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The Psychic Children Of China - UNBELIEVABLE!

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posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by Copernicus

I'm pretty sure the fact that there is no observable proof of these mental powers is proof enough they don't exist and until some actual observable thing occurs, it pretty much is a hoax.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by DreamerOracle

If you like this guy you would love David Blain. He's doing real magic as well you know. Its amazing that people actually think there a `Magic Trick`! Unreal..... if you watch close you can actually see tinny magical fairies flying around sprinkle fairy dust. But hey Im one of those ppl that will belive anything just like you.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 06:49 PM
glad to see ats is still just as crappy as usual, and the paranormal section is riddled with a bunch of people with nothing to do but argue with each other. the lot of people on this forum really need to get a hobby, rather then arguing with people on the net. its not healthy, but eh, noobs gotta do what they do until they educate themselves and mature, and realize how futile arguing with others is. well for the most part it is. i like how rather then this thread turning into a more open discussion of the psychic phenomenon in general, and speculation on its coverup, and general lack of hard public evidence, it just is the same old, your dumb, wheres the evidence, well your rude and i dont wanna talk with you anymore bullcrap.

it never ceases to amaze me how the internet has created a large amount of seemingly mentally immature and handicapped individuals who just cant seem to not argue with one another. i have to assume its just genetic, the human desire to constantly beef with each other, and inability to work as a whole and a community more often to get to the bottom of things. you would have to be a blind 5 year old monkey to not see the evidence gathered over years for psychic phenomenon, and i might even bet that literally a blind monkey might be better at this topic then most people on this forum, on the net, and just in general really.

stop arguing about nothing. i havent read all 15 pages, but i assure you its just a bunch of back and forth arguing about semantics, and nothing really in general. i saw the book online years ago, and came across this topic eehhh, back in like 2002 maybe, like a lot of people did. the book is like 90 bucks last i saw it online. pretty pricey, but im sure its worth the read. i was going to buy it myself but never got around to it. maybe later.

anyways, back to your bickering, because i know at the end so much is going to come out of it. I JUST CANT WAIT, IM SO EXCITED.
well im once again done with my mandatory once every 4 month post, where i just come in a thread and laugh at a bunch of members arguing about nonsense, because they didnt learn any better in high school. i mean, cmon, like the net has been rockin for a while now. i mean, people havent realized how futile arguing on the net with randoms who most likely dont even have the motivation to get up and do 50 pushups a day, and somehow know everything they need to know about anything is?

skeptics, go pick up kick ball, stay in your box and stop following people around with your torches. i understand your need to prey on the weak, and attack attack attack, but what are you getting out of it. is this your hobby? lol. get a life

non skeptics, inquirer's, whatever you call yourselves. go buy some books, read, study, learn, and keep progressing with your topic at hand. there is no harm in it, and can only lead to better places.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by jimmy1200
skeptics, go pick up kick ball, stay in your box and stop following people around with your torches. i understand your need to prey on the weak, and attack attack attack, but what are you getting out of it. is this your hobby? lol. get a life

How about no?

This is a topic deserving of skepticism.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by jimmy1200
realize how futile arguing with others is. well for the most part it is.

Absolutely. This is something you either learn quickly or slowly, but eventually, you have to learn this lesson. Realize what is futile. It will save you a lot of time that you can put into things that progress your knowledge instead of stalling it.

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

agreed, i'm treating it with suspicion

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by PsychoX42

I Know that Man from Indiana

he been on here a ATS off and on I Will Not Reveal His Name nor his Call Name but i have talked to him you should see the Amazing Videos of the
Black Helicopter buzzing around his house as it sure looks to me the Government knows about him as I also have a similar Experience Myself

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 05:33 PM
(second line)

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 06:18 PM
surprised no one posted these

Throwing in a Log !

The real Super Humans !
that just would come out of a Super Hero Comic Book

The Real Superhumans

The Electric Man - Serbia

this guy looks like he came from the move Powder!

Magnet Family

My Shocking Story - Electric Human

if you want more detail please go on discovery channel website
My Shocking Story series

gotta love the unexplainable

but is there Government's around the World gathering these gifted people
for their own use i would believe so ...

[edit on 18-8-2010 by Wolfenz]

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by srsen
On another occasion, a thousand people were sitting in an auditorium and were each given a rose-bud. A six-year-old girl came on stage and with a silent wave of her hand; the thousand rosebuds would slowly open to fully blossom into beautiful roses before the eyes of the astonished audience....

I only read this and stopped reading. It's not possible.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by -PLB-

Originally posted by Copernicus
reply to post by srsen

Thats an amazing video. It should open up the eyes of skeptics, but I know from experience that some of them will assume its a trick. To each their own I guess. We dont all have to agree.

The fact that it must remain a secret and may not be investigated tells me enough. Just look at for example a couple of video's of Derren Brown.

I agree. As soon as any investigation takes place, things always become difficult and nothing happens.

Derren did some interesting investigations recently. However, whenever he probed deeper they got offended, were unable to perform their abilities which showed they were frauds. They claimed he was making it difficult for them, but of course all he wanted was proof.

In fact, Derren can produce better and consistant "results" than those who claim these abilities. Everything that he does is fakery and showmanship, yet he can read minds, predict the future, speak to spirits etc. better than these people who make claims to have supernatural abilities.

I believe that these so called abilities are mostly phoney and in some cases equate to a heightened ability to read/manipulate body language i.e. NLP.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 03:00 AM

So this is why US military sees China/Chinese as such a "thread" to the American Empire

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 06:09 PM
Ive researched this an ive grown up arround energy work. this isnt what connect to your spirit is about. Even if this was true it woundnt work because this is abusing something that its not.

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 12:27 AM

From the above source One skill the children were able to develop was ‘psychic writing’, a technique where they were asked to imagine some written words on a blank piece of paper inside a closed pencil case. The case would be opened a short time later and on it were the words written in pencil.... On another occasion, a thousand people were sitting in an auditorium and were each given a rose-bud. A six-year-old girl came on stage and with a silent wave of her hand; the thousand rosebuds would slowly open to fully blossom into beautiful roses before the eyes of the astonished audience....

If this is true then why cant they just write in that manner on a piece of paper stuck on the wall on the other end of a room with no people near it ?

If this was true they would be capable of demonstrating this today in front of a present audience.Somehow they never did and somehow some people wonder why people are skeptic about these sort of stories.

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 01:47 AM
Amazing,im also wondering about dna/genetic interference,otoh,maybe just evolution..natural ability/natural ability magnified through addition of some unknown factors,etc.One thing is pretty certain,if a government is involved,the wonderful(and some may say unsettling) feats these kids can accomplish,will most likely be used for nefarious purposes.If i had a child who could do stuff like this,the guvment would Never know,i would tell him/her to hide it when not at home,and i wouldnt tell a soul.Because whenever there's something profound and wondermous,there are those waiting to hijack,steal,misuse,corrupt or destroy it.These kids will never have a truely free life now,im sure,they belong to their guvment now,not to their parents and not to themselves.

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by jonjanderson

Is what they are doing glorifying the Holy Trinity? End times, magicians, possesions of demons == but they're cute, little children being mis-used in China.

People are soooooo full of themselves.

Many will be mislead.

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer

Originally posted by Aliensun

Originally posted by DaMod
I am not saying these Chinese children are not gifted, that unfortunately cannot be proven nor disproved but the Indigo Children are in no way fact.

And, of course, you know that for a fact, right?


Anything that cannot be proved or disproved, i.e. falsified, is in no way fact.

This is circular logic. First you beg the question by asserting without proof that Indigo Children's claims cannot be proved or disproved (actually the Chinese scientists were convinced by the evidence, so they contradict your assumption). Then you infer that Indigo Children are not factual because their claims cannot be proved or disproved. In other words, your conclusion is merely a re-statement of your question-begging assumption.

If you regard yourself as a skeptic, at least learn how to think logically. It might even make you less skeptical on some topics.

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 05:20 PM
Sorry if somebody already posted this. I looked through the first 10 pages and didn't see it. Anyway, here's a link to the archived version of Omni magazines January 1985 issue. China's super-psychic kids are the cover story.i am currently downloading the torrent but my connection is crap at the moment. I heard of this phenomenon in a Drunvalo Melchizedek video. He claims that Omni did a serious of controlled experiments with the kids. I hope once the download finishes the srticle provides some better proof and information. Here's the link:

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: Hohuwah UPDATE: So the torrent finished and unfortunately it only contained the first page of the article. However, this did show me that the article starts on page 62. To view any of the pags online, just visit the link and click the size of the jpeg you wish to view. The last number in the filename is the page number. For example, the first page of this article is listed as "85 01 062.jpg" and to view it just click the "4.1 MB" next to it. They have removed the ads, so the next page is "85 01 064.jpg."

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 01:14 PM
In 2011 while suffering voices coming from my head, and from appliance sounds. I witnessed the ceilings sprayed crackle form words, letters and images. It mainly spelled my first name. It follows that the voices were saying my name 20 times a minute sometimes.

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