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Iraq Veterans Against the War Calls for Prosecution of Bush Administration Officials for War Crimes

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posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by MY2Commoncentsworth

and to those who continue to sacrifice for freedom, ...

Whose freedom? And from what?

The fight in Iraq is about the freedom of American billionaires to continue to exploit gulf oil. It is about the freedom of America to dominate and control the world. It is about the freedom of big business to control everyone's lives; including Americans.

It is not about the average citizens freedom from WMD. That was hogwash. It's not about American's freedom from invasion -- that is going on unperturbed on your southern border.

Shake off the brainwashing and open your eyes. These vets against the war are on the right track.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by MY2Commoncentsworth

Originally posted by MY2Commoncentsworth

The whole world thought at the time that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and was also developing nuclear weapons.

If you open up a history book and do some research you may be surprised in finding out the your precious US guv'mint was at one stage very friendly towards Saddam. Reagan was very aware of the Al-Anfal Campaign in which a large majority of the Iraqi Kurds were 'cleansed', why did they support this? Why turn their back on him 10 years later? You can find a lot of patterns just by looking at this one scenario, then look at Vietnam, look at Argentina, you can go on and on...

Your comment is full of ignorance and is pretty offensive. I'm not one to judge, but dude... you've been duped!

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 10:12 AM

Seems to me that these disgruntled vets forgot why they had originally volunteered to join the military. They were doing just fine living off of the government dole until old Bush came around. Then they had to actually do some real fighting. They should of stayed at home and continued collecting welfare.

Congatulations, you just posted one of the more despicable insults against our troops on ATS. You obviously know you did, since you went back and edited your comments. Luckily someone had already quoted your post.

And what about Obama? He's not only continuing the war he's expanding it!

No he isn't, he's moving forward with troop draw down. He will, according to some, "own 'Bush' war crimes", if he does nothing about it.

Bush Administration War Crimes in Iraq

Petraeus Says Bush Committed War Crimes And Warns About The Dangerously Deteriorating Situation In Pakistan

And if Bush / Cheney weren't guilty, why would he pass a "war crimes act" ensuring they could never be prosecuted for such crimes? That, in itself, is a poignant admission of guilt:

War Crimes Act Changes Would Reduce Threat Of Prosecution

And finally, isn't it amazing that any topic about Bush's war crimes get's turned into an "blame Obama" thread. The GOP puppet masters (Rove, Ayers, et. al.) are truly masters.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 10:20 AM


posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by GeorgeBush
reply to post by Faiol

Just for you information, I did serve a tour in Iraq. 2004-2005. Google operation phantom fury. I recieve VA disability compensation for PTSD at the 100% rate. Us vets have a saying, if you ain't been there shut your *snip* mouth!


Mod Note: Courtesy Is Mandatory – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 8/13/2010 by JacKatMtn]

Whoa 100% JUST for PTSD ,nothing else? I have 6 injuries that total 60% including depression... that just ain't right. I never understood how they determined compensation rates... it sucks.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 10:57 AM
Hmmm...divide and conquor!
I'd say that regardless of the stage or the show, TPTB no the score and exactly how to get everyone up in arms at each other. When the whole thing comes crashing down because of a ginormous case of "he said she said", they will sit back and say "don't balme us, your the crazies that killed each other. Agenda accomplished, veil stays down.

Whether your a Soldier, a marine, a citizen not in the service, an Iraqi, an Iranian, an afghani, a librairian, or whatever......First and foremost we are all human beings with a continuance of the very prime evil desires that our ancestors were born with and that is a desire for survival and happiness.

Lets not forget that the person or persons we conflict with have the same color blood because thats exactly what the forces behind the curtain want

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by Zippidee

Most people, of whatever nationality, or whatever religion do want the same things out of life. They want a safe roof over their head and a future that is better for their kids.

We are all the same. The differences are petty.

The PTB, through their agents -- namely religious, political and military leaders -- would have us all believe otherwise. It is always the big shots who never step foot near a battlefield who start all the wars.

When will people learn to just say "NO" to being led around as if by a big ring through their nose???

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by MY2Commoncentsworth

Read the website, and see how long this as been going on buddy. This organization supports all vet's, and they are not just doing it for political reasons. The obvious reasons is Honor, Integrity, Commitment to the United States, if our elected leaders stray from the path, then it is our duty to demand Justice. I know several members that have received lots of help from this organization, Both financially and emotionally.

There is more info on their website at

Read the section in the right tab "About IVAW"

[edit on 13-8-2010 by morf991]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by brutalsun

Actually a good buddy of mine rates 70% for PTSD, so this Marines claims are accurate. Here's the criteria from the VA:

Here's the precedent:

[edit to correct links]

[edit on 13-8-2010 by misinformational]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 11:56 AM
Putting up legal fight against the powers that be.
Playing it by the rules.
That might work.
Tesla make his patents and documents and witnesses stick
and won.
Doing it all legal.
However they don't tell us Tesla did anything but we know
they tell us lies to this very day.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by MY2Commoncentsworth

This "liberation" killed many times more Iraqi's( innocent men, women and children) than Saddam Hussien ever did. Furthermore, to say "everyone knew he had WMD" is pure fanatasy. Everyone in the Zionist media "knew" would be a better term. It was ALL propaganda as has been proven. The Downing Street Memo is another massive smoking gun. You seem to live in a FoxNews world, whixh is Faux Reality.

I listen to Brig Gen.Smedley Butler, who 70 decades ago wrote, "All War is a Racket". You should too.

Bagdad still to this day has undrinkable water and sporadic electricity. Fallujah is a depleted uranium waste field and you call this "liberation?" I would hate to see your defination of oppression.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 11:59 AM
I doubt this would ever happen. If Bush is prosecuted, then that would send a positive message to any other would-be tyrant and TPTB w/couldn't have that. Instead, TPTB will try to have Bush elevated in history, make him look like something he isn't, such as a hero or a man under pressure to do the right thing.

If Bush is prosecuted, then that would be a win for freedom and liberty, a win for justice but above all, a win for the people. When was the last time that the people won anything? Lets face it, we are slaves on their turf, abiding by their tyranical rules and basking in their injustice.


posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 12:10 PM
i have lost good friends in iraq and afghanistan and while wars are sometimes unavoidable i feel like this one was started on lies and exaggerations. i don't think i can ever forgive my government for the things they have done not only to our people and our soldiers but to the rest of the world in general. personally i wish the united states would start looking out for it's own instead of sending trillions of dollars all over the world for pointless reasons. i can think of some immediate issues we need to address before we start trying to play world police force. homeless veterans children and adults in the streets of every city in america, starving american children who only eat a small woefully inadequate school lunch on weekdays because their pos parents are drunks or crack heads, crumbling infrastructure and old busted up bridges, messed up roads, our hopelessly underfunded school system... i could go on forever, point is which is more important to you killing people who live in desert caves and trade goats or feeding starving kids in your neighborhood and bettering their education? washington has it's priorities f***ed up in the worst way and it pains me to see how ignorant most americans really are about this issue. maybe it's time for us to stand up and take back what is rightfully ours, what has been taken from us, what is our birthright and something our children and their children deserve, and that is our country. the country that has been known all over the world for years as one of the greatest and most generous and innovative places in the world, not the mockery of america that it is slowly becoming.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 12:20 PM
Duh, Bush is such a fraudulent liar. So is his daddy. Bush 1 set up the causes, intelligence manipulation, george 2 finalizes it with a false flag attack (9-11) and manipulating his way into iraq with afghansitan. Stealing oil, dope, and other precious resources for the benefit of the west and profits for his corporate fascist supporters. While the troops who had to murder families and do things that caused them to become unstable/depressed and isolated when they got back, so then the Homeland security ran with it to write laws against them labeling these un cared for troops as terrorists or dangerous, it was by design obviously.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 01:05 PM


posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by trutherman
Duh, Bush is such a fraudulent liar. So is his daddy. Bush 1 set up the causes, intelligence manipulation, george 2 finalizes it with a false flag attack (9-11) and manipulating his way into iraq with afghansitan. Stealing oil, dope, and other precious resources for the benefit of the west and profits for his corporate fascist supporters. While the troops who had to murder families and do things that caused them to become unstable/depressed and isolated when they got back, so then the Homeland security ran with it to write laws against them labeling these un cared for troops as terrorists or dangerous, it was by design obviously.

But the only person with the stated agenda to go after them was
Unless a JFK JR replacement had the security forces of a Hitler
I don't think any one will get very far.
Unless the legal system works this time.

ED: Under Clinton's watch the whole operation took place.
Ask Clinton why he finally decided to bomb for Bin Laden
when he objected so much in the past.

[edit on 8/13/2010 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by Seeker63
Fallujah is a depleted uranium waste field and you call this "liberation?" I would hate to see your defination of oppression.

Giving them the uranium all at one might have been a blessing.
People have odd ideas about weapons of mass destruction yet
DU can't wipe out a town fast enough.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by airspoon
I doubt this would ever happen. If Bush is prosecuted, then that would send a positive message to any other would-be tyrant and TPTB w/couldn't have that.

What positive message?

Actually, the message it would send to all world leaders is they better not ever make any decisions - war, economy, etc. - because there will always be some group of people that didn't think it was the right decision, and so will plan to prosecute you for it the minute you get out of office.

Right. That will really get a lot accomplished.

Try thinking some of these concepts through out to their logical conclusions for a change ...

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 02:07 PM
What's that? Oh, it's Fox News. I can hear the shadow "news anchors," IOW the real ones, typing out what their lapdogs are to say about that all the way over here.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

What positive message?

The positive message that you *can be held accountable if you torture, murder, oppress, kidnap, break treaties, start wars of aggression, lie to your own people [to start wars], war for profit, cheat the public, etc... I'm sure the list can go on.

Actually, the message it would send to all world leaders is they better not ever make any decisions - war, economy, etc. - because there will always be some group of people that didn't think it was the right decision, and so will plan to prosecute you for it the minute you get out of office.

No, if you make those decisions in spite of the best interests of the public, then it needs to be prosecuted. The message that it will send, is that if you lie, cheat, steal and act a tyrant, you need to be held accountable. If Hitler hadn't died, should we have no prosecuted him after WWII because we are afraid that world leaders wouldn't be smart enough to see why?


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