anything special about the days when you 'aren't' taken? Have you noticed any patterns? If it were me, I would be consumed with finding out what was 'different' on the day I was not taken.
good luck and please keep sharing.

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
I am sceptical about the BRUISE YOURELF scenario.....for the simple reasom that you COULD bruise yourself anywhere getting up in the night and going into the bathroom and banging your arm on a door...
I dont see HOW purposly getting a bruise will PROVE a darn thing.
HOW could this plan PROVE your being abducted by aliens I dunno...

Yeah, I've thought about it some more and it's not the greatest plan in the world. I still think it would work, but it's probably more trouble than its worth; let me explain why it might work and let's see if anyone can improve on it.

Let's say you're being abducted fairly regularly -- let's also assume for now that this is for real and not just some kind of dream / hallucination -- and you wanted to get physical evidence that this was happening. You've got two basic ways of getting this evidence:

A) you find a way to document yourself getting taken or whatever
B) you find a way to bring something back from where you were taken to

A) seems to be hard -- a lot of people have tried to do this and nothing conclusive's ever shown up so far as i'm aware. maybe if we keep brainstorming plans one of them might work, which is why i'm trying to come up with some of the stuff above and why i hope other people keep making suggestions also, but for now nothing from A) has worked also.

B) seems to be harder than A), because most people are totally knocked out or paralyzed or whatever. Apparently popeye here sometimes is able to get up and move around a bit while this is happening, which is kind of unusual for these abduction scenarios. If all this is true so far he might be able to do something about B) -- maybe steal some artifact or whatever -- but given how paranoid his abductors are about these sorts of things i kinda doubt they wouldn't just take it back, you know. it's definitely worth trying, but seems a long shot: the only thing they let him bring back is himself, it seems like. Thus the only opportunity for B) is to do something to yourself -- if there was a tattoo machine i'd suggest making a quick tattoo, for example, or if there was a pen a drawing on yourself, or whatever -- and then have documentation that there was no way you could have done it to yourself. since i doubt they would let him get access to any kind of tools or whatever his only real option is to do something to himself using only himself and whatever he's laying on, and the only thing i could think of is bruising or maybe cutting -- if you can think of a better idea on that front it'd definitely be an improvement. in any case, since a lot of people who claim to be abducted claim to have markes or scars left over -- remember, we're assuming here that the abductions are actually taking place, etc. -- then it would appear that the abductors' medical technology isn't good enough to leave no traces, and so there's a good chance you'd be able to "bring home with you" something from your abduction this way.

it's the documentation that's the problem: it's a lot of hassle to document your body every night, and to set up a camera every night to film your sleeping, and then to film your body again right when you get up to show that something unexplainable appeared in your sleep. on top of that, you'd have to remember to take the camera with you if you had to get up to go to the bathroom or whatever during the night, and you'd have to hope that your camera worked all night long, and that you didn't thrash around during your sleep so much to make your story less credible; basically, you'd have to hope that you'd go to bed and sleep pretty much motionless, as otherwise what other people are saying's basically right: without a lot of luck you'd wind up not having any real evidence that can't be explained away as just moving around a lot in your sleep.

and that's all assuming that the camera works; if the camera got knocked out or whatever, then you're kinda out of luck entirely -- you might have gotten some evidence that'll convince you it's real, but it's not going to be convincing anybody else anytime soon.

what i guess i'm saying is that the setup for this strategy is a lot of work and hassle, and would only work if you got lucky on a lot of things; it's probably more trouble than it's worth unless someone can improve on it substantially.

one side benefit though: if you're abducted and you can move around a bit, if you try pinching yourself / banging your arm against the wall / whatever, if you're only dreaming you might wake up -- and then it'd be just a dream, which is a lot better than getting abducted, i'm guessing. so maybe it's worth trying just that sometime and seeing if it does anything.

anyways, that's the thought process on the "bruise yourself" strategy -- it might work, but it'd be a huge hassle even if it didn't, and the evidence won't be all that conclusive even in the best case.

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 12:20 PM
I just thought of a pretty good way to get documentation. First makesure a friend of yours across the street has a video camera. Then when your wife wakes up and notices you missing she goes over to the phone calls your neighbor friend and your friend then searches the sky with the camera looking for UFOs. With any luck you'd be able to capture the craft on video. Assuming they use a craft.
Sleep Tight and Dont Let the Aliens Bite.

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 10:55 PM
ccan you take some pics of your video camra setup then?

you siad they dint work so you must have one setup

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 11:58 PM

You just gave me an idea. Perhaps, while we're asleep, having a dream about getting hurt causes the body to actually embody those wounds; kinda like mind-over-matter. That's what it reminds me of anyway.

I've been cut before, and not known where I got it, and to this day I still don't know. Perhaps it was just such a dream, or maybe it was something more sinister; I dunno. All I do know is that wierd things can happen while we're asleep.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 12:25 AM
id like just one answer please, and so its not lost in the crowds here is my question.

why does your wife go back to sleep when she wakes up and you are gone?

[edit on 23-6-2004 by forsakenwayfarer]

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by forsakenwayfarer
id like just one answer please, and so its not lost in the crowds here is my question.

why does your wife go back to sleep when she wakes up and you are gone?

[edit on 23-6-2004 by forsakenwayfarer]
twice she has woken up to find me gone, gotten up to find me, twice she walks out of the bedroom, then next thing you know she wakes up again and I am back in bed..dream? I dont know, happened during my own expereince as well...
all you guys with the camera suggestion, yes I have set one up..nothing out of the ordinary is shown , I dont have enough money to buy multiple cameras and put them in lead boxes or many have tried the same with no succsess, right?

I am hesitant to go into alot of detail, as I want to find others who share the exact same, I know details that nobody could just guess..but if I go into detail it would kind of ruin it, I wouldnt know if they were just agreeing with what I already know what I mean?

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 01:18 AM
A wire mesh case around the camera works fine. Has been shown on The Screen Savers on TechTV as a way to stop outisde forces, like lightning, from screwing with your equipment. Preferably use a copper cage, as it stops the incoming energy before it gets to the camera.. I'll hunt up a link for ya.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 02:00 AM
here is an idea by what we know of their ships so far. As long as the Mexico story is true, that means that they are using some sort of blinders to the naked eye, and such.... But what they aren't blind to is Infrared. One thing only God can control is time. Time effects even aliens, so it would be IMPOSSIBLE for them to fake the elapsing of a period of time with a video camera unless they actually edited the tape to play loops or something. Basically what i am suggesting is pawn your video camera now, buy one, don't know how much it would cost now, but save up, and buy one that has Infrared capabilites. I do believe that they are made. I believe they are not shown on the camera's cuz they are wearing this very same technology that was placed on the ships... but if you could see through it, you could nail them, and have the only conclusive evidence EVER that Aliens DO EXIST. The money you would gain from this would be exponentially greater then what the camera would cost, if it does exist. Not to mention the pressure it would put on every country in the world, combined with the mexico thing, to admit to Aliens existing.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 02:05 AM
Why don't you restrain yourself to the bed? Make it comfortable for you of course, but make it tricky for them to unrestrain you and then put you back.
Maybe they won't fool with it.

I'm a heavy sleeper, I work nights and sleep days. Have I been abducted, who knows. I've lost rest on some days, or dried eyes like I did some heavy duty crying while sleeping. But I do wake up sometimes with sleep paralysis still engaged and it takes about 5-10 minutes for it to pass. That's scary in itself, but I did have an incident I call the third arm.

I woke up face down with my arms crossed under my forehead. I was tangled up in the covers like in a cocoon and my crossed arms seemed to be keeping it together. Now it was daytime and I could see pretty well under the covers, but I couldn't move. Didn't bother me so much, except something else was moving. Someone was reaching under me near my face and chest. Back and forth, probably trying to figure out how to unwrap the blankets without rolling me over I suppose. This went on for several minutes. I finally felt my hand flinch, and the other arm pulled away. Man I had to work up the nerve to see who or what it was, but when I did, nothing.

Now, I live alone in an apartment, and the keyless deadbolts were still engaged so it wasn't the maintenance man or anyone else.

Was it an attempted abduction event, who knows, but you know they probably have to get people up sometimes themselves if their usual methods don't work. So I would suggest personal restraints and a netted canopy bed of some sort.

If they want you bad enough, I say make'em work for it.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 02:09 AM
Here's that link I was talking about:

It's called a Faraday Cage, and it should do the trick for you. Good luck.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 02:10 AM
ok, what the hell, Ill go into more detail

yellow lysol repels greys?! thats a new one, maybe all the lysol she uses is accually destroying brain cells, decreasing dreams of abduction...Im kidding no offence please

old wanderer, Thanks for the input, the Gray Launguage is always fast patterns of clicking and buzzing, like a woodpecker and a fly buzzing in your ear, except its all in my brain..anybody else expereince the same? I dont spent alot of time reading this stuff anymore,,i went thru my UFO book phase, but got disgusted with the lack of evidence and the fact that all the UFO authors use each other as references, the methods of hypnosis is a joke and proves nothing.
It all seems wishful thinking.
SO I have the expereince about once every few months 4-6 times a year

someone made the suggestion to grab an artifact..they dont realize their is not a whole lot of control with the body, only the eyes, and still its requires all effort to even focus ever go the eye doctor with the eye drops and its a little fuzzy? Eye movements are hard and its easier to just let go and stare strait ahead...something interferes with the eyes, maybe nervous system shuts down...when I get poked, stabbed, and whatever else it is, everything is numb but can feel pressure, no different than a dentist working on a numb mouth.

even standing in line is involantary and easier not to resist, like your disconnected from your nerves.
walk up to a tube/blue light one at a time, an intense vibration like a really good car bass stereo, eyes and vision "vibrate".focusing in between my eyes, until I black out with flashes of light inside my eyes .then I wake back up as I leave the memory cleaner and its behind that time its dark but see reflections, I hear nothing but whats in my head. clicking/buzzing
I get flipped around a few times, no machine or platform, but feelings of pressure up my ass,my penis feels like its streched out ten feet a pinch/pokey thing right thru the top of my head, both sides of my neck and also into my tail bone.
something down my numb throat like a blender/spinning bulbous thing.
everything stinks to high heaven, the air is heavy and humid like its ready to rain, sickening sweet like dead flesh, but no gag reflect to throw up, so its choking. THe greys dont care about anything but getting data, like an assemblly line. Most of the time this is what happens, sometimes variation, but most of the time its the same .
Before and afterthis all happens..bright lights is all I see bright, they hurt the eyes. this is what wakes me up the first time...right before I am put in the "waiting room" my eyes are forced open ( by my own lack of control)
The lights hurt my eyes but i cannot close them staring at the sun. the colors start with intense blue, then quickly to deep red, then all of the sudden I am standing in a waiting room, which requires no effort to stand, my head is pointed up into the darkess above.. I cannot move my head, but see others in the same position..from the corner of my eye...
anybody expereince the same? If you have let me know to collaberate details.
I see other aliens On occation but they never get close or directly in front of my vision to get a good look. they just dont move and watch or somthing. they are tall skinny like that pumkin head from Time Burtons Nightmare before christmas. I only see a general outline.. and make out different shades of highly refective purple ( yes purple) like those new car finishes that are multiple shades of irridecent colors,

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 02:40 AM

That's interesting you mentioned the flashing blue to red light, which I guess knocked you out. I have a feeling its related to that blue-red effect the human brain uses for perception, which can be exploited to make a 2-D movie look 3-D with those glasses. Won't work for the color-blind and is dangerous for some epileptics. Some epileptics can get overloaded with just a flashing color like red. Which is probably set off by the rate of the flash and the color intensity of the light.

So, you take a normal brain and with the right intensity of light and the proper rate of flash, you can probably knock almost anyone out, unless they have visual problems of course. Essentially, you're overloading the brain through the optic nerve. Very cool shut down procedure for normal people if it were found to be true.

Besides, if they were manipulating people over the ages like some people conjecture, they could have built this feature in to aid in their, ahem, "studies".

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 07:22 AM
The common factor which stops people from attaining video evidence in abduction cases, is the inability to use anything electrical, whether it be digital or analogue.

The logical route would be to set-up a system that requires no electrical (or battery) supply. This means it is highly unlikely you will end up with a photo or a video of the occurance.

You don't want this system to impose on your everyday life or drain you of finances.

Sprinkling flour on the floor of your bedroom could go some way to obtaining evidence of something happening but is a touch on the inconvenient side.

Early film cameras worked off a wind-up mechanism which should not be influenced by EMPs, but would require a trip system to initiate filming. Something that would maybe work using air pressure as a trigger. Obviously cost is involved to some degree here.

The strips of newspaper idea is definitely a move in the right direction, without causing too much inconvenience, however, this would confirm that something happened but offer no evidence as to what.

I'm sure there is someone in ATS who has a knowledge of mechanics that can be used in this way.

[edit on 23-6-2004 by Koka]

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by sisonek
unusedphoenix: thanks for the info on the memory cleaner -- if we start from the assumption that it works based off of technology we're already familiar with (in other words, not stuff that uses laws of physics we've never heard of) it sounds like it must work off of some kind of electromagnetic principle, mabye combined with some ultrasonics also. i'm just speculating wildly here but i'm guessing that it operates by putting out some kind of high frequency emf radiation that puts you into a temporary coma by disrupting normal neural activity in some very particular fashion -- the details of this i have no clue on so far, as this is just a general hypothesis -- and probably something about your brain is different enough that the technology doesn't work so well on you.

speculating further: mutually interacting oscillators in nearby frequencies tend to synchronize each other -- the actual reasons behind this are kinda cool but don't matter here -- so, for example, in earlier times you could put two grandfather clocks (the kind with the big pendulums on them) next to each other, and if you waited for a while both pendulums would be totally in sync with each other. it wouldn't be that hard to imagine some way of sending massive emp pulses at the frequency associated with one of the typcial brainwave patterns -- i forget which one is the one where you're sleeping -- and thus using the synchronization effect to effectively put you to sleep; it might be a much more advanced version of something like what's described in this article:

Anyways, with that as a going hypothesis for a second, the idea is that if they use this device to "set" your brain to something it might last for a long time in everyone else, but your brain might be less stable due to your narcolepsy and thus "pop out of it" quickly when you're not directly next to the memory wiper -- the idea being that whatever it is that makes you have your narcoleptic sleep attacks might not be controllable by this machine, so it "bumps" your brain, which then goes back into a more normal state than whatever they're putting you into with the memory probe.

this is all just a hypothesis but it already suggests some lines of attack -- i wonder if there've been any examples of epileptics getting abducted, for example, because the memory wiper probably wouldn't work at all for them, either. i need to think more about it, though, and in any case it's not the kinda thing i can just go experiment with.

as for videotaping -- trust me, everyone on this board knows that it's almost impossible to film the greys doing their abducting, and that they seem to be pretty paranoid creatures and do a very good job of making sure there's very little physical evidence left behind when they do their abductions.

but, you are in a very unique situation: your wife appears to wake up some of the time while you're being taken. everything you read seems to indicate that their standard way of abducting people is to send some kind of paralyzing signal out and also somehow manage to make sure that all the cameras and whatever else don't work.

what no one seems to know, though, is how carefully they check out your place when they're bringing you back. if they're using something similar to the thing that makes people all zombielike and memory-wiped on the other occupants of your house, they might assume that as long as they get everything set up right when they take you, nothing's gonna change while they're gone because they've knocked everyone out.

since your wife is also narcoleptic and thus seems to have a similar partial immunity to their paralysis stuff, she's in the unique position of sometimes waking up while you're gone -- you really don't read much like that happening in most abductions. since the greys are apparently not very aware that their memory-wiping technology doesn't work as well on you as it does on most people -- it works only when it's right next to you it seems -- they might not expect your wife to be able to sometimes wake up while you're gone.

so, she has the possibility to set stuff up while you're gone, which is something they may not expect, and if she's clever about it you might be able to get some physical evidence that way. you obviously can't just put a webcam over your bed and go to sleep -- if that worked there'd be a lot of good videos by now -- but your wife might be able to hide something (maybe an old hi8 or other analog movie camera) while you're being taken, and if you're lucky the greys won't be smart enough to think to doublecheck everything again, cause your wife's supposed to not have woken up that whole time so far as they know.

again, it might work, and it might not, but something like this seems worth trying just because you have a very unique situation -- not everyone has a wife who can get up and set things up while you're gone.

just a side question -- are your electronics all blanked (like clocks reset to 12:00) after an abduction? if they aren't, it means one of two things: either they're more selective about how they handle electronic equipment, or they take a lot of care to make sure that everything is as you left it when they bring you back. you might be able to do an experiment and see which way it works: if you've got more than one digital clock -- like the ones a lot of people use for alarmclocks, with the big red leds -- why not set them all to be a little off of each other (like one +5 minutes, another -3 minutes, etc.), make a record of which ones are off by what, and then be super strict about keeping them exactly that much off -- ie, at the end of every week, check that they are all just as far off as they are supposed to be.

if you get abducted and the greys just knock out all the electronics in your house then set the clocks when you get back, they might be sloppy and not figure out your system, if you see what i'm saying, and set them all to the right time or without the right differences between them. i don't know if this would work, but it's subtle enough that you might be able to catch them in a mistake and thus get a small amount of evidence.

even better, if you have or can borrow an analog watch (ie, gears and stuff) that doesn't make a ticking noise, why not set it to something off from all of your clocks, document it, keep it wound so it's accurate, and hide it somewhere really nonobvious -- if after an abduction it's no longer off from your digital clocks by the same amount, you'll have some kind of evidence that your electronics get messed wth.
thanks for the input..I dont really know anything about frequencies, waves, and occilations..EMF stuff, so I cant really comment on your theories, cause I wouldnt know what I am talking about..
I am making the assumption that all these clock, video, newspaper strip ideas have all been tried before? I mean are there not loads of people who claim abduction too, but unable to find evidence? I dont know maybe it is all in my head, the expereince feels real as real as can be, and I also suffer from Migranes afterwards for a day. Nobody in my family, friends, church, social circles know anything, not that I have very many friends anyway with this paranoid social phobia. I have educated myself in critical thinking and Reason.

so I dont go crazy and off the deep end claiming its %100 true and wind up in the nut house.
I have set up video cameras in the past ....nothing...the last thing I want to do is start to hyperfocus on the expereince and become obbsessive-compulsive with it and lose sense of Reality , although I feel completely raped everytime it happens.
If it is True, They are just too damn smart to be discovered and I get the impression they are always one step ahead, since so many people spend their lives looking for real Empirical Evidence, but its always out of reach.
Maybe all this stuff is true, but non physical? I dont know, who knows.
All I feel anymore is anger towards the expereince and the entire subject.

I grew up in a ultra religous home, so I know the damage that can be done beleiving in something that has no evidence.

I have gotten some christian/religous imagry and themes from the past during the expereince, but I think its my own mental processing maybe, the mind playing tricks, like the hypnosis subject who relives an expereince, only to find out it was some movie they watched as child.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 08:12 PM

thanks for the input..I dont really know anything about frequencies, waves, and occilations..EMF stuff, so I cant really comment on your theories, cause I wouldnt know what I am talking about..

that was just me speculating -- i think the other guy on the thread who suggested it was more like a way to trigger epileptic shock probably has a better guess than i do; if his guess is right some of the anti-epilepsy pills might counteract it, but that's just wild speculation still, and i don't know how you'd counteract the idea i had (if that idea could even be made to work). either way we're just guessing on how that device works for now.

I am making the assumption that all these clock, video, newspaper strip ideas have all been tried before? I mean are there not loads of people who claim abduction too, but unable to find evidence? I dont know maybe it is all in my head, the expereince feels real as real as can be, and I also suffer from Migranes afterwards for a day. Nobody in my family, friends, church, social circles know anything, not that I have very many friends anyway with this paranoid social phobia. I have educated myself in critical thinking and Reason.[\code]

yeah it seems like most of the obvious things -- like setting up a video camera next to your bed and so on -- don't work, cause otherwise someone'd have videos by this point. a lot of people here have been coming up with strategies that might work, and might be worth trying, but there's no gaurantees or anything with this kinda thing; if any of them seem worth doing all i can say is give it a try and hope for the best.

you do have one major advantage on your side, though: your wife is also narcoleptic and thus sometimes wakes up while you're gone, which I don't think the abductors expect at all.

i mean, in your case it seems pretty clear that your captors try to knock you out with the memory wiping thing and don't really expect that you're "waking back up" while you're still there -- they may not care if you wake up or not, but I'm guessing they just don't expect it.

i'm saying they don't expect it cause if they care enough about what you think to knock you out with the memory wiper in the first place, and if they could tell that you "wake back up" in the middle of their stuff, then I just don't see why they wouldn't knock you right back out, if you see what I'm saying; odds are they just don't know.

That's why i'm guessing they don't know your wife sometimes wakes up, either, and that's why you've got an advantage on them.

think of it this way: let's pretend you were planning to rob a bank this way:

you were gonna wait until late at night when there's just a couple security guards in the place, and then sneak a little tube under the door and pump sleeping gas into the bank that way.

you'd do this and wait a minute or two to give the stuff time to work, and then you'd go into the building being very careful -- wearing gloves not to leave any fingerprints, for example, and having your partner cut power to the building so there's no videocameras still working -- and you'd be super careful when you're inside to leave everything as is.

anyways, you'd probably go real slow to get into the vault and get the goods -- you want to make sure that the sleeping gas worked on everyone, and that you leave as few clues as possible -- but once you've checked out that the coast is clear and grabbed the stuff, you'd probably be a lot less careful on the way back out: you already checked that everything's ok, no need to check twice.

so the point is that no matter how careful they are when they come for you, if they don't expect anything to move around or change while they're gone they might be a little careless when they bring you back.

if you lived alone their carelessness wouldn't matter, but you've got a wife who seems to be able to wake up some of the time when you're away, and i'm guessing they're not expecting that; it might be possible for your wife to use that opportunity to set up some way to get some evidence. it still might not work, but having her set something up still sounds like your best bet for getting physical evidence. i don't know if any of the plans people have come up with in here sound good to you, but if any do and your wife's willing to participate it might worth trying a few.

I have set up video cameras in the past ....nothing...

does this mean that you've set up cameras, gotten abducted, and then gotten nothing, or just that none of the times you've set up a camera you've gotten abducted. if it's that every time you've set up a camera nothing happens maybe it's worth doing anyways -- it might just be coincidence that they don't happen together, but even so it can't hurt, and if it's actually keeping the experiences away it's helpful in that sense.

in any case good luck with this -- i hope some of this advice helps out.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by sisonek

thanks for the input..I dont really know anything about frequencies, waves, and occilations..EMF stuff, so I cant really comment on your theories, cause I wouldnt know what I am talking about..

that was just me speculating -- i think the other guy on the thread who suggested it was more like a way to trigger epileptic shock probably has a better guess than i do; if his guess is right some of the anti-epilepsy pills might counteract it, but that's just wild speculation still, and i don't know how you'd counteract the idea i had (if that idea could even be made to work). either way we're just guessing on how that device works for now.

I am making the assumption that all these clock, video, newspaper strip ideas have all been tried before? I mean are there not loads of people who claim abduction too, but unable to find evidence? I dont know maybe it is all in my head, the expereince feels real as real as can be, and I also suffer from Migranes afterwards for a day. Nobody in my family, friends, church, social circles know anything, not that I have very many friends anyway with this paranoid social phobia. I have educated myself in critical thinking and Reason.[\code]

yeah it seems like most of the obvious things -- like setting up a video camera next to your bed and so on -- don't work, cause otherwise someone'd have videos by this point. a lot of people here have been coming up with strategies that might work, and might be worth trying, but there's no gaurantees or anything with this kinda thing; if any of them seem worth doing all i can say is give it a try and hope for the best.

you do have one major advantage on your side, though: your wife is also narcoleptic and thus sometimes wakes up while you're gone, which I don't think the abductors expect at all.

i mean, in your case it seems pretty clear that your captors try to knock you out with the memory wiping thing and don't really expect that you're "waking back up" while you're still there -- they may not care if you wake up or not, but I'm guessing they just don't expect it.

i'm saying they don't expect it cause if they care enough about what you think to knock you out with the memory wiper in the first place, and if they could tell that you "wake back up" in the middle of their stuff, then I just don't see why they wouldn't knock you right back out, if you see what I'm saying; odds are they just don't know.

That's why i'm guessing they don't know your wife sometimes wakes up, either, and that's why you've got an advantage on them.

think of it this way: let's pretend you were planning to rob a bank this way:

you were gonna wait until late at night when there's just a couple security guards in the place, and then sneak a little tube under the door and pump sleeping gas into the bank that way.

you'd do this and wait a minute or two to give the stuff time to work, and then you'd go into the building being very careful -- wearing gloves not to leave any fingerprints, for example, and having your partner cut power to the building so there's no videocameras still working -- and you'd be super careful when you're inside to leave everything as is.

anyways, you'd probably go real slow to get into the vault and get the goods -- you want to make sure that the sleeping gas worked on everyone, and that you leave as few clues as possible -- but once you've checked out that the coast is clear and grabbed the stuff, you'd probably be a lot less careful on the way back out: you already checked that everything's ok, no need to check twice.

so the point is that no matter how careful they are when they come for you, if they don't expect anything to move around or change while they're gone they might be a little careless when they bring you back.

if you lived alone their carelessness wouldn't matter, but you've got a wife who seems to be able to wake up some of the time when you're away, and i'm guessing they're not expecting that; it might be possible for your wife to use that opportunity to set up some way to get some evidence. it still might not work, but having her set something up still sounds like your best bet for getting physical evidence. i don't know if any of the plans people have come up with in here sound good to you, but if any do and your wife's willing to participate it might worth trying a few.

I have set up video cameras in the past ....nothing...

does this mean that you've set up cameras, gotten abducted, and then gotten nothing, or just that none of the times you've set up a camera you've gotten abducted. if it's that every time you've set up a camera nothing happens maybe it's worth doing anyways -- it might just be coincidence that they don't happen together, but even so it can't hurt, and if it's actually keeping the experiences away it's helpful in that sense.

in any case good luck with this -- i hope some of this advice helps out.
hi sisonaek,
I have set up just a regular cheap web cam and twice during the experience..nothing unusual to show, it was the type with the slow frame rate.
I dont really have any money to burn, I would love to get my hands on some better tools, but then I think why bother, Like I said, so many other smarter people have tried the same for years and years, i am assuming with no luck, last time I checked no empirical evidence exists .
. My wife twice woke up to find me gone, she gets up to look for me, next thing she knows she is back in bed waking up with me next to her, with no recollection of how she got back in bed,,,dream? I dont know. Or the Greys are watching and just too smart. If it is real then they cover thier bases well, I would think if this thing happens so often to so many, somebody would catch them..I really dont know and a sourse of frustration for me.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by daedenfach
Hi unusedphoenix,
Welcome to our strange and interesting crew. I"m curious if you have any theories about what kind of data they are gathering from you. Does your work bring you in contact with special information? Do you have any inkling of what sort of 'data' they need from you or why?
Also, is there anything special about the days when you 'aren't' taken? Have you noticed any patterns? If it were me, I would be consumed with finding out what was 'different' on the day I was not taken.
good luck and please keep sharing.
Awful bad pounding headaches- migranes after the experience, last for a day, or half a day.
These headaches occur I would think %70 of the time. Other than that everything else seems "normal"
Special information? No, I have gotten religous type symbolic stuff a few times, mostly negative, but I dont think its related and/or maybe phycological stress, or something.....I just dont know.

Why do they gather data? Who knows.
Understand I dont want to go into total detail, becauseif I ever meet one who could collaberate, I would know its true...I mean thats the only way I think that I would know its not in my head,
Details that nobody knows ( not even my wife), would convince me my expereince is true if they could verify certian things.
Too be honest, I dont really like "hangin out" with UFO/ Alien buffs and to rehash every story to death. ( it all comes down to evidence again) The topic puts me in a bad mood, its insain all this obbsession and speculation without facts that just continue for years and years with no resolution
..reminds me of my ultra fundy creationist days

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 12:26 AM
Hey, unusedpheonix!

I'm a skeptic by nature...sorry, it's one of those things I'm working on in my life. I've been reading about your plot though, and skepticism aside I just wanted to let you know that I believe in you. Also, I agree with popeye0314 in the matters of scripture. I am a Christian, and while I have never been abducted by aliens, I have confronted some...strange things. God may seem distant in dark times, but His very name can have astounding effect. Trust me.

God bless you, unusedpheonix, and best of luck. Keep us up to date!

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