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"Offensive" is a good thing?

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posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 01:58 PM
I was just reading a thread and the Google ad was for "Offensive Obama T-shirts". Not "protest" or "anti", it said "offensive". Advertised as "offensive". That's quite disturbing imo. People want something that's "offensive". WHY?

Obama doesn't care about these t-shirts so who are they mean to be offensive to? Obama supporters obviously. There's a market there or there wouldn't be "offensive" products. That's the state of politics in America today. It's gone beyond disagreeing, debating, arguing, now it's down to the pettiness of "offending" people of a different political bent. Childish.

Nothing is going to help this country while the mindset is to offend others. Not only are people NOT engaged in dialog it's progressed beyond not listening to each other to the point that one has to offend then instead. We've seen it here as well with the Dubya monkey face pics, the Obama toilet paper and many more. If you're engaging in this type of activity you may think you're doing your party a service but the cost is to the nation. A divided nation.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by intrepid

agitprop has proven to be highly effective

just ask the Soviets.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 02:13 PM
it's nothing to do with the state of politics. its the fact that controversy sells and someone wants to move t shirts. i was thinking a while ago of printing my own t shirts and selling them online they were gonna have slogans like *Snip* because that would sell and it would especially appeal to teenier boppers that would spend their pocket money trying to show there friends how hardcore they are. and pee there parents off. it's not morally right but then again am not an overly moral person. COMING TO AN EBAY SHOP NEAR YOU!!

Mod Note: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 7/30/2010 by semperfortis]

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 02:15 PM
Personally I've never found any of these types of things offensive, even when they depict the person I support..

Because of the radicalism going on in public and in government it might even be helping to show that we are no longer a very free and open society like it is supposed to be, even though that started a long time ago..

Your post does a good job of showing what all of human history has been like.. still the same
People whining, crying, fighting, arguing and warring against each other.. It does seem like more and more sheep are breaking away from the common herds today though...

I suspect there are a lof of people that really "want" this to be dividing people.. maybe they think this will help them attain the NWO combined with all other methods they are using to divide us

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by alienreality
I suspect there are a lof of people that really "want" this to be dividing people.. maybe they think this will help them attain the NWO combined with all other methods they are using to divide us

I totally agree. A thinking public is a scary public. Keep them thinking about the banal things. Put you energies into petty bickering. INFLAME DAMN IT! As the nation goes further into the toilet.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by intrepid

"united we stand, divided we far they can kill one 'n-word' but they cant kill us all"
Tupac Shakur. its been the case throughout history divide and conquer

Mod EDIT: Do Not Evade the Automatic Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on Thu Jul 29 2010 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 03:05 PM
One can only have offensive anti-liberal gear. Conservatives get called gun toting, bible hugging, redneck racists every day...and we just take it.

But put a picture of Obama on some toilet paper and all the libs run and cry to their mommies. ( have been hard on me lately... I think this is fair to say in the context of this thread topic.) Here, I'll even rephrase it more politely: It seems to me that those on the left are more likely to take offense to a disparaging remark than those on the right. (how's that?)

They made pictures of Bush as a monkey every dang day and laughed at it publicly, even on Jon Stewart's show. I laughed at it too because Bush was a monkey (and not all that conservative).... but make one cartoon with obama as a monkey, all hell breaks loose.

There is a double standard and I say keep it coming! Libs need to learn to grow a thicker skin! Didn't your mamas tell you about sticks and stones...yada yada...

IT'S JUST POLITICS and people want to exersize their free speech...what little there is left of it!

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by JonInMichigan

That's not true dude. Remember the Kerry/Lurch photos? That goes back a ways. Both sides do it, it's counterproductive to political discourse. There's no victime here. Both are to blame and they need to grow up.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 03:16 PM
Who made the t-shirts, what company?

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 04:38 PM
First off Advertisers are the ones claiming it is "offensive." And having a market for "offensive" items is definitely not a new thing. Being offensive is a right of passage for most youth, and it is an entertainment hobby for a lot of people. Long Hair, Tattoos, Loud Pipes, Bumper Stickers, Mohawks, Piercings, and just about every other Fad ever invented was a way to offend somebody else and flaunt your individuality.

Now the problem is with those who would be offended. They are the weak link. As you say, Obama could care less about some T-shirt, yet some rabid Obama supporter will probably be deeply offended and create an issue where there is none.

So, is the issue Obama? The T-shirt? The Advertising to sell the T-Shirt? Or is the issue with some sensitive nancy that will take offense at something and give some giggles to the ones that intend to cause the offense in the first place?

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by JonInMichigan

There is a double standard and I say keep it coming! Libs need to learn to grow a thicker skin! Didn't your mamas tell you about sticks and stones...yada yada...

Fuel for your fire.

Libs are the type that don't learn about "natural consequences." They are brought up and live life as if somebody else is always to blame, or responsible for their well-being. It is no wonder they take offense so easily. Conservatives are brought up learning to take responsibility for their own actions. If a Conservative is hungry or unemployed they don't expect someone else to fix it. If a Conservative says something stupid and gets smacked, they figure it was worth it.

If a liberal is hungry or unemployed, they think that somebody else should have prevented it, and somebody else needs to help them get out of that situation. If a liberal says something stupid and gets smacked, they are dumbfounded, offended, call the police, and hire a civil lawyer to get them paid for the incident.

Sure, call me a redneck all you want. I wear it with pride. But if I call you a whining nancy you get all defended? If the rainbow t-shirt fits, wear it. Why be offended when I point out the obvious?

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
So, is the issue Obama? The T-shirt? The Advertising to sell the T-Shirt? Or is the issue with some sensitive nancy that will take offense at something and give some giggles to the ones that intend to cause the offense in the first place?

Then why not buy an anti-Obama t-shirt? Why does the marketing put out there "offensive"? It's because people want to offend the opposition. THAT is the premise of this thread. And as long as this attitude continues the US will wither in decay. Yes, decay.

Obama isn't the first and won't be the last, unfortunately. One thing missed in all of this is that everyone is AMERICAN. You're not going to get anywhere when there is offense being thrown back and forth. Has nothing to do with "sensitive nancy's". Nice btw. You fit right in to this political agenda.

One question, is the system screwed up? Yes or no.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Glad I could "fit in."

You asked one question, "Is the system screwed up?" That answer is obvious! Of course the system is screwed up.

I asked a question as well, and I don't think you answered it. Who is to blame? Liberals? Conservatives? Sensitive Nancies? Those seeking to Offend? choice.........THE ADVERTISERS!!

See, the premise of your thread was to bash those that seek to offend, when in reality it was only the advertisers that are marketing this as "offensive."

I go to a lot of biker events. Everything there is meant to be offensive. That is the whole point of it, and it doesn't matter who you offend, as long as you get attention, and people know how tough and uncaring you are.

Anti-social behavior is a fad. It is a right of passage as a pubescent becomes an adult. No longer do they need 'approval' and to prove it, they are going to act out and show how much they don't care about what you think. Some people don't grow out of this. They live life proving over and over that they are big enough, tough enough, and bold enough to do offensive things and you won't say anything about it. Then, when somebody does step up and call it offensive, the are happy to have been noticed.

IMHO, you are upset that this is particular offensive act has Obama as an object of offense. If this were an "Offensive Paris Hilton" t-shirt, I doubt if you would have started a thread. I know the Dildo seats on the choppers at Daytona this year were pretty offensive. Funny Too! Why not start a thread about that? Or about SouthPark, or Family Guy, or the ever increasing "wardrobe malfunctions?" All are meant to offend for attention, but you only reacted when Obama was the subject?

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 05:24 PM
I think people think that because they CAN say it, they SHOULD say it, no matter how offensive it might be.

That's awesome, however, those people need to deal with the social consequences that occur because of it.

If someone has a blatantly offensive shirt, then they can deal with the ostracism and baggage that goes with it. People assume that because they can wear that shirt and express their opinion that no one can say anything about it, but that's another fallacy of their view of free speech.

I'm a big fan of the golden rule. Treat others like you want to be treated. I try not to offend unless it's in the defense of something or someone I love, in which case, I'll usually give them both barrels.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 05:24 PM
Oh, and some people still feel that ANY attention is good, even bad attention. They were raised poorly, in my opinion...

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 05:50 PM
Non-issue, really.

There will always be a market for shock.

Remember all the "offensive" Bush swag?

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Explanation: Uhmmm?

(by intrepid)

There's no victime here.

Then there is/was no problem!

Personal Disclosure: Counterproductive???

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by danielhanson420
i was thinking a while ago of printing my own t shirts and selling them online they were gonna have slogans like # off and suck my dick because that would sell and it would especially appeal to teenier boppers!

Thankfully, I'm pretty sure your idea would fall foul under child abuse/sexual abuse laws.

The authorities, quite rightfully, would take a very dim view of someone intentionally marketing clothing to children, that had a slogan inviting anybody and everybody to perform a sexual act on the child wearing it.


On the subject of the thread: I think that they just use ''offensive'' to appeal to a certain mindset.
Some people are much more likely to have their attention drawn to somewhere selling t-shirts that claim to be ''offensive'' to Obama, rather than ''humorous''. That's all it is, I think.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 06:17 AM
A scale

1 weak and timid
2 normal and defending
3 upright
4 assertive
5 offensive
6 sadistic

Id say 2,3 and 4 can be considered a good thing.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 06:56 AM
Just do what I do.
If a t-shirt gets to offensive for ya .
Just walk up and rip it right off 'em.

Problem solved.


[edit on 30-7-2010 by randyvs]

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