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Why Biden is wrong about job losses

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posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 03:23 PM

Vice President Joe Biden gave a stark assessment of the economy today, telling an audience of supporters, "there's no possibility to restore 8 million jobs lost in the Great Recession."

He is dead wrong. There is a very simple way to recover 8 million jobs, and in fact, IMMEDIATELY gain an extra 4 million jobs on top of it. DEPORT the 12 to 20 million illegal aliens, 97% of whom are holding decent jobs that most Americans would be happy to take.

97% of Illegal Aliens Take Jobs That Americans Want and Need

3% of Illegal Aliens Do Low-Paid Stoop Agricultural Labor;
the Remaining 97% Take Jobs That Americans Want and Need

The most recent Pew Hispanic Center's study indicates that 97% of 12 to 20 million illegal aliens are working in construction, hospitality, manufacturing, restaurant, administrative and service jobs. Are these jobs that Americans will not do?
Most Americans KNOW the answer to that question.

Biden, as usual, opens his mouth before engaging whatever remains of his brain.

In addition, who wants a Vice President who is so pessimistic that he has no faith in the United States' ability to create jobs?

[edit on 26-6-2010 by ProfEmeritus]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

While I verymuch wish to see the illegal issue solved, I disagree with your analysis there. The only reason why even some of these big businesses are even maintaining jobs here as opposed to their counterparts exporting jobs overseas is because of illegal immigration. It would be great to get american jobs back to americans, or legal immigrants who went through the proper processes of coming over, but in reality big business will always find a way to get the cheapest buck for labour. I think the result of that will only see many of those jobs being pushed abroad.

Thats not all jobs though, I mean I am sure we will still see the fast food and Walmart jobs stick around here... but then again are these really jobs? Whats a $8 an hour job to a man that has a family to feed and a life to live? We could also put this into perspective with both parents working, even with that, you think Walmart jobs will be the answer to solving the job crises??

What needs to be done is that along with giving american jobs back to americans we also need to implement penalties for businesses that export jobs overseas because that is the core problem here. Although looking at how the politicians continiously defend these big corporations, I really doubt the ol'boys in DC will have the heart to punish their corporate buddies for that.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

The only reason why even some of these big businesses are even maintaining jobs here as opposed to their counterparts exporting jobs overseas is because of illegal immigration.

First of all, construction, hospitality and restaurant jobs, by their very nature, will NOT go overseas.
Second, as for manufacturing and other portable industries, there are things that Congress COULD do, it prevent that from happening. Companies leave for several reasons, not merely for wages. They also leave because of an unfavorable tax environment, as well as what they consider repressive conditions placed on them by our Congress. In addition, yes, they do also leave due to wage disparity. Unfortunately, much of the wage disparity is as a result of child and slave labor forces in countries that we regard as allies, or business partners. Perhaps if we stopped treating such countries as "favored nations", things would change.

Unfortunately, both you and I know that many in Congress, on both sides of the Aisle, are profiting from such horrific labor practices overseas.

The job situation, the economy, crime, the deficits, state bankruptcies, and environmental issues and red tape, are all tied together, with the illegal alien situation. Trying to solve one without fixing the others will just not work.

However, as part of a larger effort to fix those other problems, freeing up 12 million jobs, will definitely bring jobs back to Americans that want and need them.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

I think that you are on to something here. Cracking down on employers who hire illegals would accomplish this without having to deport anyone.

But Biden and the feds will never do this.....They will loose the Hispanic vote. And when Arizona passes a law that cracks down hard on employers who hire illegals, what does the FED do?...........Sue them.

Tea Party...Anyone?

[edit on 26-6-2010 by MY2Commoncentsworth]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Don't be surprised if you get flamed for this post, I S&F you.

I totally believe this to be true!
That is all I will say on the matter

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 04:57 PM
So the answer is that you deport the illegals and the americans will clean dishes after getting degrees, yep that sounds right.

Yep i think degrees would serve you well in your search for a job in mowing the lawn.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by andy1033

Originally posted by andy1033
So the answer is that you deport the illegals and the americans will clean dishes after getting degrees, yep that sounds right.

Yep i think degrees would serve you well in your search for a job in mowing the lawn.

The guys who I know that started their own lawn services net between $30,000-$50,000 per year....

Who needs a degree?

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by MY2Commoncentsworth
reply to post by andy1033

Originally posted by andy1033
So the answer is that you deport the illegals and the americans will clean dishes after getting degrees, yep that sounds right.

Yep i think degrees would serve you well in your search for a job in mowing the lawn.

The guys who I know that started their own lawn services net between $30,000-$50,000 per year....

Who needs a degree?

There's an idea. Stop waiting for someone to create a job/position for you and start your own business. $30 to $50K beats flipping burgers.

Heres an interesting thread: Employment Ideas, Outside the Box

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by daskakik

Not only do I believe self employment and entrepreneurship is the way to go (since that is in fact what I do myself) but it is also the very best way to get the government off of your back and out of your pocket provided you run a sole proprietorship with no employees.

Demand to be paid for your product and or services, in cash, goods or other services and you have now cut government right out of the enterprise!

You are engaged productively making money and helping others, and putting that money in your pocket, where a wise person can spend it locally on American made products and services by actual Americans who live locally in your community.

The average citizen has grown too dependent on Government and Corporations for jobs, and sustenance, and just like any one who knows someone is dependent on them; it gives you tremendous leverage and leeway.

The only way to take away that leverage and leeway is to end the dependency.

The fact is that the government and the corporations do next to nothing to nothing for the citizens of this nation.

We need to as a population eliminate our dependency on both.

They should be dependent on us, not us dependent on them!

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 07:22 PM
Another logical Thread. Happy to read it. These jobs are NOT jobs Americans
will not do. These are jobs that that Americans expect to be paid fairly for.
Considering State ,Local,taxes, Social Security,and work mans Compensation
are deducted from each and every paycheck it is only fair that the American
workers wage be appropriate. This money goes back into the system and
helps prevent Municipalities from going into the red..or in more realistic words,
BANKRUPT. The cash payed illegal worker, no matter how you slice it and dice it, pays None of these expenses back into the local system with the exception
of sales tax. Which Every American is paying on top of ALL the other taxes
mentioned above.Including PROPERTY TAX. To add insult to injury, the Illegal worker has free access to
our Police Response,Fire Dept. Response, Emergency Ambulance, and Emergency Rooms, Public roads and bridges, Federal,State,and Local parks.
Fishing Rivers,Streams ,and Ponds. Water , Water conservation and treatment
plants. Etc.Etc. The public education system now costs more than ever not to mention the additional expenses for Spanish English classes,free lunches,
and the additional hidden costs.
Now look, This whole country is based on immigration,unless
you are a Native American Indian, you are or your family is an immigrant
or immigrants. Non the less, we are ALL expected to assimilate, and bear the financial burden EQUALLY as Americans. Society at large demands this.
All Americans are not RICH, and do not owe automatically these benefits to
ANYONE who ILLEGALLY crosses the borders of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. PERIOD. Nor would I automatically EXPECT these benefits if I were to cross ILLEGALLY into your COUNTRY. By the way, I notice offhand
in any random conversation that Many "immigrants" always happen to say"In my Country".
Well listen, your in America now, so get with the program, share the burden,
treat your fellow human Americans with respect, or go back to "Your Country". I thinks it is time to require these people to be citizens, pay their fair share, and if need be volunteer for the military service of THE UNITED
STATES OF AMERICA. One final Note, Why hasn't Homeland Security/or the
IRS..tapped into Western Union and all the other methods used to send the
U.S.Dollar Abroad? Hell, as an American Citizen, I couldn't even get on a plane without declaring the kind of money they float 24/7.
By the way, I just paid $60.00 for a fishing License. I play by the rules that
way, and I am a conservationalist. I wasn't too happy to see a bunch of folks
down at the local fishing hole, with cans of spray paint, no fishing licenses,
and their kinfolk changing diapers and throwing them into the river.
There is no Law Enforcement for this, you know why, the local D.E.P. agent
says it is pointless because they all have false names and false I.D.
Yet, I will be hit with a $300.00 fine if I am caught fishing without a license.
Well, isn't that just swell. Fix it, or GET OUT OF THE WAY.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 09:11 PM
So, the solution to job loss is to continue the practice of a strong centralized government telling job-creating capitalists that they can only give their jobs to certain categories of workers (those who happen to vote for the centralized government), and that they must pay these workers a certain minimum wage, or higher?

Workers of the world unite!

Sorry, but I vote for free-markets.

[edit on 26-6-2010 by theWCH]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by Wildmanimal The cash payed illegal worker, no matter how you slice it and dice it, pays None of these expenses back into the local system with the exception
of sales tax. Which Every American is paying on top of ALL the other taxes
mentioned above.Including PROPERTY TAX. To add insult to injury, the Illegal worker has free access to
our Police Response,Fire Dept. Response, Emergency Ambulance, and Emergency Rooms, Public roads and bridges, Federal,State,and Local parks.
Fishing Rivers,Streams ,and Ponds. Water , Water conservation and treatment
plants. Etc.Etc. The public education system now costs more than ever not to mention the additional expenses for Spanish English classes,free lunches,
and the additional hidden costs.

That is not always true, many illegals have phony social security numbers and do pay into the system, that money is collected by the employer and is sent to the government, they collect millions upon millions every year, there is no benefit to the illegal but certainly to us.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

You are absolutely right Prof, problem is whenever there is an esay solution it is never implemented, there have been laws in place for years and not enforced, we don't need new solutions, we need to use the laws we have, what a concept.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by Aquarius1

Originally posted by Aquarius1

That is not always true, many illegals have phony social security numbers and do pay into the system, that money is collected by the employer and is sent to the government, they collect millions upon millions every year, there is no benefit to the illegal but certainly to us.

Yes, this is true. But the bigger benefit would be for us to have those jobs and pay into the system. And they are not all bad jobs either. And with 10% unemployment, a lot of people would love to have those jobs, good or bad.

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by MY2Commoncentsworth

Absolutey it would be a better benefit to us, I am tired of hearing that the jobs illegals take Americans don't want, I am not buying that, Americans will do any kind of work to feed their families and pay their bills, the big farming industry would be forced to pay a decent wage if the illegals were gone.

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Whats a $8 an hour job to a man that has a family to feed and a life to live?

A man without a job is a man without a name.

$8 an hour full time after taxes is probably about $300 take home, each week. I priced a one bedroom, one bath apartment across town at $375 a month, all utilities paid. Many are vacant. Rents covered. That leaves you with $825 a month to play around with. Oh, and you'll probably get foodstamps and free health insurance if you only make 8 bucks an hour.

I hate it when people make bunk excuses for why they can't live on minimum wage. It isn't that hard.

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by azguyblahblah

Originally posted by azguyblahblah

I hate it when people make bunk excuses for why they can't live on minimum wage. It isn't that hard.

It isn't that easy either. If you are young and single you might be able to squeak by....if like you can rent an apartment for $375 per month with all utilities paid, ( unheard of in my neck of the woods)... and be able to qualify for food stamps and benefits, ( not in my state).

What are you going to do next year when the price of gas goes up to between $4 and $5 a gallon?, clothes. toilet paper, napkins, paper towels, household items, kids, college, dental, etc. etc..... insurance, cell phone, cable.....not to mention might be able to exist on $8 per hour, but you can't really call it living.

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by MY2Commoncentsworth

I guess it does depend on where you live. If you live in San Francisco, then yeah. Rent ain't cheap. BUT...if you're facing homelessness, then move somewhere cheap.

I just get sick of people that I know living completely off of the government and living with their parents because they are lazy and unmotivated. A LOT of people are like this, it seems. I know of two separate apartment complexes in my city that are that cheap. In fact, at one of them, you can get a studio apartment for $275 a month, all utilities paid. This is in a city where a 3 bed house rents for $1,200 a month, and electric bills in the summer are $200-$500. I tell them about these places, and they think they are too "ghetto", even though this city is safer than most. I tell them about $300 running cars that I find, but nooooo. They aren't cool enough.

I have to disagree with you, though, that more money is the difference between existing and living. I mean, let's say you make $8 an hour and you have a wife who is unemployed and you have a young child.

With $1,200 a month, plus food stamps, WIC (baby food, diapers, etc) and AHCCCS-free health insurance (and likely HUD assistance) you can:
- Spend $375 a month on rent w/ utilities (unless you have HUD! You pay less then)
- Spend $50 a month on car insurance for craigslist beater
- Spend $40 a month on toilet paper (assuming Taco Bell is your diet)
- Spend $50 a month on quality second hand clothing
- Spend $60 a month for two straight talk cell phones
- Spend $120 a month on dental insurance (estimating here)
- Spend $60 a month on cable TV
- Spend $50 a week on gas
- Spend $50 a week(end) on recreation

That leaves you with $345 each month left over, which you could save for emergencies, car repairs, vacations, etc. Assuming that you live frugal or don't have too many devastating emergencies, you could save up to $70,000 over an 18 year span to put towards Jr.'s college. Not too bad for $8 an hour.

It's all about smarts, resourcefulness, and will. On the weekends you can take mom and Jr. to the nearby lakes, rivers, public theaters, dollar theaters, parks, mountains, etc. etc. etc. etc. All either cheap, or free.

[edit on 27-6-2010 by azguyblahblah]

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by andy1033

On this Day of June 26th 2010, Let it be written that EVERY
is now a U.S. Citizen and must fully comply with the laws of the Counties,States,and municipalities of The Sovereign
Nation of The United States Of America. All fees,fines,and other State And Federal Taxes now apply and are now Due in full. Payment of all Taxes(State and Federal) fines ,dues,debts,licenses,are now due as of June 26,2010. Delay of payment will be subject to penalties and interests decided by the Federal or State court of law. Without exception, all illegal and or undocumented workers Shall be subject to immediate arrest,incarceration and Deportation unless they willfully ,unconditionally,and without remorse,
Pledge Allegiance to become immediate Citizens of The United States of America. Furthermore, due to the mass population growth of the world, for a child to be born an American Citizen, At least one of the following must apply; The Father of the of the child must be a Sworn American Citizen, or The Mother of the child must be a sworn American Citizen. Let this be clear, at least one parent must be an American Citizen for any child born in the Sovereign Boundaries and recognized borders of
The United States Of America to be considered a Natural Born Citizen of
The United States of America. Lastly, No Dual Citizenship of any kind may be taken into consideration,to hold public office in The United States Of America,for here now or Evermore. With Respect, HughConnelly

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by azguyblahblah

- Spend $375 a month on rent w/ utilities (unless you have HUD! You pay less then)

- Spend $40 a month on toilet paper (assuming Taco Bell is your diet)

I am curious what planet on which there are places with such cheap rent and such huge toilet paper prices.

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