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US taxpayers' Afghan aid money buys rich Afghans' Dubai villas

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posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 12:17 AM
Fortunately, some of this money will return when the royalty of Dubai use the historic horse farms they own in KY to entertain the royalty of America who sent the money over in the first place.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by ziggy1706

We don't really have capitalism now, rather we have fascism. It's not capitalism that you should hate. In fact, a free market would make things a lot better IMO. We do not have a free market now and our system is designed to make the richer richer while the poor become poorer. In true capitalistic society, everyone would have a shot at pulling their own weight.


posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 12:56 AM
Facism? correct me im wrong, but my undertanding of facism is adolf hitelr..socialist nationailsm. facism to me, means skinheads, cocentration camps, jobs are created, but to hide n blind everyone to what really going on around them,a s a dictator takes over.
IM not saying yuor wrong* and do agree to an extent, facism may one day try or replace freedom and liberty, which i hope it dosnt. what i see today is not necesarily ethnic cleansing* or genocide* not int he same abstract..its more agiasnt the american citizens* were being weeded out, phased out, mixing so much we cannot trace our hertiage back anymore.
I dunno..maybe in one sick minded view...the few whtie people who are beyond CEO's, the FED ect want to make sure they are the ones in power, while the rest of us become forgotten genetic accidents. just an 'overview'.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by ziggy1706

Fascism: Fascists seek to organize a nation on corporatist perspectives, values, and systems such as the political system and the economy.

Fascism is an authoritarian type government run by or for corporations. As socialism is extreme left, fascism is extreme right.


[edit on 7-7-2010 by airspoon]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 09:08 AM
I dont know why you guys are whinning. war is a profitable business and those who are of some importance will try to skim off the whatever goes through them . And please dont worry about USA it will milk Iraq and Afghanistan dry before it lets them leave in peace

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by Accountant

The US won't milk Iraq and Afghanistan dry before it leaves, the corporations will. Make no mistake about it, the American people won't see a dime of any money made, rather we will pay for it all, including the profits made by the corporations from the two countries.


posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

I wonder if Gen. McChrystal had anything
to do with this before he resigned.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Obviously I don't know for sure but I don't think McChrystal had anything to do with this. This is more on the political side, while McChrystal was more on the tactical side. Not only this, but McChrystal seemed relatively honest.


posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 04:24 PM
This does not surprise me, and this is one of the bigger reasons why everybody needs to get there house together, and quit building it on the sand of Fascist's and capitalists whose only interest is them selfs, and the money. Nations were created for a reason, so unless the time comes were one can go anywhere on the 4 corners of this world in a couple of hours, and all the resources and systems are in place so any man woman, child, has no worries about the basics like food, shelter, protection, and a way to life more freely and all the time they need to pursue whatever they want in life. When there are a lot less worries in life, like those that people are so fond of giving there moneys to, the elite. Then anything and everything will require a level of watchfulness and responsibility and the only way to make anybody take responsibility is if there are consequences to there actions. The hippy's and those that say this thing is all united and a test for higher evolution, are right more then they know. This is an enclosed system, you life and you die by what you reap or sow, and no one cares but those in it and if they don't care. Oh well.....nice to know you, good bye. There is a reason why the ancients feared corruption, and it has to do with more then that it is so easy to get rich and trick a few suckers to give you there moneys. After all its harder to life within the law, then out of the law's bounds. common sense law, or any other kind of law. To many laws though will just give you a headache. And Dubai is nice now but wait till the oil dry's up, and people would love to get out of there.
They should fear the sand and the sun more then any human enemy.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by airspoon

Airspoon, from your avatar, I presume that you have or were in the military. Knowing what you know now, would you do it again? Don't you think that war is just a racket? Did you ever hear of Major General Smedley Butler(U.S.M.C.) and his take on it? Back in the 1930's he was calling war a racket. On keeping with the thread, I do not find any of this suprising. Because that's all war is, it's just a racket to make money for the corporations at the expense of our youth in blood, death, deformity and life long psychological trauma. Plus trillions of taxpayer money, to provide the public risk for private corporate profit. According to Gen. Butler the only time one should go to war is to defend the home and hearth from invasion or in defense of civil liberty. I do thank you for your service, I know that at the time (as I did) you believed in all of the friggin BS . Thanks for the post!

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