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Do you consider yourself Intelligent? I thought I did...

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posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 11:18 AM


–verb (used with object)
1. to make slow; delay the development or progress of (an action, process, etc.); hinder or impede.
–verb (used without object)
2. to be delayed.
3. a slowing down, diminution, or hindrance, as in a machine.
a. a mentally retarded person.
b. a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way: a hopeless social retard.

Do you consider yourself retarded? Do others?

Hello ATS, this is a thread that wishes to reveal a concept to those who haunt these forums something in the manner of a reality check.

While many who are ATS members already understand this concept, there too, are many who need to understand it, and how it applies to things that are sometimes done in the name of good will, that end up in reality being something that serves the purpose of just the opposite. ATS, for the most part, is a gathering of intelligent minds in search for the alternative truths that exist in our world. It is a place where people can relate to eachother's idologies, and where others can find educational value.

ATS is also a business, which markets it's membership and it's Intellectual Properties to the Corporate Internet - and I can pretty much assure you that Bill does quite well with this production he has created! There is another market however that some folks don't have a clue about with regards ATS, which If 2 and 2 doesn't seem to equate to four in this regard to these folks, then perhaps it's time for a thread like this one to make itself manifest into the minds of those still trying to wake up....

So I guess I have to BLATANTLY let some here in on this alternative market. I'll do this by way of listing the corporations and other organizations that follow the ATS Market, to give you the added bonus of shock effect... They are:

Israeli Defense League, National Security Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, Department of HomeLand Security, Jewish Defense League, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and any and/or all of the organizations listed on this page found HERE.

Governments are afraid, and need to know who you are... consider it a form of Census collecting. We are currently living at a time and in a world where you are progressively becomming nothing more or less than property, and liablity. That being said, you are either one, or the other. If you are property, then you defend the status quo, expound upon disinformation and misdirect as often as possible. Here's a clue for the liability aspect of this equation:

If you stand up to be counted, expect to be listed too. And listed you will be!

"listed"? WHATZDAT? (scratches head...)

Please refer to the below thead:

Revolution has begun - What side are you on?

I won't include a link to it, to protect the innocent.

Why would you make a thread about a topic like this?

Is it to get ignorant people to comply?
Is it because you belong to Homeland Security, and are paid to log people and thier responses?
Is it because you want to know who's with you? (some folks admit the concept "I'm with stupid")

And again I ask, why would someone be that naive to post to a thread like this... because you know damn well that it's a target, and every I.P. posting to it will be logged?

What proof do I have about the claims I just made? lol... Ask ATS members Boondock - Saint, Sickle_and_hammer, and Doc Velocity about the A.D.L. report they recently made thier debut upon! and what was one of the sources that report used? Above Top Secret!

I can assure you that that report is referenced in many Intelligence documents currently rotating amongst security organizations.

Lets get things into perspective here...

I'm not labeling anyone a retard, or for that matter, posting defamatory content about any one single person or person(s)

Like I mentioned earlier, some folks do things out of naivity, that serve the intent outside of what was intended sometimes. This is a society of intelligence, One that Deny's Ignorance. I'd like to suggest to the ATS membership to think about the things you say or do here on ATS, it... "Can, and will, be used against you in a Court of Law..."

While it is tempting to use these forums to vent emotional digust about what's going on around us, we must use reliable outlets for such things, and unfortunately ATS isn't one of them. That is why I have a bright red WARNING tag in my mini profile... because I too, have sujected myself to the temptation of emotional will, which caused me to post my take on a situation that wasn't too kosher to publicly do - lol (I can say duh?)

Peace be with you!

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 11:26 AM
If you only consider the facts presented in alternative history, then I think humanity is retarded by definition.

*Architecture (ex: World-wide Pyramids)
*Acoustic sciences
*Chinese Medicine
*Astronomy combined with Astrology

Our only accomplishment, in the current version of humanity, has been destruction and disregard for humanity.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 11:32 AM
A human being, on it's own, exhibits a miraculous level of intelligence.

Put many of them together in a large group however, they exhibit the collective intelligence of a dung beetle.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 11:39 AM
Anyone who comes here or goes anywhere else online and doesn't realize that there is or could be monitoring going on and the possible consequences might be, well...

As for the particular topic you cited? I was concerned for some who posted there...I won't lie...and I believe I even stated so a few times.

These governments and agencies are far more fearful of and will have far more trouble controlling unity of a different nature...the kind that is comprised of, among other things, common sense, logic, reason, objectivity, and control over emotions. People armed with these weapons are a lot harder to contend with and control than people armed with guns.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 11:45 AM
I understand where you are coming from, and the business end of things, well business is business by definition so....
I too have felt inclined to get emotional at times, but I think one can express their frustration in a civil and intelligent manner. I know some really feel pushed over the edge and to my surprise somewhat as a last resort, some members encourage violence. People have to be careful, because we are all probably on some list, if for nothing else fortifying a position of dissidence towards the way things are done/happening.

I just assume everything we say/express can/will be used against us if needed so I just operate accordingly, as if every letter I type goes thru some agency for screening to determine if I am some kind of threat, It is foolish, imo, to come here and incite violence. I know some feel as though they are between a rock and a hard place but we should be creative in how we express ourselves and avoid hatefulness and revenge.
We are already fortunate to be able to share and discuss things at this site openly and respectfully. Right or wrong, what you say does matter and does get assessed, so let's not give anyone a reason to categorize us as any type of threat.


posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 12:10 PM
I'm on crutches at the moment, so based on that definition, I'm waaaaaay retarded... I mean short-bus retarded. I'm so "special" it hurts...

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by zroth


1 Vaccine (don't argue it it will just make you sound ignorant)
2. Electricity
3. automobile
4 Flight
5 Space travel
6 computers
7 Internet
8 Bio genetics
9 Plastics
10 Solar power
11. Recycling
12. Radio
13. Satellite
14. Laser
15. Roller Coasters (he he mine x)
16. Pesticides
17. Railroad
18. COUNTLESS advances in medicine.
19. Photography
20. ATS
21. Mass Production/ factory
22. Mass transit
23. Cell Phone
24 phone
25. The "John"
26. Water Treatment.
27. The notion of government for the people

Modern Times is the most significant era EVER for humanity. Don't downplay the good because we have ALWAYS been bad. Do some research cause without these advancements our lives would most likely be pretty sad indeed.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by Megiddodiddo

This isn`t really news is it ? Surely such observations/warnings are a given on a conspiritorial site ?

Eh hhhhh..... i suppose the message bears repeating .

The terms and conditions which each member signs on to , should suffice , when seeking guidelines how best to conduct themselves on ATS .

It is usually the newers members that get a rush of blood to their finger-tips when discussing emotive issues. Once people stick around for a bit, they usually realise this is a very fair and reasonable forum which encourages debate.

If the owners of ATS manage to make money out of my meagre contribution here , well then ..... more power to them ! .For what i receive in return - it is to my mind, a fair deal .

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Unit541
A human being, on it's own, exhibits a miraculous level of intelligence.

Put many of them together in a large group however, they exhibit the collective intelligence of a dung beetle.

That's soooo true, I've seen it happening a lot.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by IamBoon

What is there in the list that would qualify for intelligent ?
The only thing it proves is that we communicate and have the anatomy to construct.

Nothing else really

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Is that a real rebuttal or just a half-witted remark ? Sounds pretty asinine!

Not ONLY does it prove COnstruct (sign of int) and communication (sign of INt) or advanced understandings of physics and the way the universe works (***U get the idea) AND the understanding of how materials function and the way they are machined and even synthesized (*A SIGN) our abilty to use resources to create HUGE economies and make world travel available to common people (* soo many signs of intelligence I almost forgot I am answering a moron) , and ways to cultivate vast plots and manipulate biology to feed millions upon millions (sign of Int) , to know so much about how the body works as to subscribe and defeat many illnesses that have plagued other life (less int than US!) and to prevent symptoms of disease and pain by binding the chemical receptors found therein(sign of int)

Really i don't wanna type anymore but seriously Mr.Sinter Klaas if you are gonna try and refute a claim.... and such an understandable claim at that, then try to do so with the "intelligence" of at least a dead meal worm . Yeah, that remark was that damn stupid.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:21 PM
No but I'm willing to learn!

OP serv'in it up hot. Snf.
Hope you didn't notice my last thread. Horrible my worst ever.
Are there points for self identification?

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by IamBoon

I made that remark, not because I refute intelligence but because intelligence is only measured by human standards.

Until we have something to compare it with, it's just that.

In the mean time we still learn new things about animal intelligence, intelligence that makes humans not so special after all.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:30 PM
There are alot of people on ats that deserve to be on a list.

i would be dissapointed if no one was watching. Bill could make all the money in the world off this and it wont mean ^%$# in a few years. Dont miss the forest through the trees.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:37 PM
As another poster echoed above, it's not the individual who is the problem, it's society that is the problem.

The idea of Group Think has ruined our world, all in the name of the "people" which truly today are the corporate elite and banking elite.

I would not be so quick to blanket statement all of these members. The agencies that you describe aren't actively watching all posters from ALL countries.

Sure the US will be watching it's US citizens and maybe even Canadians or Europeans, but they have NO power to do anything about what you say online unless your uttering threats or doing something illegal.

Paranoia is not a becoming feature of any human being, and as long a you aren't doing anything illegal or advocating anything illegal then your fine.

In my experience on ATS we are usually complaining about what IS illegal and what SHOULD be legal according to our various systems of law.

We'll all be just fine.


posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas
Sorry Klaas I need to vent!!!!!

Ok this is what you should write about intelligence... then it would actually hold ground in a debate.
AHEM* Intelligence in the universe can be measured but sadly or rather, for our sake thankfully , we can measure our intelligence here on Earth. Afterall it is the ONLY KNOWN place to contain it and also the only place that even harbors anything we could call life to our knowledge! Imagine that. Well, anyhow because of this fact the only intelligence quotient we could possibly observe is that of our own planets' ecosystem and of course we would have to rule OURSELVES as the most intelligent presence in the cosmos until proven otherwise (doubtful anytime soon).

Which brings me to my 2nd point.....

Our "SPecial" Status Mr.Klaas!!!! Oh man this is awesome huh?
You get to learn and think .............AFTER you speak!!!! *yay*
See all those things I named in this thread, and taht doesn't even mention cooking, religious thought, economy, banking, Sailing, forging, philosophy, well you know. ALL THE SMART STUFF ONLY WE AS HUMANS DO ON A DAMN NEAR DAILY BASIS AND YOU SOMEHOW HAVE THE SMELLIEST BRAINFART AND SAY WE ARE NOTHING SPECIAL IN RELATION TO OTHER SPECIES ON EARTH!... whew.. sorry man, I just seem to remember asking you to THINK BEFORE YOU TRY AND DEBATE SOMEONE > especially if you don't know anything about it in the first place... thx bye.

[edit on 30-6-2010 by IamBoon]

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Megiddodiddo

While it is tempting to use these forums to vent emotional digust about what's going on around us, we must use reliable outlets for such things, and unfortunately ATS isn't one of them. That is why I have a bright red WARNING tag in my mini profile... because I too, have sujected myself to the temptation of emotional will, which caused me to post my take on a situation that wasn't too kosher to publicly do - lol (I can say duh?)

ALL this because you got "a bright red WARNING tag in my mini profile" ... because "I too, have sujected myself to the temptation of emotional will, which caused me to post my take on a situation that wasn't too kosher to publicly do"

In other words you forgot to load your head before you shot your mouth off.

Jesus, you just made my day. I don't get around these parts much, but boy, when I do ...

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Unit541
A human being, on it's own, exhibits a miraculous level of intelligence.

Put many of them together in a large group however, they exhibit the collective intelligence of a dung beetle.


Collective thought is a waste of time.

I would not care one bit people labeling me this and that. By definition the people that destroyed my life, where wrong all the time, so what does that make them?

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Legion2112
I'm on crutches at the moment, so based on that definition, I'm waaaaaay retarded... I mean short-bus retarded. I'm so "special" it hurts...

lol... I watched you hobble onto the bus, no worries there... I'm at the back of the bus... not much room back here either...

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by Annie Mossity

lol, one would think that were the case, however I didn't know I got the warning until half way through this post - which was over a comment I made pertaining to the G20 Summit Police Brutality thread...

Sometimes, getting a post erased can actually be a blessing - lol... some of the things I said in that post coulda got me "listed" =

Maybe worse lol...

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