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"Offensive" is a good thing?

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posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
I asked a question as well, and I don't think you answered it. Who is to blame? Liberals? Conservatives? Sensitive Nancies? Those seeking to Offend? choice.........THE ADVERTISERS!!

I would say that it is those that would seek out "offensive" products. It's THEIR mindset that has provided the market, not the other way around.

See, the premise of your thread was to bash those that seek to offend, when in reality it was only the advertisers that are marketing this as "offensive."

My thread is bashing? You can't be serious. I'm trying to point out the problem in America and yes, I'll say it, it's the mindset of some liberals and conservatives that have created this situation.

You agree that the system is FUBAR so should we continue down this path of being offensive with each other and let the rich continue to go to the bank with your money or start trying to find a common ground to attempt to bring America back?

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by OmegaLogos
reply to post by intrepid

Explanation: Uhmmm?

(by intrepid)

There's no victime here.

Then there is/was no problem!

Personal Disclosure: Counterproductive???

Bad choice of words. I was pointing out that both sides of the political divide do this. Someone was playing the victim card and that just wasn't going to play. Of course there are victims. Average every day Americans. They're not participating in this childish action but they're getting screwed because of the political climate.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 02:34 PM
Check out this video in the OP:

This is what is happening to every American while we poke jabs at each other.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by intrepid

You agree that the system is FUBAR so should we continue down this path of being offensive with each other and let the rich continue to go to the bank with your money or start trying to find a common ground to attempt to bring America back?

I would love to see the system changed, but I think you are combining several unrelated topics.

As far as offending one another, I could care less. If someone sets out with the intention to offend me, they will either be successful, or they won't. If they are, they will have to face me, if they are not, then I will never notice them. Either way, who cares. If I offend someone by accident, then that is their problem for being so sensitive. If I offend them on purpose, then it may be my problem, but they have to decide if they want to ignore me and take away all my perceived power, or if they want to stand up to me and let perceived power become real power for one of us.

NOW, as far as changing the FUBARd system. I have started with myself. I have stopped consuming. No longer do I buy "disposable" items. I reuse things. I save a little and buy higher quality merchandise, and then I keep it instead of wasting it. I now participate actively in politics instead of rolling my eyes and saying it doesn't matter. I now speak my mind when I hear people going way off track in their blame game.

If we want to unFUBAR the system, we have to do it one person at a time starting with ourselves. And worrying about what is politically correct or offensive is one of the first things that needs to be thrown out!!

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
If I offend them on purpose, then it may be my problem


... but they have to decide if they want to ignore me and take away all my perceived power, or if they want to stand up to me and let perceived power become real power for one of us.

Again right BUT why feed the machine in the first place? You've seen it said here many times, "Don't feed the trolls". By not feeding them they have no steam. Why feed the political machine with what it needs to continue down this path. Please check out that video I linked to in my last post. Carlin says it better than I could.

NOW, as far as changing the FUBARd system. I have started with myself.


If we want to unFUBAR the system, we have to do it one person at a time starting with ourselves.

TOTALLY right.

The only thing I couldn't agree with was that this isn't an important issue.

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