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MAJOR NEWS: 140 "Earth-like planets" discovered!

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posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 09:24 PM
In the past few weeks 140 Earth-like planets have been discovered by the Kepler satellite, which is searching 156,000 distant stars (not in our immediate neighborhood) for planets. Kepler is the first to be able to distinguish Earth-sized planets. It does so by searching one small piece of the sky for transits, when a planet moves directly across the face of a star, dimming its light. ·See article:

This is big news for exopolitics and the disclosure effort! As the article notes, "The discovery was made by the space telescope Kepler which has been scanning the skies for planets that are orbiting stars since it was launched in January last year. The breakthrough raises the tantalising prospect that we may not be alone in the Universe. Scientists now believe that there are likely to be around 100 million planets in the Milky Way that harbour exactly the right conditions for life."

"Astronomer Dimitar Sasselov told a conference that a space telescope has uncovered 140 different planets which are around the same size as Earth."

Now that science has proved that Earth-sized planets exist in great number, the pressure is on to admit what is already known about life off-world. So, now we see a convergence of factors: the recent China sighting, the discovery of Earth-like planets in abundance, and increasing numbers of reports by high officials about alien-related incidents.

When mainstream science sees proof that we probably aren't the only planet to be ripe for evolution of advanced life, scientist begin to take the next step. They must begin to discuss the what-if scenarios. They also must look more carefully at now-common reports about "aliens" and alien-related craft, like the Roswell incident, among others.

The big clock is ticking. Be sure to tell people you know---and some of those skeptics!

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 09:34 PM

Earth LIKE
is not the same thing as

Earth SIZE

Doh! ~(_8(l)

comment from the website:

You cleary have an active imagination. However as far as deciphering the nature of reality is concerned, imagination is rather toothless if it is not accompanied by critical reflection and in particular an honest attempt at CLARITY of reasoning.

It is not because they think you are actually mentally ill that people dismiss you, but because your reasoning can I put this delicately..... maturity.

Take "You are life, we are life...all is one", for instance. The meaning of the word life in the premise of this argument seems to be multiple - biology on the one hand, consciousness on the other, whilst the conclusion seems to be that some form of pantheism is clearly true. Even ignoring most of what I know about science and being as generous as possible, I cannot see any reason for thinking the premise is well formed or the statement as a whole is anything more than a vague non-sequituer. Similarly for your other statements which seem to be similar

This is just a possibility speech. lol... just because it's Earth Size, doesn't mean it's Earth Like. The Star that planet orbits could be high in potassium - lets say - and thus the Earth Size Planet becomes great for growing banana trees, but kills the monkey due to a lack of oxygen...

Lets get a reading on atmosphere and elements like oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen, then we can celebrate.

[edit on 7/24/2010 by Megiddodiddo]

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 10:10 PM
The size of Earth
The moon (size and distance)
The distance Earth is from the sun.
The iron core of Earth and it's magnetic poles

These are just a few of the thousands of events that shaped the Earth and allowed life to flourish. Take away just one from our history and Earth would be as lifeless as mars.

140 new planets is great news but the odds are stacked against intelligent life being on any of them. I am not saying that life does not exist out there, I am simply saying that it may be rarer than we think.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by Megiddodiddo

This is just a possibility speech. lol... just because it's Earth Size, doesn't mean it's Earth Like. The Star that planet orbits could be high in potassium - lets say - and thus the Earth Size Planet becomes great for growing banana trees, but kills the monkey due to a lack of oxygen...

Lets get a reading on atmosphere and elements like oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen, then we can celebrate.

[edit on 7/24/2010 by Megiddodiddo]

Finding a planet which could support plant life would be good enough for me.

Seriously though, once we know where suitable planets are, we can monitor their atmospheres to watch for fluctuations in levels of gases, which indicates life-related cycles.

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 10:55 PM
wow, very exciting! but at the same time this isn't news we should be surprised to hear... other than the fact that it should have been "discovered" much sooner.

this is definitely a stepping stone to disclosure

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 11:45 PM
They may be Earth sized, but not Earth like. This does not take away from the chances that life could have developed there, it only takes away that 'Earth like' life developed there. What me may considered extreme or un-inhabitable could be a perfect environment for an alien organism.

The news that similar sized planets to our Earth are out there and in decent numbers is a step in the right direction. Hopefully, soon, we can have the technology to determine what these planets are made up of and possibly even the inhabitants of the planets.

Although this should not come as a suprise, because the statistical chances of these types of planets existing have been known for some time. This is another case of needing to have an authority on the matter confirm the statistics as fact before they can be taken seriously and literally.

Many of the statistical probabilities we speculate on today will be proven facts tomorrow.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:58 AM
The likelihood of Earth like planets is a given....Whether or not proof exists that they have developed intelligent species is another question entirely.

Although I am convinced in alien visitations for my own personal reasons, convincing others these seemingly Earth like planets are teeming with life is one that will require evidence or government disclosure for the masses to be convinced.

Not all alien races are friendly or benevolent.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 03:02 AM
Sadly the absence of contact speaks volumes about the possibility of ever traveling far enough to meet anyone from those other planets.

Unless they have some Star Trek prime Directive thing we should have met aliens by now. Since we have not it is highly likely that extra solar spaceflight is something that will have to be done on generational type ships taking 100's and 1000's of years to get to another solar system.

Certainly hope I am wrong.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 06:54 PM
Please direct your comments to this ongoing Thread

More than 100 'Earth-like' planets discovered in past few weeks = posted on Fri Jul 23 2010



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