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Israel and the Anti Muslim Blow Up

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posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by babybunnies

All I saw was a pretty ignorant view on matters from a person who seems to be biased.

I have no love for Israel. And I have no love for Palestine. And that is a direct byproduct from what I see on the TV and internet. I have seen violence escalate and a collapse of civilized living. Israel's actions do not make me favor Palestine. It simply makes me detest both and religion in general. I am forever Christian, but I am more and more so doubting the point to the very existence of Islam and Judaism. Oh sure you have a right to worship what you want. But I move further and further away from my former universalism views. I simply no longer see a point to these overly mind controlling faiths that seemingly do no good for mankind. Sure you can call me a hypocrite for having religion myself, but really I associate it all to the difference between a pier and a decorative column. The difference between modernism and neoclassicalism. What is the point of these useless rules and regulations and faiths when you can simply throw it all away and have the basic operation of a pier do the same work. To me religion is the decorated column and Christ's way is the pier. Stripped of all the useless crap.

At the end of the day I grow more and more uncaring for Muslims especially. I once studied their faith out of personal interests and did enjoy some aspects of it but now I look at it like some sort of self induced punishment for a self created wrong int heir self created flawed personalities.

I would not call it hatred of Islam though. I would call it questioning of its legitimacy. And when I see articles like this try and use examples of "them" to justify "us" and create division, all that goes through my mind is hypocrite.

I simply grow more and more every day into failing to see the very point of existence of Islam in general. Perhaps it's point to existence will reveal itself to me. But quite simply I am beginning to detest it as primitive and backwards. Yes there are modern Muslims who are different. Of course there are. But much like the term "modern Christian" all it is is basically changing your faith for a new culture. Which is basically slowly destroying your faith all together. The only Muslims I know are former ones who abandoned their faith for atheism honestly.

Along with this I grow into failing to see other things like the need for multiple languages and the need for this multiples of anything. I love diversity of course, but diverse religion and culture I grow more and more uncaring for.

When I see blame passed on to conservatives for their supposed "views on immigration" I know they are lying. because their views are that of limiting and picking the best because disease and crime are a serious risk. So that flat out begins to question into aspects of double think as they effectively want no borders. Then I see them use liberals and point out contradictions in society when although that one does exist, their society has one hundred fold more contradictions in it. More contradictions, more problems. Ultimately, until Islamic nations get rid of their contradictions, don't expect America to get rid of theirs.

I cannot honestly say it is necessarily a contradiction as well. Must Muslim nations simply are not the same as former Irish or Italian sources for immigration. They are quite literally barbarians. And regardless of who did what or whose land is whose, a barbarian is a barbarian. You should not bring in barbarians. Plain and simple.

When I view the issues of Israel and the Gaza zone I do see genocide and harm. But I do not see innocent faces anymore. I see two nations who voted for war and one won. I see the faces of indoctrination and mind control at work. A dead child is perhaps the only innocent ones I see, but even then that's siding to the younger side. I see a war. I know war is evil. So why should I feel grievance to see dead civilians for a war both voted far? I see people shocked by the fact that voting to go to war would result in this manner. Ergo, I see fools. Fools now dead. Sad, but true. I pray for their souls of course. I pray for the person. But I do not see them as innocent anymore. I rarely do. All and all I see the continuation of a conflict going back thousands of years that simply does not concern me and to call me a bigot because I don't want your foolish wars spreading to my lands is simply idiotic at best. I see Muslims trying to force down my throat images and forms to say "this is now mine". When I see a church, I see a building of worship. When I see a mosque, a see a land conquered. I know this can be called bigotry, but when I look at the statistics and facts, the truth speaks. Where is the genocide? Muslim lands. Where is hatred strongest? Muslim lands. Where are the powerful dictators and monarchs? Muslim lands. Where are the theocracies? Muslim lands. Where is the indoctrination? Muslim lands. O yes all this is in Christian lands. But simply not to the level that I see in Muslims lands. So when I see a mosque, I see what I know is the architectural history of the form. I see a church, I see a structure trying to either act like Roman forums (houses of enjoyment and knowledge) or trying to be a Gothic form, which was a sign of accomplishment. When I see the architecture of mosques, I see what they were built in that form for. To teach, indoctrinate, and produce blind followers. I see a building that is far beyond a house of worship. And I know it. I see a structure designed to be a terraformer for wherever it is. From the muezzin calling the Adhan, to the praying one way always. Everything about the mosque is designed to collect, conform, and produce a culture that is contradictory to America. It has every right to be there. But does it have a right to be there? Contradiction, I know. But is it? Constitutionally it should be allowed. But this is for worship. Not for what a mosque is. A mosque is much more than a place for worship, as I said. So what does the constitution say? After all. We all have a right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But what about something which says it will give you that if you blindly follow? Indeed like a dictator, that is what Islam is in my eyes. Conformity.

Indeed that is one of the fundamental differences between Christianity and Islam. In Islam, you perform jihad on your self to idealize to a set person that is described. You are to conform to this ideal person described, in all aspects of life. In Christianity, you are asked to merely love others and God as you love yourself, pray occasionally, and talk about Christ. Whatever else you have is put there by God and to be used for God, not jihad away to conform.

In the end, I do not hate Islam. I question its necessity. Much like I question the need for a pope or for much of the aspects of Christianity. I simply question the need for organized religion altogether. I am forever Christian and will forever be. I go to my church to listen to a man's opinion on God and pray, not to be indoctrinated. I question the need still for a lot in there. And just as much so as I question aspects of my own faith, I question a whole lot more from Islam.

Again, no hatred. Just questioning why. In the end, perhaps mankind does not need 90% of the stuff in religion and simply needs to think out his own life and way. Those religions that indoctrinate and ask you to conform beyond a few basic tenets, in the end, are asking you to give up your individuality.

[edit on 23-8-2010 by Gorman91]

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