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Consolidated Reporting on the Gulf Disaster... A Plea for Rational Thought

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posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 03:05 PM
We don't know even this much. When you all can open up to the full range of possibility on this subject then we can collectively begin to draw upon ourselves the ability to figure out what it really happening.

The possibility of it not being real.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by GuiltyByDesign

Here are some weather links that I found around your area that may be helpful in tracking the storm.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:32 PM
OK...Newbie here looking for an assist. I figured out U2U but don't know how, or when it is appropriate, to use. Don't laugh...we can't all be PC literate. I'm lucky to have made it this far. So, anyone up to the challange of helping me be more effective in here I'm listening. Thanks,

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by St Udio

are you trying to derail this thread?

second line

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by apacheman
Good idea, as long as every single bit of bad news isn't decried as "fear-mongering".

I'm afraid though, that this will wind up a pollyanna, "everything's fine, don't worry" kind of thread.

There are some very real and nearterm threats that people who haven't done their homework keep discounting as fear-mongering.

Yje ONLY ratinal way to look at this is to understand and ACKNOWLEDGE the reality of the multiple threats this leak poses in the nearterm, midterm, and longterm.

There is no good whatsoever coming out of that hole, it isn't going to be easy to stop, perhaps not possible to stop, and there are many, many unkowns that could quite literally blow up in our faces.

Refusal to face reality, no matter how bad that reality is or might be, is ultimately suicidal.

First we need to understand and acknowledge, not the worst possible case, but the near-worst, since that is more likely to occur, and prepare for it regardless of the cost or discomfort.

Personally, I'm getting sick and tired of people who keep saying that this is not the huge catastrophe it actually is, and that anyone and everyone who raises the alarm, backed by facts, is fear-mongering: get a grip and end the wishful thinking, please. Face reality instead of hiding from it.

People are dying, will die both slowly and suddenly from a myriad of effects from this. Ecological systems have already been compromised beyond easy repair. Economic losses are devastating already.

None of that is fear-mongering, but a recognition of reality. Only when what has already happened is accepted as fact can we begin to find ratinal ways of dealing with it. So far, I've seen precious little sanity or rationality apllied in stoppong the leak or cleaning up the consequences.

By all means, be rational: but ignoring facts or trying to downplay the dangers doesn't come within hailing distance of rationality.

I suspect those starting threads declaring ABSOLUTE DOOM with no proof other than an alex higgnes link and zero common sense are the ones muddying the waters. It's funny that when someone comes along and points out the facts, these types seem to get MAD that their doomsday scenario has been debunked.

Telling people to remain calm is not 'polyannaish'. Conversely, telling people "ZOMG the gulf is on FIIIRE" is fearmongering nonsense.

I come here to read whats going on, not some basement dwellers NWO fantasies.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by justadood]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:46 PM
Can I help in any practical way, maybe help list info ?

just ask me. I think it is a great idea.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:17 PM
Would it be appropriate to add a few how to stay safe messages, here? I'm a first responder & can say my training thus far hasn't begun to prepare for this. I'm not trying to spread fear, but do believe in hope for the best/plan for the worse. Would it require a new thread? ( I don't think I can start one yet. ) There will be stress no matter how calm & rational we are. Planning is one way to head that off. It would be good for people to know there is a place they can turn with questions/suggestions. Like having a contact number outside the state you're in. Take photos of kids, pets, etc. Have everyones paper work at hand, & so on. From what I've seen there are many sound thinkers here. Can we focus that to task? Relying on the TPTB?...well, it hasn't worked out all that well so far. Thanks,


posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

"There is a desalinization plant near Tampa Bay that provides drinking water to approximately 1.8 million people. Plans on how the city intends to deal with the oil spill in the event of a tropical storm or hurricane could not be confirmed."

Much obliged Lucidity! The water had not even occurred to me. Excellent... ::sigh:: .Time to stock up on more than the usual bottled water this hurricane season. I always thought living on the gulf was a dream, but now its starting to look like its becoming more of a nightmare. Screw it, I`ll hope for the best, but plan on the gulf catching fire.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by apacheman
Good idea, as long as every single bit of bad news isn't decried as "fear-mongering".

I'm afraid though, that this will wind up a pollyanna, "everything's fine, don't worry" kind of thread.

There are some very real and nearterm threats that people who haven't done their homework keep discounting as fear-mongering.

Yje ONLY ratinal way to look at this is to understand and ACKNOWLEDGE the reality of the multiple threats this leak poses in the nearterm, midterm, and longterm.

There is no good whatsoever coming out of that hole, it isn't going to be easy to stop, perhaps not possible to stop, and there are many, many unkowns that could quite literally blow up in our faces.

Refusal to face reality, no matter how bad that reality is or might be, is ultimately suicidal.

First we need to understand and acknowledge, not the worst possible case, but the near-worst, since that is more likely to occur, and prepare for it regardless of the cost or discomfort.

Personally, I'm getting sick and tired of people who keep saying that this is not the huge catastrophe it actually is, and that anyone and everyone who raises the alarm, backed by facts, is fear-mongering: get a grip and end the wishful thinking, please. Face reality instead of hiding from it.

People are dying, will die both slowly and suddenly from a myriad of effects from this. Ecological systems have already been compromised beyond easy repair. Economic losses are devastating already.

None of that is fear-mongering, but a recognition of reality. Only when what has already happened is accepted as fact can we begin to find ratinal ways of dealing with it. So far, I've seen precious little sanity or rationality apllied in stoppong the leak or cleaning up the consequences.

By all means, be rational: but ignoring facts or trying to downplay the dangers doesn't come within hailing distance of rationality.

I can assure you I do not fool myself into believing everything is going to be okay in regards to this catastrophe. People will lose their livelihoods, there quite well may be some deaths due to toxic conditions, and I am not naive enough to rule out the possibility of some sort of sizeable evacuation/martial law scenario.

Like I originally posted, I want this to be factual, rational information we are posting, whether that information be good or bad for those of us who call the Gulf Coast home.


posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 07:27 AM
Tampa Daily Update for 30 June, 2010

I found this article earlier, interesting read regarding the possibility of evacuation of coastal cities in response to controlled burns on the oil slick in the Gulf.


posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 10:01 AM
As I stated in another thread: If you want to know the REAL repercussions of this whole Gulf Oil Spill, watch this guy...

(Dr. Michio Kaku to be on MSNBC, today)

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