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Soon we will all forget about this oil spill...

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posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by Just Wondering
reply to post by odd1out

They are only 2,000 feet away from intersecting, about a week ago they were 5,000 feet away.

What historical account gives you reason to trust in BPs ability to do it right THIS time? After the several other abysmal failures... pun definitely intended...

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 06:19 PM
Regarding Katrina, something has been going through my head this week. Did not the News say the rigs out in the gulf would be destroyed? Then, with the MAN Made disaster caused by our own, we forgot about the 13,000 rigs or so.
So, does anyone know, what the heck happened to the oil rigs during Katrina ? Did not One of them tip over or break down or leak or ? And if so, is it still leaking, with no press ? If so, then this is just Another One, only publicized live. !

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by CestLaVie

During a hurricane threat the platforms are shut down in an orderly fashion, hence no spills or leaks. Though, isn't that "other" leaking drilling platform from a mudslide caused by the storm?

Yes, there were several platforms destroyed during that storm and several others.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by CestLaVie

I'd guess that they shut those wells down at the well head in an event such as a hurricane. That way, if the rig itself is damaged or even sinks, its probably not going to cause a major spill. And yes, a few of them did sink. Many more sustained serious damage.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 07:49 PM
Nobody has forgotten about 9/11 yet and this Oil Spill is right up there as far as worse disasters in the history of this country go.

It will never be forgotten.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 11:09 PM
The only problem with this theory is that 9/11 and Katrina did not cause global doomsday scenarios... that sort of sets this disaster apart from the rest...

So of this oil leak starts off a chain of events that brings about a global doomsday.. and it kind of feels that way and has done since the start of this...

then yes, we will soon stop talking about it but not for the same reasons.. we will have doomsday to talk about and we can work that one for all it's worth, right up til the end when Obama pulls the kill switch.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by jibeho

Why would all domestic oil production cease? And why will the entire gulf die? Ixtoc didnt kill the gulf.

People LOVE to be the first to predict doom.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by HunkaHunka

Originally posted by Just Wondering
reply to post by odd1out

They are only 2,000 feet away from intersecting, about a week ago they were 5,000 feet away.

What historical account gives you reason to trust in BPs ability to do it right THIS time? After the several other abysmal failures... pun definitely intended...

BP isn't doing the drilling, it is Boots & Coots. They have never missed an intersect.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 12:18 AM
The oil spews from The Dead Gulf will not be forgotten like you suggest.

This is my thoughts on the matter the oil spews will have such a vast

and economical affect on the Gulf region it will be impossible for millions

of individuals to forget their hardships.

I call individuals in Mississippi and Louisiana everyday. I talked to a lady

from St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana last Thursday and this was her

assessment of what was going on near where she lives on the Gulf.

She said, the Dolphins were swimming up the canals in the parish to

escape the oil from the Gulf and to breath fresher air. The air is being

poisoned by toxic compounds and gases coming up from the floor of

the breached mantle causing the oil spews. The oil rig's casing has

been fractured in multiple places and oil is finding it's way as far as

twenty miles away from the Horizon Disaster Area and the oil will

follow the path of least resistance on the Gulf floor bed and continues

to the surface as gases escape and are continuing to escape into the air.

This same lady has a neighbor and he caught 30,000 pounds of fish

the other day in the Gulf where precisely, and what type of fish I do

not know. When he brought the fish in and started to process the fish

they were all full of oil on their insides as well as being covered with

oil on their outsides. Forget I do no think so.

When I was a child my job during the summer along with my older

brother was to bury the dead fish washed a shore on a Dead Lake

called Lake Erie and for those who do not know, that is one of our

Great Lakes. Now after years of a massive clean up effort Lake Erie is

no longer a dead lake and has been revived. Now Lake Erie is a drop

in the bucket to the size of the Gulf of Mexico and did not have to

contend with this type of major oil spill but had plenty of toxic waste

in the water.

With my shovel along the beach I buried thousands of dead fish

mostly carp and some were huge. Do you realize the smell these

decaying fish put off it was sickening. I had to wear a scarf over my nose

and mouth and the flies were so thick they would come in swarms by the thousands.

The more fish I buried, thousands more would wash up on the

beaches and you could no longer swim in Lake Erie due to the toxins in the water and

dead fish. My Dad was a Ranger at Crane Creek State Park in Ohio.

Did I like this job, hell no, but it kept me busy and out of trouble.

Forget about what has happened in the Gulf? I do not think so. ^Y^

[edit on 20-6-2010 by amari]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by they see ALL

... we will all forget about this oil spill.

When they create the next bigger disaster, to trump this one, you may be right.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by Just Wondering

Originally posted by HunkaHunka

Originally posted by Just Wondering
reply to post by odd1out

They are only 2,000 feet away from intersecting, about a week ago they were 5,000 feet away.

What historical account gives you reason to trust in BPs ability to do it right THIS time? After the several other abysmal failures... pun definitely intended...

BP isn't doing the drilling, it is Boots & Coots. They have never missed an intersect.

The actual problem is not intersecting properly, those guys will succeed for sure, but being able to kill the well. Intersecting is the easy part nowdays.
Let us wait and see. As you said, they are pros and let us have faith in their abilities.
Hope for the best.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 02:21 AM
Sorry I have to say it..

What oil spill?? All I see is a gushing geyser spewing out an unspecified amount and will continue to for an unspecified amount of time.

I guess I've already forgotten about the oil spill.

Good! Now since that is over can we please focus on this geyser? =)


Now for a bit of support.

As bad as this is/could be/will be whatever, we have to realize that discussing it here on forums like this is the only thing we can do about it. I for one am tired of discussing it. The worst case scenario cannot get any worse than has already been predicted so if you hear of any other ways this could kill us all, there's no need to post it. There are at least 10 ELE threads, and if any of those posts are right, the OPs aren't going to get the chance to say "I told you so" to the others.

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. In this case it means you should cherish every moment like it's your last. Worry will not accomplish anything.

If they do stop it, I believe we will as a group will divert our attention rather quickly. Look at the Haiti events. As soon as the cameras went away, so did public opinion and relief aid quickly followed.

We are a fickle and easily distracted species. If we weren't there would be no magic tricks. =)

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by they see ALL

gave some miore thought on this op of yours and...

Wasn't it not too long ago ATSers Loved the "Dark Matter" idea???

one year ATSers are promoting dark matter, and a little later they are dedicating forums against it

the longer people are on this planet, the dizzier they get!!!

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:50 AM
You folks wont forget this one for many years to come.
Living in a very small example of what is to come for people there and let me repeat you will not forget.
Google "Sarnia River Blob"
Google "Sarnia Reserve Birth Defects"
I am living your future.........for now anyways.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 01:19 AM
I thought ATS was in favor of "Dark Matter" ??
i'm so confused i'm not sure i remember what this thread was about ...

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

ATS Dark Matter Revisited

After some time spent showing the new ATS to some online people I've worked with in the past, everyone agrees that the "Dark Matter" design is a visually pleasant overall look-and-fell.

It might have had some unforeseen side effects….

Aesthetics aside, there is a lingering issue I've had, and some members have expressed with dark backgrounds.

Maybe we should create at least one forum against dark matter in order to appear more fair and balanced??? Let’s give it … or steal/borrow a green symbol from those who are pro-dark matter ??

Maybe this is too off topic? But thanks for taking my advice!


[edit on 21-6-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by LadySkadi
I have a feeling (if the past is any indication of the future) that you are correct.

Thanks! And, yes, the media does play a role in all of this.

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
Also interesting to note that Global Meltdown threads have disappeared off the radar.

Another great example! That forum, too, does not make it onto the "HOTTEST FORUMS" list.

Originally posted by Just Wondering
I give it another six weeks and this is forgotten about.

I am not that brave as to give an exact time when this spill will be forgotten (so kudos), but I know that one day it will.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
I think you're right.


In the middle of a crisis, we get SO emotional and involved and our discussions are heated and sometimes angry...

This is where we are right now. Deflation is soon!

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
I don't know when this will be, though. This event could be wreaking havoc for years. "Soon" is a relative term.

Yes, this is very true.

We're still talking about 9/11, but not as actively as we did just a couple years ago.

This is exactly my point.

I think we'll be talking about this oil spill for years and the effects will have long-lasting consequences. But the arguments and predictions we see here will diminish before that.

I don't mean to mitigate this issue one bit. I just want to focus on the fact that, yes, we will all one day stop talking about this spill with an extremely less vehemence than we are right now. For me, this is a fact.

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
wait ....
what is thread about again?

what oil spill? what is forum about?

Sarcasm? Obviously I would put this thread in this forum.

ATSer "In nothing we trust" has reminded me of the Global Meltdown forum, which is, as I stated before, another great example of my point. Here is a "timeline:"

9/11 -> lots of drama on ATS -> 9/11 drama settles down -> Hurricane Katrina -> lots of drama on ATS -> Katrina drama settles down -> US economic crises -> lots of drama on ATS -> economic crises drama settles down -> oil spill -> oil spill drama will settle down.

Now, I wouldn't say that later events makes the previous ones diminish (in terms of discussing about them on ATS), but I will say that events that at first bring about massive amounts of discussion eventually do not create such discussion. When one adds topics such as the swine flu - and the other diseases discussed in the Diseases and Pandemics forum - you will see what I mean more clearly.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 08:51 PM
We know this is a false flag not unlike 9/11 We will always remember this time, I think things are about to get bad here in the U.S. and this will be the time that we get up dusted off and took back our freedoms, or the time we lost and this will be the end of everything we know and love about this 'world' We're at the Crossroads.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL

9/11 -> lots of drama on ATS -> 9/11 drama settles down -> Hurricane Katrina -> lots of drama on ATS -> Katrina drama settles down -> US economic crises -> lots of drama on ATS -> economic crises drama settles down -> oil spill -> oil spill drama will settle down.

So talking about the death of 3000 Americans is DRAMA?

and remembering that 2000 Americans and no telling how many Islanders lost their lives in Katrina is DRAMA?

And as of yet we don't know how many people or animals or businesses will die because of the BP "spill" yet you call it DRAMA cted-path-of-oil-spi

This isn't DRAMA it's real people, real life and for you to make light of the devastation that will follow because of corporate greed and incompetence reveals much about you and your agenda.

I wonder when any of your family members die or are sick and in pain it's DRAMA?

[edit on 21-6-2010 by whaaa]

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
I wonder when any of your family members die or are sick and in pain it's DRAMA?

Don't take offense to my word choice
. My point remains: ATSers - myself included - love to discuss/debate and, in general, create drama (just for you!) right and sometime after events take place. Eventually, however, such talks diminish substantially, almost to the point of being non-existent. This always happens here without exception.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL

Originally posted by whaaa
I wonder when any of your family members die or are sick and in pain it's DRAMA?

Don't take offense to my word choice
. My point remains: ATSers - myself included - love to discuss/debate and, in general, create drama (just for you!) right and sometime after events take place.

And how long has it been since 911?

Check the date on this one.

Eventually, however, such talks diminish substantially, almost to the point of being non-existent. This always happens here without exception.


911 discussions have diminished granted, but we will never forget.

And I hope that the people whose lives have been destroyed because of the "spill" will never let us forget the reason behind this devastation.

DRAMA? Yeah, your choice of words is not only cold but inaccurate.

[edit on 21-6-2010 by whaaa]

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